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Page 18

by Liza James

  It’s moments like this, when I’m achy and craving Elijah that I wish I had her strength. I wish I could just move on to someone else, like Camden, who has shown every kindness and interest in me since we met.

  We’re all going out tonight, to some bar that Stella has picked out. She also picked out our outfits and honestly, I’m not sure where the fuck she got this shit. I’m about to tell her she can pack it up and toss my outfit in the trash because there is no way in hell I’m leaving the house like this.

  I look in the mirror, turning myself around to inspect the skin-tight, black latex dress she got me. That’s right, it’s fucking latex and clings to every single curve on my body. It’s short, ridiculously short and cuts off right underneath my ass. The back is cut down to a deep V and the straps cross into an X in the front before shaping and framing my large chest.

  “Stella. What the fuck is this?” I ask, turning around and around as I try to process what I’m wearing. She’s in the bathroom, getting into her own outfit, so she yells out the door at me. “It’s a fucking dress, Lun. What does it look like?”

  “It looks like lingerie. Spank me lingerie, whip me kind of lingerie,” I state dryly, but the description has my mind instantly drifting to Elijah. Imagining his tattooed hands around my neck and in between my legs while I’m wearing this.

  “Exactly. And you’ll pull it off like the icon you are.” Stella steps out of the bathroom casually, like it’s just another day but suddenly, I’m all too thankful for the clearly modest dress she picked out for me.

  “Holy, fuck. Stells,” I breathe out as she glances up at me innocently. Her bright blue doe eyes sparkle with mischief, like she knows exactly what she’s doing.

  I take in her outfit, observing the flashy, fire engine red latex. It’s a series of thick and thin straps that cross and tie up and down her frame, showing peeks of her alabaster skin underneath, over various parts of her body.

  She walks to the mirror, looking herself over with mild interest. She knows she looks amazing. And with all the training we’ve been doing with the guys, our bodies have tightened and toned in all the best places. I can definitely appreciate that.

  “No way. You’re not wearing that around Elijah and Camden,” I joke, but in all truth, I am a little nervous about them seeing her like that.

  “Please, I could walk out completely naked and Elijah wouldn’t even glance my way. And Camden is just a distraction for you. Admit it,” she scoffs as she turns around to gather her things so we can leave.

  My heart selfishly swells at her clear dismissal of Elijah, but guilt pools in my mind over her Camden comment. “I like Camden,” I say quietly, as if I’m trying to convince myself more than Stella.

  Her head shoots up and she smirks at me, she knows I don’t feel the same way about him as I do for Elijah. It’s impossible, I simply can’t. Especially after what we both saw from each other a couple of weeks ago. He witnessed my darkest moments and I experienced his. As much as I hated the fact that he saw everything, he knew now and I couldn’t take it back. Whatever this is between us is bigger and more powerful than I anticipated.

  Stella saunters over to me and lays a complacent kiss on my cheek, “Whatever you say, Lun.”

  She steps towards the door, holding it open for us both to leave and I pause for a moment, considering changing my outfit.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it, you’re about to drive those men crazy.” With her harsh demand, she reaches forward and grabs my hand, pulling me out before I have a second chance to change my mind.

  “Stella, shit. Wait—” I start as I try to maintain my balance on the glossy black heels she brought me.

  “Hello, boys.” Her voice turns silky sweet and mesmerizing as my head shoots up to glance down the staircase. Nathanial, Elijah and Camden are all standing there, eyes turned up towards us with gazes that are literally on fire. Every single one of them. I feel a hot flush work its way up my neck and into my cheeks, my skin breaks out in goosebumps all across my shoulders and my arms as I avoid their stares.

  “I should have changed,” I mumble to Stella as she takes my hand and we both step down the staircase. Stella is all lethal grace and sexual charm while I’m nervously watching the floor and refusing to make eye contact. God, when the hell did Stells get like this? How did I miss this part of her?

  “They want to eat you up, tasty Luna. Believe me, it was well worth it,” she mumbles back, a playful giggle in her tone.

