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Three of Hearts

Page 9

by Lillian Lark

  I must take too long to explain myself because a coldness tinges the air as Greg looks at the phone in my hands and takes in my sneaking around in the dark.

  “Are you leaving?” His voice isn’t so soft anymore, it’s more like clashing rocks. A mixture of anger and panic maybe?

  “I-I just need some space,” I say.

  Greg moves closer and I move back in response, trying to keep distance so I can stay rational. I’m not scared, even when the kitchen counter stops me, and I realize he’s maneuvered me into a trap. “Greg—"

  “Let me touch you.” Greg’s request sounds like a demand with the undercurrent of a growl in it. My mind stalls out and I nod my head because refusing his touch doesn’t occur to me. My brain has officially been scrambled.

  I had expected a verbal argument. Something that we could debate back and forth before Greg would eventually acquiesce to my line of thinking. I had not expected that his argument would come in the form of his finger pulling on the belt loop of my pants before his big body is against mine, pressing me against the counter. A thumb digging along my hip bone as both hands grab a hold of my hips.

  The squeeze of Greg’s fingers on my ass is confident and makes my mind spin, the feeling of his bare chest against my front turning it into a whirlwind. No logical thought can be found here. I notice that both of my hands are splayed on his pecs and I’ve dropped my phone. Goddamn it. I didn’t think that Greg could so thoroughly distract me but I’m even weaker around him than I thought.

  Greg’s head drops and now our faces are close before he digs his face into the hair behind my ear and inhales. The action makes my knees buckle and I think I whimper. I’ve never thought of that area as being sensitive.

  “Why do you need space?” Greg asks into my hair, the roll of his voice giving me goose bumps. Now he wants to talk? After he’s gotten past all of my feeble defenses? All of my arguments against this are falling apart like cheap paper soaked in water. My heart thunders as Greg runs the tip of his nose up my hairline and I feel my body press up into his in reaction.

  “I-I… I can’t think when you do that!” I blurt out, still whispering. There is a rumble in Greg’s chest, it vibrates through my body and makes my legs squeeze together.

  “Good.” Greg’s large hands knead my hips and ass now and the possession of them makes me want to sway into him. Overbearing, intolerable man who somehow has a map of all the physical weaknesses I never knew about. In frustration, I ball a fist on his chest wanting to hit him, but I pull back. I don’t want to break my hand on his solidness.

  Greg is suddenly nose to nose with me. His exhale warms my lips before they chill again. Anticipation strings me tight and I want him to give me what he’s teasing me with, but Greg just rubs his nose up and down mine. The action feels so intimate it makes me want to cry.

  I’ve always wanted it to be like this. To have sexual actions backed up with emotion. To have a partner in the morning instead of quick one-night stands. To have the option of this but withholding myself from it makes me ache. To my horror, my eyes start to well up. Greg seems to be able to read my mind though because he doesn’t assume I hate what he’s doing. Instead, one hand cups my face, pressing it into the side of his and wraps an arm around my waist, hugging me to him.

  Greg rocks us back and forth and my heart wants to burst. I tuck my face into his neck and take a shuddering inhale.

  “Let us take care of you, Zeph. At least let us give it a try.” Greg’s words are simple but the sweetness of them and his actions dissolves my resolve and I can’t take it. My mouth finds his in the dark and the taste of Greg overwhelms me. The kiss isn’t sweet or tame. My soul is hungry for this connection and won’t let something as trivial as my reasoning stop it.

  His beard scratches my face, but it just incites me to demand more. Greg groans when I scrape my teeth against his lips and the hand that had so gently cupped my face is tangled in my hair, keeping my mouth where he wants. At the feel of him grinding into me I wrap one leg around him, so he grinds against my aching center.

  Greg’s hard cock is formidable, even contained in borrowed sweatpants. I’ve lost track of my own hands and realize I’m clawing at his chest, but he doesn’t seem to feel the sting. I grip his shoulders, not wanting to leave scratch marks on him. Our kisses are fervent and delicious. I want him to turn me over this counter and fuck me, but Greg just keeps kissing me like I’ll disappear. I guess, to him, I might.

