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Gigantic Variations

Page 42

by Maxwell Avoi

  I got lost in watching them as they murmured and giggle with one another, Mindy doing Cindy’s makeup and then her own. They seemed to find everything funny, which was nice, and they didn’t have any problem with touching one another anywhere as they worked together, which was even better.

  They paraded back to the photographing area and then they started to have a wonderful time. They worked everything they had; the addition of a partner took the entire thing to a different level. They started out doing a sort of a cheerleading routine, though it was obvious that neither of them had ever done such a thing before.

  From there they started to undress each other. The most difficult part was keeping them from tearing one another’s clothing off. I had to caution them several times to take things slow, and Jean did the same as he clicked furiously. It was difficult to get them to keep their hands off of each other when he went to change the memory in his camera, and I found myself wishing that I’d gotten some pictures of them during that time.

  The sight of them playing with one another, completely carefree and enjoying themselves immensely, made me so hard that I had to turn away to hide it. I had no place thinking that I was going to be involved with a scenario like the one that had happened over the last couple of days, though from the other direction. The sight of them playing, though, the way that they kneaded each other’s breasts and kissed one another’s glorious skin, drove those thoughts relentlessly.

  By the time they were nude the light outside was gone. I figured that it wouldn’t last a whole lot longer, but then they started playing in earnest. They worked each other into a frenzy, their hands and mouths feverish on one another, and before long one of them was gasping as her spectacular body locked up in obvious orgasm. Her twin climaxed a moment later, both of them clinging to each other as their bodies convulsed. They came down slowly, gasping and whimpering. They were covered with sweat and breathing hard, and they started to touch one another again with even greater enthusiasm.

  Jean clicked pictures all through their second lovemaking session, and when they came again he moved in close to get shots of their breasts and faces.

  They appeared to be done when the second climax released them. Jean and I waited but the girls just clung to one another and writhed a little. Finally he took his camera back to his computer and I went to get Mindy and Cindy.

  I carried their clothing to them and said, “I think it’s time to go, ladies. There’s a shower in the back room for you if you want.”

  One of them focused on me, and she said, “You want us to take a shower?”

  “Ah, probably one at a time, you know?”

  “Oh. Right. Okay! I’ll go first.” She kissed her twin and got up, heading to the bathroom. She didn’t carry a stitch of clothing with her, and seemed unworried about that. The other one was in the same state. She stood and waited by the door to the bathroom, gloriously naked and un-self-conscious about that. She stood there with her arms folded under her heavy breasts, smiling at me or Jean whenever we looked over at her.

  The first one came back out, shared a lingering kiss with the one who’d been waiting, and then went to get her clothing. She dressed the same way that she’d walked: not caring who was watching. I watched, and when she stood up again she gave me the kind of wink that made me hard. It also reminded me of the sex that I’d had with Trevor, which tended to wilt me. It was a strange combination.

  The second twin came out the same way and did the same thing, all the way down to the wink. I went to Jean and said, “Trevor should be here in the next day or two so you guys can pick out the final pics?”

  Jean nodded, unable to look away from his screen. I could only imagine what was on there, even though I’d seen the whole thing live. I understood now why the last client had paid so much extra to watch me during my last photo shoot.

  “So Jimmyyyyyyy,” said one of the girls as we left. “What do you want to do nooooow?” She draped herself over my shoulders, pushing me into the wall, and then the other one did the same from the other side.

  “I think we should go have fun,” said the other one.

  “Uh, what kind of fun?” I said. It was impossible for me to come up with anything more coherent than that; they were not shy about pressing themselves against me and their abundant physical charms were just as distracting as they had been during the shoot.

  “I think we can figure something out!” said the first one. Then she kissed me, hard, and pulled away only to give the other one access to do the same to me. By the time she was done I was even less capable of coherence.

  They giggled together. Each one took a hand and pulled, and I followed them downstairs. I felt like I was in a dream.

  When we got down to the parking lot it was just as full as it had been when we’d gone up. Either no one had left or they’d been replaced by those who could appreciate gyrating women on a stage.

  The main difference was that people were waiting for us. One of them was an enormous woman, not fat but simply huge. She looked like she was about six-six and monstrously broad across the shoulders. She had a sweet face and giant boobs, and she loomed over the other person confronting us.

  It was the second woman who held my attention. Objectively, she was built in pretty much the same way that Trevor and Laura were, but there was much more to her than that. I couldn’t have said what was so perfect about her heavy eyes or her long dark hair, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Something about her made the twins look like mud-spattered scarecrows.

  “Hello,” she said, and her voice was the most powerfully sexy sound that I had ever heard. It was smoky and sweet, like honey bourbon, and it drifted across my ears like a lover’s caress. I felt the twins take my hands, pressing themselves against my arms.

  “Um, hi there,” I said.

  She tilted her head. “I’m Miss Stacy. This is Bree. I own the establishment you see behind me.” She gestured at the club, Absolute Ecstasy.

  “It’s very, ah…I’ve never been in there,” I said, trying to come up with something useful to say. A lot of blood was being used to keep me harder than I’d ever been in my life, so there wasn’t a huge amount left over to operate my brain. Miss Stacy glanced down at my groin and smiled a bit, the expression just as sexual as her voice.

