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Gigantic Variations

Page 28

by Maxwell Avoi

  He said, “Are…really?”

  I giggled and reached down to cup him through his pants. I didn’t think that he was that big, but that was okay! He was still super cute. “Really really.”

  Then we got him out of his clothes, though it took longer because I kept kissing him and he kept wanting to stop to play with my tits. Finally I stepped back and started to massage my boobies so that he could watch and still get his clothes off. It felt so good! I moaned and stuff, and it made him go faster.

  Finally he had his clothes off and I went back to kissing him. We weren’t sure what to do or where to go, so I just jumped up a little and planted my awesome butt on the counter behind me. It groaned a little, like me, but it held up okay. I spread my legs wide so that he could see that I was even shaved for him!

  Marcus didn’t wait that time, or stand around asking if I was serious. Like I said, he wasn’t that big, but it was okay. I found out that he didn’t have to be. He just put his cock there and pushed in, and suddenly I was full! It felt so weird and so, so good.

  I rolled my hips without even thinking about what I was doing, and Marcus started to sort of push his back and forth. He wasn’t very good at this but I was really flexible and everything that he did felt amazing. The good feelings got stronger and stronger until I had to just hold on to him while he moved, because I couldn’t think well enough to move myself any more. All I could do was hang on and moan and yelp. Then the good feelings suddenly got a lot stronger, and then even stronger like I’d exploded, and I did my best to keep from screaming. I still made some noise but I don’t think anyone called the cops or anything.

  Marcus made a deep urping noise and suddenly he started to, like, throb inside me. It was the weirdest feeling but I was feeling too good from my big O to worry about the weird parts. Oh, it was just what I’d wanted.

  When he could talk again he said, “Oh my God, did you…really?”

  “Really!” I said. “That was amazing!”

  He looked like he was trying to figure out what to say and finally settled on, “Good?”

  I had no idea why he was so nervous after having had awesome sex with me but I didn’t care that much. I just wanted to have more! I bounced of the counter, my huge boobies jouncing all over the place, and I grabbed his arm. I tugged on him and led him to my bedroom, chanting all the cheers I could think of on the way. By the time I got him here, he was already starting to get hard again, so I pushed him down on his back and did a couple of high kicks and dance moves to show him just how awesome I was. Without my uniform they looked even more amazing! Soon he was hard again and I just climbed on without thinking about it.

  This second time he lasted a lot longer. I bounced up and down on him like he was a pogo stick, my titties bouncing around with each movement, and soon he was playing with them again! It was the best. It was like he knew just where to touch them, or they knew just how to respond! Either way, I lost control pretty early and then suddenly felt the good feelings building up into that explosion again. It felt even better than the first time and I screamed a little.

  Marcus didn’t finish, though he was doing his best to get as deep inside me as he could. It was such a great feeling, I had no idea how I could ever have thought being like this would be a bad thing! I came down after a while and stopped screaming, but he still felt so good inside of me that I didn’t even slow down. When I finally came the second time he was ready for it and he came too! It was so sweet. I really did scream then. I couldn’t help it!

  We fell asleep together, Marcus playing with my boobies. He was so good at it that I had another little tiny orgasm, not enough to make me scream but enough to make me kiss him and make little whimper noises while my body bucked around. It was so much fun to orgasm while I was a woman!

  I woke up alone in bed, feeling very strange. I looked around and tried to figure out why I was naked except for my shoes, but nothing sprang to mind. Then bits and pieces of my sex-athon with Marcus started to sift back, and I leaned back against the headboard and groaned. I was fully male again, fully in control of my mind and body, and I really wished that my time as Xxxplosia had been seared from my memory somehow.

  I lay there staring up at the ceiling, wondering what on earth I should do next. As a mental exercise, part of my brain told me that while I’d been female I’d had different behaviors. I told it to go fuck itself, but it said no, really. Chainsaw Madonna had been against swearing to the point that I hadn’t even been able to say damn, and she hadn’t allowed me to undo her top so I could look at her chest. Xxxplosia had been on the other end of the spectrum, sort of, with that half-drunken airhead attitude that was such a ridiculous cheerleader stereotype that it fit right in to the world of Catastrophe Bounce. The game was so sexist that it damn near came around from behind and became empowering, but it reveled in its crudeness. Marcus hadn’t been to blame; the game had.

