Queen of Clubs

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Queen of Clubs Page 8

by Cooper McKenzie

  “Drew spanked you and put a plug in your ass.”

  Another breath. “Yes, Master.”

  “Are you horny, baby girl?”

  Though she heard the smirk in his voice, she took a breath and tried to hold onto her temper, which was flaring and about to explode. “Yes, Master,” she finally answered between teeth gritted tight.

  “And now you’re pissed. Why?”

  Rolling her lips over her teeth, she shrugged in response. While there were many things she did not understand about this lifestyle, the one thing she did know was that a submissive did not scream at, or smack around, a dominant at any time, most especially after a punishment.

  Tears filled her eyes. Where did they come from? And why was she shaking like a leaf in a high wind?

  “Hannah?” A hand cupped the side of her face and then fingers slid under her chin, forcing her to look up into the faces of two men she had thought she loved, but after this afternoon wasn’t sure how she felt toward them. “What’s wrong?”

  Instead of answering verbally, because she was afraid to open her mouth, Hannah shook her head, turning away from the gentle touch that seemed to be just inflaming the anger and hurt that swirled within her. Dropping her head, she saw her hands fisted on her thighs, but she could not seem to get them to relax and return to the flat, palm up relaxed position Drew had told her they should be.

  “Get her something to wear,” she heard Brody order before strong arms wrapped around and picked her up from the floor. Once again, she was impressed by the big man’s strength.

  By the time he settled on the couch with her on his lap, Drew had returned. Between them, the two men pulled the oversized T-shirt over her head and down to cover her body. When Brody pulled her to rest against him, Hannah did not relax into him.

  She couldn’t.

  She needed to be strong in order to figure out why she was filled with all this anger and resentment. Just because they both had clothes on and she hadn’t? Or was it because Drew had spanked her? Because she needed to get fucked in the worst way? What was it that made her want to scream and yell and strike out at these two men?

  “Hannah? Tell us what’s wrong,” Brody ordered, his tone liberally laced with threads of power that always melted her will and made her jump to do his bidding.

  Surprising herself probably more than them, she launched herself off Brody’s lap and began to pace in front of the couch where the two men sat side by side.

  Finally, after three laps across the living room, she threw her hands up in the air and the emotional volcano spewed. “I don’t know what’s wrong. Everything is balled up inside me and feels all wrong. I know I shouldn’t be angry at Drew for spanking me. I shouldn’t be upset with you for coming home late. I shouldn’t resent the plug in my ass that has me so aroused I hurt. But I do. I’m angry and resentful and stressed and need to come so damn bad I can’t think.”

  Chuckling from the couch stopped her rant. Turning to face them, she narrowed her eyes. “What the hell are you laughing at? I’m not sure I can do this, and you’re laughing at me? Great ego stroking the new kid, guys,” she said in a growly voice.

  Turning toward the front door, she decided to hell with more clothes, she would walk back to the Tavern as she was. A three-mile walk on a cold night just might cool her off enough to think straight.

  She had taken her third step toward the bedroom when thick arms wrapped around her middle and lifted her off her feet. “Sorry, baby girl, but you’re not going anywhere until we work this out,” Brody said softly in her ear.

  Instead of taking her back to the couch, Brody carried her down the hall to the bedroom. After placing her in the center of the bed, he looked at Drew who followed. Without saying a word, the two men began to undress. In less than a minute, both men were down to nothing but their boxers. Then the two men crawled onto the bed on either side of her.

  Once there, they pulled her with them until they were lying with their heads on the pillows and looking at the ceiling. There was at least a foot of space between them, and Hannah did not like it, though this was yet another thing she could not figure out. Until now, she had never thought her herself as a touchy-feely sort of person, but something about these two made her want to demand they cuddle with her, pet her, touch her all the time.

  “Why shouldn’t you feel all those things?” Drew asked as his fingers intertwined with hers. “I felt the same way after my first punishment. Resentful and stressed and not sure I would ever be able to live up to Brody’s expectations, mostly because I didn’t fully understand what he wanted from me. Is that how you’re feeling, sweetheart?”

