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Summer Heat: M/M Romance

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by Sky McCoy

  Summer Heat

  Summer Heat, Volume 1

  Sky McCoy

  Published by Sky McCoy, 2019.

  Summer Heat Series


  By Sky McCoy

  Copyright 2019

  Copyright © 2019 Sky McCoy

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No reproduction of this book part or whole is permitted. This book should not be scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Copyright Page


  Summer Heat

  Chapter One | Chase

  Chapter Two | Chase

  Chapter Three | Chase

  Chapter Four | Chase

  Chapter Five | Chase

  Chapter Six | Chase

  Books by Sky McCoy

  My books are dedicated to individuals in love whether gay or straight. Love is Love.

  Books by Sky McCoy

  Boys with Toys books 1-4

  Summer Heat Series

  Summer Heat

  1. Summer Burn

  2. Summer Fire

  3. Summer Love


  1. From Top to Bottom

  2. Confessions

  3. Leather and Chrome

  If you want to read more from Sky McCoy click here.

  Contact me at if you want to chat or review my books. You can sign up for my newsletter to get advanced information for free books and new releases. And check out my website for upcoming books. All four books in the Boys with Toys series are published in eBooks and paperbacks. To keep up with Sky McCoy’s books, visit my website. And please leave a review because it helps the writer know what the readers want.

  To preorder Book 1 (Summer Burn) in the Summer Heat series click Here

  Chapter One


  “I have a bad feeling about this, Jami, this upcoming show may be my last.” I glanced over at Jami Gold. My hands couldn’t stop shaking and I couldn’t stop biting my nails. Jami placed his manicured fingers and palm over my trembling hand and held it as he gave me a warm closed supportive smile. His green eyes appeared to be filled with pity, but I hadn’t come to this fancy restaurant for lunch with my dear friend for a pity party, especially since Jami was my only friend here in New York.

  Oh, I had the dancers in the ballet company to share a laugh or conversation with, but everyone had paired off with guys they had met during our tour, or someone from the company working as teachers. Now most of the guys were getting married to each other, or had married, and soon they would be leaving and going on to new careers. They didn’t have time for my drama.

  I thought the idea of marriage and ending my career as a dancer would be in my distant future, but not now at twenty-one. “Do you have a cigarette?” I murmured.

  “I thought you quit,” Jami said. “You know I don’t smoke and you shouldn’t either.”

  My legs shook and my hands trembled, “What difference does it make now?”

  Jami stared at me and shook his head. He knew if I didn’t know the answer to that question there was nothing more to say.

  I’d been groomed by my mentor, Robert Westbourne, and at sixteen he’d been my teacher, and at eighteen he’d become my lover. Robert made me a principal dancer in his company early, because I worked my ass off many hours a day, year after year, then I’d go back to a hotel room or small apartment to be fucked by him and reminded that I belonged to him and only him. That’s why I never felt like an adult, but more like an object, and now to be replaced by a shiny new object. Yes my nerves were on edge.

  Robert controlled and organized every aspect of my life, telling me what to do, what to eat, when to go to bed and when to get up. He even dressed me. That’s all I knew, because I was Robert’s boy.

  I was Robert Westbourne’s boy, and I wanted to be and stay that way forever, but he had other plans that didn’t include me.

  Raising my hand to my mouth, which I’d repossessed from Jami to bite my thumb, a sure sign that I was so nervous. I wanted to pee, but that too had been controlled.

  “I know Robert wants to be rid of me,” I said, shaking my feet and trying to keep from showing the tears welling in my eyes. Jami’s large eyes met mine and I reached for the glass of white wine he’d ordered to calm me before we ate lunch.

  Jami placed his hand on my shoulder and I shuddered at his touch. “You’re restless and jumpy, Chase. It can’t be that bad can it?” he asked, as he slanted his head looking me in the eyes.

  I had a feeling it was much worse than I thought, because I knew I had to be dead broke, since Robert had been controlling my finances as well. I hadn’t seen any money since he first hired me at sixteen.

  “And what does a young man need with money?” Robert had asked. “I’ll buy you everything you need.” And he bought me all the games and new gaming systems and computers my heart desired. I would play with them to entertain myself after rehearsals, and on the road, and waiting for Robert to come to the room, where I’d be waiting in anticipation of his critique of my performance on stage.

  Robert always said that I needed more practice, and he’d punish me with a spanking if I didn’t meet his standards. I thought he enjoyed the spankings more than I relished getting them. He knew how to smack me on my ass cheeks without leaving them swollen and bruised since my skin was sensitive and pale.

  However, later I savored the sting and arousal I received whenever Robert placed me over his knees, while I was wearing my Dance Belt, which exposed my ass cheeks. Many times I’d fuck up during rehearsals to be punished and to get his attention, because I knew he would spank my ass, and then tease my hole with his thumb after I turned eighteen.

