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Make Me, Sir

Page 14

by Cherise Sinclair

  After a few steps, she broke into a run. Let him try to keep up—why should he have this too easy? After rounding a corner, she turned. No sight of him.

  Calloused hands grabbed her and jerked her back against a hard body. “Filthy fuckhole.”

  She froze.

  “Safe word. Say it, Gabrielle.”


  Four more times, he sent her into the darkness and found her again. At the last interception, reeling with exhaustion, she spat the word at him without even a pause. “Red, you bastard.”

  He laughed, and then his hand fisted in her hair as he held her and took possession of her mouth. He kissed her as she"d always dreamed of being kissed, hard and deep.

  When he pulled back, he had to drag her arms from where she"d wrapped them around his neck. “Let"s head back, sugar,” he said in a slightly hoarse voice.

  She gave a small sigh. His kiss had energized her, and right now she wished he"d chase her for…fun…instead of to spout dumb words at her. “I s"pose.”

  “You suppose?” Instead of moving away, he stepped closer. His hard hand cupped her breast. Held it. Weighed it in his palm.

  She gasped at the sudden streak of fire through her.

  “You don"t seem all that tired, darlin",” he said with the slow drawl thick in his voice, the one he got when he was angry or considering doing something interesting, like really playing the game.

  Her mouth went dry as her skin seemed to tighten. If he chased her for real, would she get scared? She saw the same question in his eyes. She considered and decided within a bare second. Maybe he"d frighten her, but the idea of having him catch her…take her…sent heat rolling low in her pelvis. A tremor shook her as she threw caution away. “I"m not tired at all, Sir. In fact, I might run back to the house and get a less …wimpy…partner.”

  He gave a deep laugh. “Might you indeed.” He pulled his glow stick out of his pocket and fastened it on his wrist, then tilted her chin up. “You think you"ll make it there before I catch you?”

  Her breath caught, and it sure wasn"t from fear. She snorted derisively. “Piece of cake.”

  He stepped back. “I"ll count to one hundred.”

  Counting in her head, she poured on the speed for seventy-five seconds, veering right and left, then left again, picking directions that led away from the house. Yeah, he"d never find her. Of course, he always did. Trying to catch her Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  breath silently, she walked, keeping her wrist in front of her. As she peered through the darkness and white seething fog, she realized few of the glow sticks moved quickly anymore. Most were in groups of three, showing the dom had caught his sub. A few matched colors hovered low to the ground, and she giggled, knowing exactly what that meant.

  She reached the back fence again, and no Marcus. Turning, she took a path leading toward the house, a little disappointed. The idea that Marcus would want—

  really want—to make love to her had set her blood on fire.

  The other subs always sighed when they talked about him.

  She grimaced. Most of the trainees—except for Sally—didn"t like her because of her bratty behavior. Her steps slowed as the excitement trickled out of her. Aside from her parents, people liked her; here almost no one did. Her shoulders sagged.

  A couple of trainees said she took up too much of Master Marcus"s time. She sighed. He probably felt the same way. She sure wouldn"t be a very satisfactory trainee. He never acted disgusted—she"d had a lifetime of handling that, after all—

  but she hated disappointing him over and over. She massaged the aching place under her ribs. “I am so looking forward to when this is over,” she muttered.

  Somewhere near the middle of the gardens, a woman screamed out her climax, and Gabi stopped at the jolt of envy.

  Yet the game had lost its appeal. I’m not here to play. When this ended, she"d never see any of these people again. Even if she could, no one would welcome her, not after the way she"d acted. She swallowed against the lump in her throat, and her eyes blurred.

  Speaking of games, she needed to get back and resume her act. Returning without Marcus would be a good defiant action. Lifting her head, she searched for a path to take. Her gaze snagged on a bright yellow glow a few feet away. Not moving.

  “I do believe you"re the only sub I"ve seen reduced to tears before her dom caught her,” Marcus"s soft drawl came from the shadows. He"d been standing there, watching her wallow in unhappiness.

