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Forbidden Arcana: Jinx

Page 5

by Tamryn Tamer

  Jericho let out a long euphoric sigh as he felt Jinx’s pussy juices flow freely and was finally able to release himself. His cock twitched uncontrollably as cum continuously flowed inside of her. She pulled the panties out of her mouth with her fingers.

  “Are you mad?” Jinx asked looking down. “Was that wrong? Moron. Bastard.”

  “I don’t mind,” Jericho panted with a wide grin as he pulled out of her and started hiking up his pants. He actually found it kind of charming that she’d be worried about desiring Terra. “I don’t really mind things like that as long as I’m involved.”

  Jinx looked confused while holding her black panties in one hand and the red G-string in the other. After a few moments of thinking, she handed him the black panties and put on the red G-string. As soon as it touched her pussy, she let out a little shiver.

  “Okay,” Jericho nodded. “Maybe I should be a little jealous.”

  “Do they look good on me? Rogue. Degenerate.” Jinx asked while lifting up her dress and spinning around. Her ass and pussy weren’t the slightest bit covered. She stepped forward and grabbed my hand forcing it between her legs waiting for an answer.

  “Yeah,” Jericho answered. “They look good on you.”

  “Do they look better on me than they did on her? Deviant. Rake.” Jinx’s voice was barely audible and her face bright red.

  “You,” Jericho said honestly and Jinx’s eyes lit up. She confidently barged out of the back room to see Terra with a new set of clothing on and the crowd mostly dispersed.

  “Jericho says the red underwear looks better on me! Slut! Hooker!” Jinx announced proudly at Terra who burst out laughing.

  Jericho buried his hands in his face for a moment before shamefully following behind.

  Chapter 5

  The Most Powerful Mage

  Getting ready for the delivery quest was a lot of work. Player killers were a lot more troublesome than monsters because you couldn’t plan the hunt. Hunting monsters was as easy as identifying their strengths and weaknesses and doing your best to prepare for them, then it was about whether or not you could execute.

  Hunting players was different because you never knew their strengths or weaknesses, how many there’d be, how prepared they’d be, and whether they could execute better than you.

  You think bringing poison will help? So, did they. You think oil and fire will help? Guess who’s holding a fire resistance potion, that’s right. And even if you manage to outplay the player in front of you, the one behind you slits your throat.

  Sure, players weren’t sporting nearly unbreakable armor like dragons and couldn’t breathe fire so hot it melts through the most powerful enchanted armor, but the infinite and unpredictable adaptability of players was something to be respected.

  “I don’t see why you need that,” Jinx said pointing at a fire resistance potion. “Fire magic can be blocked with spirit magic and you said everybody else had weak magic. Idiot. Numbskull.”

  “They won’t be using magic,” Jericho grumbled. Jinx had spent the entire morning criticizing his decisions and reminding him there were spells that were superior to his potions. “They’ll douse us in oil and fire a flaming arrow at us.”

  “Water magic. Moron. Dolt.” Jinx said rolling her eyes. She was also a little irritated that Jericho wouldn’t let her dress in her normal lacy black dress and heels. Instead, he’d given her an entire outfit enchanted for increased dexterity and she didn’t like it very much. She was wearing leather boots up to her knees and tight pants that cupped her perfect athletic ass. Her top consisted of a tight-fitting cloth tunic and a pair of leather riders’ gloves. All dyed black, her choice, not his.

  “What do you want for a weapon?” Jericho asked while sorting through a storage chest. “I have wands, staffs, swords, knives.”

  “Claws,” she said while holding up her hand. “Nice shiny claws. Weakling. Jerk.”

  “I don’t have any claws,” Jericho responded while digging for some fist weapons. “Shit. I don’t even think I have any decent fist weapons. I mean, it’s a specialized skill and inferior to basically all other types of combat.”

  “Then daggers. Useless. Nimrod.” Jinx said while holding out her hands.

