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Gigantic Variations

Page 1

by Maxwell Avoi

  Gigantic Variations

  Copyright 2019 by Maxwell Avoi

  All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  All characters depicted in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Changing My Mind

  Christmas Joy

  Crazy Bitch

  Earning Ever After


  Halloween Ecstasy

  Jiggle Physics

  Miss Clicked

  Sparkle and Shine

  Tailored Desires

  Changing My Mind

  Things were murky. I looked around, trying to figure out what was going on and where I was, and the only thing that I could clearly remember was being scared.

  Or at least, that was the only thing that I could remember at first. I wasn’t sure who was scaring me, or why, or where, but there had been a lot of fear. Now I was sitting there on…huh, on a bench, somewhere. It was early evening and I was outside. It looked like a park. I looked around to see what else I could figure out, but there didn’t seem to be anything. It wasn’t that I was all alone; there were plenty of people walking up and down the paths around me. I just didn’t see anything that I recognized. There was nothing to help me figure out where I was, what I was doing there, or who I was in the first place. It felt wrong that I didn’t know who I was, but I didn’t see what I could do about it.

  I stood up, feeling unsteady, and I frowned down at myself. I was wearing a dress of some kind, and that felt wrong too. My breasts, heavy and round, shifted beneath the cloth. There was something wrong there as well. Were they too big? I couldn’t remember, but there was something. Maybe it was that the dress showed off way too much of my cleavage.


  I looked up and frowned at the man standing there looking at me. He was staring, really. Didn’t he know that he wasn’t supposed to stare at me like that? I wasn’t sure why, but there was some reason that his intense inspection of me made me uncomfortable. “Yes?” I said. Even my voice sounded strange inside my head.

  “Miss, are you all right? You look a little unsteady. Do you need someone to call you a cab?”

  I knew what he was talking about, but outside of that I had no idea what was going on. “I…no, that’s all right. Um, thank you. You’re very kind.”

  I wanted to turn around and walk the other way but something held me there. I had meant what I’d said; he was being very kind. He wasn’t bad-looking, either, and now that I was thinking about it I realized that he wasn’t really looking me up and down; he was just concerned. Why had I reacted like he was staring at me? Weird.

  “I just need to…get home, I think,” I said, trying to make myself sound certain when I was anything but.

  “Do you know where that is?” he said, smiling a little. I realized that he was trying to kid me but part of his expression said that he wasn’t totally sure it was a joke.

  I was surprised to find myself tearing up. I said, “I…I don’t know what…I mean, I…”

  Then I was sobbing. It felt good, and what felt better was when he approached to pat me awkwardly on the shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and held on as I cried. He steered the two of us back to the bench and after a while I got control of myself again.

  “I don’t know where I am or how I got here,” I said, sniffling. I was sure that I looked awful. “I don’t know my name or anything.”

  His expression of concern deepened, joined with a tightened mouth. “I bet someone drugged you. Pretty girl like you, I bet you have to look out for guys like that all the time.”

  It felt right and wrong at the same time. I was getting really tired of that kind of feeling. I said, “Maybe? Do you think that you could help me, just a little?”

  “Of course. My name’s Todd, by the way.”

  “Sherry,” I said. I had no idea where the name came from, and I was sure that I had never heard it before.

  “Good, your memory is coming back,” he said. “Want to try to retrace your steps, or head for the cops, or what?”

  “I…don’t know what my steps were. It was like I just woke up here. Is there someplace that we can go where we’re not out in public?”

  “Ah, I mean, my apartment is near here, but we don’t have to-”

  “That would be perfect!” I latched onto his arm and gave him an adoring look, and any further objections that he had dried up in the face of it.

  I held onto his arm as we walked, and for the first time I felt like I was taking steps toward an answer, a future. I didn’t know Todd, but he seemed nice enough. The gratitude was slowly turning into something more, something that felt simultaneously wrong and right. I felt warm, like I was heating up from the inside to a toasty glow. In spite of my confusion about everything else that was happening, I immediately recognized that I was growing horny and that the target of my arousal was Todd.

  We chatted as we walked, Todd trying to jog my memory and me mostly protesting that I didn’t remember anything. I wished that I could give him more. The only thing that I could think of was my body, the only thing that I really owned. Something about it seemed wrong, but it was in that same vague, hazy way that other things had looked out of synch since I’d woken up on the bench. How could it be wrong? I was horny, I wanted him, and he was right there being a hero to me. Of course I wanted to take him to bed.

  He led me to a non-descript apartment building a couple of blocks from the park. I took it all in, enjoying the bustle of people and for some reason feeling very affectionate toward them all. It was as if something horrible had happened and I had come home.

  I stopped in mid-step, blinking rapidly. That’s exactly what it felt like! I said, “I think something happened to me.”

  Todd nodded, looking a bit uncertain, and he said, “And we’re going to find out what it was.”

  I smiled at him. Whatever had happened to me, it hadn’t involved him. He was just trying to help. Driven by the same sort of impulse that had caused me to hug him, I leaned over and kissed him without a moment’s thought.

