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Make Me, Sir

Page 18

by Cherise Sinclair

  Despite the contemporary tan slacks and a white shirt, the other man looked like a medieval Scottish Highlander: a fair-skinned face with hard, flat planes; tied-back, light brown hair; tall and wide-shouldered. Both unshaven guys had the drawn appearance of people who hadn"t seen a bed in recent history.

  Interesting contrast though, a team of light and dark—did the light one play the good guy during interrogations?

  “Ms. Renard, it"s nice to meet you in person. I"m Vance Buchanan.” The brown-haired warrior had an easy smile. He reached over the coffee table to shake. His hand was the size of a boxing glove. “And I believe you"ve met Galen.”

  “Agent Kouros,” she said politely to the other agent.

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  Buchanan snorted. “You can make it Galen and Vance. Would you care for a soda or coffee?”

  “Sure. A soda would be great,” she said.

  As Galen took the chair opposite Dickhead, Vance got her a can from a small fridge, handed it over, then sat across from her. “We asked you to join us today for a couple of reasons, but mostly to bring you up-to-date.”

  The grimness of his expression made Gabi"s insides tighten. “What"s happened?”

  “You"re very perceptive.” He rubbed his face and sighed. “We"ve determined who are the most notably rebellious submissives in the various Tampa clubs, and one of the women appears to have disappeared last Saturday. Another hasn"t been seen since the week before. Just like in Atlanta, the subs belonged to different clubs. Our decoys haven"t been touched.”

  “Oh. Damn,” Gabi whispered.

  “The good news is this confirms the kidnapper is taking insolent submissives.

  The bad news is that both decoys in those two clubs did a fair job appearing rebellious. Maybe the kidnapped women seemed feistier or more appealing, or our agents are too new to BDSM or gave themselves away in some manner. And, much as I hate to add it, public sex might play a part. One decoy has sex at the club, but restricts it to another agent who"s pretending to be her dom—and happens to be her husband. The other decoy sticks strictly to nonsexual activities.”

  “We just don"t know enough,” Galen broke in with a grunt of disgust.

  “Still no clues?” Gabi asked.

  They shook their heads. “If we hadn"t checked, these two subs might have gone missing for quite a while before anyone noticed,” Vance said. “The kidnapper apparently chooses single women who don"t speak with relatives or friends every day. And he covers his tracks. In Atlanta, he sent one victim"s employer an e-mail saying she had a death in the family and needed time off.”

  Rhodes had leaned back in his chair, looking frustrated but lacking the sheer unhappiness the other two showed. He undoubtedly cared more about the success of the investigation than the victims.

  “We"re leaving all the decoys in place in case the kidnapper strikes a club twice,” Galen said. “But, Gabrielle, the chances are increasingly high he"ll take someone from the Shadowlands.”

  The chill rattled her bones like an icy wind. What if something went wrong?

  I’m not a brave person, dammit. When the can she held started to crumple, she gently set it on the coffee table and took a calming breath.

  Galen set his cane against his leg and leaned back. With a look that seemed all too familiar, his keen gaze went from her hands to her face. Reading her. An experienced agent…or an experienced dom? She narrowed her eyes at him, and a hint of a crease appeared in his cheek.


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  She looked away. Honestly, Gabi, it’s just your imagination. After so much time in the Shadowlands, of course she saw doms crawling out of the corners like cockroaches.

  Vance said, “We"re keeping the news of the missing women quiet for now in hopes of not alerting the unsub. Since we don"t know where the delivery will take place, our only chance is to follow once a decoy is kidnapped. It"s vital you do your utmost to attract his attention.”

  With his words, the fear she"d dammed broke over her like a tidal wave. She dropped her eyes, putting her hands between her knees to hide the trembling. A swallow cleared the tightness in her throat. “Yes, I know.” Her chin lifted. “I"ll do my best.”

  The sympathy in Galen"s eyes almost did her in. “I"m sorry, Gabrielle. It"s not fair to you at all.”

  “What do you mean not fair?” Rhodes said, his higher voice like a rasp against her nerves. “We"re guarding her.” He added under his breath, “She"s not risking anything except a chill from lack of clothing.”

