All Hallow's Eve

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All Hallow's Eve Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  She ducked her head, ashamed of what just happened, but I wasn’t having any of it. I started toward the stairs and rushed us up to her room. Closing the door behind us, I wrapped her up in my arms. “He crossed the line, Evelyn. You are mine, and no one dares touch you. Are you well?”

  “Yes, but I hope you know that I…”

  “Evelyn, my sweet. I know that you’re mine and that we’re going to be together until the end of time.” I took her lips, stealing the gasp of surprise from her. Her hands pressed firmly against my chest, feeling her way around. I growled out a sigh when she touched me. It was natural and welcomed. My hands slid down her back and cupped her bottom through her dress. She thrusted her hips forward into my hardened length, and I was ready to claim her on the spot.

  A cough that only I could hear came from the other side of the door. “We’ll be on our way out in one moment.” She gave me a strange look.

  “Okay, but remember to take the mirror with you.”


  “How did you hear them? I was so lost. Well, I suppose this is normal for you. You’re the first man I’ve ever kissed.”

  “And the only,” I grunted out, giving her a clear warning that she was mine. She arched her brow at me, then slapped her hands on her hips.

  “What if…” she started to say, but I placed my index finger against those pouty red lips. She tried to nip at the finger, but my little mate would learn soon enough that she had other ways to nip and I would do more than that to her tender flesh once I made her mine.

  I shook my head at her with a smile. I could feel her body wanting me, I could smell it, but her human brain resisted. Common sense was telling her to back away, but her nature was summoning her to me. “No what ifs, Evelyn.”

  She smiled up at me, the look of anger completely removed. “You know, until you called me that I hated the name?” she questioned.

  “I could call you Eve if you like. After all, it is All Hallows’ Eve and I’m claiming you as mine.” I pressed my hand to her jaw then ran it down her slender neck, grazing her pulsing vein that I wanted to taste.

  “Come on, kids,” my mother said with a grumble.

  “Coming,” I called out. I released my hold on Evelyn, regrettably.

  “Let me get a bag.” She stopped herself, pressing her hands to her face and tearing off the mask. “I can’t even believe I’m doing this,” she muttered. Shaking her head, she walked to her closet and pulled out a small suitcase and began filling it. I looked around her room. It looked like a unicorn who ate too much cotton candy threw up in here. It was pink madness. Somehow nothing in this room seemed reflective of her. That was until I saw the mirror. I stared in amazement.

  “Your mother knew the history of this mirror. It’s my favorite possession.” She gave me an innocent smile before going back to packing. This was perfect. The more I looked at her, the more I wanted to be inside of her. If that was even possible. I wanted to claim her from the moment our eyes first connected, the burning desire only tempered by her parents’ disrespect.

  I turned back and stared at my reflection, internally beaming with the insane coincidence. “We’re taking it with us.”

  “Thank you. I was hoping we could.” The joy in her eyes made me want to carry it out on my back. I pulled her cover from her bed and threw it over the mirror to protect the glass from breaking. A few minutes later we were walking out of her parents’ home. My father stood alongside me, taking her suitcase as we made our way to the valet who brought up their SUV. I already messaged my driver to just go home and that I was going with my parents.

  The crowd had still been in the other room, which helped us avoid the questions. Some already understood why I was leaving with Evelyn in such a hurry and would probably joke about it later. I knew Falcon and Draco were having a field day about it.

  After loading the mirror and suitcase into the vehicle, I helped Evelyn into the backseat. My father drove and my mother rode in front. Our home was an hour away from here in a massive, well-guarded estate. She played with her hands, looking down at them.

  “Evelyn, I promise all will be well.”

  “I know, Dietrich. It’s kind of weird, but I can feel it in my soul that I’m doing the right thing. Yet, my brain is like stranger danger.”

  “Oh, my love, I am dangerous, but never to you.”