  “That’s fine, dear. I just wanted to talk to the three of you. I saw you going up to an apartment up there, and I wanted to make sure that everything was on the up and up.”

  I blinked. “What do you mean?”

  She nodded to Trevor and Laura in turn. “It wasn’t that difficult to see that these two are altered. At least one of them is a natural man, and I’m not sure about the other one. I brought Bree along to make sure that there weren’t any problems involving magic that forced someone into a gender change.”

  I opened and then closed my mouth, not sure where to start. Fortunately, one of the girls stepped in. “Trust me,” she said. “This is by choice. I’m having a great time like this, and no one forced me into anything.”

  “Me either,” said the other one. “It was actually my idea!”

  Miss Stacy narrowed her eyes and looked back and forth between them. She finally focused on me and said, “I hope that’s true. I’d hate to think that there might be something going on that would require some sort of intervention.”

  Bree moved for the first time, uncrossing her arms and then crossing them again the other way. Her faintly bored expression didn’t change as her muscles rippled. Given that her upper arms were bigger around than my leg, I didn’t want to have to think about her brand of intervention. “Nothing like that,” I said. “We’re just doing some photo shoots.”

  “And probably having sex later,” said the girl that I was fairly sure was Laura. The statement was so surprising that it actually caused me to take my attention off of Miss Stacy for a moment. Probably-Laura winked at me and then I turned back to Miss Stacy. I gave a weak smile.

  She just rolled her eyes. She dipped her hand into her
bottomless cleavage and came out with three pieces of card-stock. “My card. If there’s a problem, ladies, don’t hesitate to call. And if you’re the one with a problem, well, feel free to hesitate, but I’m still available.” She winked at me and I damn near came in my pants. She held out the cards until I took them, being sure to be extremely visible about handing one to each of the twins.

  Miss Stacy waved with her fingertips and said, “Have a lovely night, everyone.” She turned and walked away, followed by Bree, and I found that it was impossible to take my eyes off of her until she disappeared into her club.

  “Well that was rude,” said probably-Trevor.

  “Oh, I thought it was nice,” said probably-Laura. “She was concerned about us!”

  “I didn’t know that female gorillas could get that big,” I said, thinking about Bree for a moment before my mind switched back to the image of Miss Stacy’s hips as she walked away.

  “Gorillas? You mean the cow-girl?”

  I blinked and looked at Laura. “Cow-girl?”

  “You didn’t see Bree’s horns?” said Trevor.

  “No, she looked like a regular human to me,” I said. “I mean, outside of being ten feet tall and able to snap me in half with her pinky.”

  “Wow. I bet you didn’t see Miss Stacy’s wings, either.”

  “Or horns!” said Trevor.

  “Wings? Horns? I…didn’t see anything like that,” I said. Granted, I’d mostly been looking into her eyes or at her body, but I thought that I would have noticed something like that.

  “Weird,” said Laura. “Must be a magic thing. Ready to head home?”

  I held the doors for them, which made them giggle, and this time they both got into the back seat. I drove quickly, my mind still processing the scene back at the club, and then I hung up on something that Laura had said. Had she really offered to have sex with me, or had I just been imagining things thanks to the overwhelming sexuality of Miss Stacy’s presence?

  The girls were no help. They whispered and giggled to each other the whole way home, and I couldn’t think of a graceful way to ask if I’d heard what I thought I’d heard. I settled for wondering whether I would take them up on it if one or both of them offered.

  After wrestling with the problem back and forth I decided that I would take the noble route and turn them down, gracefully. There was no reason to embarrass anyone, after all, even if they wouldn’t be embarrassed until they changed back to their normal forms. The memory of my time as a woman in Trevor’s bed was still fresh.

  I kept up my virtuous thoughts all the way up the stairs. I even led the way. When I opened the door I said, “I don’t know if you want to head home tonight or not, Laura, but if you want to stay I’ll take the couch and-”

  One of the twins cut me off by pushing me up against the wall with the full force of her spectacular body and then pressing her lips against mine. I struggled a little as the virtuous ideals leaked away, but not enough to actually push her back. After a few seconds she pulled away but the other twin replaced her before I could catch my breath. While the first one had been busy kissing me, the second one had been taking off her top and bra; her enormous breasts pressed flat against me, unhindered by any cloth besides the shirt I wore.

  “I don’t think he thought I was serious,” said the first one, the one who was now stripping out of her clothes.

  The one kissing me pulled back enough to say, “It’s only fair. And he’s super cute.”

  “And everything feels so good ,” said the stripping twin, the one that I was fairly sure was Laura. They were so similar that it was difficult to discern who was who even if I hadn’t been distracted by a half-naked wet dream trying to put her tongue down my throat.

  I didn’t offer up even token protest; apparently all my chivalrous thoughts were nothing more than bullshit. The girls alternated, one of them distracting me while the other took off more clothing. By the time that they were naked they were distracting me by leading me to Trevor’s bedroom and pulling off bit of my clothing.