  Gabi saw the furious stare the big agent gave Rhodes.

  Galen shook his head at his partner and responded to Dickhead in a soft voice almost as bladelike as Marcus"s. “You show her the respect you would for any volunteer—and you"d better guard her very, very well, Rhodes. Am I clear?”

  Rhodes"s face turned pale.

  Yeah, you idiot, not easy being on the other side of pissed-off dom, is it? Gabi sighed. And that"s where she"d remain for the next two weekends. Even worse, after the night they had spent together, Marcus wouldn"t understand. At all.

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  Chapter Thirteen

  On Saturday, Marcus halfheartedly watched Cullen lightly flog Andrea in the nearby scene area and tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. After looking forward to seeing Gabi all week, her attitude on Friday night and this evening had come as an unwelcome surprise. Last Sunday at his house, she"d been enthusiastic and loving, and he"d found her sassiness as cute as it was fun. She"d brought his home to life with her husky little giggle. He"d wanted more.

  And he"d thought—hell, he"d known—she"d felt the same. But on Sunday, when he"d returned her to the Shadowlands, she"d jumped in her car and… Well, he"d pretty much have to say it looked like an escape. Fleeing.

  Marcus shook his head. Last night, she"d treated him as if nothing had happened between them, and had returned to her bratty, inconsistent behavior with a vengeance. Why? She"d loved surrendering to him at his house. He"d been a dom long enough to know she hadn"t faked her submission there and that much of the crap she pulled here was forced. But he sure hadn"t figured out what to do about it.

  A scream from the scene area drew his attention, and he smiled as Cullen tossed his flogger aside. The big bartender undid his leathers and first took Andrea"s mouth, then her ass, employing a couple of interesting toys to ensure they both had a good time.

  A very good time considering the pretty sub couldn"t stand when Cullen unstrapped her from the sawhorse.

  As Cullen cared for his sub and cleaned the equipment, Marcus did a mental check of his trainees. He"d given permission for Dara to go upstairs with a newer dom who appeared mesmerized by her piercings.

  Austin had lusted after an older dom for months and finally got up enough nerve to flirt. Quite successfully. The dom had checked with Marcus, then dragged an enthusiastic Austin off to the dungeon. Marcus smiled. There might be a relationship starting.

  Uzuri had left early, and since Tanner had already played with a couple who"d wanted a third, he"d finish the evening by serving drinks in the theme rooms.

  Apparently Sally had gone home to visit her family before school began. Surprising that the little minx hadn"t mentioned her plan to leave; sassy as she was, Sally took her responsibilities seriously.

  Gabi was serving drinks and causing trouble. After dumping a soda in a dom"s lap, she"d asked if he wanted ice with his drink. She"d blown up a condom and 120

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  popped it behind two doms having a discussion. And then she"d told a dom who was buckling ankle cuffs on his sub that he looked good on his knees. Well. Marcus had barely gotten out of hearing before he"d burst out laughing.

  He sobered. The practical jokes could be tolerated, but she"d also grown increasingly insolent, deliberately trying to incite a reaction.

  He"d made no progress at all. Dammit. His jaw ti
ghtening with frustration, he turned his gaze to watch Cullen finish stowing cleaning supplies.

  The bartender scooped Andrea off the floor, where she"d waited with a blanket around her. In the sitting area, he dropped into a leather chair hard enough to earn an oomph from the sub. She glared at him. “I can"t believe the way you haul me around like I"m some doll.”

  Rumbling a laugh, Cullen slid a hand under her blanket. “You"re my doll, love, and you"re not going to forget it.”

  She melted at his touch and the tender look he gave her and snuggled closer.

  Envy rolled through Marcus, and he set it aside. He knew full well the pain of loving the wrong woman was worse than the benefits. Before he and Patricia had divorced, she"d either frozen him out, pretended to love him to get her own way, or had temper tantrums. He"d actually preferred her rages—at least when angry, she"d shared her emotions honestly.

  He thought of Gabi and the night she"d spent with him. How she"d snuggled closer to him in bed, how the rebellious spark in her eyes had changed to surrender, how she"d touched him… Those emotions had been honest. Or had they? Could he have misread her completely?