  She gasped before I crushed her lips with mine, kissing her. I wanted to take her in the truck, but I never wanted anyone else to be a witness to it. She was mine and only mine.

  “Dietrich, we’re here,” my mother said. My father pulled up and entered the code and let us through the gate. I released my hold on Evelyn. She looked dazed, then shook it off. As soon as we parked, I exited the vehicle and pulled her into my arms, carrying her up the stairs to my bedroom. There was nothing left to do but make her one with me, one like me. All I needed to do was tell her the truth. Now—how to tell her that when I meant she was mine forever, I meant forever.

  Chapter 8


  He carried me up to his room, and I didn’t even fight him. I should have, but all of my body disagreed with logic. He didn’t set me down on my feet once we got inside, but on the other side of the room in front of a mirror. My eyes widened as he stood directly behind me, our image in the mirror, a vision of perfection. “Seeing us together only makes this craziness more legit to me.”

  “Darling, we make a wonderful sight, but it is not why we are standing here. Look at the frame.” I gasped immediately. It was the other matching mirror. The initials were in the same spot and the design slightly more masculine. I turned in his arms, pulling the mask off his face. I hadn’t noticed that he kept it on the entire trip. I’d been so lost in his little touches and his kiss that I completely ignored it. Once it was off, I was glad he’d left it on. The man was even more gorgeous with it off. His strong cheekbones added to the manly beauty of his steel blue eyes.

  “How could you be any more perfect?”

  “Eve, my darling dear, you are the perfect one. There’s much I must tell you, but I want you to know that I would never hurt you.”

  “What is it? Something is different. I felt it in the truck, and now it’s only gotten more intense.” There was this energy around my body, overwhelming my senses. Was it because it was the first time I was away from my parents without being in school?

  “Evelyn, I am not a normal man,” he confessed. I gave him a confused look. He tightened his hold on me and said, “I’m a vampire.”

  “Bahaha! Wow! That’s too funny. I want to drink your blood is your next line.” I shook my head and pushed out of his arms. I didn’t get far when he pulled me back and lifted me off the ground. The thing was, when I looked at him I still had to look up, but that’s when I saw it. His feet were no longer on the ground either. And I fainted.

  Chapter 9


  They needed to make a manual on this. How was I supposed to know she’d faint? Bloody hell, I was glad that she was in my arms, or she might have hurt herself. I laid her on the bed and closed the metal blinds for the night. That was something I had to reveal as well. I stared down at her pale skin, wishing to run my hands and tongue all over every inch. As beautiful as her gown was, I thought it would look much better on the floor at the moment.

  I traced my fingers up the center of the bodice to the edge of her supple breasts that spilled over the top, continuing up to her collarbone and finally brushing her cheek. The energy passing through us could power this house for a century and yet, I needed more, and there would be more. All I had to do was convince her that she was mine.

  “I will love you forever, Evelyn. Wake up for me,” I said, placing a kiss on her lips. She woke up, her eyes wide. I had to hold back the urge to claim her. I could have taken her as mine without telling her that it would be permanent, but I couldn’t keep who I was from her; she deserved better.

  “Oh, I must have hit my head really hard when my mom pushed me.” I gro
wled that my assumption that she had pushed her had been confirmed. I slid a strand of hair that had fallen on her face to the side and behind her ear.

  “Evelyn, you fainted when I showed you I wasn’t lying.” Her face paled again. It took the longest minute in the world, but a wave of understanding or acceptance washed over her expression.

  Her brows scrunched when she asked, “How?”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her perfect green eyes. She was so stunning, even in her confusion. I wanted her badly, painfully. “I was born that way.”

  Her eyes bugged out briefly before she asked, “Born that way? I thought vampires were the undead?” I laughed softly. That had been in most of the movies and books since the written word.

  “Well, technically we’re all the undead? You are undead, your parents undead, but no, the stories in the movies aren’t quite how it works.”

