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Gigantic Variations

Page 38

by Maxwell Avoi

  Trevor said, “You were great, Jessica, now go shower off and I’ll see Derek out, okay?”

  I walked off, my hips swinging smoothly beneath me. I was sure that every eye was on me. And again, who could blame them? Far from being bothered by the idea, I was totally at ease with it.

  I showered, not spending a lot of time inspecting myself. It was still hard for me to remember that I hadn’t always been this way, so the novelty of my new body didn’t drive me to take a closer look. I got dressed and went back out to find that Derek was already gone.

  “Well I think that went well,” I said.

  “Derek couldn’t stop talking about you,” said Trevor. “That was incredible.”

  “Good deal. I think I’ll head home now. I have stuff to study for.”

  “Yeah, absolutely. I’ll meet you at the car.”

  I headed downstairs and stood next to the car, looking around the area with vague interest.

  “Are you one of the girls here?” said a timid voice. I turned and saw a short, fat man standing there on the sidewalk, staring at me.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I said.

  He held up his hands as if he expected me to hit him, and he said, “No, no offense! I mean, you just look…you’re so beautiful, I thought you might be one of the dancers! Is all! I’m sorry!”

  It took me a moment to understand that he was asking about the club where we were parked. I had never even been inside Absolute Ecstasy, much less danced there. I wasn’t surprised to find that the question didn’t bother me at all. I said, “No, it’s okay. I’m not one of the dancers.”

  He was already most of the way down the sidewalk by the time I spoke, so he didn’t hear me. I turned and looked at the front of the club. He had thought I was a stripper. I supposed it made sense, given how I looked and how I was dressed. I wasn’t offended or uncomfortable at the idea. If anything, I was intrigued.

  I had other things to do, though, and with any luck I would be able to just stick with the photo shoots and make some extra cash that way.

  Trevor came down and we got into his car. On the way back to the apartment he said, “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. You know, the potion’s working so well that I don’t even think that there’s any real reason to be upset.”

  “Huh. So you won’t freak out if I told you that Derek wanted to see if you were interested in going out.”

  “Nope. But I’m not interested, so there’s that.”

  “You really are comfortable.”

  “You’ll see what it’s like. When’s the next shoot?”

  “Soon as I can hook up with another client. Hey, I was thinking while we were in there, is there any way that you can make another potion that’ll turn you into the exact same girl?”

  “I suppose it would be possible. Right now I’m sort of working with general ideas, but it gave a specific effect. I think it’s possible. Why?”

  “Well, I was thinking about our subscribers at the website. If we had a, you know, stable of girls, then they’d get used to them and would maybe request more private shots from a favorite.”

  “Why do I suddenly feel like a pimp?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Please. It’s not like we’re selling their bodies.”

  “Well we kind of are.”

  “It’s not like we’re selling real girls’ bodies.”

  “I feel pretty real right now.”

  “Are you with me in this or not?”

  “Oh, I am, I just wanted to mess with you.”



  When we got back to the apartment I went to my room and changed into my robe again. I still had a couple of hours before I changed back to normal, so I spent it playing video games on my computer. I had done all the studying that I wanted to do, and while I trusted Trevor to stop when I said stop I still wasn’t sure whether I would say stop if he tried anything. This bizarre comfort with myself and everything around me had its downside.

  Finally I changed back, my body going through the same waves of tingles and surges as before. Magic felt strange. When I was back to normal I put on a t-shirt ad some sweatpants and sat back to think about what had happened.

  The weirdest part was that I didn’t feel weird about it. I wished that I had taken a little more time to inspect myself, but at the time I hadn’t bothered because it was so normal to me to have those giant tits and no dick. I thought about asking for some of the pictures but decided that it would just be weird.

  I wandered into the living room and found Trevor sitting there on the couch with Derek. They both had drinks and were playing something on the X-Box that involved a lot of shooting and, apparently, swearing.

  “She was the hottest fucking thing on the planet!” said Derek. It was more than I had heard him say the entire time that I was female.

  “She’s a hot one all right,” said Trevor.

  “Who’s hot?” I said. I went into the kitchen area and poured myself some vodka and cranberry juice.

  “This girl that Trev hooked me up with today!” said Derek. “She was doing this photo shoot, and you never saw tits like those in real life, you know?”

  “A photo shoot, huh? What kind?”

  “The fucking hot kind,” said Derek. “And man, she was panting for it, too. When she was done she was all sweaty, and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on me.”

  I took a sip and was glad to find that I’d added too much vodka. “That right.”

  “Stuck her tongue down my throat, man. So hot. If Trev and the photographer hadn’t been there I don’t know what would have happened. But I can fucking guess!” He hooted with laughter as Trevor blew up his tank with a rocket.

  “She was that hot for you, huh?” I said.

  “Telling you, man! She was a sure fucking thing!”

  I didn’t have anything else to say. I just sat there while they blew each other up and Derek bragged about almost nailing me. The fact was that it was possible that if he’d made a move I wouldn’t have stopped him. That facet of the potion was making me more and more nervous as I thought about it. I’d have to tone it way down or get rid of it entirely for the next time that I went female. I made a mental note to ask Trevor whether he wanted to get rid of it next time he changed.

