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The Princess & The Privateer

Page 16

by Peter Rhodan

  He turned to the two Imperial Security men “Who is the officer of the watch for Security?”

  “Lieutenant Hormalin, sir.” one man replied promptly.

  He had thought it probably would be, but he decided it was best to ask anyway rather than just assume.

  “Good. Tell him I want two men on duty outside VP4 twenty-four-seven please.”

  “Two guards twenty-four-seven outside VP 4, aye, sir.” one of the men replied.

  The Prince was idly amused noting the nautical term that had slipped into the fellow’s response. That worthy began muttering the Prince’s instructions into his comm unit while the Prince turned back to the chief.

  “All logged in Chief?”

  “Ah, I need a name sir.” he said.

  “Alexa.” Gizel offered.

  The chief turned to her. “Just Alexa?”

  “Is that a problem chief?” the Prince asked.

  “Ah, no sir. If you vouch for her that is, sir.”

  “Yes, chief. I vouch for, ah, Alexa.” he answered with a smile at his sister who was keeping her head down.

  He motioned her forward, but the chief held up his hand.

  “Through the detector please sir.”

  “Oh, of course.”

  He altered course and passed between the two metal columns that all returning crewmen were required to pass through. The detectors checked for weapons, explosives, and drugs. The chief glanced at his screen and waved the Prince through. Gizel followed and the columns lit up in bright red flashing lights. The two Imperial Security fellows instantly drew their handguns out and took aim at Gizel.

  The chief said. “She has a handgun and two knives, sir.”

  His casual tone made it sound as if this was a normal occurrence when in fact it rarely happened, the crew knew only too well it was nearly impossible to smuggle contraband aboard. The Prince waved his guard dogs down.

  “Stand down,” he ordered, and when they wavered his voice firmed with Imperial authority. “Stand down now!”

  His words were accompanied by a stare worthy of his father. The two guards reluctantly lowered their weapons and then as he continued to stare at them, slowly holstered them but it was obvious they were not happy with doing so.

  The Prince turned to Gizel.


  She nodded with a crooked smile.

  “Got a modified Nordland Firebrand Mark four hand blaster tucked away, and two really nifty knives in my boots.”

  He stared at her, surprised at her casual tone more than anything. He found he was looking forward to hearing what she had been up to even more after the casual roll call of her arsenal!

  “You won’t need those aboard ship,” he said.

  “Maybe not but I will be keeping them with me regardless.” she answered firmly.

  Something about her tone made him decide not to argue with her and he turned to the chief.

  “Log it chief.”

  “Log it, sir?” he couldn’t hide the surprise in his response.

  The veteran spacer paused, eyeing the Prince, obviously struggling with himself.

  “No way sir. It is against all regs to have an armed civilian aboard the ship, sir. Not without the direct order of the Captain, sir.”

  Lucas studied the chief for a steadily growing length of time, but the chief gave no sign of wilting under his Imperial stare. After almost a minute of the silent contest of wills, Lucas shrugged and reached for the ship's log. He brought his ring down onto the Imperial Crest at the top of the pad and intoned.

  “By Imperial Order, my guest Alexa, assigned to cabin VP 4, is granted leave to bear arms aboard ship providing she keeps them concealed at all times. On this day, by my order, Lucas Desnoute.”

  He removed his ring from the crest and handed the pad back to the clearly astonished chief.

  “There, that takes care of that chief.”

  His stomach did a few flip-flops at first, but he discovered he felt strangely calm after a moment. This was the first time he had ever used his Imperial Authority since he had entered the Naval Academy and it felt surprisingly satisfying!

  Gizel nodded. “Impressive.”

  The chief looked down at his pad and whatever he saw there made him raise his eyebrows, but when he looked back up to the Prince all he could say was.

  “The captain and the XO will be notified of course, sir.”

  “Certainly chief. I expect the XO will beat us to VP 4 if I know anything about it.” he smiled at the chief, then putting a hand on his sister’s shoulder said. “Your cabin is this way, Alexa” he almost chuckled at the Alexa part. “Can I carry your bag?”

  “No, it’s fine. Least I can do is carry my own luggage after ordering a battlecruiser as my taxi,” she said hefting it herself.

  Like all naval-style duffel bags, it was rectangular for economical storage when full and folded flat when empty. It also didn’t weigh that much as there was not much in it, but she didn’t tell Lucas that. Keeping her face down and away from the cameras was easier with the bag on her shoulder to help cloak her identity.

  Lucas noted the look of surprise on the Chief’s face as they walked away, and he guessed he must have overhead his sister’s comment about ordering a battlecruiser for a taxi. He looked sideways at her, raising his eyebrows as they moved away from the guard station.

  “You arranged for the ship to come here?” he asked, surprise in his voice.

  She nodded.

  “Sent word to Travgar to organize for your ship to be at this station in this time window so I could hitch a ride home incognito. Given everyone thinks I’m at some special clinic back home it wouldn’t do the Imperial Family’s credibility any good if I suddenly turned up way out here. Can’t be in two places at once you know.”

  She grinned up at him as he led her further along the corridor into the main body of the ship; he smiled down at her in response.