  “You okay there, Marcus?” Cullen asked.

  This wasn"t the time to indulge in unhappy woolgathering. He dredged up Gramps"s favorite saying. “Fine as frog"s hair, thank you.”

  “How"s your brat?”

  “My brat seems to have a button she pushes at intervals to switch on a demon inside her.”

  Cullen barked a laugh.

  “Seriously, she"s like a whipped dog, licking your hand one moment and attacking the next.” Marcus frowned. “I think she knows why, but she won"t tell me.”

  Marcus spotted the sub. In a neon blue halter top and vinyl skirt, Gabi had a dragon tattoo running up her shoulder, and earrings resembling golden claws decorating the curve of her ears. His little dragon sub was still sassing the members. “You ever met her, Andrea?”

  “Only to fill her drink orders at the bar.”

  Marcus studied her. Andrea was a sub, had been a trainee, and was a compassionate woman. “Maybe she"d be more forthcoming with you.”

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  “Introduce us,” Andrea said after a second"s thought. “I won"t break a confidence, but I"ll talk to her if I can get her alone.”

  “Good enough.” As Gabi neared the group, Marcus beckoned for her to join them.

  Her eyes lit at the sight of him, but then her lips firmed. When she stiffened her shoulders and raised her chin, he knew she"d decided to smart off. Yes, he could read her, even if he couldn"t figure out her motivation.

  She stood in front of him, setting her hands on her hips. “You guys are sure lazy bastards. Don"t you have scenes to do, subs to beat?”

  “Kneel. Now.” Marcus pointed to his feet, putting enough snap into the command to get her to obey before her mind could react.

  She dropped to her knees and, a second later, glared at him.

  He smiled and pulled her between his legs, facing outward. Defiance or not, her sweet body felt just fine under his hands. He squeezed her shoulders, tracing the muscles beneath the soft feminine padding, enjoying the lovely curve of her neck. Wouldn"t she look beautiful in a strapless gown—perhaps a pretty blue to match the streak in her hair. “Gabi, you"ve met Master Cullen. His sub is Andrea.

  She was a trainee back when he had charge of them.”

  Interest brightened Gabi"s face. “Nice to meet you, Andrea.”

  Andrea glanced at Cullen and got a headshake— no talking—that made her glower.

  Marcus smothered a chuckle and informed Cullen, “From the expression on your sub"s face, she is still not adequately trained.”

  “Apparently not.” Cullen"s lips twitched before he frowned darkly at Andrea.

  “I"m sorry, Señor.” She buried her head against him and added in a placating, sweet voice, “I love you.”

  Cullen snorted. “Nice try, pet. I should still beat you.”

  Her whispered “You just did, cabrón” carried as clearly as Cullen"s responding bark of laughter.

  The wistful expression on Gabi"s face squeezed Marcus"s heart. She wanted what Andrea had with Cullen; he could see her longing. So why did she behave in a way so as to ensure she"d never have such a relationship?

  “Although Andrea didn"t live on the streets like you,” Marcus told Gabi, “she grew up in the slums. And she caught grief from the other trainees.”

  “But the trainees are nice…” Gabi said, but he heard unhappiness in her voice.

  Were they giving her trouble?

  After getting Cullen"s permission to speak, Andrea said, “Only one sub was obnoxious, and she not only hated my background, but also that the most gorgeous man in the place was interested in me.”

  “I wasn"t that interested in you, darlin",” Marcus protested, earning a snicker from her before she clarified by patting Cullen"s arm.


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  “This gorgeous man.”

  “Which trainee?” Gabi asked.

  “She isn"t here anymore.” Andrea"s mouth thinned. “She planted money in my locker so everyone thought I"d stolen from her. Master Marcus and Dan grilled me like a criminal and threw me out of the club.”

  Marcus winced. He still felt guilty over the way they"d treated her.

  Shocked, Gabi twisted to stare up at the trainer. “You were rude?” She"d thought Mr. Southern Lawyer always acted like a gentleman.