  Hannah thought a moment before nodding. “Yes, that’s exactly how I’m feeling. Like I’m stumbling around with a blindfold on and you’re sitting back, watching me trip over steps and fall into walls without warning me there was anything in my path.”

  “Good analogy, but wrong,” Brody said as his hand cupped around her fist. “We aren’t waiting for you to fuck up. We’re here to guide you, to lead you up the steps and through the doorways but you have to let go of your need to do everything alone, and trust us to help.”


  “When I sent you two shopping today, we all knew you needed more than a couple of pairs of jeans and some underwear. When you fought with Drew on buying more, or better, or nicer, or whatever else you were fighting, you were not allowing him the pleasure a Dom receives when he takes care of his submissive. The plug and frustrated arousal are partly my fault for coming home late. I should have called and had Drew trade out plugs a couple of hours ago.”

  Like pieces of a puzzle coming together, Hannah began to see the light. And the rebellious anger and stress at not being good enough fizzled away like air leaking out of a balloon until all that was left was the need. Then Brody’s last statement sunk home.

  “Trade out plugs?” Hannah asked.

  “Yes, in fact, we need to do that now. Babe.” He turned to the silent man on the other side of her.

  “Yes, Master,” Drew said and rolled off the bed.

  Hannah wasn’t sure she wanted to know what was happening, but asked anyway. “Trade the plug out for what?”

  “A bigger one, sweetheart. And later we’ll put in an even bigger one. We are not small men, and we need to stretch those muscles so you can take us together.”

  Hannah blinked.

  Then she swallowed hard.

  Then she opened her mouth to argue, only to close it again when she realized she could not argue with the man’s logic.

  Turning her head, she looked at Brody. “After you trade out the plug, then will someone please fuck me, Master?”

  * * * *

  Brody could not help but chuckle at the hopeful expression on Hannah’s face. “I take it you’re not ready to give up on the submissive lifestyle yet?” he asked, purposely not answering her question as he reached for the lube that was sitting on the nightstand.

  Hannah shrugged and grinned. “Let’s see how I feel after you fuck me into the mattress.”

  By the time Drew returned with the new plug, Brody had her positioned to one side of the bed with her hips up on two pillows and her legs bent and out of the way. As if they had rehearsed it, Brody spread lube all over the bigger plug that, from where Hannah was, looked waaay too big. Meanwhile Drew climbed onto the bed and settled on his knees with his cock just inches from her pussy.

  She gasped when Drew reached down and began to fuck the little plug in and out. Hannah could not help but moan a protest when he pulled the plug out. She squealed a moment later when the larger, colder plug bullied its way through the same hole until the base pressed against the skin around her pussy.

  “Breathe, baby girl, deep breaths,” Brody said as he finished stripping and climbed onto the bed.

  She tried to follow his instructions, but the burn in her ass combined with the knotted up, too-tight feel of her clit made it difficult. Watching Brody roll a condom down the thick fullness of
his cock did not help her any. “Please,” she panted. “Somebody please fuck me.”

  “No,” Brody answered flatly as he reached for her wrists and efficiently wrapped leather cuffs around them, which he then hooked together and then connected to a short chain attached to the further side post above her head. “Subbies do not get pleasure so soon after punishment, especially after trying to top from the bottom. But since you’re in such a state, I will allow you to watch while I fuck Drew. If you can get off, you’ll feel better. Otherwise you’ll be in for a long night.”

  Stunned by his refusal and confused by the rest of his words, Hannah simply watched as Drew turned on a lamp across the room before turning off the overhead light. After turning on the small CD player by the bed, he began to dance around the room.

  His fluid movements just turned Hannah on more. With her nipples aching and her clit throbbing, she knew it would only take a stroke or two of a finger, tongue, or cock to send her flying.

  But that was not to be.