  “Yes, I can see that I guess. You know that was the first time I’ve used my Imperial authority since I joined.” he took a few more steps and then added, “Kinda scary actually.”

  Gizel laughed nervously. “Yeah. I understand Lucas. A bit like some of the things I’ve done these last few months.”

  They had reached the end of the corridor. It forked right and left and there were stairs up and down but he halted in front of the lift doors and studied his sister for a second while waiting for the lift to arrive.

  “Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures sis,” he said as they entered the transport box that arrived.

  She smiled crookedly.

  “You will probably laugh at me,” she commented.

  Given her demeanor and the arsenal she was carrying, he doubted there would be much to laugh about but that could wait. Three floors up they exited the lift and he led her down the right-hand corridor.

  “This is the VIP deck. It is where the Admiral and his staff are berthed when we’re being used as a flagship. VP 4 is the smallest of the guest rooms, but it has a separate washroom and head. Damn!” he muttered as they rounded a corner.

  Ahead of them he could see Commander Hoffmann waiting at the entrance to the room he had selected. The Commander was not alone; Lieutenant Hormalin was also positioned at the end of the corridor waiting to greet them. As they continued their approach to the room two more Imperial Security fellows came around the bend at the other end of the corridor, having used the forward lift well to get to the deck the VIP rooms were on.

  Lucas marched up and saluted crisply. “Commander.”

  He then continued as Hoffman acknowledged the salute, not giving the XO a chance to speak.

  “Excuse me while I cycle my guest into her room.”

  Ignoring the outright glare from his superior officer, he turned to the door control pad and quickly set it up for Gizel to put in her own entry code.

  “Enter your code and then get yourself settled.”

  Gizel responded with a muffled “Aye, aye, sir.”
br />   This was in the typical naval manner, which surprised him a little, and he stood patiently as she put in a code. He waited while she passed through the now open door before he turned back to his now clearly irate Commander.

  “What the hell is going on here Desnoute?” he said, pointing at the doorway Gizel was disappearing through. “And who the hell’s that?”

  Lucas summoned up his courage. In the Navy, he did not use his Imperial rank or title except at the occasional diplomatic social event ashore. Theoretically, he was supposed to be have been treated just like any other officer recruit, and generally, he had been, but at the end of the day, everyone still knew who he was. Now for the first time, he had to be who he really was in a naval setting. This could get sticky. To add to his troubles Hormalin was waiting to hear his explanation as well. He addressed the irate Commander first.

  “Sir. I’m afraid that if you do not already know who my guest is then I cannot tell you. I assume the Captain knows, and now that my guest is safely aboard you can approach him, but unless I receive clearance from a higher authority then I cannot answer your question, sir.”

  Up until this point in time, he and Commander Hoffman had always interacted well, but now this accord was being put to the test. He appeared to be about to blow his fuse when his expression suddenly changed to something more calculating.

  He glanced at Hormalin and hissed. “You know what this about Lieutenant?”

  The Imperial Security officer shook his head.

  “No Commander. I don’t even know if the requested guards are there to protect his guest or to keep her locked up.”

  “Are you aware he pulled rank and gave approval for her to remain armed aboard ship?” The still irate Hoffman spat at the Imperial Security officer.

  Hormalin looked genuinely surprised at this.

  “Really? Seriously, Lieutenant?”

  Lucas simply shrugged in response.

  “She asked to keep them and I was not going to say no. I think she will be safe aboard the Harry but it was her call I’m afraid.”

  Both men looked at him strangely.

  “What?” Hoffman expostulated, but stopped when he saw the serious expression on Desnoutes’ face. “You are perfectly serious, aren’t you?”

  The Prince nodded. “Yes sir. Once the Captain is awake he may be able to shed some more light on the matter for you but to be honest sir, I am not sure even he knows the real reason for our trip here was to pick up my guest.”

  Both officers looked dumbstruck by this statement. They both glanced at each other as if to say what the hell is going on here. When they looked back at the Prince they both wore a similar calculating look.

  “So, what we have here is an unknown female guest that you invite aboard. Not only that, you have given this undisclosed person permission to bear arms aboard this ship under your Imperial Authority, which is something you have never used before, at least not on this ship. Then you go on to claim that the trip here was actually a ruse to pick up said guest with the diplomatic flag-waving merely acting as cover for the rendezvous. Do we call the psych boys now Hormalin, or simply walk away and act as if nothing has happened?”

  Hormalin smiled dourly at the psych bit but shook his head.

  “You can walk away if you wish Commander, but I’m Imperial Security. I can’t. Lieutenant, is this person really that important?”

  Desnoute decided to give them a bone, if only because he thought the whole thing was started to go a bit too far.

  “My guest is supposed to be on Kimeria at this very moment, indeed she has been spotted there recently, so her appearing here would be, um, a trifle difficult to explain. She does have valid reasons for her desire to be armed Commander, even if I think she is being overly paranoid.”

  Commander Hoffman studied the Prince for a moment, obviously came to some conclusion, and then nodded.

  “Very well Lieutenant. I will wait until the Captain awakes and see how he reacts.”

