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Single Mom Wanted for Fake Marriage: A Billionaire Romance

Page 22

by Aubrey Dark

  And then she was gone. Her mouth drew back, and my cock jumped in the light palm of her hand, aching for more.


  “Easy there,” she said. I looked down to see her dark lashes fluttering over her pale cheeks. She brushed her hair back. “Not yet.”

  “I can’t…” I gasped, my jaw clenching. “I can’t wait.”

  “I think you can.”

  Impatient, I reached down, but she swatted my hand away.

  “No fair,” she said. “You’ll get your turn to take control. This is my turn now.”

  So she knew what this was about. Frustrated and impossibly horny, I grunted and closed my eyes. Biting my lip so hard that I could taste blood, I forced myself to ease back from the edge of my climax.

  In the darkness, I could hear her breathing. A quiet hitch in her breath was all that told me she was worked up, but I knew that she couldn’t understand how much pressure was building inside of me. When she finally let me go, I knew that it would be the end of me. I would break.

  She would break me.


  “Where’s the oil?”

  I grabbed at the bottle on the end table. Handing it to her, I had to fight not to grab her in my arms and fuck her senseless. Her full lips beckoned with a glisten of moisture. I had to stop myself from thinking about those lips around my cock, hungry and tight…

  “Now,” she said, turning around, “you’ll have to go slow at first.”

  “Sure. Easy,” I said through clenched teeth, but it was anything but. It wasn’t just hard to control myself from plunging into her. Especially when she guided me to her backside, to the tight pucker that she slid her fingers over.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned. “Sierra—”

  “Fuck me, Will,” she said. It was the first time she’d used that form of my name, and it made my heart leap in my chest. Her voice had such power, and she was talking low and dirty, letting the need come through. I almost came right then and there, but I knew she was right. I would have to go slow.

  At first.

  Easing my way into her, letting her fingers be my guide, I bit my tongue to keep from crying out. Her ass was so tight, so perfect. My hands slid over her curves, her skin oiled and silky. Every part of her was silk, flowing through my fingers.

  I gasped as she arched back into me, sliding me deeper inside. She drew a sharp breath in, too, and I knew that it was hard for her to take all of me. I paused, but only for a moment, to give her a chance to adjust. Then I slid back, enjoying the delicious friction that swelled my cock even more.

  “Will, now. Hard.”

  My mind went white as I thrust forward into that tightness. My hands squeezed her ass, pulling her to me even as I rocked into her.

  “Oh, fuck yes! Fuck me hard, Will.”

  Her dirty words tore through my dizzy thoughts, as sharp as a knife. They grabbed me, sent me into a frenzy. Before, she’d been all soft curves and slow movement. Now, though, she bucked hard against me, tense and delightfully tight.

  Leaning forward, I bore into her, mindless of anything else but that tightness around my cock. I was like iron, harder than I’d ever been before. She was perfect and tight and with every thrust she met me with equal power. It seemed only moments before I was rocking faster and faster, needing release.

  “Sierra,” I groaned. “Oh, Sierra—”

  “Yes—” she said, and clutched backwards, urging me even faster into her. I plunged again and again, furiously jackhammering my steel-hard cock into her. That perfect slickness, her round ass slipping through my hands as I lost all inhibition. Her dark hair, flying back and forth as I rode her harder, harder, faster, faster.

  I’d thought that I would only last a moment, but the intensity of pleasure had given me renewed stamina. But it wouldn’t last forever. When I heard her start to moan with her own climax, it was too much. Then she tightened around me as the waves went through her, and it set off the explosion in me.


  My cock plunged deep into her one last time, shuddering with a climax that seemed to last longer than was possible. Sweat beaded on my brow as I came hard in her perfect tight ass, came and came and could not stop.

  “Will, oh Will, my Will—”

  My body shuddered, and I felt my cock pulse once, then again, and finally relax. I let go of the breath that I’d been holding in. And in my next breath, I spun her around so that she was on her back and pressed a hard kiss onto her lips. I had no air in my lungs, but I could not stop kissing her, seizing her in my arms, not wanting to ever let go. Her mouth sought mine hungrily and I bruised her lips with kiss after kiss.

  My Will.

  That’s what she’d called me. My mind formed the words I love you, but something held them back. I couldn’t do that to her. Not now. I didn’t want her to think that I was speaking out of animalistic pleasure. It was that, yes, but so much more. I would have to save my true thoughts for later. Now, I only kissed her and kissed her and did not stop until she fell back against the pillow, panting, her hands pressing helplessly against my chest.

  My Will.

  Chapter 30

  When I woke up, I turned to see William asleep on the pillow. Sunlight streamed through the windows of the lodge cabin, bathing his skin in a golden glow. I smiled.

  Then the smile disappeared.

  A wave of nausea rushed through me. I sat up quickly, my hand on my stomach. What the hell?

  William didn’t wake up as I pushed the covers back. I raced to the bathroom, barely managing to close the door before I fell to my knees in front of the toilet. My stomach turned over and I vomited up the wedding dinner from the reception.

  God. Oh, God.