  By the time the first song ended, Drew was naked and kneeling by the side of the bed in a perfect slave position. Hannah was jealous. He looked so beautiful, with his golden skin, and muscles rippling in the golden light as he sat and simply breathed.

  Finally, Brody shifted and rose from the bed. He ruffled Drew’s long black strands as one would a child. “On the bed, on all four,” he finally ordered, breaking a silence that to Hannah felt like cracked glass, one more touch and it would shatter.

  Or was that just her?

  Drew scrambled up onto the bed, taking his place a foot from where Hannah lay, unable to move anything except her legs, which would do her no good, unless she wanted to kick the men for being, well, men. Her body coiled tight, she watched as Brody climbed onto the bed, a bottle of lube in one hand while stroking his hard cock with the other.

  Chapter Eleven

  Drew rested his body on elbows and knees, his head bowed, hair hiding his face from Hannah, and his eyes closed. Having been in her position before, he knew she was probably hurting, but he could not, would not, do anything about it. Brody was in charge, for which he was eternally grateful as if it were up to him, he would fuck their girl long and hard, just to watch her fall apart in the orgasm that he figured was only a touch or two away.

  He sucked a sharp breath when he felt fingers, cold with icy slick, at his back hole. Focusing on his breathing, he relaxed everything below his waist. He had been with Brody long enough to know this was going to be quick. Everyone was too aroused for it to be anything but fast and hard.

  Less than a minute after one finger slipped through his muscled ring, a second one joined it. He had barely relaxed from two when number three was added, and the burn began all over again.

  “Look at her, babe. Have you ever seen such a beautiful sight as our baby girl in a snit?” Brody asked as his fingers began to slide in and out, twisting and scissoring to stretch him even further.

  Drew pulled his brain out of his ass and turned his head. Hannah lay stretched out beside them, her breasts plumped up, her thighs pressed together, tears of unanswered frustration in her eyes. “She’s beautiful, Master,” he whispered, fighting to hold still as Brody added more lube and a fourth finger. Drew panted and fought the urge to come which had been with him since finger two had slipped into him.

  “Yes, she is. And so are you. So very gorgeous,” Brody said as he finally pulled his fingers out and fit the tip of his cock into Drew’s now loosened hole.

  Closing his eyes once more, Drew gave himself over to Brody’s handling as the big man’s cock tunneled into him until he felt the heat of Brody’s pelvis against his ass cheeks. Brody stilled for just a moment, rubbing a hand up and down Drew’s spine, giving him a moment to adjust, before he wrapped both hands around Drew’s hips.

  “Fast and hard, babe,” Brody said as he pulled his cock back until only the head remained.

  Drew nodded his understanding even as he tried to prepare himself. None of them had the control to take anything slow and easy tonight. Turning his head once more, he watched Hannah’s reaction as Brody began to piston in and out of him. Her eyes were wide, her jaw lax, but her nipples were deep pink with arousal, and he could see her juices glistening on her thighs.

  Being around Hannah all day and then punishing her had his body in a state of readiness that after only a half dozen strokes of Brody’s cock, he had to grit his teeth to keep from coming before Master allowed.

  Three more strokes and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold the tidal wave back much longer. “Master,” he whimpered.

  “Hold it, babe,” Brody replied through gritted teeth. “Hold it…hold it…now, babe. Come with me, now.”

  Drew cried out as his balls clenched and forced his semen up his cock and out the tip at a rate that had the first stream hitting his chin. He barely heard Brody’s roar behind him, or the whimpering gasps of the woman lying beside him. His ass muscles locked down, holding Brody deep inside as his entire body shook with the powerful orgasm.

  It took a while for his body to relax enough to allow Brody to withdraw. Even then he could not move, even to collapse on the bed. He stayed in that position, on elbows and knees, head down, and oblivious to the world, until Brody returned and cleaned him up. Only after his Master climbed back into bed did he fall over to lie facing Hannah. Brody snuggled up against his back and wrapped an arm around his middle.

  “Did you come, sweetheart?” Drew asked, reaching out and running his index finger down her wet cheek.