  “What the hell are you wearing.” It surprises me that its actually Nathanial’s voice breaking the tension first. I glance up at him and see that he’s watching Stella, directing his demanding remark towards her. I can’t help it, but a quiet laugh falls from my mouth at his bold declaration.

  “Wearing whatever the hell I want to wear, Daddy,” she shoots back, her hand lifting to twirl one of her fiery red locks around finger. “You have a problem with that?”

  Nathanial takes a menacing step towards her, crowding her space as he dips his head to speak. “Unless I have you bent over the railing while I’m fucking you from behind, don’t call me Daddy.”

  “What the actual hell is happening right now,” finally Elijah speaks. And it’s not even to me. Nathanial takes a step back, a tiny smirk playing on his face as he turns and stalks out the door. Stella is frozen still, in shock and also with that hazy fog that’s been washing over her lately. I reach out and place a hand on her arm, trying to shake her from the trance but when her eyes turn to me, they’re blazing white with a fiery heat.

  “Hey, you okay, Stells?” I ask, stepping closer to her. Elijah comes to stand behind me, watching our interaction as well.

  “I’m fine,” she says, but her voice is thick with need and lust. Even I can hear it and I’m taken aback by it. Elijah tenses behind me, and instantly I’m self-conscious that he’s attracted to her. I glance back to look at him, to see if there is any heat reflected in his own eyes but I’m thankful to find a sense of pure curiosity, like he’s uncovering an important piece of information.

  “Come on Stella, let’s get to the club.” Camden steps up to her other side, taking her arm in his hand as he gently pulls her along. Just as he’s about to pass me though, his hand reaches up and grasps the back of my neck as he lands his lips against my ear, “You, little Luna, look absolutely demonic. I’d like to taste you right here.”

  A shiver breaks out across my spine at his words, and while they don’t affect me as much as Elijah’s filthy tongue, I appreciate them for what I can manage with someone I’m not bonded to. I offer him a playful smile and step up behind them, while Elijah follows closely after us.

  My body naturally draws his heat out of him and I try to calm my nerves at his presence, focusing on his warmth while I attempt to understand Stella. I wish we knew what was going on. I’ll have to remember to ask Elijah about his reaction to her earlier. Maybe he notices something I haven’t pieced together yet.

  We all climb in Elijah’s Jeep and head downtown. Stella is chatting everyone’s ears off while Nathanial ignores her. I think she keeps talking because she knows it’s grating on his nerves. All the boys have dressed up tonight as well, none of them in latex, unfortunately. But each in their own style of fashion.

  Camden is the most clean cut in a pair of dark denim jeans with a simple white t-shirt. It clings nicely to his broad chest, while his longer hair is pulled up into a knot and his light beard trimmed attractively.

  Nathanial is always in a pair of incredibly tailored, black slacks and a button up. Tonight however, he sports a slightly different look. His dress shirt is stark white, unbuttoned and without a tie at the top so that it parts nicely and shows a bit of his muscular chest. The sleeves are rolled tightly up his thick forearms. His long golden hair is slicked back on top, while the sides have trimmed up a bit closer to his scalp. He’s still his dominant, wealthy self, all hard jaw line and sharp features, but he’s leaning a bit towards the reckless side tonight. A little more dange
rous, a little more erotic. He’s incredibly sexy, if I’m being honest. But not my drug of choice in the slightest.

  Elijah on the other hand, draws my attention like there is no one else in the room. His black distressed denim hangs low on his hips, tucked loosely into a pair of black biker boots. He wears a simple black t-shirt, but I swear it was made to fit his chest and torso perfectly. It hugs his thick arms tightly, stretching thin across the expanse of his shoulders and tapers inwards as it goes down, showing every single person the work and dedication, he’s put into his body. He’s fucking powerful, strength and vitality radiate off of him in waves that both suffocate and feed my hunger for him.

  He’s driving and I try to keep my eyes off him, attempting to focus on other things but it’s a struggle. I hope that when we get to the club, I can separate myself from him and find a distraction.