  She gulped, wanting to bury her face against his chest and cry. Not going to happen, wussy girl. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, realizing she stood in the open, illumined by the moonlight. “I felt sorry for myself since my wimpy dom can"t catch a snail crossing the sidewalk.”

  A snort of laughter. “I do enjoy your way with words, trainee.” A pause and his voice lowered, the threat as obvious as a cat"s unsheathed claws. “Run.”

  Oh God. Fear ripped across her nerves, and she bolted toward the thicker bushes. If she got around those—and she did—he"d have a more difficult time spotting her bracelet. But she lost track of him.

  Panting, she stopped and spun in a circle—and spotted a yellow glow stick. A few feet away. Perfectly still.



  Cherise Sinclair

  Her heart hammered even before she sprinted across the path. He—What was he going to do when he caught her? He really was a cat, toying with his prey. She veered around a hedge and ran straight into him, a solid wall of muscle. “Oooph!”

  He chuckled and set her on her feet. “The next time, sugar, I"m taking you down.” He stepped back a pace. “Run.”

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  Chapter Ten

  The low-voiced threat sent excitement churning through her, making her aware of the cool fog against her ankles, the way bushes scraped on her naked body when she got too close, the way her breasts jostled as she ran. A corner. Another.

  She popped into a secluded spot to catch her breath, and back out and—

  He grabbed her from behind.

  “No!” Instinctive terror blasted her. She twisted and shoved at him frantically.

  Marcus… It was Marcus, not a stranger. Okay. Okay. Using her head now, she pulled and sidestepped, and his hands slipped off her oily body.

  “Li"l brat.” He made another grab for her.

  I’m a greased pig, all right. Giggling, she dashed for the far side of the clearing, gaining only a few yards before his hand closed on her arm—and she yanked out off his grasp. No hitting or scratching, she reminded herself.

  “You are a slippery little thing, aren"t you?” he said, his southern accent markedly increased. The bastard grabbed her hair.

  “Ow!” She turned to hit him—rules be damned—and he moved faster than she"d thought possible. Setting an arm behind her shoulders, the other up between her legs, he yanked her hips forward, tipping her backward, then dropped down on his knees with her in his arms. Before she got her balance, he rolled her onto her stomach.

  No way. She got her feet under her and lunged forward.

  With a low laugh, he caught her ankle and yanked her back, then set a knee on her butt. His weight pinned her, making her feel…odd. Excited.

  Yet the second his powerful hands closed on her shoulders, terror engulfed her in a cold, mindless fog. She froze.

  He stilled. Waited. She caught a whiff of his musky amber scent, and warmth dissipated her fear. It was Marcus touching her. Knowing his knee rested on her bare bottom, his weight trapped her, made all the difference. She wiggled and couldn"t resist taunting him. “You rat-bastard dipwad, let me go.”

  Chuckling, he tightened his grip. “Mouthy little sub.” The wrist cuffs snicked off his belt. “I am going to enjoy what I do to you.”

  Oh God. Under the growing tension, unable to help herself, she squirmed, and he simply put more weight on her. Control
ling her.


  Cherise Sinclair

  Despite her thrashing, he firmly buckled one wrist cuff on and the other, then clipped them together behind her back. When he removed his weight, she thought he"d pull her to her feet. Instead his knee pushed between her thighs, keeping her legs apart.

  His jeans scraped against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. For a minute, he didn"t move. And then he stroked her legs, traced the crack between her butt checks, squeezed her waist. He ruthlessly touched her how and where he pleased, and her skin burned under his calloused hands until it seemed she might set the grass beneath her on fire.

  He set his palm between her legs to cup her heat and gave a satisfied,

  “Mmmmh. You"re nice and wet, darlin".”

  His touch roused her, yet…she felt too naked, too restrained, too vulnerable.

  Needing to escape, she wiggled. Helplessly.

  “No, Gabrielle.” His voice deepened, a smooth threat as his hand pressed on her ass cheeks, holding her in place. “Stay put, sugar. I want to examine my prize.”