  A bright light makes us break apart and I see Asa at the light switch.

  “What do we have here?”

  I want to hide my face in Greg’s neck from guilt at getting caught. Should I feel guilty? They want to have a triad, so is this cheating? The sight of Asa transfixes me; his smug expression makes me feel like this isn’t cheating but that isn’t what makes my mouth go dry.

  Asa wears a pair of sweatpants that match the ones Greg has on but no shirt, displaying skin I hadn’t seen yet. Where Greg’s chest is all bulk and power, Asa's is all unforgiving planes and drool-worthy lines. It isn’t just the expanse of Asa’s skin that makes my eyes devour him hungrily.

  Darkly inked designs flow over Asa’s body, contrasting with his pale skin. The tattoos look to be similar to the runes he had drawn on my bandages and trace the lines of his body beautifully. I want to follow the lines down his chest to the vee of his stomach with my tongue. Oh, the gods above he is marvelous. Greg’s shoulders shake under my hands as he laughs.

  “I see how it is. I’m just chopped liver compared to him,” Greg jokes. I flush; I’ve been staring and both men are smiling. Separately, these men are dangerous to my equilibrium and now I have to deal with them both at the same time.

  “Well, if you could ever get over your fear of needles, you too could have your mate look at you like they want to eat you for dessert,” Asa teases. I stiffen at the use of the m-word. Asa sees my reaction; he was probably watching for it. “Oh, don’t panic. I find you in the arms of Greg in the middle of the night and you want to deny the title of mate?”

  Yes. No. I don’t know. This had been why I was sneaking away. I don’t just want these men to seduce me. I want them to keep me even though I don’t think I should keep them. When I am in their presence, they make me think this can work. But a specific fact remains.

  “Harpies don’t take—”

  “You say things with your mouth, Zephyrine, that don’t match your eyes.” Asa’s words have sharp edges and Greg rubs his thumb in a circular calming motion on my scalp. The massage has my eyelids lowering and I want to sink into his gentle touches. The arousal from before is still there, it’s just tempered with this interruption.

  “I caught her trying to sneak out.” Greg throws me under the metaphorical bus, and I stiffen in indignation. I mean, he isn’t wrong, but did he have to tell Asa?

  Asa doesn’t look angry though. “I expected her to leave.” Patience coats his words even while I can tell Greg is upset at them.

  “You’d just let her leave?”

  “I wasn’t going to keep her somewhere she doesn’t want to be. It only costs us time that we both have. We would have found her again. If she needs time, she needs time.”

  The long game. I can admire Asa’s strategic handling of me. It’s clear that I could win the battle with these two tonight. I could leave as I wanted, but I won’t win a war. Is tonight’s battle worth fighting then?

  Asa addresses me then. “I’m sorry my dear, but your actions are predictable, so you’re not in trouble for trying to sneak away this time.”

  The sting from being called predictable is momentary because I’m suddenly glad that I’m not in trouble. With the way Asa can mold my reactions, I don’t want to give him a reason to punish me. That thought is reinforced when Asa turns a flinty look at Greg.

  “Zephyrine isn’t the one who needs to make amends, Gregory.” Asa gracefully strides forward and leans on the counter in touching distance. “Is she?”

  I feel Greg’s erection pu
lse against me and my own arousal that had been banked comes roaring to life at the hungry but apprehensive look on his face. Greg swallows before answering. “No, she’s not.”

  “Do you think she’ll want to participate in your punishment?”

  I nod before I can even think about it. Hell yes I want to participate. My logical reasons for leaving are on fire, quickly being destroyed by the burn of lust at the almost cruel look in Asa’s eyes and the way Greg’s breathing increases.

  Asa smiles at my enthusiastic agreement. His hands are on my waist then, sliding under the halter top and lifting the fabric off my skin and up. “Do you think I should let him have a safe word, Zephyrine? Something that he can say if it gets to be too much.”

  “That is the right way to do it, isn’t it?” I wouldn’t know. I’ve never done anything like this.

  “Yes, it keeps things safe. Well Gregory, tell Zephyrine your safe word,” Asa says. I look to Greg and notice that the tops of his cheeks are red.