  “Tell me more,” she demanded, sitting straight up in the bed, pressing her hands on her lap, reminding me that her sweet pussy was still creaming under that dress. I breathed in the scent that called to me and tried to use that to hold me off.

  “We are born all males, and when we encounter our mate, there’s nothing to stop us from claiming them.”

  “Yet, you seem to be so relaxed and calm.” It came off accusatory, like I didn’t want to nail her to the wall with my throbbing cock, but it was all I could do to hold off taking her.

  “I have been doing my best. Having met your parents, I don’t want to force you into anything. I want you to come to me with the knowledge that you and I will be together forever.”

  “I want you, Dietrich,” she said, her eyes looking longingly at me. I wanted her so much more than she understood.

  “We do this, there’s no going back.” I pulled her into my arms, holding her close. I hoped that she wasn’t going to fight this. My life would force her to make choices that she might not want. She’d already lived a sheltered life. I’d hate to have her locked up with me. It wasn’t that I didn’t do things, but they were all in the cover of night.

  She looked up at me, her eyes full of questions, but she just nodded her head slightly, taking in what I said. “Will I become a vampire?”

  I nodded. “Yes, and there’s something else I need to tell you.” I worried how she would take the news.

  “What is it?” I could see the fear in her eyes. I brushed her hair behind her ears, caressing her cheek in the process. She melted into my touch, and I felt strong enough to tell her. I could crush a human’s skull, but I felt powerless when it came to her. Evelyn now owned every ounce of me.

  “I can’t go out in the sunlight.” For the first time in my life, it actually bothered me. Not for my sake, but for hers.

  “Wow, really? So I’m not going to be able to go outside in the sun again?”

  “Oh, you can still go out, but I won’t let you go alone. My life will remain in the darkness, and our sons will be forced into the darkness. I’d have to have someone I trusted to take you out.”

  “It wouldn’t matter if I was forced into the night. It’s not like I spent time outside anyway. Morning was the only time I was allowed out. Only promiscuous people were out at night, or so I was told,” she replied.

  “Yes, there are a lot of bad people out at night, but so are good people. Most good people work during the day, so living is for the night. Just because I live in the darkness doesn’t mean I don’t do things.”

  She clamped her lips shut and I could feel another shift in her attitude, but this was different. Evelyn seemed mad or annoyed. “We’re in this together. We’re mates, right? I mean, unless, you know, I’m not the only mate you have or had?”

  Oh, she took my going out at night for other things. I had to laugh at that internally because even though women would hit on me, I had no interest in them. “We only mate once, Evelyn. You are the only one and will always be the only one.”

  She seemed surprised and curious. “How old are you?”

  I know that it didn’t matter in my world, but in hers I was practically ancient. “I’m very old. Over a hundred.”

  With a skeptical look and crossed arms, she shook her head in disbelief. “I’m sorry, but that’s a bit hard to buy,” she said.

  “Well at one time, people believed the world was flat. And I proved earlier that I was different.”

  “It’s just, wow. How come you look like you’re not over forty?”

  “We don’t age much after maturity. Since I live in the dark, I look a little older than Falcon and Draco.”

  “Well you’re much more handsome than them,” she admitted, blushing lightly before ducking her head. I tipped her chin up to look at me. Then I lost all restraint to hold back. My mouth took hers, kissing her roughly and hard, pinning her onto the mattress with my body pressed against her softness.

  “I want you now, Evelyn.”

  “I want you, too. Take me. Make me yours,” she sighed. I carried us both off the bed and to the mirror. Our special mirror. I started to leisurely undress her, removing layer after layer until she stood there completely bared to me. I looked away from the mirror because I was too tempted to rush. To throw her on the bed and take her hard and fast with my fangs deep in her vein, making us permanently one. I turned and made quick work of my own clothes, discarding them wherever they landed.