  “You guys are going to love this place,” Stella says as she leans forward, and I can’t help but notice the way the latex squeaks when she moves. I can’t stand it, it grates against my ears and from the look of it, it’s driving Nathanial crazy as well.

  “What is it called again?” I ask, turning my attention out the window to gain a sense of direction as to where we could be.

  “You’ll see when we get there, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.” She laughs and then instructs Elijah to take a right turn at the light.

  “Here! Here!” She jumps up and down in her seat, that sexual squeak invading the small space when Nathanial whips his head around and lands his heavy hand on her latex covered thigh.

  “Stop. Fucking. Moving,” he grinds out, and she leans forward to get in his face.

  “Make me.” Her tongue slides out to slowly trace the line of her bottom lip and Nathanial’s eyes drop to the action. She’s never been like this, never this sexual or aggressive with men.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging her for it. She can absolutely do whatever she wants with whoever she wants, I’m just surprised. And I know she’s never been this way so I’m not sure what could have changed in her.

  “Come on, let’s get this over with. If Stella’s weird, sexual appetite is any indication, I have a feeling I know what kind of club she would have brought us to.” Elijah sounds tense, his jaw hard and ticking as he climbs out of the Jeep and we all follow suit.

  “I knew I always liked you, Elijah,” Stella chirps as she reaches for my hand and hurries me along. I look back over my shoulder and see Nathanial whispering something in Elijah’s ear, but I can’t hear what they’re saying. Elijah has shut me out of the bond for so long now that I can’t even try to dig for the information. Camden steps up between Stella and I, dropping his arms over our shoulders and tugs us tightly against his sides.

  “Stay close, girls. I see you brought us to Pandora’s Box, Stells.” He’s excited, I can hear it in his voice and feel it in every step he takes. Stella glances up at him and laughs with anticipation of what we’re walking into.

  I look ahead, reading the giant red neon sign that flashes the clubs name in bright letters. There’s a long line outside the door, with a bouncer that’s refusing to let anyone in. It looks like he’s telling each person that they’re full tonight. A slight wave of relief washes through me at the thought that we won’t be able to gain entrance either.

  Stella walks straight up to the bouncer, waving her fingers in an innocent hello and it looks like he immediately recognizes her. What the hell. The guy is massive, like as tall as Elijah and Nathanial but maybe even bigger. He’s straight machine and muscle and it’s clear why he would be the one standing guard outside of this place. His forearms are covered in tattoos, not as intricate as Elijah’s, but plenty of them all the same, and his wide body relaxes at the sight of my sister. “Hi, Hawk,” she says as she jumps forward and wraps her small arms around his neck in hello.

  “Stells, we weren’t expecting you, but it’s nice to see you here.” He lifts her up in a big hug before setting her back down gently. “You playing or watching tonight?” Stella’s eyes flash with heated interest.

  “A little of both I think.” She pauses and points back to me in introduction, “This is my sister, Luna. She’ll be doing the same. These guys are with us, I don’t care what they choose to do.”

  Just as I’m about to interrupt and tell her I won’t be participating in anything until I know what this is, Elijah steps up to my back and cuts in.

  “She’s not playing. She’ll watch.” His voice is firm as he answers for me and instantly, I feel the need to do the opposite just to spite him. He hardly says a word to me, refuses me, and then decides what I can and can’t do without even talking to me about it? No fucking way.

  “Actually, I have a voice and I’ll speak for myself.” I pause, hesitant to commit to something I don’t understand yet. “I’ll play.”

  “Oh, hell yes.” Stella laughs.

  “Luna. You’re not playing. You have no idea what kind of club this is.” Elijah’s tone gives no room for argument. Good thing he’s not the fucking boss of me.

  “Hey, Eli. Have you always ruined all the fun? Or just when it comes to my sister?” Stella turns and steps into Elijah’s space, coming flush up against his chest as a wave of jealousy and frustration courses through me. She’s in that tight little dress, outrageously sexy, and stepping into my fucking territory.

  Elijah stares down at her, her head tipped up to him and for a brief moment, my heart begins hammering in my chest. I hate seeing her so close to him and I don’t understand what angle she’s working.

