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Their Virgin Mistress

Page 12

by Shayla Black

  “Did you like that? Because I certainly did. You have a gorgeous mouth, darling. It was meant to suck a man’s cock. My cock.” He smoothed her hair from her face before lowering his restless hands to her hips. “Now it’s my turn to get a taste of you.”

  When he reached between her legs and slid a single finger through her labia, she gasped.

  “You’re so wet,” he said, clearly pleased, as he explored her tight sheath with his finger. “Don’t move and don’t be shy. Spread your legs wider for me.”

  The Thurston-Hughes brothers had the demanding thing in common. When they turned those dark voices on her, she couldn’t help but obey. In real life, she would fight and argue, but here she wanted nothing more than to trust these men with her heart and her body. She knew sharing a love with them was out of the question, so she yielded her will to Oliver now.

  Pleasing him thrilled her, and she figured that would extend to the other two as well. Too bad that would never happen.

  Oliver pushed his fingers into her pussy gently, delving deep. She couldn’t help but squeeze around it. “You enjoyed sucking my cock. The act made you wet. I could take you right now.”

  He was probably right, and she was eager to feel him moving inside her, but he’d promised her something else. Tori knew she’d have only this night with him so she wanted to make it last before she had to face reality again.

  She needed more time with him. Desperation made her bold. “You promised.”

  His lips curled up in the sexiest smirk. “I promised you what?”

  He seemed to like to hear her say dirty things. “You promised you would taste me.”

  She wanted to know what his mouth on her sex would feel like. There were a million reasons why this was a bad idea. It seemed far too intimate and what if she didn’t taste good? She would be mortified, but she shook those worries off. She had one night and she wasn’t going to waste it on insecurity. He’d already seen her body with all its imperfections and his cock had gotten hard as a rock. He hadn’t turned her away. So she was going to be brave in a way she hadn’t been before and ask for everything she desired.

  “You want my mouth on you? You want my tongue drilling into your sweet cunt?”

  She didn’t like that word, but somehow he made it sound sexy. Her whole body tightened, nipples turning tender and sensitive. She needed Oliver to touch her or she might explode. “Yes.”

  “Then take me to your bedroom. You’ll get on the bed, your arse on the edge and legs spread wide. You won’t hide from me. You’ll touch yourself and show me where you like to be licked and sucked.”

  Tori whimpered. His words sent another rush of moisture pooling between her thighs, deepened the ache of need for him.

  She took Oliver’s hand and led him back to her small bedroom. She’d brought the comforts of home with her so she had to move her big pink dragon off the bed. She tucked the stuffed animal into the closest, then shut the door behind it.

  “A pink dragon?” If Oliver felt any self-consciousness at being naked in her bedroom, she couldn’t tell. Of course if she looked like him, she wouldn’t feel a moment’s regret at tossing her clothes aside, either. He was tall and broad with abs that could grace any Hollywood action film. There was a scar on his torso where he’d been injured by his late wife. The palace residents told the story often. Yasmin had tried to kill Princess Alea and hadn’t cared if her husband had gotten in the way. She’d simply tried to end his life, too.

  “My dad won it for me when I was a kid.” She didn’t want to talk about her parents. The intimacy Oliver intended to give her wasn’t emotional. It never would be. That scar on his chest served as a reminder that she couldn’t fix him. After all these months of becoming friends, the minute they dropped their clothes, he seemed far more like a stranger.

  She wasn’t arrogant enough to think she was the woman who could make the world right for him, but at least they could share this night of pleasure together and part on good terms.

  He’d promised.

  She crawled onto the bed, hoping she hadn’t ruined the moment. It was time to leave her childhood stowed elsewhere. That meant her girlish innocence, too.

  “I want your ankles apart, legs splayed.”

  “That position sounds awkward,” she ventured.

  “I find it quite stunning, actually.” He disappeared from view, but wasn’t gone for more than a moment before she felt his heat. He pressed her thighs wide with big, hot hands as his mouth hovered over her most sensitive flesh. “Whoever did your wax job was very proficient. This skin is perfection.”

  Oliver stroked her thigh and palmed the mound of her pussy, letting his heat sink in.

  Tori forgot about the awkwardness and raised her head from the bed. She looked down the length of her body to find Oliver staring at her pussy like it was some work of art. “My sister talked me into getting it lasered.”

  Piper had given her the appointments as a gift. Yes, little bee stings on her hoo haw had not felt like a gift then, but now she was grateful because Oliver seemed fascinated with her smooth flesh.

  He leaned in, breath hot, and bestowed a gentle kiss on her clit. She had to swallow against a rush of desire that made her dizzy and hope that her heart didn’t beat out of her chest. “You’re beautiful, Tori. A woman like you deserves pleasure and more.”

  She wouldn’t get the “more” from him and she didn’t have time to mourn that fact now. She couldn’t risk losing whatever experience he was willing to give her. “Touch me. Kiss me again. Please, Oliver.”

  “You really know how to stroke a man’s ego, darling. You know exactly what to say and how to say it. You make me believe I’m the only man in your world. I would do a lot to keep that. We’re going to talk in the morning, you and I.”