  His safe word makes my mouth twitch. Asa draws my shirt off completely and Greg’s eyes go down to my breasts.

  “And what is your safe word, Zephyrine?”

  I need a safe word? When I turn to look at Asa his face is completely serious, so I pick a word at random.


  Greg cough-laughs at that and Asa gifts me a small smile.

  “What about your safe word?” I ask. Asa’s smile grows wide at that.

  “I’m not going to use a safe word. I’m the one pushing your and Gregory’s limits.”

  I blush at my ignorance, but Asa kisses my cheek and the reward soothes me. “Now that business has been settled… Gregory, undress Zephyrine.” I’m surprised at the order, but Greg is quick to comply and pushes down my pants and underwear before boosting me onto the counter as he finishes removing them from my legs unencumbered since I hadn’t found my shoes yet.

  I am naked in between two half-dressed men. I don’t know how this is going to figure into Greg’s punishment, but excitement sizzles in my blood. I am swimming so very far out of my depth in this, but I trust Asa not to let me drown. Asa moves to Greg’s side then and runs a hand over his body before sliding under the waistband of his pants and squeezing around the other man’s erection. The sound Greg makes, and the sight, is more erotic than I thought it could be.

  “You’re not going to come tonight until I give you permission.” Asa’s words are steely, and I see Greg wince at that. Asa continues, “We’ll see how long it takes for me to forgive you for breaking my heart.”

  Greg pants but his face looks miserable and then determined. “Please let me make it up to you, Asa.”

  Asa hums happily at that. “I know you will. I think you’ll enjoy your punishment. In part. I’ve never seen you pleasure a woman so this will be interesting.”

  I might make a sound when he says that, but the men ignore it. “I want your help in getting to know our new mate, Greg. I want to see what Zephyrine likes.”

  Asa removes his hand from Greg’s cock, and Greg rocks his hips at the absence before he looks at me with want. Greg’s hands graze my legs as he slides me further onto the counter before directing me to lie down on the cold marble. I prop myself on my elbows so I can see what he’s going to do but Asa tsks before leaving and returning with one of the large throw pillows from the couch to prop me up.

  “Can’t have you being uncomfortable,” Asa says as he arranges me, stroking my neck and breast softly as he does. This man has magic hands, I swear. It’s enough of a distraction that I gasp when I feel Greg’s breath on my wet pussy.

  Greg lifts my legs over his massive shoulders and places an open-mouthed kiss on my thigh. The action is a tease, but I like it. He continues the kisses down my thigh in the direction of my center that’s laid out for him like dessert.

  “Gregory seems hungry. Will you let him lick you, Zephyrine?” Asa’s fingers scrape along my scalp again, making my eyes hood in bliss. Greg licks my inner thigh but doesn’t travel any higher. I look at him and realize he’s waiting for my consent.

  “I-I’ve never—” I can’t continue with the confession. My own inexperience in the action is mortifying. Harpies are supposed to be sexually liberated but in all my quick sexual encounters, I hadn’t trusted someone to use their mouth on me there. The lines in Greg’s face deepen in want at my verbal stumbling.

  Asa laughs a little into my hair. “Oh darling, you’re going to be even more fun than I imagined. Will you let Gregory taste you? I’m all for torturing him by withholding but I think you are going to enjoy this.” Asa is serene in contrast to my roiling emotions, a rock to my chaos. I dip my head in assent.

  “Use your words, Zephyrine.” His soft chastisement makes me want to hide.

  “I want Greg to taste me—” At my words, Greg flattens his tongue and draws it up my drenched folds and I gasp. Oh gods. It was such an odd stimulation, wet on wet with a wide pressure that doesn’t satisfy the craving it inspires. Greg groans as if he’s tasted something good and it makes me blush harder.

  Greg starts licking with more direct pressure, alternating strokes in different areas. It takes until he circles my clit with his tongue to realize he’s reading my reactions to his motions. My inhale is shaky and he repeats his lapping until I’m squirming on the countertop. Greg sucks on my clit and I make a sharp sound, trying to lift my hips but his hands keep me grounded to the marble.