  Finally Derek left, to wend his staggering way across campus and back to his frat house. Before he left he promised to let everyone know about Trevor’s service, and he passed Trevor an envelope with what he obviously thought was a successful attempt at being sneaky.

  Trevor closed the door and I said, “What a douche.”

  “No kidding. Rich douche, though. He doubled the money when he saw you.”

  “What, seriously?”

  Trevor grinned and nodded. He opened the envelope and counted out three hundred and fifty bucks for me. “Same for me, a hundred for Jean, a hundred for Laura, and that leaves a hundred for supplies and getting the website up and running.”

  “I feel like I just finished a bank heist.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, you were the distraction.”

  I groaned. “Don’t remind me.”

  “Ah, starting to remember what it was like?”

  “I remember everything, including you trying to honk my boob. Thanks for that, by the way.”

  “Dude, you flashed me .”

  “Yeah. I think that part of the potion that made me comfortable in that skin was a little strong.”

  “Great overall effect, though.”

  “Oh, many thanks. So what now?”

  “Now I hunt clients and work on the website.”

  “Rock on.”

  I didn’t hear much from Trevor for the next week or so. It was nice to be able to get back into my studying habit. The events of the weekend faded until I could almost convince myself that I had dreamed the whole thing. The fact that I had the occasional dream about being Jessica again only made it easier to rationalize. The money was nice, though, and it was hard to resist t
he idea of making more of that.

  Trevor found me on Friday and said, “All right man. Tailored Desires is up and running, and we have a half-dozen orders.”

  “Jesus. A half-dozen, seriously?”

  He nodded, grinning. “And a couple dozen subscribers already.”

  I sighed. “I guess we’d better start churning out some content, huh?”

  “At this rate we may need to hire help.” He put his hands out in front of him as if reading from a marquee. “Get paid to be a babe! Half-day’s work, two hundred bucks, no questions asked or answered!”

  “That doesn’t sound like an illegal venture at all .”

  “I have a talent. So you ready to do some mixing?”

  I went to the lab that night and got busy. I worked to alter enough of the “be at ease” part of the formula to make sure that I wasn’t going to accidentally roofie myself or Trevor, and I was almost sure that I had gotten the mix right. There were two orders, and before I left that night I had two vials in my bag, each one neatly labeled.

  Trevor greeted me with a smile. Things had gone well with the website, and he’d actually had to put a hold on orders in spite of having jacked the price up again. “We’re up to six hundred dollars for a custom set,” he told me, grinning from ear to ear.

  “This is turning into a serious thing,” I said in reply. The whole situation was making me feel nervous, actually, but I figured that we could handle it.

  “It’ll be awesome. So are we ready for the next shoot?”

  “Sure. Which one was it?”

  “Hot cheerleader.”

  “Ah yes. I hated making that one. I needed more information to go on, you know?”

  He nodded. “Well, we do the best we can. Small and slim, right? With a nice rack?”

  “Yeah. I went with a C-ish cup.”

  “Rock. I’m gonna go talk to Laura tonight and see if I can score some more smart clothes in the right size. Nothing wrong with having plenty of outfits.”

  “We’re going to need to find some shoes, too.”

  He nodded and pulled out his phone. He made a note somewhere and said, “I’m pretty sure they do a smart-cloth version of shoes. Laura would know anyway.”

  “Sounds like she knows her stuff.”

  “Laura knows all kinds of stuff.” He grinned at me in a way that made his comment clear, and I rolled my eyes as he headed out to see her.

  Trevor barely made it back in time for the shoot the next day. He screeched to a halt outside the apartment and then tore up the stairs. He carried a bag in one hand, and his clothing was disheveled. “Sorry, sorry,” he said as he burst inside.

  I shrugged. “He’s not my temperamental artiste.” I held the vial out to him. He took it and went to his room to change body and clothing.

  When he came back out he was wearing a cheerleader uniform and the body of a slim, stacked Japanese woman with high cheekbones and wide eyes. On her tiny feet was a pair of sneakers that I didn’t recognize; apparently Trevor had managed to score some smart shoes. She said, “You ready to go?”

  “Always ready to see you strip.”

  She grinned and let me follow her to the car again. This time she was a lot more graceful than she’d been when she was the Booty Queen. She also seemed a lot happier with me sneaking glances at her, and even encouraged me once by flipping up her skirt to show that she wore nothing beneath.

  We settled into the car and I started it up. As I drove I said, “Are you okay? I got the mix right, didn’t I?”

  She shrugged. “I feel perfectly fine. It’ fun to be like this.”

  That was new. “Fun?”

  “Sure. I mean come on, look how cute and hot I am. Not to mention being able to do a handstand, right?” She nodded to herself as she watched the scenery go by.

  “Cute and hot, huh.”

  “Oh, what, like you don’t think so? Please.”

  I said, “Ah…”

  She rolled her gorgeous eyes at me. We were doing a lot of that with each other. “It’s okay, Jimmy, I swear. Breathe.”