  I went back and forth about everything in my head for a couple of days, and then I finally called Marcus one evening. He answered after a few rings, sounding nervous. “Uh, hey, Cory.”

  “Hey. Listen. I’ve got this new game, Catastrophe Bounce Four. I hear it’s got these new jiggle physics that’re worth checking out.”

  “Yeeeah, ah…are you, you know, okay?”

  “Look, whatever happened, it was the character, not me. I’m willing to chalk it up as a learning experience as long as we never talk about it again.”

  “Well cool, but what if it happens again?”

  I sighed. Some very small part of me missed the feeling of big, soft breasts bouncing on my chest as I did so. I hated that traitor part of me but I couldn’t quite get it to shut up. I said, “If it happens again we’ll just deal with it. Now are you going to come help me play this game or not?”

  “On my way. Rah rah rah.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Miss Clicked

  “Quantum shifting nanites ?” said Ryan. “What the hell does that even mean? Did you just pull some buzzwords together from the Internet?”

  Aiko rolled his eyes and snorted. “That’s where we get these things, yes. You figured out the secret.”

  “Hey, don’t get an attitude with me . You’re the one spouting off bullshit.”

  “If you’d just shut up and let me explain it, you might actually learn something.”

  Ryan waved his hand as if dismissing it. “Fine. Go ahead, make sense out of quantum fucking nanites.” Trevor, sitting next to Ryan and sipping a soda, snorted at that comment but otherwise remained silent.

  The three couldn’t have been more different without special training. Aiko was overweight but still managed to pull off a sort of exotic appeal thanks to a Japanese mother. Ryan was short and stout, all muscle and with reddish hair that was already starting to thin. Trevor was tall and slim and dark-skinned, the quiet one of the three. Despite different degree programs and personalities, a mutual love for bad movies and a chance meeting during Freshman orientation had kept them hanging out during the long years of college.

  “As I was saying before I was so stupidly interrupted, my lab made a breakthrough with the nanites we’re working with. We found out that we could cause them to access other quantum states, but only if they had a pre-defined matrix to work from.”

  Ryan and Trevor stared at him, motionless. Aiko rubbed his eyes and said, “They can change things if the things already have a pattern to follow.”

  “Not a lot clearer. Example?” said Trevor. It was a good thing that he wasn’t studying to be a politician; he hated to use more words than necessary.

  Aiko said, “Okay, look. The nanites are able to enter a body and latch onto its cells, right? Gives them a pattern to follow, a structure that they can alter. From there, they can jump to another quantum vibration while remaining here. It means that the body changed but stayed right where it was.”

  “Oh, well, nothing can go wrong there,” said Ryan. “You keep saying body. What kind of body did you guys use? A live one? A human one

  “Well. A, uh, a dead pig.”

  “I’m out.” Ryan slid out of the booth and stood, looking around for the waitress.

  “Wait, wait!” said Aiko. “Sit down, geez.”

  Ryan sat, glancing at his watch at the same time. “Look,” said Aiko, “I’m going to test them myself. I just need you guys to be there in case something happens.”

  “What the hell are we going to do?” said Ryan. “I’m an English major. Trevor’s learning how to run video cameras. If you explode or something, all we’re going to be able to do is record it and then write something nice about you at the funeral.”

  “It’s not going to make me explode. I tested it a hundred different ways, and it’s going to be fine. I need Trevor to film it and you to shut the fuck up about it. I only asked you along because you get all upset when we do something without you.”

  “Truth,” said Trevor, nodding.

  “Screw you guys,” said Ryan.

  “You get all upset when we tell you the truth about it too,” said Aiko, grinning. He knew that he had them. Neither of them wanted to miss the chance to be in on something this historic.