  She nodded. “I don’t know how, but I did.”

  “You gave in to Master’s order to come,” he explained. “It’s happened to me before, there’s no way I could possibly have gotten off, except that he demanded I do, and my body responded to his order.”

  Hannah looked thoughtful as she nodded.

  “Master, may I release her now?” he asked softly.

  “Do you feel she’s earned it, babe? It was your punishment,” Brody said.

  Drew nodded as he reached up and unhooked the cuffs from the chain. Then he released the cuffs and tossed them to the floor before pulling Hannah into his embrace.

  The anger that had radiated from her earlier was gone, replaced by a repentant spirit. “I’m sorry,” she said as she buried her face into his chest. “I think I understand now.”

  “I’m sure we’ll be doing this again,” Brody said as his arm left its hold on Drew and patted Hannah’s side. “The biggest requirement of any relationship is communication. Most people keep everything bottled up then all at once spew, and hurt everyone around them with anger they’ve been holding onto for years. If they would talk about things as they come up then maybe there would be fewer divorces, suicides, and crazy rampage killers in the world.”

  “Yes, Master,” Drew said on a yawn. “Can we go to sleep now?”

  “Yes, my loves. It is past time for sleep.

  * * * *

  Hannah woke when someone touched her. It wasn’t a panicked waking because she knew it was either Brody or Drew. Before she knew what was happening, her hips lifted, and a pillow slid beneath them. Then her legs were rearranged until her knees touched the outside of her breasts. Opening her eyes, she looked around. The dim gray light of predawn showed around the curtains and provided just enough light to see Brody kneeling beside her shoulder with Drew between her legs.

  “Relax and enjoy, sweetheart,” Drew said softly as he pushed his cock into her pussy.

  With her lower body propped up and folded in half, and her legs pushed up and to the sides of her body, she could not move. All she could do was lie back and enjoy the slow, easy, in and out slide of Drew’s cock. When something warm and wet touched her cheek, she turned to find Brody’s one-eyed python staring at her.

  “Open, baby girl,” he ordered even as she parted her lips and took him deep into her mouth. Closing around him, she could not help but hum at the tangy taste of pre-cum as it coated her tongue.

  Between the plug i
n her ass and Drew’s thick cock in her pussy, it only took a few strokes for the arousal that remained from the day before to wake up and quickly spiral out of control. She panted and moaned and whimpered around Brody’s cock, trying to suck on him while still keeping air flowing in and out of her own lungs.

  When two hands began to play with her breasts while a third slipped down to squeeze her clit, any concentration she had splintered. Her two men shoved her over the mountain’s peak and into an orgasm so powerful that all she could do was accept their loving. One cock thrust in and out of her mouth while the other powered in and out of her pussy faster and harder.

  The plug in her ass added another layer of arousal, taking her even higher on her climb up until she flew over the top. She came and came and came, their touches and loving and murmured words of assurance and approval and love keeping her orgasm rolling through her, back and forth then back once again.

  Finally, the men grew rough, their bodies less coordinated as they thrust into her. She managed to close her lips around Brody’s cock and suck just as he came. She swallowed down his release then managed to lick him clean before her body refused to cooperate any longer. As Brody was filling her mouth, she felt the heat as Drew filled the condom that separated them.

  She made a pouty noise when he eased out and left the bed. She didn’t want him to go, she wanted them to stay connected forever and ever. Brody settled down beside her, pulling her to rest against his chest while Drew cleaned her up. After tossing the washcloth toward the bathroom, he climbed up on the other side and moved in as close as he could.

  “Feel better?” he asked softly.

  “Mmm-hmmm,” she sighed, her head flopping on her neck so she could give him a smile. “Sooo goood.”

  He returned her smile with one of his own before leaning close and giving her a soft kiss. “I’m glad.”

  “Don’t go back to sleep, my loves. We’re meeting with Carter and the fire chief in three hours. Seems they think they found something yesterday afternoon that might help us figure out who burnt down your house and garage.”


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