  “Here,” Jericho said handing her two of his nicest daggers. He was pleased that his random hoarding was paying off. He had a habit of keeping weapons he couldn’t use if they looked cool, and cooler looking weapons were almost always powerful. “They are both enchanted for critical damage and armor piercing, so they’ll melt through most medium armors.”

  Jinx looked them over and sighed, clearly sad at the lack of shininess in the red glowing metal. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it. Since they were used by assassins and rogues, most high-end knives came in two colors, black or red.

  Jericho had decked himself out as well in a high-end mages coat, although his coat had a bit more color. The coat was white with red accents and he ended up looking more like a healer than an offensive caster. His pants were standard white mages pants and his boots were tall red leather which matched his red leather gloves.

  “Ready,” he said while grabbing his war staff, a long dark iron staff that got heavier at the ends ensuring maximum damage. It was practically a war hammer. “Let’s go.”

  They met with Terra a few miles from Rend in the safe zone. As soon as they stepped foot inside the zone where Rend was located their information would be available to all brokers and Endgame would likely be after them.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Jericho asked as they stood at the border. “Speed? Stealth? Traps?”

  “Speed,” Terra smiled. “The way I see it, the faster we can get to the front gate the less likely they are to organize a hunting party.”

  “Unless a hunting party is already organized,” Jericho said. “We’re not the only prey in the area. They’re always hunting and we’ll run right into them.”

  “You want to try to be sneaky?” Terra asked. “The longer this takes the larger the hunting party will get. It’s not like we’re hauling a level ten delivery. As soon as this delivery is seen, there won’t be just one hunting party out looking for us.”

  “Good point,” Jericho responded.

  “You’ve been awfully quiet,” Terra said while stroking Jinx’s shoulder flirtatiously. “What do you think?”

  “I say we just walk,” Jinx moved away from Terra, her face turning pink with embarrassment. “And kill anybody who tries to stop us. Slut. Jezebel.”

  “She never lets up does she?” Terra asked Jericho. He shook his head. “Not a big fan of her plan though. So, my transport, my plan. Agreed?”

  “We’re fucked anyway, so sure,” Jericho laughed.

  They each drank speed potions to ensure a strong start as they sprinted off. Normally they’d be using mounts but attempting to mount up while carrying a delivery item would force the player to drop it. The intent was to make delivering items difficult, and Forbidden Arcana was certainly successful in that regard.

  They made it about halfway to the city without much trouble. The normal mob spawns meant to hamper deliveries were easily outrun and the ones that weren’t, were easily dispatched by Terra. But the closer they got to the city the more anxious they became.

  The player killers wouldn’t place their net too far from the city. Once inside a city. players were safe so the player killers needed to prevent them from entering at all costs. The downside of goaltending was if they did manage to break through the net, the goal was right there.

  “Pretty easy, huh?” Terra laughed as they continued to sprint down the road with her leading the way. Her being in front was certainly distracting as her leather armor was basically a leotard leaving her ass completely exposed. Her thigh-high leather boots and long leather gloves simply drew more attention to the exposed skin between them and the core garment. Even Jinx couldn’t avoid staring. “Let’s hope the second half is this easy, huh?”

  “Let’s hope,” Jericho said knowin
g full well it wouldn’t be. The nagging feeling in his gut was telling him it was too easy. Maybe they were lucky and people were offline but it was more likely they opted to tighten the net around the city.

  They continued to run for quite a while and finally, the city started to come into view. It was a large dark city carved from black stone. Its ominous appeal was one of the reasons player killers loved it. Other reasons included its location near high-end farming spots and it was the home base of the assassin’s guild, a location where rangers could learn to become assassins.

  “Looks like smooth sailing!” Terra laughed after seeing the path to the main gate was completely clear. Rend was built on a plain next to a river with the nearest tree probably a mile away so there was nowhere to hide. That was another reason player killers liked the city, they could see people coming from a mile away. “Come on!”

  “Right behind you,” Jericho said relieved not to see a horde of players waiting. He’d already started counting the gold he was going to earn.