  “No way,” said Trevor.

  Aiko blinked. “What? What do you mean no way?”

  “No way. Probably signed a nondisclosure agreement. Don’t want to screw that up, or ruin a camera.”

  “Oh come on ,” said Aiko. “This is our big chance!”

  Ryan squinted at Aiko. “What are you going to do with the video, anyway?”

  Aiko sighed and looked down at the water droplets from the condensation on his soda. He pushed them into new and exciting shapes as he tried to figure out what to say but he couldn’t think of a good way to spin it. “Okay, um, the school’s shutting down my research. They say it’s too dangerous and that there’s not enough money in the budget to keep me going anyway.”

  He was surprised when Ryan frowned. “Fuckers. You tested this a hundred different ways, right? Who are they to stand in the way of scientific achievement like this?”

  Trevor and Aiko hid grins at each other. Ryan’s dislike for authority was legend. Trevor’s grin fell away when Ryan turned to him and said, “And you! He asks you to do this simple thing, something that’ll make sure that we go down in history, and you refuse because what? Some camera that isn’t even yours might get scuffed?”

  Trevor sighed and stared down into his soda. “School’s camera. I have to sign it out, though.”

  Ryan threw up his hands. “So if it gets damaged just say it was like that when you checked it out, for fuck’s sake. Come on, a friend needs our help to fight the man!”

  “When did you become a crusader?” said Aiko. He couldn’t resist poking at Ryan when he got like this, even if it endangered his chances of getting his friends to help.

  Ryan pointed at him and said, “Don’t you start. You’re the mad scientist here.”

  Trevor said, “Fine, fine. I’ll get it. When?”

  Aiko said, “Well, it’s got to be tonight.”

  “Shit, I have a date tonight,” said Ryan, scowling.

  “I meant late tonight, after the professors have all gone home,” said Aiko. “I can get us into the lab, and the guard’s used to students pulling all-nighters.”

  Ryan shrugged. “Works for me, I guess. I’ll bring my notebook.”

  They agreed to meet at Aiko’s lab and broke up for the day. Trevor went to the Communications department and checked out a camera and some lighting equipment while Aiko and Ryan went about their business.

  Ryan fumed on his way to the lab. His date hadn’t gone well: the girl’s ex-boyfriend had shown up about ten minutes into opening drinks and from there the whole thing had turned to shit. She was still in love with him, he was in love with booze and willing to make time for some little thing with a short skirt, and the screaming match that had followed the discovery of the latter had almost turned into a brawl. Ryan had ended up taking a flailing fist by accident and by the feel of it he was going to have a black eye in the morning. Who knew that girl in the skirt could throw a punch, anyway?

  The physics building was dark when he arrived but he knew about the back door hidden behind the thick hedges; he’d spent enough time in there with Aiko, the one tinkering with machines while the other read or worked on his playwright skills. The door stood slightly open as usual, propped with a brick, and Ryan just walked in and headed down to the labs.

  Aiko and Trevor were already there. Trevor had set up a tripod and a couple of lights and was fussing with the camera. Aiko was sitting on a chair in front of the camera with a long-suffering look on his face while Trevor adjusted lighting levels. Aiko wore only a pair of shorts, and the sight of his pudgy, hairless body wasn’t what Ryan wanted to see after his disastrous date.

  “Holy crap,” he said. “Get a room , guys.”

  “Got one,” said Trevor, not reacting otherwise.

  Aiko looked up at Ryan and said, “Could you tell him that we’re not shooting Citizen fucking Kane here? We’re just trying to get a video record.”

  “No reason to do it half-assed,” said Trevor, his tone serene.

  Ryan just rolled his eyes. “Let him do his thing or we’ll be here all night.”

  Aiko grumbled as he adjusted his machines. Trevor worked quickly, getting levels right on various machines before announcing that he was ready to go.

