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Dark: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Emerald Saints MC)

Page 19

by Sophia Gray

  I blushed and leapt up off the couch, following Donovan down the hallway and into a back bedroom.

  “What is it?”

  As soon as we were alone in the room, Donovan grabbed me and crushed me up against his body. I felt his muscles tense and bunch under my hands. He urgently pressed his lips against mine and slid his tongue inside my mouth. I moaned softly, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He took a few steps forward before dropping me on the bed. He pulled away from me and looked down, his eyes blazing with power and lust. I could only watch as he reached forward and tugged my jeans off, tossing them onto the floor. The cool air of the room made goosebumps break out all over my body but I pulled my shirt over my head and wriggled out of my panties. Donovan watched me for a moment. I felt even more naked under his gaze, but it was thrilling. I was wet almost instantly, and Donovan crawled on the bed and covered me with his strong body. He shoved my legs apart and planted a trail of kisses down my body. I gasped and giggled at the ticklish sensation of his rough, wet, warm tongue. It felt so good, I could already feel darts of arousal and lust shooting through my whole body.

  “I want you,” Donovan grunted in a husky voice.

  Pleasure and desire crested over me like a wave and I closed my eyes and pulled him close, kissing him hard until our teeth were bumping together. He tasted like beer and sweat and tobacco, and suddenly I was afraid this was the last time we’d ever be together. I had no idea what he was up to after this, but I knew it couldn’t be good.

  “I want you, too,” I whispered hotly into Donovan’s ear.

  He trailed his fingers down my bare body and slipped one between the folds of my labia. It felt so good that I cried out and wriggled my hips, spreading my legs for Donovan as far as I could. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor before undoing the buckle on his pants and throwing them on the ground. When he was naked, I took a deep breath and looked at him. The energy between us was hungry, intense, and I knew, suddenly, things had changed. They were more serious, and I could tell just by looking into his blue eyes.

  Without speaking, Donovan crawled between my legs. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, slipping his body against mine. Arousal, desire, anxiety, and fear were mingling together in my limbs and creating one hell of a rush. I felt like I was lifting off the bed as Donovan pressed his lips to mine in a deep, passionate kiss. He slipped an arm under my back and hauled me up so I was almost sitting. When I looked deeply into Donovan’s eyes, he returned the riveting stare. Without breaking the gaze, he thrust his hips forward until his cock had slid all the way inside of me. I cried out in pleasure—it felt like being released from painful bondage—and soon I felt a wave of perspiration break out over my body. I began to rock my hips against Donovan’s body until his cock was fully plunged inside, bumping against the tip of my cervix. The muscles of my pussy were clenching Donovan tightly, and as he began to thrust in and out, he slipped a hand down to my clit and rubbed it in gentle circles. Pleasure built and built inside of my body until I felt like I was going to explode, but it wasn’t enough. I didn’t just want Donovan. I wanted to disappear inside Donovan, forever.

  He craned his neck down and began to nip at my breasts with his teeth. The sensation of his sharp teeth and soft lips and tongue was too much to bear, and I was shrieking and moaning and tangling my hands in his hair after only a few seconds. Donovan knew exactly how to bring my body to the edge and back again. When I was with him, everything else in the world vanished. It no longer mattered that I’d forgotten about school or that my life was in danger. I even forgot about Penny’s obviously terminal cancer and the effect it could have on Donovan. I might never see him again after tonight, but right now was all that mattered. Closing my eyes, I clenched my muscles and dug my fingernails into Donovan’s back. His teeth closed around my nipple and I cried out with pleasure. Before Donovan, I’d never thought pain could feel good. But now it just amplified the pleasure. I trusted him completely. I knew was crazy, but I was beyond crazy at this point. Donovan lifted his head to mine and pressed his salty, damp lips against my own. I moaned softly into his mouth and frantically ground my pelvis against his body. My clit rubbed against Donovan’s taut lower belly and I felt a siege of fiery pleasure in my body.

  “Anna!” Donovan shrieked in a hoarse tone. He slammed his damp body against mine and lowered his face to kiss my neck. The sensation of his warm lips and tongue sliding over my damp skin was almost enough to send me over the edge.

  Arousal and pleasure exploded in my lower belly and I closed my eyes and shrieked Donovan’s name as I came harder than ever before. The movements of my body must have set Donovan off because a few seconds later, he groaned and slammed his hips against me. I felt his cock twitch and gush inside of me and the sensation made me shiver.

  For a moment, we stayed like that, locked together. Then Donovan brushed my damp hair off my forehead and climbed off of me. He was sweating and shaking and he looked at me fiercely. “I’ll come back,” he said in a serious voice. “You have to trust me, Anna.”

  I nodded. I couldn’t reply. I was terrified. “What if I never see you again?” I finally managed to choke out in a rough whisper.

  Donovan shook his head and a trace of his old roguishness came back. “Ain’t gonna happen,” he said with a grin. “You’re stuck with me now, honey.”

  I blushed. I loved it when he called me honey—it reminded me of the night we first met. “Okay,” I said finally. My throat felt as dry as paper and I felt tears start to well in my eyes as Donovan got dressed.

