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The Girl on the Beach

Page 21

by Morton S. Gray

  ‘Not now, he needs a doctor. We’ll take you away to make statements.’

  ‘Can’t that wait?’

  Tom took her arm. ‘Come on, Mum. We need to go. Harry needs help, he’s been trying not to show it for my sake, but he’s badly hurt.’

  Reluctantly, Ellie allowed herself to be led outside, her mind in turmoil. She pointed at Rushton’s van with its flat tyres and smiled at Mandy.

  There were several big vans parked beyond the drive. Ellie, Mandy and Tom were led to the back of one of them and as soon as their seatbelts were fastened, the vehicle took off at an alarming rate. Ellie judged they had gone east away from Borteen.

  ‘What now, Mum?’

  ‘I guess we get asked lots of questions. I just hope Harry’s okay.’

  ‘He was in terrible pain, he said one of the big men punched him hard.’

  Mandy had been quiet, listening to the other two. ‘We did well though, Ellie. You were ace. You definitely got your own back on Rushton, although I must admit to being scared that he would hurt you again.’

  ‘It was very close for a minute there. If the cavalry hadn’t turned up right then it might have been a different story. But on balance, we were both amazing and I’m glad that we acted, rather than just waiting for news. Thank you for your support, Mand. At least we tried and I, hopefully, have nothing to beat myself up about later.’

  ‘Unlike last time,’ she said under her breath. An image of Ben Rivers’ coffin being lowered into his grave floated into her mind and she offered up a silent prayer for Harry’s safe recovery.

  The next few hours passed in a blur. Ellie, Tom and Mandy were taken far away from Borteen and Sowden. All Ellie could see was the looming shape of an industrial looking building in the darkness. They were led down endless corridors into a room with no soft furnishings or colour.

  Ellie swallowed down a thought that it felt like a prison, like the sort of place that once you entered, you never left. She kept reminding herself that she’d done nothing wrong.

  Sam came and sat at the desk in the corner.

  ‘I’m afraid we’ll have to question you all separately and it might take some time. Mandy, my colleague will take you to another room. Tom, I’ll start with you and your mum can stay with you as you’re a minor.’

  Sam went through the events of the past hours since Tom’s abduction in meticulous detail, whilst Ellie tried not to interrupt when he said things that surprised or shocked her. Poor Tom’s face was ashen and he was having difficulty staying awake by the end of the interview.

  Sam took her to another room for her own interview, so that Tom could get some rest. He could hardly keep his eyes open and snuggled up on the uncomfortable looking bed in the corner of the room.

  Ellie’s interview was as detailed as Tom’s and, at the end, Sam broached the future.

  ‘Ellie, we have grave concerns about your safety. Rushton Jacob is a dangerous man, if you didn’t know that already. I think Harry has spoken to you about the possibility of you moving far away. I don’t honestly think it would be wise for you to return to Borteen.’

  ‘But, is it really necessary to go away now that Rushton is in custody?’

  ‘I’m afraid so. Harry overheard Rushton making threats about you and speaking to some of his associates about “getting you”.’ He paused to let his words sink in. ‘Now, we can move you elsewhere in this country and give you some police protection, or how do you feel about a different country altogether?’

  A cold feeling enveloped her, as if ice had been pumped into her veins. This felt unreal, like the subject of a film at the cinema. ‘Harry made me pack bags in case we needed to get away. They’re at the gallery.’

  ‘Give me the keys and the address and I’ll have them brought here for you. The photos I took of you both earlier are being used to make new documents in any case. Have you thought about where you would like to go?’

  ‘… Australia?’ The word came out as a strangled whisper. ‘I’ve looked before at emigrating as a specialist teacher of art. It was one of their required occupations when I researched it, but getting a visa takes ages.’

  ‘I’m sure I can speed things up and we can get you out there on temporary visas to begin with.’

  It all sounded too easy, but she didn’t doubt Sam could sort everything out for them. The logistics were one thing though, the feelings and emotions of leaving behind her gallery and friends quite another.

  ‘Will we need to return for a trial?’

