Queen of Clubs

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Queen of Clubs Page 7

by Cooper McKenzie

  Hannah screamed again as the nerves of her clit exploded once more in response. Her entire body convulsed just before she melted into the mattress and the world stopped and then restarted again.

  By the time she was able to do more than simply breathe, Brody had separated from her and now lay curled around her. He murmured soft words her befuddled brain could not make out as he kissed her forehead, temple, and top of her head. It took some time, but finally her mind reengaged.

  “That was…” She stopped when she could not come up with the proper words for such a glorious event.

  “As it should be,” Brody agreed in a soft voice.

  Silence settled until she whispered, “My house burnt down.”

  “Yes, it did,” Brody said. “And after breakfast, you and Drew will go into the city and buy you whatever you need for work since you won’t need much around here.”

  Hannah’s mind was so relaxed, she had a hard time following. Her head flopped as she rolled it to look up at the man. He looked quite relaxed and pleased with himself, though there was still that essence of being in total charge that radiated from him naturally. “What do you mean?”

  “He means most of the time those not in charge run around naked, or as close to it as weather conditions allow,” Drew answered from the doorway.

  Hannah glanced at Drew then looked back to Brody. The cop nodded and smiled, looking quite pleased. “What he said.”

  Her eyes went wide as she looked down at her body. Her naked, totally exposed to their gazes, pudgy body. “But…I…um…”

  “Hannah, you have a beautiful body. So until further notice, unless you are having your period, you will be naked within the confines of these walls. When you go out, to work or otherwise, you may wear a bra.” Even as he laid down the law, Brody stroked her body, setting off tiny sparks all along the paths his fingers took.

  Though she wanted to argue, Hannah bit her bottom lip to keep quiet. This was their house, she was their guest, and Brody was the master of the house.

  “What do you way when your Master gives you an order?”

  Hannah swallowed and licked her lips before whispering. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Brody patted her ass before he released her and rolled from the bed. “I sure hope your presence means breakfast is ready, babe.”

  “Yes, Master, it is.”

  * * * *

  Though Brody wanted to go shopping with Hannah, he was scheduled to work the afternoon shift. Beforehand, he wanted to meet with the fire marshal and find out what the man had to say about the fire. He had a good idea who was responsible, but without proof there was nothing he could do legally.

  After breakfast, he made sure Drew had his wallet and keys before sending the two off to buy their girl some new clothes and whatever else she would need for the next few days. Later on, he would take her shopping for things he wanted her to wear, which would not include blue jeans, sneakers, or underclothes similar to the ones his grandmother used to wear.

  “All right, loves. Be safe and call me often,” he said, pulling Drew into his arms.

  “Yes, Master,” Drew said with a grin. The two men exchanged a kiss that included lips, teeth, and tongues. By the time they finished and Drew stepped away, Brody’s cock was half-hard again.

  “And you aren’t allowed to worry about anything except relaxing. Let Drew take care of you.” He wrapped himself around Hannah as he gave her instructions he knew she would ignore.

  Hannah nodded, but kept her head down.

  “Hannah?” Brody put a thread of steel in his voice.

  Her eyes lifted to meet his and he saw they were filled with tears.

  “Baby girl, what’s wrong?” He settled his hands on her shoulders and leaned down until they were nose to nose.

  “I can’t go. I need to call the insurance company, and get back to work,” Hannah said softly as tears filled her eyes. “I need to see if there’s anything to salvage.”

  “No, baby girl, you don’t. Let me take care of things here while you go with Drew and let him spoil you. Tomorrow or the next day will be soon enough for you to think about reopening the Tavern. And you won’t be able to go through anything until the fire department releases it, which might not be for a month or more. Now go with Drew and be a good girl.”

  “All right,” Hannah huffed. When Brody lifted one eyebrow at her response, she took a breath and released it slowly. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl. Now get out of here before I drag you both back to bed again and nothing gets done.”

  Chapter Nine

  By the time Drew pulled the truck into the driveway, he was ready to tie Hannah down and torture her until she agreed that when he said something she understood it came from Master. Sure, Brody had told her that he was in charge before their left for their shopping trip to the city, but Hannah had apparently not understood what that meant. She fought him on every piece of clothing he chose to buy her. Seemed she thought they were only buying a minimum, not a full wardrobe as Brody and he had already discussed.

  “Go to the bedroom, and strip. Then kneel like I taught you,” Drew ordered gruffly once he parked the truck. He handed her the key ring with the house key singled out so she could unlock the front door.

  Once she was inside with the door closed behind her, Drew pulled out his phone and called Brody.

  The cop answered on the first ring. “What’s up?”

  “Just wanted to let you know we’re home,” Drew said.


  “And I’d like your permission to spank our girl.”

  “Have a rough day?” Drew could feel Brody grinning on the other end of the phone.

  “She argued about everything. She thought two pair of jeans, a package of granny panties and a couple of the ugliest bras I had ever seen were too much to ask for,” Drew said.

  “That was the second call this morning? The one I missed?”

