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The Billionaire's Secretly Fake Bride (MANHATTAN BACHELORS Book 3)

Page 22

by Susan Westwood

  “Finally.” He smiled, kissing her softly again before sleep took him.


  She was sitting at breakfast with Carter a few days later, both of them eating alone in the breakfast nook. The rest of the family were off doing their own thing, and Regina had discovered that if she went early enough, she could eat with him and they could talk about many things. She enjoyed it, and had begun looking forward to it.

  He had a rule that dinner was to be attended in the dining room together every evening if possible, but for breakfast there were no rules, and Regina liked it that way. They were free to be comfortable, just the two of them, visiting about whatever they liked.

  Carter looked over at her as she lifted her glass of orange juice for a drink. “Are you and Ryder thinking of having children right away?” he queried simply, asking in the most nonchalant voice.

  She choked on her juice and brought her napkin to her mouth as she set the glass down and struggled to regain her composure. Blinking swiftly, she looked over at him in surprise.

  “Well, I’d really love to see some grandchildren sometime very soon,” he said with a growing smile and the hint of a blush as he looked over at her.

  She had no idea what to tell him. It was completely unexpected of him to bring it up, and much more personal than he had gotten with her.

  “We uh…” She began uncertainly, “we haven’t actually discussed it yet. I guess.” She tried to give him a smile as she glanced at him and then quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks burn.

  “There’s no time like the present.” Carter said as he lifted his coffee cup to his mouth and sipped silently. He glanced out of the corner of his eye at her with a knowing look and the edge of a smile.

  She felt her heart pounding. Children. New guilt made its way through her as she thought about how she would be leaving and he would be terribly disappointed in her. Struggling to push the thoughts aside, she brought up the foundation that they were working on and changed the subject completely. He was gracious and he let her do it, glad and willing to talk about anything she cared to discuss with him.

  Regina went to their bathroom to shower after breakfast, and she had barely gotten the hot water turned on when she felt Ryder behind her, his form pressing against hers, his hands reaching around to cup her breasts as he kissed her neck and mumbled softly against her skin.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” he smiled as he kissed her. “You left the bed before I could have you again.” He said only slightly plaintively. “That’s alright, I’ll take you here and now. I just can’t seem to stop touching you… needing you.”

  “This isn’t too often?” She asked as she began to lose her breath, knowing just how much pleasure was about to sweep through her. He stepped into the large shower with her and hot steaming water cascaded all over their bodies.

  “I can’t get enough of you. I can’t even conceive getting enough of you.” He spoke against her skin as he pressed her back to the wall and pulling her leg up to his waist. A moment later he entered her, and their conversation was lost in the waterfall that washed down over them and the intense ecstasy that rushed through them as they clung to one another.

  She had just finished dressing after their shower when he slid her clothes off her and pulled her into their bed, making love with her again before he let her go. He teased her, somewhat, asking her to not be gone too long, and hinting that he would be waiting anxiously for her return.

  Regina laughed and kissed him softly, long and slow, forcing herself to let go of him as he reached to fondle her breasts again. She managed to get out of the bedroom before he talked her out of her clothes once more.

  She drove into town and met up with Marie, who was beyond thrilled to see her. “It’s been ages since the wedding! I didn’t know if I was going to see you again! You look incredible! How was it?” she asked, hugging Regina tightly.

  Regina hugged her in return and sat down opposite her at the table in a quiet corner of the restaurant where they met. “It was amazing.” She grinned, and then held her hand up. “But, before we get to that, I want to give you this.” She held up a bag of gifts that she had brought back from the trip for Marie. “You got spoiled, and you deserve it.” She gave her best friend a wink.

  She had brought back gifts for everyone, and though she had wanted to see Marie sooner, Marie’s schedule hadn’t been open until then. They went through the gifts and Regina told her all about the island and the house, about the villages and the ocean, the coastline, the hills and hikes and waterfalls.

  Marie finally looked at her seriously and lowered a brow.

  “What about the actual honeymoon. Did you two… consecrate your marriage?” she asked, getting to the heart of it.

  Regina blushed and Marie gasped. “Well, not at the island, actually. We decided to wait. I mean, we kissed a few times, and it was hot, but it just seemed like it would cause too many problems, and we agreed to keep this just a business arrangement.”

  Marie lowered a brow and gave her a suspicious look. “What happened?”

  Regina sighed and her shoulders slouched a little. “We held out as long as we could, I guess, but there’s serious chemistry, and neither of us could hold it back. Actually, the tension was getting really bad, and then we got into this big fight, and then…” She trailed off and her cheeks turned pink.

  Marie giggled. “And then you made up right away.” Regina nodded.

  “We did, and it was amazing. It’s never been like that for me before. He said the same thing. Now we just can’t seem to get enough of each other, and we’re together all of the time. Just can’t keep our hands off of each other.” She gave a half smile and Marie frowned slightly.