  “Very good sir,” the Prince said, saluting.

  Hoffman returned the salute, glanced at Hormalin, and then stalked off, obviously far from satisfied. Desnoute turned to the Imperial Security officer and his two men.

  “Your men are primarily to guard the guest. No one gets in without my direct permission. If the guest, who is going by the name Alexa, wishes to leave the cabin I need to be informed before she does so. Is that understood?”

  The two guards whom Hormalin had brought with him nodded. The Lieutenant cocked his head slightly as he studied the Prince.

  “This is an Imperial Security matter isn’t it, lieutenant?” he queried.

  “Oh yes, Hormalin. Definitely your turf, but I can’t explain any more without the approval of people at the top. Now if you will excuse me I have to see how my guest is settling in.”

  He saluted Hormalin who returned it automatically and then pressed the door buzzer.

  “It’s Lucas.”

  The door opened almost immediately and he swept inside leaving the Imperial Security officer staring at the space where he had been. Inside, Gizel was unpacking clothing from her duffel bag onto the larger than normal bunk the suite came with. She looked up at him and the grin she wore looked far more like his baby sister than the hard-faced merc look she had been affecting out on the station and while checking into the ship.

  “Lucas!” she almost yelled.

  She bounced across the room and launched herself at him for a serious hug.

  He staggered under the impact, she might be shorter than him, but she was no lightweight for all that, and yet he still managed to swing her around, once at least, before having to set her down.

  “Gizzy!” His pet name for his sister came out and she hit him playfully.

  “Don’t call me that!”

  She tried to make it sound serious, but she found herself burbling for all that. “I’m so glad to be back!”

  She breathed, leaning against her brother for a moment. He held her in a surprisingly comfortable embrace for a while, not something they had done regularly in the past. They had always been close, well since they had gotten beyond the usual he started it, no she started it stage all siblings go through. He waited until he felt her relax then took a step back holding her at arm’s length.

  “Hmm. I’m not sure I like this tough merc look.” he observed after making a show of looking her over.

  “Goes with the tough merc experiences.” she countered, shaking out of his hold and putting her hands on her hips.

  “Really?” he asked not sure if she was serious or acting.

  “Yeah, really.” And he noticed the shadow that passed across her features.

  How bad had the experience been? he wondered.

  “You weren’t, um, abused?” he asked, stumbling over the right way to ask if she’d been raped.

  She smiled at him after a moment then shook her head.

  “No. No, the people I’ve been with were really good to me. But I helped them do things that mom will have a fit hearing about.”

  “Okay. This I have to hear. So, start at the beginning. How did you get to Starfire anyway?”

  Slowly the whole story came out, Lucas had to hold himself in check at various points in the re-telling of her life for the past few months for fear of her stopping. When she spoke about killing the pirates he saw her mouth quiver, but she continued speaking as if it was no big deal and he realized his little sister wasn’t a little girl anymore. When she finally finished he found himself feeling both amazed and proud of his little sister. It was all so over the top, and yet Gizel had always been headstrong, far more so than he had been, so it was no surprise she’d gotten herself into trouble. Yet again!

  He had so many questions he didn’t know where to start. It had dawned on him about halfway through her recounting of events that she really admired the Captain of the ship she had been on. She spoke fondly of the entire group of people who made up the motley crew, and it sounded as though they had liked and respect
ed Gizel too. There was just something about the tone of her voice whenever she mentioned the Captain that led Lucas to believe she revered him a good deal more than the other members of the crew.

  From what she had said they certainly didn’t sound like your typical bunch of freebooters. The more he thought about it, the more he became convinced was something fishy going on there, but he couldn’t put his finger on just what.

  By now it was lunchtime and he showed her how to order a meal from the galley that would be brought to the suite. She couldn’t go wandering about the ship in case someone put two and two together and worked out who she was. As far as the rest of the universe was concerned she was safely at home on Kimeria, so she would have to stay in her cabin. The few people who had been in her presence so far hadn’t twigged to her real identity, but there was no need to take any unnecessary risks. He was just settling in to begin getting some of his questions answered while they waiting for lunch to arrive when his comm pinged.

  “Desnoute,” he answered.

  “Come to my office please Lieutenant.” Came the Captain’s voice in his ear.

  “Aye, aye sir.” he answered and made to leave. “Duty calls.”

  Just then the door buzzer went.

  Gizel looked up at him, a slightly worried expression appearing on her face.


  “No, I shouldn’t think so. The Captain will have orders he wishes me to confirm probably. Captains don’t like having strangers on their ships.” he said as he opened the door and accepted the tray of food.

  “Lunch, sis,” he said after the door closed.

  “Ahh. Yes. Good. Well, I will see you later perhaps.” She cocked her head at him.

  “Hmm. Probably. I have to be back on duty at zero-two thirty so maybe not. We’ll catch up tomorrow though whatever happens.” he nodded at her. “Just open the door and hand the tray to one of the guard dogs outside when you’re finished eating.”

  “Ay, aye sir.” She smiled and waved a hand generally in the direction of her head, giving him a sloppy salute while taking a bite from her meal with her other hand.


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