  When he left, he kissed me and Penny. “Take care of each other,” Donovan ordered me. “Make sure Mom’s comfortable.”

  I nodded. At least taking care of Penny could make me feel useful. Since I’d patched up most of the MC with my supplies, I didn’t have a lot left. But I could always keep an eye on her heart rate and make sure she always had food if she wanted.

  “I will,” I promised. Donovan’s deep blue eyes zoomed in and focused on me. I felt just as naked and exposed as ever. I wanted him to come back to bed. I wanted him to wrap me up in his arms and never let go. I wanted him, all of him, forever.

  “I promise,” he said solemnly.

  I nodded. I couldn’t help the tears any longer, and they dripped down my face. Donovan walked towards me and knelt down. As he brushed his knuckles gently over my cheeks, the tears turned into sobs. He leaned forward to kiss my cheek, and then he was gone.

  When I was alone, I curled up with my face pressed into my knees and sobbed openly. I couldn’t help it—I had such a bad feeling about the whole situation. It wasn’t going to be easy to come out the other side, the odds were stacked against Donovan and the club. I suspected the corrupt cops that Donovan had told me about were behind this. Who else would care about him coming back and resuming office?

  I giggled. Something about the phrase ‘resuming office’ was funny. It wasn’t like Donovan was a politician, or an elected official. But he was the president of The Saints and I knew he took his role just as seriously as the President of the United States did.

  Suddenly, I felt selfish. Here I was, tucked away in the back of the cabin, bawling my eyes out, and Penny was probably alone in the living room, probably feeling even worse than I did. I couldn’t imagine what it was like to have your son disappear for months when she was so sick. The thought made me want to start crying all over again. I hopped out of bed and got dressed. I remembered seeing a fireplace in the living room, maybe Penny and I could hang out for a while and warm up.

  “I was wondering where you’d gone off to,” Penny said.

  I blushed at the sight of a sly twinkle in her eye. I knew she knew exactly what Donovan and I had been doing, but bless her heart, she didn’t say anything else. “I’m freezing,” I complained. “Do you want me to build a fire? I saw some of the guys chopping wood earlier.”

  Penny nodded and shot me a grateful smile. She somehow looked even more thin and
wan than she had earlier in the day, and I knew she must be in a lot of pain. “I would love that, dear,” she said softly. I watched as she lowered herself onto the couch with a little effort. “Thank you.”

  “Of course,” I said. As I went outside, it felt even colder but I was grateful for the chance to be outdoors. Something about the cabin felt damp and stuffy to me. I smiled, taking a step backwards to properly look at it. The cabin itself wasn’t luxurious but I could tell it had been well cared for. The furniture inside was comfortable but visibly old and worn, and I could tell it was probably mostly original. I ran my hand over the glazed wood of the outside. It was smooth and hard. A little like Donovan, I thought with a grin as I grabbed some logs from a pile. Mentally thanking Lucas for chopping wood earlier, I hauled enough inside and dumped them in the fireplace.

  Penny was shivering and sitting with her eyes closed when I got back inside. For a moment, I was scared she’d died. But she opened her eyes and watched as I re-arranged the wood in the fireplace.

  “Thank you, dear,” she said again. “I really appreciate that.”

  “No problem,” I said. It was really chilly inside—almost colder than it had been outdoors. I saw the cabin was drafty around the windows and doors.

  “Do you like it up here?” Penny gave me a smile and sipped some of the tea I’d prepared.

  We were sitting in front of a roaring blaze and I was just now beginning to feel my limbs warm up. My jeans had gotten wet earlier from the floor in the bedroom—I made a mental note to go back there and check for a leak. Donovan was nice enough to have me up here, the least I could do was make sure everything was in working order. “I do,” I said softly. I turned my face to the fire and closed my eyes, letting my skin heat up. It felt delicious, and suddenly I wished more than anything for Donovan’s safe return. I saw him scooping me up and gently depositing me on the floor, then stripping my clothes off and fucking me by firelight. A shiver of pleasure went through my body and I had to suppress the urge to let out a soft moan.

  “I’ve always found it so peaceful,” Penny said.

  Although we weren’t talking much, the silence between us was comfortable. I appreciated that she was so easy to be around. Families may not have been my area of expertise, but I knew enough about myself to know how awkward I could be. I always imagined my future in-laws to be cold and calculating people, but Penny was so comfortable and relaxing. I wondered if she’d always been this way, or if it was a more recent development. Sometimes cancer patients could be so cranky. But Penny truly seemed to take each moment as a gift, and I respected that more than I could say.

  “It is,” I said slowly. “Are you worried?”

  Penny nodded. “To be honest, I always worry,” she admitted. “But my son is one of the strongest and smartest men I know. I wouldn’t be concerned for too long. He’s always kept his word, you see. He never had to come back, but he came home for me.”

  “But weren’t you scared to be alone for so long?”

  Penny shook her head. She touched a small gold crucifix at her neck. “I’m never alone,” she said. “I always have the Lord with me.”