  When he started filming, Aiko stepped in front of the camera and introduced himself before launching into a fog of technobabble that quickly had Ryan nodding in his seat. He almost didn’t catch it when Aiko said, “And with that, I’m going to start my demonstration. The idea is to change my quantum signature in a way that will alter my body. The nanites will protect and store the impluses in my brain so that my mind remains intact as I change to reflect the different versions of me in different dimensions.”

  He turned and fiddled with the bank of computers next to him. “I have several presets for tonight’s demonstration, and I look forward to showing you what this breakthrough technology is capable of.”

  Ryan carefully didn’t yell at his friend to get on with it. Trevor seemed to be in a Zen state, watching quietly without showing either interest or distress; he could have been asleep standing up for all the animation that he showed. The camera whirred, keeping Aiko focused.

  Aiko pressed a button and then stood there holding on to one of the desks nearby. He said, “The change should happen gah.”

  Suddenly he shivered and his entire body blurred. Ryan sat up and rubbed his eyes but the blur remained. For perhaps five seconds Aiko looked like a bad special effect until he suddenly snapped back to full clarity. Ryan’s friend was gone.

  In his place stood a much taller, slimmer man. He held onto the desk and breathed deeply for a few seconds, pulling in such deep lungfuls of air that the other two were afraid that he might deprive them of oxygen. They had other things on their minds, things like “Eureka!” and “Holy shit!” Even Trevor moved, standing up straight to stare at Aiko over the camera.

  Aiko was no longer even slightly Japanese anymore. Though he was vaguely recognizable as their friend, he was now fully Caucasian with green eyes and auburn hair. He stood there in similar clothing to that which Aiko had worn but it seemed sized for his body. His eyes were wide with shock but he said, “Keep filming!”

  Trevor remembered his role and stooped again to look through the viewfinder. He tilted the camera up slightly to make sure that Aiko was centered again.

  Aiko said, “This is preset one, from just a few dimensions down. In it, my father married someone else and ended up with a son who looks like this. The process is painless, though I have to admit…” Here he smiled, a boyish grin that suggested tousled hair and afternoon football. “…it felt pretty weird.”

  “Jesus,” whispered Ryan.

  Aiko gave him an annoyed look and rolled his eyes. “Sorry about the interjections from the peanut gallery,” he said. “I wanted to have some independent confirm
ation from a few observers who know me well enough to ask me some questions to establish my identity and memories.”

  He asked Ryan and Trevor to start asking questions, and they did. They went on for a long time, perhaps half an hour, and Aiko answered all the questions the same way that he would have under normal circumstances. Trevor and Ryan eventually came around to the front of the camera, introduced themselves, and said that they were convinced that Aiko’s mind was unchanged.

  “Good deal,” said Aiko, giving that grin again before turning back to the computer. Trevor checked to make sure that the camera was still rolling and gave a thumbs-up. Ryan sat down heavily, as if his strings had been cut.

  Aiko tapped some keys and said, “Now we’re going to see another change from a little closer on the probability scale.”

  His form blurred again, going gently out of focus while everything else around him remained clear. When the blurring stopped Aiko was back to apparently being half-Japanese and plumper than before, but this time he had turned into a she. Aiko’s usual plumpness worked well for her, giving her a sort of baby-fat look that complimented her face well and ensured decent-sized boobs. Ryan stared, deeper in shock than before. A distant part of his mind noted that Aiko seemed to have acquired a bra from somewhere.

  “As we know, of course, this is just the change in a single chromosome. The odds that this particular formation would have occurred are slightly better than fifty-fifty, if my friends in the biology department are to be believed.” Aiko gave the camera a nervous smile. “This one feels weirder than the last one, I have to admit, but that’s just a function of my own mind being where it has no business being. Getting used to my balance here…” She took a few unsteady steps and then a few more, gaining confidence as she went until she seemed to have no trouble with walking.

  Aiko went through the same process with the computer several times, each time stepping a little further down what he called “the probability scale.” At one point he found that his new form showed signs of scarring and was much scrawnier than usual. “Outside factors can affect the situation as well. In this probability there was some sort of war that spread to the mainland and got the civilians involved. It’s hard to be more certain about the situation.”


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