  When I reached eighteen it was then the sexual rituals began, with him placing me over an exercise table, spanking me, then teasing my hole with his thumb, and licking between my cheeks before squeezing a warm liquid between my ass. Because I’d never had sex before, this was the most intense feeling of my life. Not the dancing, but the first penetration by Robert’s hard cock. It had been painful, but I had been prepared to receive it and I loved Robert’s lovemaking and I loved him. I wanted to live in that world that he’d created for me—forever.

  I glanced over at Jami studying me, yet he remained silent as he sipped his wine and observed.

  Jami must have known from the sound of my voice that I was falling apart. Although I’d only recently met Jami, he’d become my best friend. He even let me dress him and do his makeup and hair for his wedding. It was the best time I’d had in years.

  Robert didn’t attend, because he’d expressed the need to remain at the practice studio to get the newest dancer in shape to replace one of the dancers, and now I came to realize that the dancer to be replaced would be me, and it would be sooner than I’d thought.

  “You’re just overthinking everything,” Jami said, with a swirl of his hand, a gesture that was indeed feminine and dramatic. “Calm down, it can’t be that bad,” Jami said, pulling my thumb from my mouth and placing his hand over mine, trying to reassure me of what I knew to be true, that Robert had moved o
n with his life, and hadn’t thought, or cared, to bring me along.

  “Try to calm down and stop biting your nails. I can help you if you need my assistance with anything.”

  Jami had become a wealthy man after he sold his company and married Maxwell Gold, but I didn’t want him to feel that he’d have to take care of me. I’d been taken care of all my life by my mother, and now by Robert. At twenty-one surely there was something I could do besides dance.

  But what I didn’t know.

  Biting my thumb was a nasty habit, but Robert had encouraged it, because I’d been nervous standing in the wings waiting for my entrance, however, once the curtains opened or I made my entrance, I forgot everything and everybody. Nothing was real except the stage and Robert. It was where I belonged and I didn’t know what I would do without him and the Westbourne Ballet Company. They were my life. I lived for him and his company.

  When I danced, Robert had been a fixture backstage waiting and watching me, until recently. I performed for Robert and only for Robert, and under his tutelage and with his love, I’d become one of the best male dancers in the world.

  I could have left him and his company, because I had many offers to dance with a world renowned ballet company, but Robert had been like a Daddy to me and he took care of me and gave me what I needed—sex and love.

  WHEN I FIRST MET ROBERT he’d said to call him Daddy, and I did, because I hadn’t had a relationship with a mature male figure in my life before him.

  But now, Robert had seduced another young dancer, and he worshiped him the way he once worshiped me, where it first began, with him on his knees when I turned eighteen, when he first took my cock down his throat, but then it evolved the next year into me worshipping him, on my knees at nineteen, when he taught me how to satisfy him.

  My satisfaction was knowing that I could pleasure Robert, and if I didn’t do what he wanted he’d spanked my ass. I began to enjoy that and it took my focus from my painful feet and everything turned to pleasure for me—the dancing, the spankings, and Robert fucking me, making me his. He took care of me and I belonged to him.

  I knew nothing else and I wanted nothing else.

  Jami and I sat in peaceful silence, drinking our wine and staring at each other. One of us was smiling, and the other had a worried glance. That worried glance belonged to me. Jami placed his finger under my chin and tilted my face back to him where our eyes met.

  “You’re too young to be that unhappy. You’re pretty with those natural swollen lips and lithe body, and if you cry like I see you’ve been doing, you’ll ruin that beautiful face. Cheer up.” Jami knew the right things to say, even if I’d heard it before, but for some reason his words, as simple as they were, resonated with me.

  I’d met Jami at a bondage club, and then he was as sad as I was now, and we both had issues with me worried about Robert and him with his now husband, Maxwell Gold. I smiled thinking about that night.

  “Why such a secretive smile, Chase? One minute you’re sad and the next you have this tight-lipped smile playing across your face. Are you okay? What’s so funny?” Jami asked, tilting his head as he brought his glass of red wine to his mouth while peering at me, then taking the time to grin with me.

  I lowered my eyes to my glass of wine, and then met his.

  “Just thinking about how we met at that club and when I asked you to dance and your boyfriend—” I smiled broadly, and then covered my mouth with my palm, “—I mean your husband came tearing up the stairs, and once he saw us dancing, he pulled you from my arms. If he had taken the time to look at me, he would have understood that we were just dancing, and I was nothing but a twink who’d been lonely for companionship.”

  “Don’t put yourself down like that. You’re more than just a twink,” Jami said, taking another sip, then glancing up at me. “You’re a cute, sweet, skinny little twink, and you should be proud of it.”

  I aimed a wide smile at Jami and we bumped glasses in a toast, “I bet there are a million men who would take you in a minute, but first you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and own what and who you are.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, Jami. You’re married to one of the richest men in Manhattan and he’s proud of you. He likes you for you, and, Jami, it doesn’t do my ego any good to know that at the ripe old age of twenty-one, my boyfriend is turning me in for a newer faster model.” I stared into my drink and by that time the waiters were placing our food on the table.