  I blushed. I didn’t know what to say; I hadn’t been raised Christian, and I barely knew anything about their theology. But, still, there was something touching about Penny’s faith. She had every reason to be angry about her cancer, but she seemed truly at peace with it all. I admired that about her. She was so serene, just being around her was like having a glass of wine.

  “I’m sure you do,” I said, feeling awkward.

  Penny reached out and took my hand. Her skin was as thin and dry as paper and I could feel all of the bones in her delicate hand. “I know you’re scared,” she said softly. “But he’ll be back, Anna. For me, but mostly for you. He knows you’re his future.”

  I frowned. “We barely know anything about each other,” I told her honestly. “We only met a few days ago. It’s been…intense.”

  She chuckled. “Donovan’s always been intense,” she told me. “But this time is different. He’s never let women hang around before, especially not around me. I knew you were something special from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

  I blushed. “Really?”

  Penny nodded. “Really, truly,” she said softly.

  For a while, we sat in silence. I kept looking over at Penny and marveling to myself. She was the smallest woman I’d ever seen; I couldn’t believe she’d given birth to someone as giant as Donovan.

  “Did you ever want more kids?” I asked suddenly. I blushed after I’d uttered the words aloud. It was rude to ask, and I knew I shouldn’t have, but I was dying to know.

  Penny turned towards me and, for the first time, I noticed she had the same dark blue eyes Donovan had. “I always wanted more. But William and I couldn’t manage to find the time, and then when we did, it was too late. Donovan was always the center of our lives, but I can’t help but feel he would have grown up happier if he’d had a lot of little brothers and sisters to play with. I wanted him to have a sister so he could learn how to treat women from an early age. But I wanted him to have brothers so he’d have playmates.”

  I grinned. “He does have brothers, though,” I told her.

  Penny nodded. “They are just as close as blood relatives should be,” she said thoughtfully.

  I got the sense Penny was a woman who put a lot of stock into familial relationships. I wondered what she’d have to say about the fact that I’d basically grown up an orphan. Part of me felt guilty, but the other part of me knew it really wasn’t my fault. Still, looking at her and Donovan together, I couldn’t help but feel as though I’d missed out. “I’m envious of the time you spent together as a family,” I admitted. “I never really had that, especially not growing up. I had a friend of the family who set me up rigging when he found out I wanted to go to medical school. I could barely take him up on the offer—that’s how determined and stubborn I was to do things on my own.”

  Penny nodded. “It’s good that you’re like that,” she told me seriously. “I wouldn’t want to see a daughter-in-law take advantage of my precious son like that,” she added. “Not that he wouldn’t want to take care of you. But it’s good you know to pull your own weight.”

  I swallowed. “Daughter-in-law?”

  Penny nodded decisively. “I could see Donovan wants to make you his from the moment I laid eyes on you,” she told me. “I know the two of you will wind up together.”

  I blushed hard. “I don’t know about that,” I admitted. “Part of me is still so nervous. This isn’t like anything I’ve ever done before. I’m not good at having relationships.” I blinked at her and she nodded for me to continue. “I mean, I’ve only ever had one boyfriend before,” I told her softly. “And that was back in college, the first time, before I flunked out.”

  Penny looked at me sympathetically. “It’s a good age for you to settle down,” she said. “Especially because I want lots of grandkids.”

  I blushed. “Oh, my god. I don’t even think I’m ready to talk about that right now.”

  Penny gave me a serene smile and closed her eyes, leaning against the back of the couch. I knew she was enjoying the heat from the fire. I closed my eyes, too, and began to think of the future.

  “Honey, I’m home!” Donovan called out. He stepped through the front door of our house with two bags of groceries in his arms.

  “Baby!” I called. “I’m so glad to see you!” I bounced into the kitchen and jumped up on my tiptoes to kiss his rough cheek. Donovan had started working as a bodyguard for the rich and famous, and our lifestyle had skyrocketed. All in a few months, we’d moved to Los Angeles and bought a house. I’d gotten pregnant almost immediately. Looking back, it must have happened right when we met.

  “You look great,” Donovan said. He wolf-whistled and trailed his hands down my big belly. “I can’t believe how sexy you look while pregnant.”

  “Stop,” I said firmly, but I was giggling, too. Donovan ran h
is hands down my swollen belly. The heat from his skin felt good and I closed my eyes and moaned softly. “That feels good,” I admitted quietly.

  Donovan flashed me a devilish grin. “I know,” he said. Plopping down in a chair, he pulled me down on his lap and pressed my lips to his.

  As I closed my eyes and slipped my tongue into his mouth, Donovan tangled his hands in my soft hair. After moving to LA, I’d cut it short and wore it in waves. Donovan said it made me look more feminine, but really I’d just wanted a change.

  “I love you, Anna,” he whispered in my ear. He smelled like spicy musk and tobacco—a far cry from the old days of engine grease and grime. Sometimes, I missed those days. Our rough trysts in shitty motels, our dates, our all-night bike rides. But now we were a family. We even had the matching rings to prove it.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered as I pressed my forehead against Donovan’s. “I love you so much.”

  Donovan squeezed me tightly in his arms until I yelped. “I can’t believe I found you,” he said softly.


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