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Star Wars Missions 002 - Escape from Thyferra

Page 5

by Ryder Windham

  “If I’m going to get rid of those guys,” you contemplate, “I’ll have to draw them into this alley.” You turn to Plurra and whisper your instructions.

  Turning to Q-7N, you instruct the droid to rise up into the sky over the Millennium Falcon. When the droid questions you, you tell it that you will explain later.

  Q-7N rises up into the sky. You back into the alley as Plurra races out to stand before the three stormtroopers.

  “Help!” yells Plurra to the stormtroopers. “There’s an escaped Rebel!”

  “Show us where!” commands one of the troopers.

  With the stormtroopers following, Plurra races back into the alley where you are waiting. When Plurra is thirty meters away from you, the Vratix jumps up to the roof in a single leap. The startled stormtroopers are now lined up one after the other in the alley.

  You must combat all three stormtroopers.

  To combat the stormtroopers: Choose your weapon. Add your weaponry# to your weapon’s mid-range# +3 for your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to combat the first stormtrooper.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. You may proceed to combat the second stormtrooper, using the same confront equation.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. Now add +4 to your confront# for your new confront#. Roll the 12-dice again to continue to combat the first stormtrooper.

  If your new confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. You may proceed to combat the second stormtrooper, using the same confront equation. Repeat this confront equation until you have defeated the third stormtrooper.

  If your new confront# is less than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. Repeat this confront with your new confront# until you have defeated all three stormtroopers.

  Once you have defeated all three stormtroopers, you may proceed. That wasn’t easy. Add 25MP to your MP total (40MP for Advanced Level players).

  You race into the office, but there’s no sign of the technicians. You look over the comm switchboard and log onto the local Imperial frequency. “Attention all stormtroopers!” you announce into the comm. “There is a Rebel uprising at a cantina called the Plastoid Pitt! All troopers are to report to the Plastoid Pitt immediately!”

  “What about the prisoners, sir?” asks a stormtrooper over the comm.

  “I said all stormtroopers, soldier!” you bark into the comm. “Now move!”

  One minute later, you push a series of buttons linked to a chain of cell blocks. Switching the comm to a different frequency, you speak into the comm. “Okay, everyone,” you address your imprisoned friends. “I’m in an Imperial control room. I’ve gotten rid of the stormtroopers and just opened all of your cell doors. When you step outside, look up to the sky to locate Q-7N. He’s hovering directly over the Falcon. I’ll meet you there in five minutes!”

  “Thanks,” calls a voice over the comm.

  “What took you so long?” grouses another.

  You raise your weapon and fire a blast into the computer console. That should buy you some more time.

  You run out of the office and nearly smash into a single stormtrooper.

  “All the other troopers have gone to the Plastoid Pitt,” snarls the trooper. “But I thought I recognized your voice. Only now you’re in the flesh.” The trooper raises his weapon.

  You can choose to dodge the stormtrooper or combat him. You must choose now.

  To dodge the stormtrooper (without Power): Add your skill# to your strength# +3 for your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to dodge the stormtrooper.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. You have successfully dodged the stormtrooper and tricked him into accidentally shooting himself. You may proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. You cannot avoid the trooper. You must fight him (below).

  To dodge the stormtrooper (using Power)*: Choose your Evasion Power. Add your skill# to your Jedi# to your Power’s mid-resist# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to dodge the stormtrooper.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total and proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total. You cannot dodge the trooper. You must fight him (below).

  *Note: This counts as one of two Power uses you are allowed in this Mission.

  To combat the stormtrooper: Choose your weapon. Add your weaponry# to your weapon’s mid-range# +3 for your confront#. Roll the 12-dice to shoot the stormtrooper.

  If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total. You may proceed.

  If your confront# is lower than your roll#, subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront, adding +2 to your confront# for your new confront#. Once you have defeated the stormtrooper, you may proceed.

  That was one very difficult stormtrooper. Add 40MP to your MP total (45MP for Advanced Level players).

  Plurra leaps down from the roof and rushes to your side. “We thank you for your help,” says the Vratix. “If you don’t mind, we wish to return to our family now.”

  “The Rebellion thanks you, Plurra,” you say with a smile. “Take care of yourself.” The Vratix leaps away.

  You return to Docking Bay 72 to find your friends already on board the Falcon.

  “Hurry up!” a voice calls from the ship. “The Imperials might be back any minute! We’ve got to hide the Falcon in a different hangar!”

  “I’m coming!” you reply as you race to the ship. Q-7N swoops down from the sky, returning to your side.

  “Are we leaving Thyferra?” asks the floating droid.

  “Not yet,” you reply. “We’ve got to pick up the Y-wing. And then we’re going to Morbo’s Place!”

  For saving the Rebels and escaping from the stormtroopers, add 200MP to your MP total.

  The Rebels and the droids entered the cantina.