  Todd stiffened and put his hands up like he was going to push me away, but I didn’t give him enough time. I was done kissing him almost before I realized that I had started, and then I smiled and wrapped myself around his arm again. “My hero,” I said, laughing deep in my throat.

  “Ah heh,” he said. He stood still for a moment longer as if trying to figure out what my plan was, and then he started toward the apartment again. He said, “I’m, ah…not sure that you should necessarily, um…”

  “You’re the only one who’s shown any kindness toward me,” I said. I didn’t mention that no one else had had time to even speak to me since I’d come out of my fog. “Right now you’re my hero.”

  He led me into the apartment building without further discussion. I was glad that he was on the first floor. For some reason I was still unsteady on my feet. It was as if I had never walked before!

  I followed him into the main part of the apartment. He said, “Care for something to drink? Are you hungry?”

  I said, “Maybe some water?”

  While he was in the kitchen he called back to me a couple of times, talking about the list of ideas that he had in his head that would help us find out who I was and what had happened to me. While he was doing that, I slid out of my dress. The feeling of the cloth sliding over my smooth skin
sent little frissions of heat and cold through me, making me shiver, and I purred quietly. I went to a mirror that hung over the fireplace, my steps still unsteady but growing more sure over time, and I regarded myself in the mirror.

  I had long blonde hair that hung in ringlets down to my shoulders, and I had wide blue eyes the color of the ocean in a child’s painting. They had the bright, innocent look of a kid, too, but there was the telltale glitter of the desire that I felt inside hiding behind that. My lips were plump, almost in a little bow shape, and they looked perfectly suited for the job that suddenly popped into my head as I thought about Todd. I licked those lips, surprised when the deep red color didn’t come off; I didn’t feel like I had makeup on, though from the looks of things that was certainly the case. Perhaps I’d had it tattooed on? The thought set off another tiny storm of feeling right and wrong at the same time.

  I followed my gaze downward, past the flawless shoulders and kissable collarbones, by the delicate column of my neck, to my chest. Thanks to the placement of the mirror and my height (another thing that seemed wrong, though I couldn’t have said why), I was only able to see the upper curves of my breasts in the mirror. That was all right, though. I was perfectly able to inspect them without the mirror. They were big enough that I couldn’t cover one even when using both hands (had my hands always been that small?) and they were perfect teardrop shapes. My nipples, also enormous and also not quite right somehow, tipped those teardrops and pointed outward proudly. I hadn’t been wearing a bra, though I seemed to have the briefest of panties on.

  I was startled from my inspection by Todd saying, “Did you want lemon in your haaa .”

  I turned around, for some reason very aware of the way that my breasts bounced and my hips swayed as I did so. Again I felt that strange disorientation, as if I wasn’t used to moving around. I didn’t know what that thought meant. Fortunately I didn’t care enough to worry about it.

  I smiled at Todd and approached, gripping the carpet with my bare toes as I did so. It felt really nice against my tiny feet. Maybe that was why I was so unsteady: my feet were small. It still didn’t make any sense. I didn’t care.

  “No lemon for me,” I said. “Have you noticed that it’s hot in here?” I took the glass from him and drank, slowly, staring at him over the rim of the glass until I tilted it back far enough to let a rill of water slip down my throat and into my deep cleavage. Todd just stared, his mouth hanging open a little.

  I put the empty glass on a nearby table and then went closer, wrapping my arms around his chest so that I was able to look up into his eyes. “I want to thank you for being so kind to me,” I whispered. It felt nice to whisper, almost as nice as it felt to have him pressed against me for something other than comforting my sobs. That woman who had cried in his arms on the bench less than half an hour ago felt like she was a million miles away. I just wanted him now, a soft and insistent desire that made itself known in a thousand ways that felt strange and familiar at the same time.

  Todd said, “You don’t have to…ah, to…”

  I didn’t give him a chance to object any more. I stood up on tiptoe (oh my nipples felt good and strange at the same time when they slid over his shirt) and pressed my full lips to his, kissing as though I meant to devour him. He didn’t take long to move one hand to the back of my head, the other resting on the small of my back as he pulled me closer. I was delighted to find him matching my passion with his own, and soon I was reaching down with both hands to pluck at his belt.

  He led me down the hall in stages, each step marked by us stopping to engage in more kisses and fondling. I went gladly, feeling the heat build inside of me with each touch, each joyful kiss. By the time that we got to his bedroom (small, a little cramped, unmade bed) I thought that I might simply melt right through the panties that I still wore. The faint, tiny tone of wrongness faded as I got even hotter.

  “You’re such a wonderful guy,” I said, barely able to get the words out between kisses. Todd didn’t seem to be in the mood to argue. We worked on his pants together, trying to get him out of them, and finally he was free. Like the rest of him, Todd’s cock wasn’t particularly impressive but I liked the look of it. I liked everything about him. He reminded me of someone, though I didn’t know whom.