  “I’ll play.” Nathanial cuts through the tension, effectively stealing all of Stella’s attention as her gaze flies over Elijah’s shoulder and back to him. I step forward, intentionally placing myself between Elijah and Stella as her eyes turn milky and white in front of me.

  “All right, rich boy. We’ll see if you can handle it.” With that she turns around, taking a red wrist band from Hawk and stalks towards the club ahead of. “Hawk, can you have my viewing room available in case any of us needs it?”

  “Sure thing, baby girl. Are you staying the night?” he asks.

  “I don’t plan on it, but if any of these guys decide to crash here, I want them to have the space.” Stella quickly nods in farewell and disappears through the darkened doorway.

  Who the hell sleeps at a club? No way am I staying here longer than I have to.

  I turn back to look at Elijah, but he won’t meet my eyes. He’s watching the empty space where Stella left, and it burns through my blood in an angry blaze. “What are you thinking, Elijah?” I ask pointedly. But when his eyes flick down to mine, they’re dismissive and disinterested.

  “I’ll play too,” Camden speaks and steps up to stand next to me. As a jealous heat washes over me about Elijah and Stella, I decide to try my hardest not to think about it anymore. Not to think about Elijah or the bond at all. I’m going to go in there, face whatever kind of club this is and take it straight on.

  I reach up and slide my hand through Camden’s arm, offering him a smile as he steps forward to lead me into the club. We both take red wrist bands, while Nathanial steps in behind us doing the same. The bouncer asks for an answer from Elijah, and I hear a grunt as he pushes past him, refusing one.

  I follow Camden’s lead, focusing on him and forcing all thoughts of Elijah to the back of my mind.

  Ahead of us are thick velvet black drapes, blocking out any vision of what we’re about to uncover. A shiver of anticipation rolls through me and Camden laughs at the obvious nerves he picks up through my body language.

  “Don’t be nervous. I have a feeling you’re going to enjoy this,” he whispers against my ear as he reaches forward to pull the drapes back.

  My eyes widen as he steps ahead, taking my hand and pulling me along behind him. The club is dark, with black walls and red velvet drapes coating every surface. It’s huge and crowded with a variety of different people. Some are wearing latex as well but revealing far more than Stella and me. Som
e are covered head to toe, not showing any skin whatsoever, masks cover their faces as they waltz through the room.

  Camden easily pushes through the crowd, confident and sure of himself as he walks. I stay slightly hidden behind him, my eyes straying from one side of the room to the other as I take everyone in.

  The closer I look, the more I realize exactly what kind of club this is. There’s a woman to my right, bent over the back of a black leather couch, while a man roughly holds her hips and fucks her with not his cock, but a massive red dildo. Her breasts are exposed, swaying with every thrust he gives her, but her moans are drowned out through the chaos of the room.

  I falter my steps and Camden looks over to notice what I see. He laughs and tugs me in front of him, his arms wrapping around my shoulders as he directs me forward.

  “Have you ever been to a kink club before, sweet Luna?” he whispers in my ear. His lips brush my lobe and my heart races in my chest.

  “No,” I answer honestly, scanning the crowd for Stella. I’m afraid of what I’ll find but I also want to make sure she’s safe.

  “I’ll ease you into it,” he responds, his voice dark and husky over my skin. “Red wrist bands are for players. Black wrist bands are for watchers.” His words filter through my mind and my heart kicks at the idea of playing. Of course, I wish I had opted for the black wrist band but I’m not turning around now.

  For an instant, I look over my shoulder, searching for Elijah. I quickly try to feel him out through the bond but find that I’m still blocked off. If he really wanted to, he would open it up and seek me out, but he hasn’t. And at some point, I need to fight for my own sanity.

  “All right,” I whisper back, succumbing to Camden and the desire he actually shows me. He relaxes at my back, snaking an arm around my waist as we break through the crowd and find the bar. He asks if I’d like a drink, but I decide against it, I want to be present for everything tonight. I want experience it and choose it for myself without the influence of alcohol.


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