  “Yes, but I pretended I was having a conversation with you. Thankfully she backed down instead of demanding to speak to you herself,” Drew said. “And after I bought her more appropriate clothes in styles I liked, she flat out refused to go into the toy store. Sat in the car and sulked because she felt I had spent too much money on her. Well, that and she didn’t think she needed any toys if she’s just going to be with us for a day or two until she can make alternate living arrangements.”


  “Yeah, she seems to think she’s only here for a day or two, until she can get her feet back under her again. So, do I have permission to straighten out her thinking?”

  “Did you get all the toys we talked about?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “How many times did she argue with you?”

  Drew had to think for a moment. “At least fifteen times.

  “Then you may give her fifteen strokes, as hard as you feel appropriate, and then put the smallest plug in her. I should be home by the time you finish putting her things away and getting dinner ready. Afterwards, we’ll trade up the plug and explain things a little clearer to our little tavern keeper.”

  “Sounds good,” Drew agreed.

  “You can touch and tease, but no sex until tonight,” Brody added, his tone changing just enough for Drew to know this was an order from his dominant.

  Drew sighed. “Yes, Master.”

  “Oh, and babe, stay clothed while you punish her to show your authority over her. Gotta go arrest an asshole,” Brody said just before the phone went dead.

  Drew hoped it was some speeder or a teenager pulling a stupid stunt and not anything dangerous. Though he knew Brody worked in a profession where he might be hurt, or worse, Drew tried not to think of the negative sides. His Master was out there, helping people on a daily basis while he hid at home and wrote stories that entertained people, or so his readers said.

  Climbing from the SUV, he pulled out the bags from the back seat and carried them into the house. Slipping his shoes off at the door, Drew stopped jus
t outside the bedroom door. Hannah was naked and kneeling by the side of the bed. But her position left a lot to be desired. Her legs were pressed tight together, her head and shoulders were slumped forward, and her arms were wrapped around her middle like she was cold. Only it wasn’t cold in the house.

  Taking a deep breath, Drew let his irritation come through as stepped into the room. Another breath in and out as he worked to be the dominant she and Brody needed him to be. “Get those knees spread wide, girl. I want to see sweet pussy. Back straight and hands on your thighs palms up. Head up and eyes on me.”

  He kept his expression neutral as she slowly moved into a better position. Once there, he crossed the room and put the bags of clothes in the walk-in closet. The bag from the toy store he then placed on the bathroom counter. When he returned, he saw she was watching him with a hesitant expression on her face, but a hunger in her eyes.

  “Before we address your behavior today, you will go and wash your new toys. Rinse them well and then use the bottle of cleansing spray in the second drawer. Then lay them on a clean towel to dry. Once you finish return and resume the correct position.”

  Hannah’s eyes grew wide as he spoke but the hunger and need flared even brighter in her brown eyes. She did not move until he nodded his permission. Then she pushed to her feet and scurried past him. Though tempted to give her a swat, he held off. She was going to be sore enough from the spanking she had earned for him to add to it now just for fun.

  He watched as she opened each package, and, after rinsing each item, sprayed them with the antibacterial spray before laying them on the counter to dry. By the time she returned, the anger and irritation Drew had felt on the way home had faded somewhat and he felt able to control himself through the punishment instead of just walloping on the girl until he felt better.

  At that moment, he understood why, when he really pissed Brody off, his Master would put off punishment until later that day, or the next. He had to regain control of his emotions in order to punish for the discrepancy while maintaining control to keep it from getting out of hand and becoming abuse.

  By the time Hannah was once again kneeling at his feet, in a much better position, Drew was ready for her. But, as Brody always did with him, he would teach before the punishment. “You are about to receive an over-the-lap spanking, girl. Do you know why?”

  Hannah’s eyes grew wide as she slowly shook her head.

  “Words. When Either Master Brody or I ask you a question, we expect to hear a verbal answer,” Drew said.

  Hannah swallowed hard. “No, Sir. I don’t know.”

  “Did or did not everything you own get destroyed in the fire yesterday?”

  “Yes,” she answered softly even as her head moved up and down.

  “And weren’t we both told by Brody this morning to go shopping for a new wardrobe for you today?”

  Hannah nodded, “Yes, Sir. But…”

  “No buts. We were told to buy you a new wardrobe, but you argued about everything other than a couple pairs of jeans and underwear, didn’t you?”

  Hannah sighed and nodded. “Yes, Sir. I felt it was too much when I don’t know how or where I’ll be living in the future.”

  “Yes, we’ll discuss that later, once Brody comes home. For now, I want you to stand up and lay yourself across my lap.”

  Drew had to grit his jaw to keep from hissing in need as she settled across his thighs. Knowing how Brody held him, he shifted her until her ass was presented beautifully over his right thigh. “Spread your legs as far as you can,” he ordered, his words and tone rough.

  After she had done that, he ran two fingers down between her legs find the area around her clit and pussy slick with her juices. When she sucked a breath and her back arched, he knew she was feeling the same need he always did when in this position.

  “You do not have permission to come during punishment,” Drew said.