  “Sorry. Yeah. It’s just still strange, that’s all.”

  She shrugged. “Doesn’t feel strange to me at all. In fact it feels pretty good right now. What did you do differently to this body?”

  “I actually dialed that part of the potion back, the one that helped make me so relaxed. It was making me act strange.”

  “Strange how? I didn’t notice anything.”

  “You were too busy staring at my chest.”


  “Strange like…I would have gone along with anything. The only thing that really stopped me was that I knew that I’d be upset when I changed back, and even that probably wouldn’t have stopped me for long if someone had made a determined effort.”

  “Effort at what?”

  “Flirting or something.” Unlike when I’d been Jessica, I was heartily embarrassed by the turn the conversation had taken. I could feel the blush spreading up my neck and into my cheeks.

  “Man, I should have kept flirting, then.”

  “You’re a bad girl.”

  “I’m just drawn that way.”

  We pulled into the parking lot and I followed her up the stairs to Jean’s. I was almost sure that she didn’t give me any extra show, but the hem of her skirt sure seemed to like to flip up and display her lack of underwear pretty often.

  Jean’s apartment was as usual, and we got right into the shoot. He’d found more props, mostly pom-poms and a rack of bleacher seats, and the shoot went swimmingly. Trevor was completely without self-consciousness, willing to do any shot with a smile on her face. There were a few times that she seemed to be really getting into it, losing herself in rubbing at her next equipment, but each time she shook herself back into focus and resumed smiling at the camera.

  It was incredibly hot. I tried to keep my interest from showing.

  Finally we were done. She came up to me after her shower and said, “You ready to go?”

  I said. “Sure. Just one thing, huh?”

  “Sure, what’s that?”

  I pointed at her bare chest. “Clothes?”

  “Oh. Right.” She went over to where she’d been doing the shoot and gathered her things up. Jean raised his head and signaled to me to come over, so I did.

  He said, “Where do you guys get these girls, anyway?”

  “Ah, I think Trevor’s friends with a lot of different women,” I said.

  He shook his head. “Amazing. I can’t even get a date. And they’re awesome models. They never object to anything, or whine about it being too cold or hot.”

  “Well. Glad you like them? I think they’re trying to break in, you know, so they’re not willing to make too much of a fuss.”

  “Now are you ready to go?” said Trevor as she came over. She was back in her cheerleader outfit.

  “Yep, let’s get out of here,” I said.

  “We have a hot date,” said Trevor to Jean. Then she jumped up and threw her arms around my shoulders, surprising me so much that I didn’t even react when she pressed her lips to mine. I was acutely conscious of her boobs against my chest, and then she was gone.

  “Ah haaah,” I said, trying to formulate a thought. Trevor just giggled and patted my cheek, and then she skipped off toward Jean’s door. Jean shook his head and went back to whatever he was doing on his computer. I followed Trevor down the stairs again.

  I found her standing by the car, staring at the front of the strip club. “How much do you figure they make?” she said.

  “What, the owners? Jealous?”

  She flashed me a grin as she settled into her seat. “Nah, we stand to make a pile. I was just wondering if we should think about getting part-time jobs there.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Trevor shook her head as if clearing it. “Just sounded fun, that’s all. This potion’s a good one.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Is it too much?”

  “Oh, no, nothing like t
hat. It’s just a surprise how…comfortable I am.”

  I hid a start of surprise at her use of the word. As far as I could remember, I hadn’t used that term out loud to describe what I’d changed about the formula. “Well. Uh, good?”

  “Really good.”

  “Well good.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say about it. “So hey, what’s the next shoot?”

  “Oh, I talked to Jean about that one already. He’s ready to do the shoot tomorrow.”

  “Oh. Well, great. Same time as usual?”

  “Yeah. The socialite.”

  “Right, I figured. I get all the tits.”

  She grinned at me, an expression that made my pants feel a little tight. She said, “Hey, mine aren’t that bad right now.”

  “So I saw.”

  “You saw everything. Lucky dog.”


  She snorted and went back to staring out the window. I followed her up the stairs and then watched as she sailed back toward her room. She said, “I’ll be in my bunk.”

  Last time she’d disappeared into her room, while wearing the body of the Nubian queen, she hadn’t made any noise. This time she was a little louder, though still not rattling the walls with her cries. She stuck with low moans that moved to a slightly higher crescendo and then back, oscillating louder and softer for most of the evening until finally they stopped.

  Trevor came out in his normal form, his hair disheveled. He gave me a shit-eating grin and collapsed in the chair next to the couch.

  “Man, I don’t know what you did to that formula, but do more of it.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “I felt like I’d been born that way, but I didn’t have any of that urge to follow anyone’s directions or anything. It was more like…I was free to have fun. I felt liberated. And then when I touched myself, holy shit , dude.”

  “I’m not sure I’m old enough to hear this.”

  “Seriously, it felt like lightning.”

  “Yeah, I heard.”

  “Oh. Heh. Sorry about that.”

  “But it wasn’t a bad thing?”

  “Nope. Loved every second of it.”


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