  “Jericho,” Jinx growled speeding up beside him. “Something’s wrong. I sense spirits. I don’t see people but I sense lots of spirits. Stupid! Screwup!”

  “What do you mean?” Jericho asked as she pointed in front of them. He quickly realized what was happening. “Shit. Fuck! Terra, stop! They’re invisible!”

  Jericho was too late as Terra took four arrows to the body and a club to her face knocking her back. She quickly bounced back wounded and significantly slowed. She guzzled a health potion as invisibility began to fade from around twenty players circling her.

  “Go! Coward! Wimp!” growled Jinx not waiting for a command as she rushed forward drawing her knives. Her speed garments served to boost her velocity and she surprised one of the men circling Terra by landing a critical blow right into his neck. The next one wasn’t surprised though and Jinx stood no chance. She was fast and precise but that didn’t matter in player versus player, it was about cunning.

  “Look at this feisty bitch,” laughed the warrior while dodging her strikes and dropping a paralysis poison which almost immediately froze her. “Holy shit! It’s an NPC! Guys, Wolf got assassinated by an NPC!”

  “What?” laughed another one as they bound Terra. “I’m telling everybody. That’s so fucking funny. He got pk’d by an NPC.”

  “Dude,” another one approached. “That is one fucking hot NPC. Don’t kill her because I’m going to fuck the shit out of her.”

  “After we get that guy,” one gestured at Jericho who was still trying to figure out what to do. There were twenty, a full squad, Jinx killed one leaving nineteen. A few were kicking Terra who was spewing profanities.

  A regular occurrence with the worst player killers was to let the player regenerate some health to keep the beating going. While a player could escape and return home by logging out, it did result in losing their inventory. Jericho just didn’t understand why Terra wasn’t logging out. They’d lost and there was no way to escape.

  “JERICHO!” screamed Jinx as a couple of the guys started dragging her by her short black hair. The paralysis potion was wearing off and she was attempting to kick and fight. One of the guys punched her in the face. She screamed out crying as the beating continued, “IDIOT! LOWLIFE! BETRAYER!”

  Emotions are unpredictable. A lot of people would say love is the strongest emotion, and it can be. But the reality is that the strongest emotion is the one you’re feeling the strongest at any given moment.

  For Jericho, it began with a feeling of impotence. His feeling of powerlessness in the face of an unwinnable and unfair situation. This impotence gave way to resentment at the unjustness of the world. Finally, his resentment gave way to the cardinal sin itself, wrath.

  And that’s when Jericho broke.

  His magical circuits filled with it, pushing every elemental path within him to their limits. There was no strategy behind his feelings or planning. No mage like behavior and no creativity, just the desire to burn, crush, cut, and shatter everything. He dropped his war staff.

  With a swift motion, he raised his left hand to the sky as a flames rose up creating a wall of fire preventing the men from hauling Jinx off toward the city. With his right hand, he reached forward and clenched his fist as wind fueled the flames doubling the walls size and heat.

  “What the…”

  Before the next man attempting to haul Jinx off could respond, Jericho’s right hand swiped in front of him sending out blades of wind slicing into their armors and skin, but not deep enough to kill them, not even close to deep enough. With a flurry of swipes, he sent out scythes of wind as the men held up their weapons defensively.

  It wasn’t enough. He wasn’t even close to enough, he wanted them to suffer.

  Warriors attempted to approach him but he quickly knocked them back with blocks of stone and explosions of fire and wind. All of which caused enough damage to hurt but none caused enough to kill. Archers began firing but his wind magic was creating a protective shell around him deflecting arrows. Maintaining it normally required a lot of energy but at that moment, it was like breathing.

  “Potions idiots,” one of the warriors yelled as several began drinking resistance potions. “And add fire to your arrows!”

  They were adapting. He didn’t care, it didn’t matter. Only one thing mattered to him, hurting them as badly as he could.

  His magical pathways were refilling with emotion the instant they were used up. There was more wrath than they could take at once, he needed them to take more. Several men who’d rank resistance potions were rushing him with swords drawn. He let loose everything on them, spikes of ice and stone piercing their armor followed by a blast of fire scorching them as they hung skewered.