  A little sliver of hope broke through, but she quashed it. Even if Oliver was willing to try a relationship, it wouldn’t work because she was in love with his brothers, and he’d already shown that he disapproved of their hands on her.

  Her yearnings were selfish, she knew. Most women were happy to find one man to love, but Tori knew if she tried to take the traditional path of choosing just one Thurston-Hughes brother, she would always long for the others.

  She pushed the thought aside. Tonight wasn’t about regrets. “Please, Oliver.”

  He dragged his tongue through her pussy, making her whole body ping with a fresh swell of need. She writhed under him.

  “Don’t move or I’ll stop. Be very still and let me enjoy you.” Another long stroke of his tongue had her grabbing the comforter with both hands, fisting the soft material.

  She lay vulnerable and naked to him. To remain still, as he’d demanded, took so much of her control that she had to give elsewhere. Tori felt her grip on her emotions slipping. She shouldn’t even consider talking to Oliver about a relationship, but as he tortured her with the sweet sensation of his tongue, she wondered… Was she giving up on them too soon?

  Maybe she should fight for what she wanted. Her sister certainly had.

  “You taste so sweet.” He growled the words against her pussy, every syllable rumbling and flowing over her. “But this is the sweetest part of you.”

  With one finger, he gently pulled back the hood of her clitoris and she watched his blond head descend to her. He kissed the pearl softly, then sucked it into his mouth.

  Tori’s whole system overloaded with pleasure. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything but moan and ride out the pleasure as it gathered and swelled, then crested into a wave that had her twisting, crying out, and dying the most beautiful little death inside.

  Oliver laved her all the way through the exquisite sensations, his tongue a torture all its own. Finally, as the sensation dissipated, she sagged against the bed. Before she could make sense of the feelings coursing through her, he moved her onto the middle of the bed, sliding her back across the sheets, and covered her body with his own. He pressed her legs apart with strong thighs and made a
place for himself there.

  “You’re going to feel so good.” Oliver groaned, and she felt the broad head of his cock prod against her. He hovered over her, propping his torso up with his elbows, pressing their lower bodies together. She stroked a palm across his stunningly muscled chest. All she could think about was how perfect it felt to be close to him, in his arms with nothing between them.

  She already felt good. Her body was humming from orgasm, the world seeming hazy and pleasant. She would enjoy sleeping in his arms someday. But the thought fled once she felt him move between her legs. He wasn’t through with her yet. In fact, he was hard again, and she remembered what he’d promised. He wouldn’t leave her sex unfilled like Callum had. The erection he nudged against her said he intended to have her.

  “Oliver, I need to tell you something.” She hadn’t meant to mention it, but now that they were so close, she needed him to know that he would be her first. Maybe it wouldn’t thrill him, but she wanted him to hear that he was special to her.

  Before she could confess, he thrust hard inside her, shoving his way through her tight tissue. She felt something tear—along with stabbing pain. She couldn’t help the strangled scream that came from her throat.

  How was it possible that he’d had to break her hymen? She’d been really active in sports in school. Shouldn’t her hymen have imploded before now? Hell, he was so big, and he’d pushed in with such force. He’d filled her so completely that she couldn’t take another breath.

  All the earlier pleasure dissipated, and she clutched Oliver, praying for relief, balance…something to make the agony go away. She dug her nails into his shoulders and tried to hold back tears.

  “What the hell?” Oliver froze over her, his face twisting in dawning horror. “Tell me that wasn’t what I think it was.”

  The hard tone of his voice forced the last of her pleasant fog away. She shifted, struggling to get used to the feel of him taking up all the space inside her. She tried not to let his words hurt.

  “Don’t,” Oliver ordered in an almost desperate voice. “Don’t fucking move. I can’t….”

  Tori couldn’t help it. He was too big. She felt him way too deep yet still had to somehow accommodate his breath-stealing girth. She gritted her teeth. Tears blurred her vision as she writhed against him.

  His whole face tightened. He groaned, his hips flexing as he thrust in again and again, as though he couldn’t help himself. Slowly, the pain lifted. Heat began to wash over her. Tingles sprang to life between her legs, making her gasp. It was happening. Oliver was inside her. She couldn’t wait to feel the sense of connection, like they were two people becoming one.

  He buried his face in her neck and picked up the pace, faster, faster. A minute later, he grunted long and low, then pressed deep inside her, his body shuddering. Something warm coated her insides.

  He rolled off and stared at the ceiling. “Damn it.” His chest heaved. He gritted his teeth and dragged his hand down his face. “What the fuck was that?”

  Tori struggled to suck in a deep breath, not to cry in the face of his biting anger. She rolled over, wishing they’d pulled the comforter down so she had something to cover up with. The best she could do was turn onto her side so he could only see her butt. She calculated her odds of dashing to the bathroom without him stopping her. “I think you should go.”

  After feeling packed full just minutes ago, Tori hadn’t expected to feel so empty…so used. She hadn’t really expected him to notice her virginity at all, much less be angry that she’d still possessed it.