  A strange expression passed across his face. ‘I think I can assure you that it won’t be necessary. Your ex went on quite a revenge spree when he was released from prison. There will be no shortage of evidence against him. If the court does need to speak to you and Tom, I’m sure it can be done by video link.’

  He left the room briefly to send a driver to retrieve their bags.

  ‘Can I see Harry?’ Ellie asked, when he returned.

  ‘I’m afraid that won’t be possible.’ Sam’s brow furrowed into a frown.

  ‘At least tell me if he’s alive, if he’s going to be okay…’ she pleaded.

  Sam studied her for a few moments, as if he was considering how much information he could give to her.

  ‘He’s alive, but not very well at the moment.’

  Alarm jarred her body. ‘Is he badly injured? He’ll pull through though, won’t he?’

  ‘Our medical staff will give him the best possible attention.’

  ‘Am I allowed to send him a note?’

  Sam shook his head.

  ‘A message?’

  ‘Best not to.’

  Ellie felt a mixture of upset and anger rising.

  ‘Look, Sam, or whatever your real name is, Harry risked his life to save my son, to help me. I know you lot, whoever you are, think we have to disappear, be spirited away in the night, I accept that, Harry prepared me for it, but how do you expect me to ever settle into a new life, ever to find peace and contentment, unless I know what’s happened to Harry? I need the chance to say goodbye. I need, what would you call it … closure.’

  She felt out of breath after her outburst. Her stomach churned uncomfortably.

  Sam sighed, he took off his glasses and rubbed his hands over his lined face. He looked as tired as Ellie felt.

  ‘Look, Ellie, this is a difficult situation. Let me go and speak to someone.’

  He took her back to Tom. He was deep in conversation with Mandy, who had returned to the room after her own interview.

  ‘Would you three like anything to eat or drink?’

  Ellie was the first to reply. ‘A cup of tea would be nice, but I’m not sure I could eat anything after the day we’ve had.’

  ‘Yes please to a cup of tea,’ said Mandy, who was obviously recovering her composure as Ellie was sure she fluttered her eyelashes at Sam.

  Ellie felt so churned up inside, she didn’t believe she’d ever want to eat again. She lifted her eyebrows at Tom.

  ‘Tea please and maybe some toast?’ he replied. As if in answer, his tummy rumbled. ‘Lots of toast,’ he added.

  Sam left and refreshments appeared in a short while like magic. Ellie found she was hungry after all and the toast was gone in seconds.

  ‘Mandy, Tom, there’s something I have to tell you.’ Tears coursed down her face as she told them that Sam was making preparations for them to relocate. She didn’t give any details.

  Tom was silent for a few moments as he digested what she had said. ‘What about Louise?’ His face was full of pain.

  She didn’t know what to say. How did she tell her lovely son that he had to give up his first love? She knew what that pain felt like. ‘Tom, you know what we’ve been through these last few days … we were lucky to get out of this unhurt. I know it’s hard and how difficult we are going to find it, but for our safety and actually for the safety of our friends too … I’m afraid this means we won’t be able to contact Louise or Mandy again.’

  ‘No!’ howled Tom, throwing h
imself on the bed and thumping the hard pillow.

  It was Mandy who provided the voice of reason. ‘Tom, look at me, Tom.’ She pulled him to a sitting position and put her hands on either side of his face, so that he was forced to listen to her. ‘You are one of the most precious people in my world, one of the others is your mum, but even I can see the sense in this. Rushton Jacob is a horrid, horrid man. Now that he’s found her again, he will never leave your mum alone, not as long as there is breath in his body. So, much as I can’t bear to see you both go away, I’d rather that than any harm come to you. Louise will be upset, sure, but you are both young, you will both find other relationships in time. I will take time to explain things to her. I promise to be there for her. Besides, I’ll need someone to give me a hug too when I get lonely.’

  Ellie could tell Tom was calming. Mandy had always been able to get through to her son.

  Mandy took a deep breath and released his face. ‘How exciting for you both, starting again somewhere new. I wish you both the happiest of lives. Pity I can’t come with you.’ A tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away and Ellie could tell she was trying to be strong, to put a brave face on things for their sakes. The thought sent pain shooting through her and a big lump lodged in her throat.