  I pulled him down on top of me, delighting in the feeling of his weight pushing me down. Todd was nervous and uncertain but I wasn’t. My body certainly wasn’t. I rubbed against him, my soft skin alight with sensation as we touched, and I wanted nothing but more. He was hard and ready, but he wasn’t experienced and it took us a little while to get him into position. It was a time for giggling and play, which was delightful.

  Then we finally got it right and he slowly slid into me. I clenched down on him as he did, loving everything about the feelings that he created inside of me. The sensation of Todd filling me up evoked another round of familiarity and alienation but I didn’t let it bother me this time. Everything felt so good!

  Todd and I worked our hips together, kissing and cuddling as we did so, and soon he had me gasping. I was surprised by how quickly he had me nearing some astonishing climax, but I wasn’t about to argue with what was going on. I rolled my hips, our bodies slapping together as we got more confident, and there was nothing that I could do to stop myself from first moaning and then yelping as the pleasure ignited within me.

  When I finally came I held onto Todd as if he was the only thing that was going to keep me from flying away. The pleasure was more than that: it was raw ecstasy, both mental and physical, overwhelming to the point where time lost all meaning.

  In the midst of the most powerful orgasm that I could imagine, my memory cracked open a little.

  I remembered a towering building, and me entering it to beg for…for something. Most importantly, though, I remembered why my body felt so strange all the time. I had been a man when I’d gone to that building. I had been fully male, where now there was no slightest detail of my face or figure that could be called so. Something had changed me into a woman and then wiped my memories of anything before my current existence.

  My scream was equal parts pleasure and shock. I had a man’s cock buried in me! I couldn’t reconcile the memories with the current reality, and the shock of it combined with the ungodly bliss that filled me as Todd kept fucking me caused me to fall half unconscious.

  My body had no interest in that, though. I wrapped my arms around Todd and pulled him deeper, and then he started jerked inside of me in short, sharp thrusts. Impossibly, the feeling of him reaching his orgasm pushed me toward another one, and when he came his cry was answered by one of my own.

  The pleasure unlocked a little more. It wasn’t Sherry. My name was Shane. Shane!

  I didn’t have anything else, but wasn’t that enough for now?

  I struggled against Todd’s suddenly dead weight, surprised when he slumped and slid over to the side of me. He was already asleep. I didn’t have time to worry about how he was doing or whether I’d accidentally killed him; I had to get him out of me.

  He came free easily enough, with a wet pop, and I shuddered all the way down to my soul. I now knew that I’d been a guy at some point in the past, and suddenly the vague discomfort that I’d felt with my body made more sense. I knew that my name had been Shane…and that was it. I didn’t know what had happened to me or when, or how to fix it.

  And the only thing that had seemed to help me at all…

  I stared at Todd, the gorge rising in the back of my throat. I remembered wanting him, still wanted him a little bit, but now that I remembered a little bit of the truth I couldn’t bring myself to even imagine bedding him again. I had let another man fuck me. Fuck. Me. It was such an enormous thing that I couldn’t wrap my head around the idea. Instead I turned my inspection on myself.

  My body was flawless and well-designed for the activity I’d just inflicted upon it. I was covered with sweat and various juices, a situation that I might have found sexy had I not been the one doing th
e receiving. Instead I just felt sticky and nauseated. My skin was white and smooth, and my body was overdeveloped at all the right places. I was probably too rounded to be a starlet or a model but my new body was precisely the kind that I had always liked as a man.

  Or at least that was what I assumed. I certainly preferred this kind of full-figured woman to others, but I couldn’t remember any specific instances of either kind. This memory loss was maddening.

  Even worse was staying in this bed with Todd even one more minute. I slowly slid out from beside him and then quietly gathered up my clothing before slipping out into the living room to dress. I wanted Todd to sleep as long as he could so that I wouldn’t have to answer any awkward questions.

  At least it was easy to get dressed again. I didn’t have much in the way of clothing, after all. I wondered why I had been left with so little, remembered that it was very easy to get out of when I was feeling horny, and then dynamited the track on that train of thought before it could go any farther.

  I looked around Todd’s place, couldn’t find anything useful, and finally tiptoed back into his room to dig into his wallet. Being a modern guy, Todd didn’t carry much cash, so I swiped a new-looking credit card. I felt bad about it but I couldn’t wait for him to wake up. If he woke up and I tried explaining what was happening, no matter what else, he would be looking at me with eyes that said, “I fucked that hot piece of ass over there, boys, oh yes , and I’d do it again.”

  I was being unfair but I didn’t have the emotional capacity to be fair about things right then. I took the card, put on my shoes, and quietly left Todd’s life. I vowed to pay him back for whatever I took, and I fled into the gathering evening.

  Most hotels ask for some kind of ID when you check in, and I had absolutely nothing that would help me there. While I pondered the problem I headed for a clothing store. I wanted something more rugged than a single thin dress and a pair of brief panties against the evening chill.

  And, I reluctantly acknowledged, I needed a bra. I couldn’t have these…well, they thrashed around too much, big as they were. They felt bigger with each step, too, which wasn’t a fun sensation. I had not spent much time imagining what it would feel like to have seriously big, heavy breasts, and the reality wasn’t nearly as sexy as I’d hoped.


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