  I closed my eyes, feeling dizzy. The marble floor was cold on my knees. I lifted myself up and flushed the toilet. At the sink, I splashed cold water onto my face. Then I looked up into the mirror at my pale reflection and realized what this could be.

  “Oh, no,” I said. I thought back. We’d only had sex once before, and we hadn’t used a condom. And I hadn’t gone to the pharmacy, because I’d been so worried about getting the divorce to go through. Worried about the wedding planning. Worried about Will finding out about my lies.

  This lie, though, was going to come back to haunt me.

  “It might be something else,” I whispered to myself. “Maybe it was the fish from last night. Maybe it wasn’t cooked right.”

  Thoughts spiraled through my head, and another wave of nausea came upon me. I leaned against the bathroom counter and tried not to let it overtake me. I’d felt this way before, when I’d been pregnant with Kit.

  “No,” I said, as though saying it could make it untrue. “No. It can’t be. It can’t.”

  Shaking, I washed up, the thought blindly echoing through my mind. No. No. No.

  Last night had been wonderful. Amazing. My whole body had craved the satisfaction that Will had given me over and over again. But now, I was trembling with nausea.

  Figure it out.

  I had to get proof. Maybe it wasn’t what I thought it was. Quietly, I snuck back into the room and pulled on some clothes. Pulled my hair into a ponytail. Opened my phone and searched for the nearest pharmacy. I breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw that there was a small store just down the street from the lodge. It was less than a mile away.

  It was with only a twinge of guilt that I rifled through William’s wallet to pull out a twenty dollar bill. I needed cash, and this was the last thing I would ever steal. I sent a prayer up towards the sky, a guilty admission along with a bribe. I’ll never steal again, I promised, if only this thing isn’t true.

  I ran to the store on foot, leaving William asleep in bed. I hoped to God that he wouldn’t wake up before I got back. In the pharmacy, I bought a carton of orange juice along with two pregnancy tests. My smile never faltered, not even when the clerk darted a glance up at my disheveled hair, taking in the situation.

  “Here’s hoping thi
s time’s the charm,” I said, with a forced cheerfulness, as she rung up the pregnancy tests.

  “Good luck,” she said, throwing another sharp glance down to my rumpled clothes before bagging everything up. I gritted my teeth and got out of there as fast as I could.

  The morning sun was beating down the whole way back, and I had to stop twice when waves of nausea hit me. By the time I came back, I was wide awake. William was still asleep and snoring when I snuck back in and went to the bathroom. I pulled out the pregnancy test from the paper bag, my hands shaking so hard I almost dropped the damn thing in the toilet bowl. I gulped down the whole carton of orange juice and then, without letting myself think about it too hard, did what I had done a few years ago when I had been pregnant with Kat.

  On the box, they said to wait three minutes for the test results, but I knew that it would be nearly instantaneous. I put the small white plastic test down on the sink counter and braced myself against the cold granite with both hands, watching.

  One line pink. And then…

  Oh, shit.

  A knock on the door made me jump backwards, knocking the positive pregnancy test off of the counter and onto the floor.


  “I’m fine. Everything’s fine.”

  It wasn’t. I scrambled to stuff the pregnancy test back into the box, then into the pharmacy bag. I hadn’t even needed the second test. Where could I hide it? Then another wave of nausea hit.

  I leaned over the toilet, gagging.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Fine! Just—you know, getting dressed.”

  I turned on the water faucet and stuffed the pregnancy test into the bathroom trash can. Then I pulled a wad of toilet paper from the roll and crumpled it up, throwing it on top. William wasn’t the kind of guy to go rooting through a dirty trash bin. No. Of course not. What was I worried about?

  What was I worried about? That double pink line, that’s what I was worried about. Having another baby with a man who was planning to leave me—that’s what I was worried about.

  Swallowing back my nausea, I brushed my teeth quickly. Then I turned to open the bathroom door. William was standing in the entryway, a grave expression on his face.

  For one terrible second, I thought that he knew. That he had sent someone to tail me. That he knew what I’d bought at the pharmacy. I tried not to look anxious as I looked up into his face, another fake smile plastered across my lips. I hated myself right then, hated having to lie. Hated having to lie to him.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  My heart dropped to the marble bathroom floor.

  He knew. Somehow he knew.

  “Yes?” I asked. My voice was hoarse and scratchy. My tongue felt too thick for my mouth. “What is it?”

  William turned and strode back to the bed, picking up his cell phone.

  “I just got a call from Shawna.”


  My head was spinning. Relief washed through me as I realized that he didn’t know. It was something else. William was saying something, but I couldn’t focus enough to listen.

  “Sorry,” I said. “What did you say?”

  William frowned.

  “Apparently the company just now realized the potential ramifications of my marriage as it relates to the inheritance.”

  “They—they know what you’re trying to do? How do they know?”

  I blinked. I couldn’t understand. What would happen if William’s plan to marry me didn’t work? I hadn’t thought about it much beforehand. He had everything else under control, didn’t he?

  “They don’t,” William was saying. “Not for sure. But they’re figuring it out. And of course they’ve decided to call a meeting today.”


  My mind was going in circles. How was this going to affect our marriage? Would William dump me right away?

  “I’m guessing they want to discuss this without my input.”