  Using his entire hand, he began to rub circles over the flesh cheeks of her ass to warm it up and bring the nerves to life. Hannah might think herself fat, but to him, she was perfect. They might be throwbacks, but he and Brody both preferred women who weren’t stick figures, but had womanly curves and flesh that bounced and jiggled when it was played with. Lifting his hand, he began her punishment.

  Slap, slap.

  A bright pink handprint appeared in the center of each cheek. Hannah cried out, arching her back, and wiggling her hips in response to the sharp pain.

  Drew used his left arm to hold her in place as he continued, spreading the punishment strokes all over her flesh, one on each side. By the time he finished with number fifteen in the center of her sit spot, both ass cheeks were a nice raspberry pink color.

  Swallowing hard to keep his own tears at bay, Drew said softly, “Apologize, girl.”

  “I…I…I’m sorry, Sir,” came the watery answer just before she broke down and cried.

  “Forgiven,” Drew said. Lifting her from his lap, he laid her beside him, so her body rested on the bed with her legs hanging off, and her ass sticking out over the edge. “Stay right there, sweetheart.”

  After leaning over and placing a kiss in the center of each ass cheek, he rose and walked to the bathroom. Picking up the smallest of the butt plugs he had bought that afternoon, he shook off the last drops of water and cleanser then returned to the bathroom. He retrieved the large bottle of lube from the nightstand and slicked up the plug before moving to stand behind their girl. She had not moved, but the crying had tapered off to an occasional sniffle or hiccup.

  “I know you’ve read erotic romance and BDSM stories, haven’t you?” he asked in a conversational tone, wanting to keep her off balance for the next few minutes.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. With her head turned to the side and her eyes closed, he watched as her face turned as bright a pink as her ass.

  “Then you understand what I mean when I say present yourself?”

  “Umm, not really,” she admitted softly.

  He smiled to himself. She wasn’t going to like the next few minutes, at first, but he had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before she loved it. “Present yourself, when you are in this position, means you spread your legs wide, yes, like that. Then you reach back with both hands and pull your ass cheeks apart.”

  He could almost see the wheels spinning as her legs slowly slid away from one another. After a minute, he made an impatient sound and her hands began to slide down the bed. She sucked at the pain as her hands slid across her tender flesh and finally did as instructed.

  And there it was, her little pink pucker, winking at him as she fought herself as to whether or not to clench the muscles.

  Stepping closer, he ran his free hand up and then back down her spine. “Deep breath, sweetheart. For this next part you are going to have to relax and go with it.”

  He waited until she took several deep breaths and her body seemed to settle deeper into the mattress. Things tightened up again when he stroked around her star with one greased finger, but he waited, sliding the tip of his finger around and around the back hole. He smiled when he saw both inner thighs were wet with what had to be overflow from her pussy. Feeling her relax once more, he introduced the tip of the plug at her back hole, and like a guided missile did not stop its advancement until it was fully seated.

  She reared up and looked over her shoulder at him. “What was that?”

  “Just a little butt plug to help loosen up your muscles. Now come on, we have to get your new clothes detagged, and in the washer, then start dinner before Brody gets home.”


  “You’ll wear the plug until Master says different,” Drew said, cocking one eyebrow higher when it looked like she was going to argue.

  Wisely, she took a breath and nodded as she sighed, “Yes, Sir.”

  He stepped back, wiping his hands on a wet washcloth as she slowly rose from the bed. She turned to face him, her eyes glued to the prominent bulge pressing at the front of his jeans. “Sir?”

  “When do you fuck me?”

  Chapter Ten

  By the time Brody walked in the front door, Hannah was not sure she wanted to play BDSM games any longer. She had a stick up her butt, her entire body was one ginormous explosion waiting to happen, and Drew refused to spark the very short fuse it would take to get her an orgasm. The fact that he was walking around with a hard-on pressing at his jeans, and looked as miserable as she felt did not matter. Nothing would happen until Brody returned from work.

  Which, due to an accident on the highway at the edge of town twenty minutes before he was to get off, was three hours late. By then, Hannah was on the verge of crying, or screaming, or tearing someone’s hair out.

  She needed the plug out of her ass.

  She needed to be cuddled.

  She needed to be fucked into the mattress until she was reduced to a pile of goo.

  Brody came through the door and the only thing keeping her from launching herself into his arms was the fact that Drew had put her in the slave position in the entry hall twenty minutes earlier with the warning that she would be spanked, again, and not come for at least a full day, if she moved.

  So she sat, naked, silent, and wondering if this kind of treatment was what she really wanted. A long, moan-filled embrace was exchanged, which she could not fully witness because, though she looked up as far as she could without moving her head, she only saw to Brody’s waist. But she did that both men had erections pressing against the zippers of their pants. But, were they for her, or for each other?

  Finally, the two men parted and turned their attention to her. The arousal that had been dogging her took a turn as her frustration grew.

  “So, baby girl was bad today,” Brody said, his words not a question but a statement of fact.

  “Yes, Master,” she answered after a handful of seconds when it finally hit her that he was waiting for a response. It took that long to be able to swallow down the snarky, “Duh,” that wanted to come out.


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