  I stood behind her, my hands wrapped around her biceps, staring into the mirror. I was a whole foot taller than her, but she fit just right against my body. Her pert nipples were hard and dark pink. I had to control my basic nature. We were perfectly matched in every way. “Look at you. A beauty to behold and all mine,” I whispered into her ear without taking my eyes off of her reflection and her response to me.

  Chapter 10


  Naked and unafraid. I looked into the reflection, seeing my body in a whole new way. I felt beautiful and made for Dietrich. He took my hand, smiling into the mirror with a devious promise, caressing, massaging it before bringing it to his lips. He placed a kiss on my wrist. His fangs scraping my flesh. Instead of being frightened, I was immeasurably turned on. I moaned when his tongue brushed over my pulse. It sprinted faster and faster. I felt every little nerve in my body come alive, firing their energy through me and straight to that spot. I’d never been kissed by a boy before let alone a man and well, he was way more than a man.

  Dietrich growled as his mouth moved to my breasts. A whimper of longing for something I didn’t know slipped from my lips. His deep, Caribbean blue eyes connected with mine, slamming even more pleasure through my inexperienced flesh.

  “This can’t be real,” I whispered, my hands snaking around his neck and sprawling out over his shoulders as he cupped my bottom, thrusting his hips into my belly. A new wave of sensations pummeled my being until I was barely standing, my first orgasm resting at the cusp of entrance.

  “It’s real, and it’s going to be forever.” He grabbed my waist and carried me over to the bed.

  “Yes, please,” I murmured as my back hit the mattress and my vampire lover leaned over me.

  Chapter 11


  My length rested on her abs with pre-cum dripping just under her breasts. I lowered my head and kissed her, taking off the rest of her red lipstick. Pulling back, I looked at her to gauge her desire. Her eyes displayed all the need without the fear. The room felt heavy with sexual tension and carnal promise.

  “Relax, my love. I will satisfy us both.” My hand skimmed her side and to her pussy that rested under me. Her heat burned for relief. I pressed two fingers to the edge of her mound, feeling her clit peeking out from just inside her folds. I stroked the sensitive nub and watched her face as her first of many orgasms took over her being. Her body shook, arched, and her voice sang my name.

  I couldn’t wait anymore to claim my mate. The wait was over. I moved my body into position, pressing the head of my aching cock at her entrance. I leaned into the crook of her neck, my fangs long with hunger for her blood
and to claim her. “My Eve, forever,” I chanted, pushing my way into her depths, claiming her innocence while plunging my fangs into her pulse.

  I rocked twice into her body before coming hard, roaring and biting down harder. Her voice joined mine as natural instinct controlled her. The fangs that pushed from her gums dug into my shoulder and marked me as hers. Evelyn’s pussy clenched around my cock, draining every last bit of me.

  As the last of my seed emptied into her, I released my fangs and she did the same. I stared at my mate whose lips were bright red again, this time with my blood, and the feral animal in me stiffened my desire even more. I continued to pump my hard cock into her, bringing us to another orgasm while kissing her lips and blending our metallic tastes together.


  We fell into a deep sleep until the middle of the following afternoon. It was the time I usually woke up, because in the next hour the sun would set and I would venture out to enjoy the night air and take my mate to meet my parents properly. We all lived in the mansion, but I had my own set of rooms for myself in the off chance that last night would finally happen.

  A moaning sigh caught my ears. Evelyn was stretching like a sweet, satisfied kitten. I leaned over and took her hard nipple that thrusted up into my mouth, sucking and humming to the feel of her flesh. We had an hour to kill before the sun set, so might as well find a way to spend it.

  Having her pussy in every way was sure to be time well spent.

  Chapter 12


  I woke up feeling better than ever. My body didn’t hurt like I supposed it would after his thorough claiming. I had no regrets at all. Stretching and smiling, I sat up, feeling more alive than I’d ever been. Before I could say anything, he latched onto my nipple, sucking my orgasm out of my body. His strong and thick fingers plunged into my core as my body bucked and came.


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