  “There’s blood on my cock. Would you like to explain that?” Ice dripped from his words.

  She felt him move, the bed shifting under her. She sat, her feet hitting the floor. Carefully, Tori kept her back to him because she felt too naked now. Somehow she hadn’t envisioned lovemaking ending between them this way.

  But it hadn’t been lovemaking. Just sex.

  She wasn’t stupid. She’d known her first time would be uncomfortable, but Oliver had prepared her and the penetration should have been easy. It could have felt fabulous. They both should have been satisfied. She should be lying in his arms right now, feeling adored. Instead, she was cold and naked and alone. “I told you to go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I get an explanation.” He launched to his feet, his hands settled on muscular hips. “Tori, tell me you weren’t a virgin.”

  She stood up and started for the bathroom where her robe hung. She wasn’t having this conversation with him, especially not while she was naked. Something between them had gone very wrong. Until she figured it out, she was covering up and not getting naked for a man for a very long time.

  An ache pulsed low in her pelvis. Moisture seeped from her sore sex, onto her thighs. Oh god…

  She spun around to send him an accusing glare, complete horror threatening to take over. “You didn’t use a condom. Damn you.”

  Tori couldn’t stay naked and near him without falling apart. She strode across the room and toward the bathroom.

  He caught her before she could escape, gripping her elbow. “I wasn’t thinking straight, but then I assumed that, since you have a fiancé, birth control wouldn’t be an issue, Torrance. I believed I was having a mutually pleasurable encounter with an experienced woman. Wasn’t that what you wanted me to believe?”

  He was accusing her of something but she couldn’t quite grasp what. “I only wanted a night to make some good memories with you before I leave in the morning. And you want me to tell you I wasn’t a virgin. Neither of us got what we wanted.”

  “You’re not going anywhere now.” He released her elbow suddenly as if he couldn’t stand touching her. The look of utter disdain on his face sent a chill through her. “I should have seen this ploy coming. You’re quite good. Tell me something. How long did it take you to set this scam up? Who was the original target?”

  “Scam? Target?” How could she possibly be standing here with him, vibrating with anger, crushed by such hurt, when moments before she’d been shuddering in pleasure beneath his mouth? The abrupt shift felt surreal. She’d been more intimate with Oliver than she’d been with anyone in her life, and now he felt like a stranger.

  “Yes, target of your scam. That’s what we are to you, isn’t it? Or perhaps you prefer the word mark. What do con artists call their victims?”

  He might as well have slapped her. “Con artist?”

  “Gold digger, in your case. So tell me, if I hadn’t interrupted you and Callum at the hotel, would he be the one reeling with the notion that he might have knocked up a lying little virgin?”

  Oh, she was so done with him. Tori gritted her teeth. She should have listened to her sister, to her brothers-in-law. Oliver Thurston-Hughes was a wounded beast and he didn’t want to be healed. Deep down she’d known it. She simply hadn’t listened to the instinct that told her he could lash out like a predator and rip her apart.

  “Get out.” She turned away and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it with shaking fingers. Tears rolled down her face.

  “I’m not leaving until we get a few things straight,” Oliver shouted through the door between them. “If you think for one second you can use a child to manipulate me, think again.”

  “I’m not Yasmin,” she cried back.

  She knew his story. Sadly, everyone in the world did. Yasmin’s infidelity and the fact that she’d manipulated him with pregnancies she’d later terminated and called miscarriages had been on the front page of every tabloid in Europe after her death. Stupid. Tori realized she’d been so stupid to think Oliver could be fixed, even for a single night.

  “You’re not Yasmin, and I’m going to bloody well make sure you can’t play her games. Get out here because I have a few things to say to you.”

  “Just go away, Oliver. I’m leaving so you don’t have to worry about seeing me again. Keep your nasty words for the next fool who thinks she has feelings for you and that you’re worth the risk.” Mor
e tears scalded their way down her cheeks. She felt hollowed out, as if someone had taken an ice cream scooper, carved out all the happiness, and left a sad shell.

  She stared into the mirror. She’d wanted to be as happy and as brave in love as her sister. That was all. She’d wanted to be adored and she’d thought for a moment she’d found something special. Those men needed a woman to become the center of their world like Piper was for her husbands. Tori realized that wasn’t going to be her.

  Too late, Tori remembered why she’d protected herself, why she’d held on to her virginity. She’d thought it was a gift to be given to one of the men she loved. She hadn’t remembered that gifts could be opened, found wanting, and rejected.

  He’d been quiet for a few moments, and she hoped he’d gotten the hint and left. She wouldn’t call him or write him. If she was pregnant she’d know soon and she would prep for life as a single mother because Oliver was toxic.

  With a weariness she’d never felt before, she dragged her robe on and opened the bathroom door and peeked into her bedroom.

  Oliver was gone. His big, angry, sexual presence lingered but the man himself had left. She was alone, thank god. She felt empty. Her apartment felt empty. Her future…yeah, empty. She was ruined both professionally and personally. God, she couldn’t even

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