  The inside of Morbo’s Place was fairly clean, and the customers — a mixed crowd of aliens and humans — appeared friendly. It didn’t look like the kind of place that would encourage fighting. Threepio and Artoo were surprised to see a small group of chattering droids seated in one comer.

  Artoo emitted a series of whooping beeps.

  “I agree with you entirely, Artoo!” Threepio stated. “Morbo’s Place seems most civilized!”

  Solo went directly to a huge blue alien who stood behind a counter. “Is Voralla in?” he asked.

  “Morbo?” the alien called to the room behind the counter. “Some people are here to see you.”

  Voralla Morbo stepped out from the back room and entered the cantina. She was a tall, striking woman, and wore dark green coveralls with high brown boots. The color of her short hair reminded Luke of the deserts on Tatooine.

  Morbo scanned the small band of Rebels. Her eyes drifted from Chewbacca to remain fixed on Han Solo. “Well, well, well,” she said, “if it isn’t Chewbacca the Wookiee and his pet human.”

  “Hi, Voralla” Solo said. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Yeah, it has,” Morbo agreed. “But I haven’t forgotten that I owe you this.” Morbo launched her left arm through the air and caught Solo under the chin. Solo fell backward onto the floor with a loud thud. Luke bent down to help his friend get up.

  “This seems to be your day for getting hit,” Leia said to Han. “Why didn’t you tell us that you knew Voralla Morbo?”

  “Well, nobody asked me,” Solo replied. Chewbacca rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. Solo often found himself in squabbles like this and it brought great amusement to the Wookiee.

  Standing, Solo turned to Morbo. “Look, Morbo, I can understand if you’re still upset because I couldn’t deliver the shipment of Norvanian grog to you. The distributor on Ban-Satir II had a little trouble,
and I had to take on another job. For what it’s worth, I’m very, very sorry.”

  Morbo shook her head. “I’m not upset about the Norvanian grog, Solo.” She took a step closer to Solo and the captain of the Millennium Falcon took two steps backward. Then Morbo smiled and added, “I’m just angry because you never asked me out on a date.”

  Solo exhaled. “Oh,” he said. “That.”

  Chewbacca could no longer contain himself. Loud Wookiee laughter burst from his mouth.

  “This is all very entertaining,” Leia interrupted as she turned to Morbo, “but we have a very important matter to discuss. Is there somewhere we can talk?”

  Morbo led the Rebels into the back room. The droids followed.

  “I’ll bet I know why you’ve come to Thyferra,” opined Morbo. “It’s about bacta, isn’t it?”

  “How did you know that?” asked Luke.

  Morbo turned to Luke and addressed him as if he were a child. “Sweetie, why does anyone come to Thyferra?”

  Luke blushed. He’d never been called “sweetie” before.

  “You’ve helped the Rebellion in the past, Morbo,” Leia said, trying to maintain order. “We need information. Do you know if the Empire recently obtained an unusually large amount of bacta?”

  “The Empire?” laughed Morbo. “No, the Empire likes to make money off bacta, but they’re not exactly in the healing business. Sorry I can’t help.”

  Leia sighed. “Well, if you do hear of anything odd,” she said, “please let us know.”

  “Odd, huh?” Morbo wondered. “Now that you mention it, I did hear something rather strange.”

  “Please, Morbo,” Solo requested. “Just tell us.”

  Morbo grinned. “For you, Solo, anything. I heard that there was an Imperial ship on Thyferra a few weeks ago, and that they picked up an enormous supply of alazhi.”

  “Alazhi?” Q-7N exclaimed. “A Vratix told us that alazhi is used to make bacta.”

  “That’s right,” confirmed Morbo. “Alazhi only grows on Thyferra. No other planet has been able to grow alazhi. That’s why I thought the Imperial pickup was odd. What would the Empire do with so much alazhi?”

  “Maybe they’re trying to grow it on another planet,” suggested Solo.

  “Morbo, do you have any idea where the Imperial ship was headed?” asked Leia

  “I’ve got my sources,” replied Morbo. “A friend of mine overheard a stormtrooper mention something about the Delrakkin system.”

  “Delrakkin?” said Solo with surprise. “That’s quite a haul, almost beyond the Outer Rim! What kind of model was this Imperial ship that came to Thyferra?”

  “That’s what I really remember,” replied Morbo. “I’d never seen a ship quite like it It was a modified Carrack cruiser. It only carried three TIE fighters.”

  A stunned silence fell across the Rebels. Luke turned to Han and Leia and said, “It’s probably the same ship that crashed on Yavin Four!”

  “It’s got to be,” agreed Solo. “That ship is one of a kind.”

  “Could the Empire be trying to grow bacta on Delrakkin?” Leia wondered aloud. “Or do the Imperials intend to poison the people of Delrakkin with contaminated bacta?”

  “There’s only one way to tell for certain,” Solo said as he turned to Chewbacca. The Wookiee nodded in agreement

  “Then what are we standing here for?” Luke rallied. “We’ve got to go to Delrakkin!”





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