  His face looked furious. And I realized that this was more serious than I had thought.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked.

  “We’re going to go in there and give them hell. Get packed. We’re leaving.”

  I hadn’t even unpacked. William, though, was already zipping up his bag. This was going too fast. I felt like I was in a runaway horse carriage, unable to stop. Unable to slow down.

  “But—but it’s our honeymoon.”

  It felt like my body was numb, moving lethargically. William, on the other hand, was whipping around the cabin, tossing toothbrushes back into his bag with fury and casting his eyes around frantically.

  “Exactly. If Sanders and Dexter were behind this, I’m not going to let them get away with it.”

  “They wouldn’t do something like that to you.”

  “They might. This is my business. I’m not going to let it fall apart without being there to stop it.”

  He paused and looked at me. His face was animated with purposeful anger. Still beautiful, he looked like a wild animal that had been cornered and was ready to lash out. His gray eyes smoldered. Then something in them softened, and he reached out one hand. The soft caress on my shoulder loosened my breath. I hadn’t realized that I’d been holding it in.

  “Are you alright?” he asked. “You look pale.”

  Shit. Of course I looked pale. I’d just puked up the entirety of last night’s dinner. I was pregnant.

  From the piercing way he was looking at me, I thought that he would be able to read my mind and know what was going on. Just like the night we’d met, he was looking deep into me. I pasted on a weak smile and held my tremors in.

  “I’m—I’m just shaken, that’s all. I didn’t think your brothers were those kind of people.”

  “I didn’t think so, either.”

  He shook his head and looked away, apparently satisfied by my weak explanation.

  “What are you going to do about it?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure yet. Let’s go.”

  “I have to come with you?”

  “Of course. This involves you just as much as it involves me.”

  “It does?”

  “Of course. After all, you’re my wife.”

  Of course. I was his wife.

  Chapter 31

  By the time we arrived at my company’s building, I had pieced together some of what had happened from Shawna’s texts while Sierra checked in on Kit. It seemed that after learning about my celebrated nuptials, one of the board heads had mentioned the inheritance situation to Sanders. Who had, as Shawna put it, “flipped out” and told Dexter, and they both decided to call an ad hoc board meeting.

  Without me.

  I was blistering mad. Not just at my brothers, but at myself. I should have anticipated every possible objection; I should have postponed the wedding until it was too late. I should have… I should have…

  But none of that mattered now.

  “Wow. This is where you work?”

  I turned to see Sierra staring in awe up at the steel and glass building. Outside the front steps, a brushed steel sign proudly proclaimed the name of the company. FAWKES was in big bold letters at the top.

  “This is it,” I said, holding the door open for her. She looked so beautiful. Beautiful, but shaken. I hated that my brothers had done this to us—cut our honeymoon short and thrown a dark shadow over our marriage. She didn’t deserve anything like that. I’d wanted things to be perfect for her. And they had been, until this.

  As we walked down the hall, a few people looked up at me in surprise. Were they shocked that I had managed to find out what was going on? The thought of my own company employees sneaking behind my back was a poisonous one. Seething, I pushed open the large oak door and strode in, with Sierra following close behind.

  The company meeting was already in progress. Dexter and Sanders sat at the front of the room. Shawna was off to the side, taking notes in a chair. At my entrance, she stood up. Sanders hadn’t even bothered to wear a suit;
he was still in a T-shirt and jeans. Both of them looked up at me in surprise.

  “What are you doing here?” Sanders asked.

  “Apparently being shut out of my own company,” I said, pulling out a chair for Sierra and motioning for her to sit down. I let my eyes slide over the room of board members. Some of them shifted nervously in their seats. Dexter, though, stood up.

  “You’re the one trying to shut us out,” Dexter said. His face was dark, and I wondered if he was stable today. Whatever stable meant for Dexter. “We had no idea the voting rights were going to be split away now that you’re married.”

  “This isn’t true, is it?” Sanders asked me. He looked worried.

  “What isn’t true?”

  “This thing about marrying Sierra in order to get a majority share of the voting.”

  I placed my hands on the board table, leaning over the deep mahogany polished to a shine. In the reflection of the table, I couldn’t make out my own features. But even still, I knew that I looked calm. As though I weren’t lying. Next to me, Sierra sat stock still, her expression shocked. She would be fine. This was her element, wasn’t it? Faking things.

  “Of course not.”

  “Then give up her voting rights.”


  I was aghast. There it was—Sanders and Dexter were trying to undo all of the work I’d done. Shawna slipped over to my side of the table and handed me her sheet of notes. I glanced down at the summary—premature disbursal… breach of trust…improper application of deed—but my anger was clouding my vision. I breathed in, then out.

  “Why would I do that?” I asked calmly, putting aside the piece of paper.

  The head of the committee cleared his throat before speaking.

  “We’re expending a lot of effort right now in exploring the possibility of a Middle East merger,” he said. “This possibility is due in large part to your brothers’ efforts. If you are planning to override them with a majority rule, it seems like we ought to know about it before we waste any more shareholders’ profits in developing the agreement.”

  “I haven’t seen a clear proposal from my brothers,” I said.


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