  Andrea snorted. “Dan was rude; Master Marcus just backed him up. Of course after I got past wanting to kill them, I realized I did look guilty. And they were so furious thinking I"d betrayed Cullen"s trust, they weren"t seeing clearly. They made a mistake.”

  Snickering, Gabi widened her eyes at Marcus. “You mean you"re not God?

  Nooo, say it isn"t so!”

  He leaned forward, cupped her breasts in his powerful hands, and whispered in a slow drawl, “While you are here, li"l sub, I am your god.”

  The sound of his deep voice, the feel of his palms as his thumbs grazed over her nipples, turned her insides liquid and melted her bones. Even a god couldn"t turn her on as quickly. She closed her eyes for a second, just to savor being close to him, being touched, then sighed and let it go. Get back in the game, Gabi. “Did the trainee get in trouble at least?”

  Andrea laughed. “After the guys finished questioning Vanessa, they left her to Z. By the time he got through with her, she was crying so hard he had to call her a taxi. Then he got her banned from every club—well, pretty much in Florida. I had no idea how well-known he is.

  “Anyway, Master Z apologized to me here. Then Master Dan and Master Marcus apologized too, in front of everyone, even though they"d already talked to me before, and I"d forgiven them and everything.” She frowned at Marcus. “You guys almost made me cry.”

  “Turning into a regular watering can, aren"t you, love?” Cullen stroked her cheek gently with his huge hand.

  “You wish,” Andrea growled and nipped at his fingers. She wrinkled her nose at Marcus. “It was when you two gave me that humongous gift certificate to the best fetish-wear place in Tampa that I got teary-eyed.” She said to Gabi, “My budget didn"t go far, and I always looked like a poor relation in here, so I had a great time buying new clothes. I still haven"t spent it all.”

  “I"ve enjoyed the benefits,” Cullen rumbled, running his hand across the low bodice of Andrea"s skintight vinyl dress. “So why don"t you let me admire this new dress from the rear. I"d enjoy a beer.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Andrea slid off his lap.

  Masters of the Shadowlands 5: Make Me, Sir


  Marcus squeezed Gabi"s shoulder and murmured in her ear. “Grey Goose, please.”

  As she shoved to her feet, the “Yes, Sir” came out before she thought. Do better.

  She sucked in a breath, stuck her hand out, and shouted, “Heil Hitler,” then goose-stepped toward the bar. And tr
ied really hard not to think about the disappointment that had darkened Marcus"s eyes.

  Dammit. I hate, hate, hate this.

  Master Raoul had been talking to Andrea, but when Gabi reached the bar, he moved away.

  Andrea grinned at her. “You"re driving Master Marcus nuts, you know.”

  “Yeah. I know.” And making them both unhappy. The lump in her throat made it difficult to talk.

  “You doing it on purpose?”

  The straightforward question coming from another sub left Gabi at a loss. The doms were the enemy, so to speak, but other submissives belonged on her team, and the habit of confiding in friends almost overcame her brains. “In a—” She shook her head, trying to get back on balance. “Maybe. Kind of.”

  Andrea snorted. “There"s an answer. How come?”

  “It always seems like a good idea at the time.” Gabi shifted uneasily. “Is Master Raoul ignoring us?”

  “Nah. He just likes to talk to the newer doms and subs.” Andrea drew her finger through a wet spot on the bar. “So what did you do on the streets?”

  Very blunt person, wasn"t she? Gabi grinned, realizing she could like her a lot.

  “I broke into houses, shoplifted, picked pockets.” Andrea"s dress had a pocket on one side. Leaning forward, Gabi reached for a stack of napkins farther down the bar, bumped into her…and lifted her car keys.

  “Here,” Andrea said, pushing the pile of napkins closer.

  “Here,” Gabi mimicked, setting Andrea"s key chain on top of the napkins.

  Andrea broke into laughter. “You"re good! My cousins tried to learn, but they"re too ham-handed.” She caught Gabi"s frown and added, “They"re all reformed and respectable now.”

  “Oh. I"m glad.”

  “No kidding. All our indiscretions happened in the past, but it was still awkward, since Cullen"s a fire inspector and Dan"s a cop.”


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