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Three of Hearts

Page 11

by Lillian Lark


  I wake to kitchen sounds and bird songs. It’s disorienting at first. The smells and sensations tell my primal mind that I’m not in my bed at home. The heat at my back is unfamiliar and the sheets smell spicy with a scent that I’ve come to associate with a certain demon.

  My mind feels groggy, it must be early. Who is in the kitchen this early? I go to sit up, but strong arms wrap around and pull me into a solid chest at my back.

  “Gregory keeps baker hours. There’s no need to get up yet.” Asa’s voice is deep with sleep and his face presses against the back of my neck, kissing me there in an affectionate gesture.

  Memories of yesterday slowly come back to me. I would almost wonder if last night had happened if Asa wasn’t cuddling with me in bed and certain aches didn’t exist in my body. It hadn’t been a dream but a surreal reality.

  I’m wide awake now but I don’t want to pull from Asa’s arms. Asa and Greg had successfully scaled all my mental barriers. The sex had been cataclysmic. I’ve never experienced anything like it, and I am reluctant to try to bring my barriers back up.

  Now that those barriers are down, I’m experiencing drives that before now have been mild at best. I feel insatiable with these men. Case in point, I rub my ass against the hard cock that burns against me and Asa makes a grumbling sound that resonates in his chest. I remember the way his muscles had stood in relief as he had taken Greg last night. Watching the two men together had driven my arousal to soaring levels. The way their muscled bodies had been taut, and the dominance played in the air.

  “I sense someone isn’t wanting to go back to sleep.”

  I’m nude under the sheets. Asa runs a hand up my body, fondling my breasts. The action is gentle compared to the way he’d wrenched the pleasure out of me last night. This morning feels like a more languorous endeavor.

  “I’m awake. I can go join Greg in the kitchen if you want to be a lazybones and sleep in.” I press against his erection again. Asa chuckles and the sounds strings my cozy arousal higher.

  “Trying to make me feel jealous?”


  “Hmm, you’ll learn that I’m not the easiest person to manipulate, Zephyrine.” He doesn’t sound concerned about this attempt. “We should have a talk before we move on to other morning activities though.”

  “What did you want to talk about?” I ask, reluctant to slow down the need of my body. I turn to face him. Sleep tousled Asa is just as magnificent as the Asa from last night but has the added softness of bleary eyes and messy hair. I’d rather tackle him than have any sort of conversation.

  “Gregory isn’t going to be able to fight his wolf for long. He is going to want to mark you, complete the mating. It would have happened last night if I hadn’t held him back.” That’s like being hit with cold water. I hadn’t realized that.

  Part of me wishes Asa hadn’t held Greg back, this would be much easier to accept if I didn’t have to choose it. But the other part of me knows that Greg would be distraught if he had performed such a violation. Asa strokes my cheek. “If you can’t agree to it, then it would be better to slow the physical intimacy to give him the chance of controlling the beast.”

  “I-I understand.” My cheeks heat. I mentally know that I need to make a decision, but my body wants me to give in to this. To trust that this can work. I lean forward and kiss Asa, to communicate assent or to give in to what my body wants, I don’t know.

  Asa doesn’t hesitate and the kiss escalates, turning hot and devouring. He moves me on top of him and my hips grind against him, seeking. I thought with his dominant nature he’d want to be on top of me but it’s clear that the position doesn’t matter, he knows just how to get me to do what he wants. The slip of my wetness on his hardness makes me moan. His flesh is so hot there and I repeat the motion.

  “You want my cock, darling? You’re going to have to work for it. Ride me, Zephyrine.” A darkness in his command causes me to shiver as I sit up. The view of the man below me captures me even as my hips move his thickness between my pussy lips and against my clit.

  The runes inked on Asa’s skin define all the places I crave to trail my fingers. Asa’s eyes are hooded as he takes in my body. I’d feel self-conscious if lust didn’t so obviously line his face. I place my hands on his chest and Asa squeezes my ass.