  “I think he’s got it now,” Asa says into my ear and I realize he’s watching Greg from my vantage point, softly caressing my breasts in a way that doesn’t distract from the man between my legs. Greg really starts going at my pussy now with vigor, licking, sucking, and scraping his teeth on sensitive areas.

  My body tries to buck but Asa holds my upper body down while Greg feasts.

  “Fuck fuck fuck.”

  I’m mewling, my struggles comically ineffective. I feel Greg’s tongue slide into me, and I shout. It isn’t enough. I keep being pushed higher and higher, but I can tell it isn’t enough. I feel empty and wanting.

  “I think she liked that, Gregory,” Asa purrs, and Greg’s tongue slides in again and my body tries to tighten around it. Asa pinches my nipple, his mouth near my ear. “If you want something Zephyrine, you should ask for it.”

  I shake my head, but my mouth is already going. “Need him inside me.”

  Greg moans at my request, but instead of pushing his beautiful erection into my body his fingers invade me. The stretch is sharp and beautiful in its force. I moan and twist. Greg watches his fingers with dark eyes.

  “Your pussy takes my fingers so well. It looks like it wants more,” Greg says. I can’t think anymore. Greg twists his fingers and hooks them inside me, and I start pleading helplessly. I try and grab Greg, but Asa catches my wrists and holds them above my head. I’m craven in my need.

  Greg’s fingers are unmerciful, but his mouth descends to me again, wrapping around my clit and drawing with a pressure that my body seizes and surrenders to climax. I keen and thrash until the waves of sensation begin to subside and Greg slides his fingers from me and licks up my oversensitive pussy.

  “That was beautiful, Zephyrine.” Asa’s words ring with sincerity. “Now are you ready for the rest of the night?” My eyes are closed but I can hear the teasing in his voice. Greg groans at that and it sounds like part misery, part excitement. I make a note to myself in my lulling state to never piss Asa off.

  Chapter 8


  I knew when Asa had started talking about retribution that it would be torture. Sweet torture but torture all the same. Even the excitement of engaging Zeph, using my punishment as a way to coax her into bed with us, is a kind of torture on its own. My wolf submits to Asa unequivocally, but instinct wars in me to mount the harpy and claim her. Thankfully, Asa’s dominance is unshakable, so instead my body is primed to the point of pain, waiting for his direction.

  After months of loneliness and numbn
ess, the sensations of this are almost too much. Almost. I want Asa’s forgiveness. I’ll take the pain of searing senses over losing him. Asa wants orgasm deprivation and I will do what I need to satisfy this cruel side that comes out when he’s hurting.

  Zeph gasps on the kitchen counter, her essence still on my face and hand. I ache in a terrible way to do something about my tortured cock. The pain is almost enough to distract me from her beautiful form splayed out and limp from climax. Asa’s eyes take us both in with a curve of his mouth.

  Asa picks Zeph’s limp body up and looks at me in a way that makes me wince. “I say it’s time we take this to the bedroom.”

  I hunger for Asa. Hands, mouth, cock, it doesn’t matter. As strung out as I am, I’d follow him into fire, which is where we are going in a sense. He wants me to burn. His demon nature doesn’t always come out to play, but when it does it wields control like a fiery sword and strikes to draw out as much agony as it can.

  I follow him into the bedroom we once shared and the bed that had seemed preposterously large now is apt for the situation. Asa settles onto the bed with Zeph cradled in his lap and a surge of jealousy hits me. It’s a strange twofold jealousy; I want to hold her, but I also wish to be the one in Asa’s arms. I wait for his orders.

  “You can sit on the bed, Gregory. You’re not needed for this next part.” Asa sounds cold.

  Emotional torment settles on my physical torment, but I follow his command. The whole night is for Asa’s burdened heart and an introduction for Zeph. I’m the one who deserves to stew in my humiliation and guilt. I can only pray that Asa will have mercy on me eventually.

  Zeph looked at us with sleepy eyes. “You’re being mean.”

  My lips twitch at her slurred words. Asa’s talented hands are moving over her body. Stroking in places, applying strategic pressure in others, slowly and masterfully ramping Zeph’s body up again.


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