  The commanding voice, the knowledge he wouldn"t let her move, melted her inside. This was what she wanted, needed. Someone to take the control from her.

  She turned her head and rested her cheek. The cool grass scraped and tantalized her bunching nipples, an erotic contrast to his warm hand on her bottom.

  “Good girl.” His unyielding hand held her down as with his other, he touched her intimately, caressing her folds and sending heat lancing up her center. When he slowly pressed a finger through her puffy tissues and up inside her, pleasure boiled up so violently that her eyes almost crossed.

  His finger slid out, then pushed in deeper. He made another pleased sound.

  “Yes, Li"l Sassy, I"m going to tie you down, spread you open, and see how much of me you can take.”

  Oh God, yes. Her pussy clenched around him.

  With a low laugh, he rose and lifted her easily to her feet. Holding her wrist cuffs, he reached around her and teased her breasts, pulling on her nipples, until her breasts burned with the same need as her pussy. As he pushed her toward the darkest section of the tiny area, he said in a low voice, “I intend to take my time later, but right now, little escaped slave girl, I"m going to fuck you hard.” The rude word in Marcus"s smooth voice was jarring. And so hot her knees wobbled.

  Something glinted in the pale moonlight, and she saw that a heavy chain ran down from a thick tree branch and intersected four chains that opened to hold up…a tire swing. Rather than a standing-up position, the tractor-sized tire lay horizontally. “A swing?”

  “You"ll know why in a minute.” Marcus unclipped her wrists, grabbing her quickly before she could escape, and tossed her onto her back between the two sets of chains. The tire had canvas attached over the hole, providing support in the center. Her neck rested on the tire rim. I don’t want to make love on a damned swing. She sat up.

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  Marcus laughed and shoved her down, then clipped her wrist cuffs to the chains beside her shoulders. The tire rocked wildly as she struggled, yet her excitement increased with each unsuccessful yank against the chains. When he walked to the bottom of the swing, she kicked at him. “I don"t want to have sex here.”

  “I didn"t ask what you wanted.” He caught one leg in his merciless grip, and now she"d seen him without the suit, she knew just how muscular he was. “And I"m going to enjoy tying you up, sugar.” He tried to bend her leg up, but she kept it straight—that was the whole point of the game, right?

  She almost giggled. So maybe not all her insolent behavior was playacting.

  And every time he made her obey, it seemed to fan the flames in her roaring furnace.

  With an amused sound, he held her leg in one hand and poked her in the ribs with a knuckle. She squeaked, and suddenly he had her leg bent and had her ankle in a strap hanging from the chain. He did the same on the other side, and there she was, naked and outside in a garden, faceup on a tire swing, wrists hooked to the chains, straps holding her legs up and apart.

  God, this was so wrong. Kinky. Insane.

  Yet heat seared her skin as he ran his hands over the backs of her thighs, leaving tingles in their wake. “I want that little pussy all the way down here where I can get to everything,” he said and pulled her hips until her bottom hung out over the end of the tire and her legs angled toward her shoulders. He secured a strap up and over her pelvis to keep her hips from moving. At all.

  Her pussy was open and exposed, and the slight movement of the swing wafted air over her wet folds. He studied her for a minute and smiled. “There you go, all ready for anything I want to do to you. You look beautiful, Gabrielle,” he murmured.

  She couldn"t take it anymore, not from him. “Gabi.”

  “Excuse me?” His fingers slid between her folds, circling her clit.

  Her breathing increased as her clit seemed to engorge. “My friends call me Gabi.”

  “Well, now, I do believe we might be considered friends,” he said, amusement obvious, as he teased her, rubbing one side of her clit, circling her entrance, repeating it again. He was too damned good at using his fingers, dammit. Her need grew, her pussy craving to be filled almost as much as her aching nub of nerves needed more of his touch. She squirmed, trying to get more.

  “Stay still, sugar.” He slapped her bottom, and the sting burned right into her clit.

  She moaned.

  His fingers paused. “I asked Holt to see if you enjoyed a little pain. Looks like you do.”