  “The model maybe newer, but will he be able to handle the curves when he’s taken out for a spin, and lots of miles have been put on him, and when he breaks down, when he hasn’t been cared for properly, will he be able to hold up? That’s not you. Be happy that you’re young enough and you didn’t wait around until you were older and used up.”

  I didn’t know if that was a perfect metaphor for my life, but it sure as hell sounded as if it described the situation I found myself. “You’re right.” I sat back in the booth, more confident and feeling somewhat better.

  Smiling up at Jami, I stared at the filet mignon, confused, “Did I order that?” I questioned. I couldn’t remember eating meat in like, forever.

  “No, I ordered it,” Jami said, with a mischievous smile as his lips curled up to the right. “You need some meat in your diet. What are you? Five eight and fifty pounds?” he chuckled, knowing what he’d said was ridiculous.

  I had to laugh too, because I looked like I was anemic, and just about what Jami had described. I was more like five feet eight and one hundred and thirty pounds. “You’ve been starving yourself to death for what, Chase? A man who uses you and throws you out like the trash after you built his company? And now he’s going off to fuck some teenage boy.”

  I had to defend Robert, but I didn’t know what he was doing now.

  “Robert may be a lot of things, but he wouldn’t try anything until that boy was of age, the way he did me. He was kind and nurturing and he would spank me when I wouldn’t obey him. I must admit I liked the spankings.

  “Robert talked my mother into sending me to dance with his company, and in return he would take me under his wing, and teach me and protect me. I was sixteen then and had been dancing since preadolescence. When I turned eighteen, all his teaching and protection paid off for him and I gave myself to him. I was his featured dancer, and then his boy. He took care of me and I don’t know anything but that.”

  “You can do something else and take care of yourself. Trust me, it’s better to get a job that will pay something and meet the man of your dreams than to wait to be used up.”

  “The man of my dreams is in California.” That had gotten Jami’s attention and a chuckle from him.

  “So that’s why you want to go to California. You’ve been saying that you want to go to L. A. and become a makeup artist since I met you. What is he, another dancer?”

  “No... An actor,” I said, with a closed smile.

  Jami shook his head and rubbed his chin. “That’s an ambitious undertaking. Who is he?”

  I glanced over at Jami, because I knew if I told him he might laugh at me more, but then Jami would never laugh at me, so I whispered his name.

  “Peter Rowen.”

  “Not the action star in those super hero movies? Is he even gay?” Jami asked.

  I looked at Jami, and in a timid small voice said, “I think he is.”

  “What do you mean you think he is?”

  “He’s from Seattle and I heard rumors that he was gay. I really don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders. “We attended the same high school, but not at the same time. He graduated years before me. All the rumors that were spread around our school said that Peter was gay. All his acting trophies were wrapped in a rainbow flag. When I saw that, I wanted to meet him one day, and that was my dream.”

  “But that doesn’t prove he’s gay. Until he admits that he is, then those are just rumors, and you can’t hang your panties, or in your case, your tutu on rumors.”

  Chapter Two
br />   Chase

  I tried eating my steak, but the smell wouldn’t get past my nose, so I placed the remaining piece back on my plate and stabbed at the small potatoes and vegetables. I’d stayed off red meat for so long, I couldn’t stand the smell anymore. Jami tried to act as if he didn’t see me react to the meat by turning his head and waving for the waiter. The waiter standing around waiting for our beck and call hurried over immediately.

  “Bring my friend some grilled salmon.” I glanced over at him.

  “We have wonderful salmon today,” the waiter said to Jami, not paying attention to me, and then he headed in the direction of the kitchen.

  “No.” I raised my voice and hand to the waiter. He didn’t know what to do as he traipsed away and then turned around on hearing my voice say no. My weak submissive voice was no competition for Jami’s dominating one.

  The waiter glanced at Jami and raised an eyebrow, then turned around again without giving me a second look, ignoring me completely, and was off to the kitchen to place—no doubt—the order Jami gave. I positioned one hand on the other and rested my chin on my balled fist, then aimed a not so persuasive look at Jami who rolled his eyes, ignoring me.

  “You need something besides that stuff you call food. What you need is someone to take care of you.”

  “I thought that was what I needed when I fell in love with Robert. He took care of me.”

  “You’ll get over him, but now you don’t have the energy to do anything with the way you look. You’re going to force yourself to eat something when the waiter brings back the salmon and if I have to sit here all day and force-feed you, I will.”


  “That I am, and Max loves it.”

  “I just can’t be like you. I’m not as pretty as you, Jami, and I don’t have your style and class.”

  Jami chuckled as he swept his blond hair away from his face. He was indeed pretty and with those expensive clothes he wore he looked gorgeous, I thought.


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