  ‘You have a spare key to our house, Mandy. I’ve left you a note asking you to deal with the rest of our things. Have what you want, sell the rest. I’d like to think you could maybe help Nick pursue his art dreams with some of it. Sam said he’ll act as go between to get money from the sale of the bigger things to me.’ She hugged her friend. ‘Sorry to land you with this.’

  ‘Anything for you guys, you know that.’

  The three of them clung together and finally allowed their tears to flow.

  Shortly afterwards, a man came to take Mandy back to her car, which was still parked near to Quarry Cottage. It was one of the hardest partings Ellie could ever remember.

  ‘I’ll send the packet you left in my car back to you with this gentleman.’ Mandy was referring to Harry’s packet of money. She smiled at her driver, but her bottom lip was wobbling, as she hugged them both. ‘Take care of each other.’

  Ellie sobbed out loud as the door closed behind her friend. She worried about the effect all of this was having on Tom. He looked washed out, grey with tiredness, as she took his hands in her own.

  ‘Go and lie down, Tom. Have a sleep. We’re safe here.’ She glanced at the obvious surveillance camera in the corner of the ceiling. ‘Try not to think about things too much. I’m a little scared too, but it will all work out in time. I promise.’

  He nodded and looked younger than his fourteen years. This time, he didn’t argue about having a rest. He went back to the bed in the corner and Ellie pulled the rough blanket up around her son’s ears and tucked the cover down either side of his body. She hadn’t done this for a few years, but it had been a ritual when Tom had been young, tucking him in with a teddy bear on each side of him. He mumbled in acknowledgement and fell straight to sleep.

  Ellie sat watching the covers rise and fall. Her heart ached with emotion. Her beloved son, safe for now, but if Harry and Sam were to be believed, they needed to start over again somewhere else to be sure of that safety. It was a daunting thought, but she knew she could be strong for Tom’s sake, if not her own. They would be fine. The thought didn’t stop that little nervous jiggle inside of her though.

  Tom was snoring gently by the time Sam returned. He tiptoed over to Ellie, the gesture somehow making him human instead of an interrogation machine, as he tried not to wake the sleeping boy.

  He looked down at Tom. ‘I’ve got two boys, they take your heart, don’t they? He’s been through a lot the last few days.’

  ‘At least he wasn’t hurt, but, yes, they turn you inside out.’

  ‘It’s highly irregular, but Harry wants to see you too. I warn you, it will be strictly for five minutes.’

  Panic clouded Ellie’s mind. Five minutes and so much to say. Still, it was better than nothing.

  She’d thought he must have been taken to hospital, but Sam led her from the room and into a different part of the building.

  The corridors were grey and bleak. The floors were the same colour as the walls, giving the appearance of some sort of puzzle game. She couldn’t help imagining placing a few of her more colourful canvasses on those walls to brighten them up. They passed no one, but Ellie reminded herself it was, by now, the middle of the night.

  The room they arrived at was small and stark. Harry lay on the bed covered by a thin sheet and hooked up to drips and monitors. He twisted his head as the door opened and she was reassured by the warmth of his smile. She breathed out.

  ‘Five minutes, Harry. Ellie, you know I’m putting my neck on the line here. I’ll be waiting outside the door. The medical team will be back soon.’

  Ellie walked to the bed, struck dumb by the relief of seeing Harry alive. She went to hold his hand, but settled for gripping a couple of fingers to avoid touching the lines, which came from the back of it.

  They stared at each other for precious long moments.

  ‘You’re a bad girl,’ said Harry, smiling. ‘You disobeyed my orders.’

  ‘I know and I’m glad I did. I wouldn’t have had this chance to see you otherwise.’

  ‘It was the general opinion of the team that your information saved my life; by the time the team arrived my condition was deteriorating rapidly. Thank you, Ellie. Where’s Tom?’

  ‘He’s fast asleep in the room they brought us to. He was exhausted.’

  ‘But, he’s okay?’