  “Fuck,” Asa hisses. “You’re so goddamn beautiful. I want to see you stretched around my cock. I want to conquer every part of you.” Asa’s fingers squeeze harder and come closer to my backside. My breath catches at the idea of being taken there and Asa notices. “Don’t worry, darling. By the time I’m slipping into your ass, you’ll be begging me for it.”

  I can’t even imagine begging to be split in two, but I am needy to have him inside me. I grind my hips forward and the head of his cock slips into the wet mess of my entrance and we both moan. It’s tight but it isn’t like the monster Greg had thrust into me last night. Even so, I take a moment and undulate my hips before taking more of his cock into me.

  The activities from last night had left me swollen and sore. I never thought I’d like joining pain and sex but the ache of stretching around Asa has a desperate whimper escaping my mouth.

  “You’re sore.” Asa’s voice is tight. It isn’t a question. I don’t want him to make us stop.

  “No—” I’m cut off by the sharp smack of Asa’s hand on my ass and I squeak.

  “Don’t lie to me, little bird.” His voice is dark at that, his more dominant traits surfacing. My eyes tear up in need.

  “Just a little. Please don’t make me stop. I need this.” My pleading must be successful because Asa’s face softens. His thumb finds my clit and my body eases the rest of the way down Asa’s cock.

  “We aren’t going to stop. I’ll get you a salve later that should help with the monster in Gregory’s pants. You’re going to need it with how often you’re going to be taking our cocks.” The sternness in Asa’s voice causes a delicious curl of sensation that motivates me to do anything he asks. “You asked for my cock, little bird. Don’t waste it.”

  I start moving, impaling myself mercilessly while Asa watches my body rock, hunger evident on his face. His unforgiving hardness inside me spurs my actions, makes me frantic, and I start riding in earnest as his voice lifts me higher.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. You’re such a good little bird, working for me to fill you up. That is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.” My words come out with the huffs of my breath. I want him to come inside me, fill me up. All thoughts of pride deserted me last night. I’ve never felt the kind of pleasure that comes from submitting before and I can’t imagine going back to sex without it again.

  Asa’s breath starts to stutter and the tendons on his neck stand out. “Come for me, sweetheart.”

  I’ve been so focused on doing what he’s asked, surrendering, that I don’t notice he’s worked me up to the point of climax with his masterful touches. My body doesn’t need the permission of my brain to comply with Asa’s command. I shout out while my body seizes.

  Asa’s grunt is my warning for the warmth of his release filling me. The sensation has my body bucking again before starting to ease.

  “Beautiful Zephyrine, I’m so pleased.” Asa’s voice is happy, and satisfaction fills me. I let him croon and pet me as my breath returns to normal before I slide off of his cock. I flop onto my back and stretch. My muscles burn from use and I marvel at the feeling of happiness that hazes my mind.

  “Having all the fun while I make breakfast I see.” Greg’s voice is jovial, he leans against the doorway. He must have been able to hear us the whole time. I can’t help but smile at him as he takes in Asa’s and my sweaty naked bodies.

  It happens so quickly it feels like whiplash. Greg’s body had been so relaxed and then it’s suddenly not. The air in the room turns tense and hot. My body reacts to the change, tension winding in me. Asa’s seed leaks from my pussy and Greg stares at it. His eyes ar
e pure yellow and a growl echoes in the room.

  “I should go.” Greg’s voice is unrecognizable with how harsh it sounds.

  “No.” I let out a little sound. My body tenses in preparation. Instinct is a real thing and I crave the promise of ownership that flashes in Greg’s eyes.

  “Zephyrine.” Asa’s voice is sharp. “We spoke about this. Is this something you want?”

  It takes me a moment to grasp that he is asking about the mating mark. My brain is slow on the uptake, but my soul and body scream for this.

  “Please—” I say but am cut off by Greg’s fast movement. He grabs my ankle and drags me down the bed roughly. My body fights him, not wanting to make this easy. I kick out of his grasp and turn, clawing away before the weight of him presses against my back.