  “He’s a hacker,” one guy laughed nervously. “Mages can’t do this shit…”

  “It doesn’t matter,” another said. “Just kill get close and kill him.”

  Tears were welling up in his eyes as his powerlessness continued to overwhelm him. Several of them were still beating Jinx and trying to drag her off as the others continued to beat on Terra. He wanted it to stop, he’d do anything for it to stop. Every moment of powerlessness and unfairness in his life gathered up inside of him like kindling for his anger.

  Elemental Overload. The invasive thought chimed in his head as he felt his magical pathways double.

  A core ability of the mage class and considered useless. For two minutes elemental magical capacity is doubled. For any other mage, doubling the capacity for pathways they aren’t even filling would be as meaningless as using a gallon jug for five ounces of water. On a normal day, it may even be useless to Jericho since it typically took him a few minutes to fill a pathway. But on a normal day, he wasn’t so full of anger that it brought tears to his eyes.

  “He’s crying,” one of the guys laughed. “You upset about what we’re going to do to your NPC? We’re going to have lots of fun with her now. Fucking pathetic.”

  “JERICHO! HELP! WEAKLING! CHICKEN!” Jinx screamed as she received another punch to the stomach. They’d attempted to tear off her armor but failed spectacularly as she bit them.

  Jericho rushed forward while releasing his earth pathways launching two enormous obsidian spikes toward the group. One landed, impaling the target. Immediately afterward he raised his hands to the sky summoning ice spikes from the ground. He followed it up with flames creating a mist as he launched slicing whirlwinds everywhere.

  One landed on Terra’s bindings and she took the opportunity to sprint away from the city toward the tree line nearly a mile away.

  “TERRA! COWARD! BETRAYER!” screamed Jinx as boot landed against her face. Jericho launched a dozen obsidian spears, condensed to their maximum, directly at the assailant impaling him.

  Jericho burst forward again, spreading his arms and letting out a roar as a giant spiral of ice blasted out from him freezing the legs of several men attempting to surround him. He followed up by releasing the entirety of his fire and wind pathways creating a massiv
e flaming pillar with him at the center. It rose ever higher into the sky like a beacon and he only released it once those caught inside turned to ash.

  Plenty more enemies remained as flaming arrows came flying toward him, he responded with a thin water barrier putting the flames out as the wind barrier swiped them away. He continued forward toward Jinx several men ceased kicking and punching her to take defensive positions. She stared angrily at Jericho as he started barraging them with pillars of flame and spikes of obsidian to no avail.

  Even with his magical pathways doubled, fighting them was getting more difficult as they consumed various resistance potions, scrolls, and accessories. While they never imaged using them against a mage, they always kept them to defend against elemental traps and enchanted weapons. But he’d managed to push them back. There were over a dozen left as Jericho lifted Jinx up and surrounded them both in a defensive ring of fire.

  “Idiot! Slowpoke! Coward! Useless!” Jinx began striking him angrily. Jericho was relieved that she was still herself. “That stupid whore Terra ran away! Cunt! Hooker!”

  “Focus,” Jericho said as the soldiers began walking through the flames protected by their potions. “They’ve taken elemental resistance potions.”

  “Fool! Jackass!” Jinx yelled while turning toward the men moving toward them. “Do you think they took spirit resistance potions! Moron! Illiterate!”

  Jericho smiled realizing he’d been so caught up in his rage he’d forgotten entirely about his fifth school of magic. He continued to release waves of fire, ice, stone, and wind at his enemies but added another into the mix as he shaped his spirit into a spike and directed toward them. He’d felt Jinx stab him multiple times with hers and knew the pain they’d feel.

  “How’s this feel,” Jericho said while sending his spirit toward the nearest enemy. The man curled over like he’d just been punched in the testicles.

  “What the fuck…” he groaned out before crawling backward trying to catch his breath. Jericho wasn’t going to allow it and raised a series of spikes from the ground, impaling him.


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