  “Yeah, but what about what’s coming? I mean, you have a divorce coming up as soon as he gets that money, and so then what?” Marie asked, looking at her intently. “Because you look like you’re crushing on him or worse, and I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “That’s why I held off so long at the beginning. I didn’t want to get hurt either, but we’re there, and it’s strong. I guess I will just have to do my best when the time comes to leave. I’ll have to deal with it then for sure, but for now, I guess I’m just going to enjoy the passion. I know I’ll have to pay the piper before it’s over, and I wasn’t willing to take that chance before, but now it’s just going to have to be the price that I pay, and I have to say, I’m beginning to think that whatever pain this causes, it’s going to be worth it.” She offered a smile to her friend and Marie grumbled a little.

  “I hope so. I love you and I don’t want you getting hurt.”


  Ryder went to Tyler’s house while Regina was gone. He hadn’t seen is best friend since the wedding, and though he was enjoying himself at home, he did want some time with his buddy.

  Tyler cuffed his shoulder and hugged him when he walked through the door. “Hey! The old ball and chain let you out of the house finally, huh?” He asked, laughing a bit. “How’s married life going for you, anyway?”

  Ryder handed him a bottle of spiced rum. “It’s different.” He answered with a smile and wink.

  Taylor glanced at the rum and set it on a table, picking up his tennis racket. “Different? I bet.”

  They walked out onto the tennis court behind Taylor’s extensive home, and began a game of tennis. Ryder launched the tennis ball to him and Taylor swung, sending it flying back over the net to Ryder.

  “We had a good time on the island, and it took a while, but things finally changed between us. It’s hot.” He gave his head a shake, thinking of her and feeling himself warm.

  “She finally gave in to you, did she? Took ya long enough. So now what, are you going to go back to your old wild ways? Going to bed every woman who looks like a good time and gives you her number?” he teased.

  “I didn’t bed every woman who gave me her number.” Ryder frowned at him slightly as he whacked the ball back over the net.

  “More than hal
f of them.” Taylor laughed. “So, wild man again now that you’ve had your wedding cake and eaten it too?”

  Ryder shook his head. “No… I don’t think I will. She’s changing me. I know it sounds crazy, but she is. Somehow. She’s like a drug to me. I just can’t seem to get enough of her. It’s so strange. The more I have her, the more I want her. That’s never happened to me before. Usually it’s exactly the opposite.”

  Taylor gave his head a shake. “Thirty love.” He spoke the score. “You’re headed for a heartbreak of massive proportions if you don’t back off right now, brother.”

  He sent the ball flying over the net to Ryder. Ryder smashed it back to him. “I don’t want to back off.”

  “Then you better be careful, because you’re in dangerous territory.” Taylor warned, making another point.

  Later that night after they had shared dinner with the family in the dining room, Ryder was holding Regina in his arms, making love with her in their bed. They loved until the wee hours of the morning, when they were completely exhausted, and she nestled into his arms as she did every night.

  He looked at her and spoke softly, touching her cheek with his fingertip. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said, gazing into her eyes worriedly. “It’s just… I can’t keep away from you. I can’t get enough of you.”

  He kissed her and she looked back at him. “I don’t want you to get enough of me,” she replied honestly. He kissed her again, and the kiss deepened, and she parted her legs for him and he slid himself into her.

  “I can’t…” he breathed heavily as they moved together, “I can’t stop. I don’t want to stop. I need you.” He spoke against her lips as he kissed her, pushing himself to the very depths of her, and she clung to him as another orgasm powered through her.


  Regina and Carter stepped out of the limousine, along with Ryder and Camille. In the limousine behind them, Pierce and Lucas stepped out onto the sidewalk, and they all joined each other. There was a crowd of people in front of the building, and there was a pool of reporters with cameras flashing, all of their lenses pointed at the Carrington family.

  “I can’t believe we did this.” Regina grinned as she took Carter’s hand in hers, looking around at all of the people walking up the steps, past the marble columns and into the great building near them. He smiled adoringly at her and gave her hand a squeeze.

  “I can. We both worked hard. It’s only been a month, but here we are. Your foundation is set, it’s a sold-out event, and the city loves the idea. You’ve even managed to garner the attention of all of the politicians for three states. Probably because it’s an election year, but here we all are. You’re a tremendous success, and you’ve worked very hard at making this foundation a reality. I couldn’t be prouder of you.” He beamed at her and Ryder looked away, sighing and pushing his hands into his pockets as he pursed his lips.

  “It means a great deal to me that you’re all here. I never could have done it without you. This is our night, not just mine.” Regina told Carter with a grin. She turned to look at the rest of the family, who were smiling at her. “Actually, it belongs to all of us. This foundation is a Carrington Family Foundation. It might have my name on it, but it represents all of us.”