  Her eyes shot open. “No. I don"t like pain.”


  Cherise Sinclair

  “Mmmhmm.” He slid a finger into her, so fast and deep she choked. A burn ignited from the inside out. Her words tangled on her tongue as pleasure rocketed through her.

  He slapped her bottom harder.

  Aaaah! The pain set her pussy on fire, and she almost came right then.

  He laughed, low and deep, running his hand over the stinging area. “I"ll be adding a tad more variety to your trainee scenes so we can explore this side of your nature.”

  Her tongue felt thick, and all she could think about was the way his fingers moved slowly in and out of her, occasionally moving out to slide over her clit until her whole pussy seemed to swell. “What?”

  “Sugar, you like a little pain with your sex.” He illustrated by swatting her butt forcefully enough to make her cry out, then pumping his fingers in and out of her vagina. Another swat. Thrusting. The burning on her bottom merged with the sizzling heat surrounding his fingers, and everything in her tightened, waiting…

  She gripped the chains as her hips tried to lift.

  When he withdrew, she whimpered.

  At the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open, her eyes widened. Her pussy pulsed, so swollen and wet, and the thought of him—of Marcus—actually inside her made it all worse. She wanted this, needed him to take her, possess her all the way.

  At the silence, she looked up and saw him studying her. A corner of his mouth turned up. “You"re ready for me, little slave girl,” he said softly. She felt him swirling the head of his cock in her wetness and shuddered in anticipation. He brushed it over her clit and sent a tremor up her spine. She was so close.

  A second later, his thick shaft slid into her, and she groaned at the astounding feeling. Then firmly, inexorably, he pressed deeper, filling her, stretching her. Too much.

  “No. No, stop.” She pulled on the chains and tried to slide up and away.

  His hands tightened on her hips. “You can take it, sugar.”

  She gasped for air, and her legs rattled the chains uncontrollably. As she strained helplessly against the hip strap and his powerful hands, the knowledge he could do anything he wanted shot through her until she almost came right then.

  Oh God.

  “You"re hot and wet, li"l Gabi,” he said slowly, as if he savored each word, as if he
knew the way his dark, sexy voice melted her insides. His hands slid under her bottom and squeezed. “And I intend to hammer into you until you scream for me.”

  But he still moved slowly, his size almost painful, until he had sheathed himself completely inside her and his balls brushed against her buttocks. He pulled back, then eased in.

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  Within a few strokes, her body adjusted and the movement of his cock turned into a slick slide of thrilling, wonderful friction.

  She moaned.

  “There we go.” Without warning, he slammed into her. The starburst of sensation blazed upward, arching her back. He plunged deeper—the hammering he"d promised—and her need grew. God, she wanted even more. Her hips tried to move again, jerking uselessly. She groaned.

  “Let me show you why swings are fun, li"l sub,” Marcus said softly. His cock slid out as he pushed on the chains, and then he yanked the tire back, slamming her pussy back onto him like a pile driver. Smiling, he played the swing, back and forth, turning it slightly so his shaft pressed against one side of her vagina and the other.

  So much, too much, and yet she couldn"t make it over the top. Everything coiled so tightly inside her that each exquisitely wonderful movement almost hurt.

  Lovely, Marcus thought, rocking the swing enough to keep her right on top of the pinnacle. Every muscle in her body was tight, her hands clamped around the chains. And her little moans had turned to a continuous soft song of need.

  He knew the feeling. His balls felt as if they were being squeezed by some ball-crushing domme as he forced his climax back. He slowed the rocking and changed his grip to the strap over her hips so one hand could keep the swing going. So should he play with her clit to send her over?

  No, he wanted to take her hard, have her come hard, shock her a little. Since he"d started with erotic pain, it would be fitting to finish with it. He got a good grip on the strap crossing her hips and let the tire rock away. As his cock slid partway out of her pussy, he slapped her ass, then yanked the swing back to impale her. To engulf his rigid shaft in her hot, wet silk. Again and again. The way she clenched with each slap almost destroyed his own control.


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