  I wore nothing but boxers by the time that I hit the bed, and soon those were gone as well. Both of the girls were gloriously naked, neither of them the slightest bit self-conscious. I wanted to protest that they were under the potion’s influence but every time I opened my mouth it was covered by either soft lips or softer breasts, and soon I just stopped trying.

  They were gentle but enthusiastic, and I found that everything that I did to them worked beautifully; there was no part of their bodies that didn’t react to my touch. Often the reactions were spectacular, especially at the beginning. They cooed and moaned while I worked on them.

  I lost count of how many climaxes they had. For a while I kept score but soon they all blended together until I could barely tell where one left off and the next started. I pounded into them, barely noticing when one moaned something about never having realized what it felt like for a woman. Trevor was in the same state that I’d been in when I’d changed, and there was no guilt or worry about anything that we did.

  We fucked and fucked, and even when I couldn’t get it up anymore I was still glad to bring them to one climax after another with my hands and mouth. We stopped moving around one in the morning, collapsing together in a pile of satiated flesh.

  I wasn’t the first one to wake up the next morning. Someone moving around was my alarm clock. For a moment I just enjoyed the sensation of being in bed with someone, coupled with the delicious ache from the sex. Then I actually opened my eyes and found Laura trying to extricate herself from a tangle of me and Trevor. All of us were back in our normal forms. All of us were naked.

  I yelped a little and rolled off the side of the bed. I landed dick-first on a discarded shoe and spent a few moments reviewing the life choices that had led me there. Finally I was able to stand up, covering myself with one corner of the sheet.

  Laura was already gone and Trevor was blinking at me. “Whoa,” he said. “That was a fucking trip, huh?”

  I just stared at him, unable to think of a response. He seemed just as unconcerned with his nakedness as he had the night before.

  “Listen, though, close the door on the way out, huh?” he said before closing his eyes again.

  Either he didn’t remember what had happened or he was a lot more resilient than I was. I found my pants and put them on commando-style before gathering the rest of my clothes and following Laura out the door. I closed it behind me; why bother Trev when he was in a mellow mood?

  Laura had fled to my room; I heard her thumping around in there. I hoped that she was just getting dressed and not venting on my stuff. I put on the rest of my clothes and went to the kitchen to find breakfast. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the night before, but I wasn’t upset. I just hoped that neither of the others were either.

  When Laura came out of my room she was dressed in the same clothes that she’d worn when she’d shown up the day before. She looked tired but I suspected that it was more stress than fatigue. She stood there in the doorway of the living room until I said, “Breakfast?”

  She came over and sat down, taking the cereal box. She fixed herself a bowl and ate it all before she said, “That was…I am so embarrassed.”

  I said, “Well, the potions are designed to make you comfortable in the body that they give you, is all, and-”

  She waved her hand to shut me up and said, “Not about the sex, not entirely. I’m embarrassed that I had sex with a guy that I told that I was gay, and who I told had no shot with me. I…don’t want to send you the wrong signals, Jimmy, you’re really nice and all, but that potion just made me do things.”

  I blinked. “Do you not remember what Trev said about what happened the last time I took the potion?”

  It took her a moment but then her eyes widened. “Oh my God , were you guys serious about that? I thought you were just fuh…uh, kidding me.”

  I shook my head. “And trust me, we’ve all been there now. I don’t think you were in your normal frame of
mind. I don’t think the potion forced you to do anything, but I think that you weren’t yourself. I just hope that this isn’t all too weird for you now.”

  She fixed another bowl and said, “I’m not going to lie. It’s weird.”

  “No kidding.”

  “But I mean…it’s not like you guys are trying to force me to take it, or I’m going to be pregnant. Because I’m not, right?”

  I held up my hand. “Scout’s honor. I included an ingredient that makes the new bodies sterile. Standard thing for sex change potions.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You potioneering students have weird standards. But yeah, okay. It was weird, and I had sworn to never have sex with another guy, but I guess this doesn’t really count.”

  “So you’ll still partner up with us?” I said.

  She nodded. “The money’s good, and now I know what to watch out for. That potion is powerful stuff.”

  “And that’s the toned-down version. I had to cut it some other things that apparently had some other side effects, but it’s working.”

  “What side effects? I’m not going to turn green, am I?”

  “Nothing like that. I mean it seemed like you were both, um, pretty sensitive, is all.”

  She nodded, her eyes widening a bit. “It was like being strapped to a fucking rocket. Every time someone touched me, it was all boom and fwoosh! And it was fun to have really big tits for a little while, but I wouldn’t want them all the time.”

  I glanced down at Laura’s modest chest before I could think about it, and when I looked back to her eyes she was grinning at me. “Take a potion and we might talk,” she said.

  I blushed so hard that I thought I might pass out, and she started to laugh. When she was done laughing at me she stood and said, “Okay, I’m heading to class. See you guys soon, I guess?”

  I nodded. “Glad to have you around, Laura.”

  “This is incredibly weird, but I guess I’m glad I’m involved too. Later.”


  I watched her go, wondering what the next client’s order might bring. At least that I knew that whatever happened, I was sure to be comfortable with the results.


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