  Pierce leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You’ve done very well. You’ve made this family shine, and that helps us all.” She blushed a bit and he chuckled at her.

  Lucas shook his head. “You must’ve done well, you’ve managed to get Pierce here, and he’s almost always nose to business.” Lucas teased his brother as he too leaned over to kiss her cheek. Pierce rolled his eyes a little and nodded slightly in acquiescence.

  Cami reached over to Regina and hugged her warmly. “Well, we’re all so very proud of you. You fit right into this family perfectly, just as I knew that you would. Now, we should be getting in. Your night is beginning!”

  Regina thanked them and slid her hand into Ryder’s arm as they made their way up the steps to the massive stone and marble building in the heart of downtown Manhattan. Carter had been right; everyone had wanted to come to her fundraising gala and be part of her new project of offer educational funding to women. He was also right that part of the popularity of it was because it was an election year, but there was still substantial interest in it from a great many people.

  Just as they were about halfway up the stairs, a reporter called out to them and they all turned. He asked them for a photograph and they stood together, shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm, posing for the shot with the building behind them.

  The evening was a tremendous success, from the food to the entertainment, and from the caliber of all of the guests who attended to the money that was made for the foundation’s kick off, which was double what their initial goal had been. Everything had gone incredibly well.

  Ryder and Regina danced a while together on the dance floor, holding one another closely as the music played, and she nestled in close to his ear and neck. “You’ve been quiet about this whole thing tonight.” She said in a soft voice, wondering what it was that he really thought about it all.

  He didn’t respond right away, but was thoughtful before he spoke. “I realize I haven’t been a part of this at all, that I’ve left it all up to you and my father, but that’s to be expected, I suppose. He and I just don’t get on very well, and I’d rather not spend time with him unless it’s mandatory, but you know that. It’s strange for me that you two have gotten closer, and that you’ve worked together on this. I realize it’s all to make the family look good and to introduce you to society so that you’ll make your place among the ranks of New York’s most elite, but it’s still a tough pill to swallow that the two of you have teamed up.”

  He stopped dancing then, taking her face into his hands and gazing into her eyes. “However, I might feel about my father, I want you to know that I am proud of you for doing this. You are indeed making a difference in the city and in the lives of others who aren’t so fortunate as this family. I do admire the work and time that you put into this, and I might not have said it in front of the others, but I am proud of you.”

  She smiled and set her hands over his where they were on her cheeks, leaning forward to kiss him softly once. “Thank you. That means so much to me.” She sighed a little then and a sadness touched the edges of her joy. “You know, I really wish that your father and you had a better relationship. I wish that you could both talk about what happened and-”

  Ryder shook his head and clenched his jaw. “I don’t want to talk about it. Not now, not ever. Don’t bring it up again.”

  He let her go then, turning from her and walking away. She stood where he’d left her and watched him go, biting at her lower lip. She was worried that she might have gone too far, after all, she told herself, it wasn’t really her place to get into his family business, but she loved both him and Carter and it didn’t matter that she was leaving, she still hoped that things could be mended between them.

  The evening began to come to a close and the Carrington’s filtered their way through their guests and came together at the door so that they could leave. All of them a little heady with champagne and happiness at the success of the evening, they walked out of the building, talking and sharing stories and laughs.

  They made their way down the steps of the great building, but they hadn’t gone far when Carter stumbled and collapsed onto the stairs, rolling onto his chest with his face pressed against the stone steps where he lay.

  Cami screamed in horror, her hands covering her mouth as she stared down at her father. Blood began to pool beneath him from a cut on his head, and the boys and Regina all knelt down, reaching for him. Pierce and Lucas gently rolled him onto his back while Regina told them not to pick him up in case he might be injured internally, they didn’t want to do further damage.

  Ryder called an ambulance immediately and Cami rushed to her father, sitting on the step and carefully resting his upper back and his head on her lap. Pierce pulled his handkerchi
ef out of his suit pocket and knelt at his father’s side, doing his best to stem the bleeding from the head wound his father had sustained. Lucas knelt at his other side, checking his vitals and holding his hand.

  A medical emergency team appeared in record time and got Carter onto a board and into their ambulance swiftly. Pierce was about to get into the ambulance with him when Ryder reached out and stopped him.

  He had been pacing back and forth across the stair he was standing on, alternately looking at his father and looking away, raking his hand through his dark tumble of hair. Pierce and Camille had both headed to the ambulance to go with Carter, rather than riding in the limousine with the rest of the family, but to everyone’s surprise, Ryder leapt up to the back of the ambulance first.

  “I’m going with him. Please… take Regina and the rest of you follow in the car. We’ll all arrive there together, but I’m riding with him, and I’m going alone.” His blue eyes seemed to be alight with a blazing fire, and though all of his siblings were in shock, staring at him in amazement, none of them argued.


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