  I grip the sheets at Greg’s snarl. His hands yank my hips up to his. I recognize what is happening right before he thrusts into me to the hilt with a growly grunt. Surprise and pain combine with the erotic nature of the position and I gasp as Greg mounts me as if we are animals.

  Asa is at my side then, and Greg stills behind me. I look back and Asa has a hand around the back of Greg’s neck. The moment is intense, my body feels stuffed and some animalistic satisfaction wars with confusion in my mind.

  “Last chance, Zephyrine. Is this what you want?” His other hand slides between my legs to rub my clit. My body relaxes and Greg slides even deeper. The wolf groans but is still held back by Asa’s dominance.

  “Yes, please, I need—” My babbling is cut off by the claiming pump of Greg’s hips. There is no finesse in his movements and my face is pushed into the sheets by the heavy weight of one of Greg’s hands on my shoulder blades, giving him the angle he craves.

  Greg pummels me then, the act is violent and the little sounds I emit at the end of each thrust seem to incite him forward. This absolute submission makes my soul fly and my orgasm starts to build, gaining traction from Asa’s reverent words.

  “That’s it darling, you’re taking his cock beautifully. I can’t wait until you can take us both at the same time. If you can take a claiming like this, you’re going to love what we do to you later.”

  The intensity ramps quickly and I climax with a scream. My body fights against the mounting, tightening impossibly on the heavy cock inside me, as if to expel it but it just milks his short thrust instead. Greg bites down at the area between my neck and shoulder as his cock kicks inside me, heat fills me, and my soul yanks another orgasm from me.

  Greg unlatches from me and I hear Asa swear above me before moaning and wetness hits my back as even more of Greg’s seed fills me. We fall into each other then. A mass of connected bodies slick with sweat and cum. My soul soars, so complete at this moment. I’m smiling when the exhaustion hits me, casting me into darkness.

  Chapter 9


  Hunger wakes me. My body aches in a way that puts my earlier twinges to shame. When I crack my eyes open, it must be afternoon from the bright sunlight falling through the spaces in the curtains. I feel sweaty, hot, and covered with fluids that have since dried and itch.

  Greg and I are still connected, but gratefully he’s soft now so it only gives a slight ache when I slide our bodies apart. The man had a gorgeous cock, but I don’t think I want it near me for a good long while after that voracious mating.

  Mating. My hand goes to my shoulder and sure enough, the skin is tender and has the makings of a scar. A mating mark. I try not to let myself freak out. This had been my choice. My mind narrows to focus on my next action. I sit up in the bed and look back over my shoulder to see Greg lying partially atop Asa. Both of them are still asleep or knocked out. Beautiful, beautiful men.

  Asa has a mark that matches mine and I distantly remember his swearing before spilling his release on my back. Somehow, we had all bonded. I avert my gaze and stumble over to the bathroom. I stand under the water until I start feeling like I could perhaps deal with the repercussions of the morning but when I enter the room again the men are still out in their sex-scented dogpile.

  A hunger pang hits hard and I steal a pair of sweatpants and a shirt from Asa’s closet before looking for food. I think I must be delusional when I see the muffins on the counter and a full coffee pot until some things connect in my head. Thank the gods Greg is a baker.

  After polishing off four amazing muffins and some microwaved coffee, my brain feels like it can finally function. I pick up my phone, glad that it hadn’t gotten damaged when I dropped it last night. Last night … right before Greg had licked me down there. I’m not thinking about that right now. The phone starts to vibrate with a call from Sophia.

  I consider not answering but take the call instead. It would be better to get it over with.


  “Nice of you to finally pick up. You do remember that you’re hosting the family BBQ?” Sophia says, completely unconcerned. I start to feel faint. Or is that nausea? Those muffins had been masterpieces, I will not throw up masterpieces. “Well, I just wanted to remind you in case you weren’t done with whatever sex fest you were having.”

  What an apt description. I look at the time, I still have hours before I have to face the music. Suddenly the reality of the situation hits home. I’m on the edge of starting to hyperventilate. I’ve mated two men. I’m a harpy. Two men. Fuuuuuck.

  “Zeph? You okay?”