  ‘Yes, he’s fine.’

  ‘He asked me lots of questions about my father and told me about his own dying in a surfing accident when we were together. From the way he was talking, and I might be reading too much into his words, he’s noticed how alike we look and I think … I think he might suspect that I’m his dad. Does that seem possible?’

  ‘It’s probably wishful thinking. He idolises you, probably even more so after the past few days. He can’t know for sure, even if he does suspect and as we are unlikely to see you again … if he asked me, I’d have to tell him the story I’ve always told … which was the truth I believed, his dad died on a beach in Cornwall.’

  They both fell silent and Harry wiped away a tear at the same time as Ellie brushed at her own.

  ‘And, how are you?’

  ‘I’m surviving,’ Her choice of words jarred her, was Harry going to survive? ‘But there’s a lot to think through and come to terms with when I have the head space. I’d never have thought myself brave enough to wallop Rushton, but I did.’

  ‘Sam told me the basics. You did well, Ellie, very brave, if a little reckless. I hope the inner strength you found will help you in the weeks to come. You know you can’t return to live in Borteen?’

  She nodded her head, wishing she’d combed her hair. ‘Neither can you.’

  ‘It’s a pity. I was enjoying being Harry Dixon, the headmaster of Borteen High. We haven’t long, Ellie. Live a happy life and paint lots of pictures of me running across the beach.’

  She grinned, despite the tears that came flooding to her eyes. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, she wanted to see Harry clearly. ‘You guessed it was you in the picture? That image will be forever etched on my mind.’

  ‘Mine too. You can’t tell me exactly where you are heading, but which continent please? So I can think of you fondly in the right direction.’

  ‘Australia. Sam thinks he can accelerate a visa for us, with me as a specialist art teacher. I almost applied a few years back, when I found that was on the list of wanted occupations.’ It actually sounded a logical move when she talked about it. ‘Tom will like the surfing there if he’s anything like his father.’

  ‘Take care of each other. I won’t tell you to look after him, as he’s rapidly becoming a man. He’s more likely to look after you.’

  The door opened. Ellie gripped Harry’s fingers more tightl

  ‘Are you going to be okay?’

  ‘Internal bruising, thanks to Rushton. I’m sure I’ll be fine.’ He tried to smile, but it became a grimace as pain registered in his face. Ellie knew he was glossing over his injuries, but there wasn’t time to ask him more.

  Ellie ignored Sam clearing his throat by the door. ‘I don’t want to leave you, Harry.’

  ‘But, you must. Be safe.’ The corners of his mouth lifted, but it was like the first time she met him as Harry Dixon, the smile didn’t quite make it to his eyes.

  ‘I’d like you to know that I like Harry Dixon even more than I did Ben Rivers.’

  He swallowed. ‘Hold that thought. I’m very honoured, to be liked twice by you.’ He put a stress on the word “like”.

  ‘More than like. Come with us.’

  He smiled. It was a weaker smile than before. He was getting tired. He didn’t need to reply. He wasn’t fit to go anywhere.

  She brushed her lips over his, then kissed his forehead, trying to capture the warmth and scent of him before she turned reluctantly for the door. She didn’t dare look back or she wouldn’t have made it out of the room. The lump in her throat threatened to overwhelm her and she could hardly put one foot in front of the other.

  Ellie followed Sam down the long corridors again. He glanced around him almost nervously, as if he expected them to be caught by someone at any moment. She tried not to break down in tears, as she knew Sam was desperate to get her back to their room.

  Tom was still sleeping soundly.

  ‘Thank you, Sam. That meant a lot to me.’ The tears had begun to escape, flowing freely down her face.

  ‘I’m sure it meant a lot to Harry too. I’ll leave you to rest. Try to get some sleep. You have a long journey ahead.’

  When Sam had gone, Ellie curled up on the other side of the bed to Tom and cried silent tears into the musty-smelling pillow. How was she going to find the strength for a new life after this? But then, she’d carried Ben in her heart for all of these years, so why not Harry?

  Was she destined to be plagued by might-have-beens?

  Chapter Thirty-Three


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