  “Uh, yeah I just woke up. I’ll be ready by tonight.” There is a significant pause on the phone before Sophia whistles in appreciation.

  “You just woke up? That is… unusual for you. I cannot wait to hear all about it.”

  My eyes widen in alarm. It’s time to shut this down.

  “See you tonight, love you.” I hang up and take a deep breath before pulling up a ride sharing app and starting to look for my shoes. This whole situation calls for strategic planning and deliberation. Maybe a spreadsheet … Or at the very least ice cream. Yes. It’s past the time for ice cream.


  I open my eyes to the closing of the front door and can already sense that Zephyrine is gone. I feel a tug on my soul in her direction and I let myself marvel that we’ve all bonded. The bond between Zephyrine and I is just an extension through Gregory’s bond, but it is a connection nonetheless. I’m not going to question the hows of it.

  I try and prop myself up and see that Gregory is still passed out and lying across my lower body. I’m grateful that he fell there instead of on top of me. Suffocation would have been a real possibility since, by my estimation, we have been out for hours. A humidity in the air implies the shower has just run. How odd that Zephyrine was the first to wake.

  My fingers run over the mark on my neck that Gregory has given me, and I can’t help but smile. I hadn’t expected the bite, being so focused on orchestrating the meeting of Gregory’s and Zephyrine’s bodies that Gregory’s wolf had caught me unawares.

  My entire body aches. The soul magic of the binding is slightly incompatible with my existing magic abilities. I can’t remember the last time my body felt like this. The soul bond is strong enough though, even if my being resisted it.

  A little more than twenty-four hours ago I could not have foreseen the results of my showing up at the hotel to confront Gregory, but I’m not displeased with this. It’s more than I ever hoped to have. Meeting Zephyrine has been like discovering the missing piece of a puzzle before you even realize that it’s essential.

  Zephyrine … I run my fingers through Gregory’s hair while I take a moment to both enjoy having his presence back with me and to ponder my feelings for the harpy. Very soon we’ll be on the hunt for the wayward bird. Gregory stirs and I look down into his sleepy face.

  “What happened?” It comes from his throat as a croak. I lift a brow and Gregory blushes. “I remember that part. I remember taking Zeph… and biting you.”

  His eyes rest on the mark on my neck and a look of satisfaction blooms on his face. Gregory freezes before he rips himself out of the bed. “Where
is she?”

  “She snuck out earlier.”

  “And you just let her?” he asks, his voice getting louder.

  “She needs space. I was also out like a fucking light due to the soul binding,” I say. Gregory takes a breath, steadying himself. I lace my fingers with his. “Calm yourself, Gregory, we’re bound. Once we’re cleaned up and I make a call to Mace, we’ll go after her.”

  Gregory winces at that. “Do we have to call Mace?”

  Ah, I had suspected Mace had spoken to Gregory after our breakup.

  “Do you know where she lives?” I ask. Gregory looks even more shamefaced as he shakes his head. “So, we’ll need to call Mace for the information, you two can come to terms then… He’s my oldest friend, Gregory. I’d like you two on good terms. Mace isn’t the type to hold on to a grudge.”

  Gregory nods in obedience and contentment fills me. Very soon we’ll find Zephyrine and all be together again. The pull on my soul requires us to find her but more importantly, I need to get both of my mates in my arms again.

  Chapter 10


  I toss the empty pint of ice cream into the garbage before resting my cheek on the kitchen counter. The granite provides a cold soothing sensation and I want to melt against it. I fled the bed I’d shared with two men a few hours ago. A bath, preparing rice, and a freak-out serving size of ice cream later and I’m now capable of taking full breaths. I still don’t know, exactly, what I am going to do.

  Specifically, I don’t know how to tell my family. I want to keep the men … my mates. The term makes my heart both jump and drop. It won’t feel like flying in loop-de-loops every time I think of them, will it? I’ll get used to it eventually. Right?

  I’m going to embrace this. Having two mates. The silence of my house helps drive home how much I miss them. We’ve only known each other for a day, but I can’t imagine not seeing them again.


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