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Snow's Heat

Page 4

by Nicole Hicks

  “I was at the kill site, following tracks.”

  He didn’t expect the look in her eyes to sharpen, or the temper that flared in them before she stood and strode away.

  “If you don’t want to say you got lost, then fine, but don’t lie to me.”

  “Military men don’t get lost,” he retorted without hesitation.

  “Military, eh? Well, I know men never admit to being lost, period. You know, Travis, I may not be a bucktoothed, overall and straw hat wearing, gun toting, yee-haw saying, country bumpkin in cowboy boots, but I know how to tell direction and follow tracks. You came up behind me where the local yahoos went racing off to, not where they came from. So please, if you still have any hope of getting into my bed, don’t lie to me again.”

  Travis realized he had stopped walking and gaped at her as the distance between them increased, allowing him to enjoy the sight of her ass in those fitted jeans. He stretched out his stride to catch up.

  “Wait, Bree. I’m sorry, you’re right. But I was at the kill site. Then I heard a sound in the woods and went to investigate. I ended up coming out farther up the service road.”

  He saw her glance out of the corner of her eye, her head turning just a bit.

  “So?” she asked after a small silence. “Are you going to go back and get the deer? Or leave it for the leopard?”

  “Leopard?” He hoped she wouldn’t pursue that train of thought. When she didn’t reply, he continued, “I’ll come back for it with a truck. It’s a bit big to carry back to your cabin, then on to mine for a proper dressing.”

  She nodded and continued walking.

  “Umm, do you have any clue where you are going?” he asked as the silence lengthened.

  “I figure the kill site can’t be too hard to find with the way those yahoos were driving, and it can’t be too far from the cabin. Getting back should be easy peasy.”

  He enjoyed the air of silence as he occasionally pointed out which way to turn to get back to the cabin. Silence in the woods, with company, could be a blessing. Add the woman at his side to the mix and it was almost heavenly. As they came out in the clearing around the cabin, he faintly heard the sound of her ass-of-an-ex’s ringtone.

  “Does he never give up?” Travis asked.

  “Sometimes he gives up, but most times no. He has to have the last word, dig or jab.”

  Her reply was curt as she searched the area for her phone, he assumed. Finding it, he plucked it from the grass and handed it to her. She hit ‘ignore’ and looked at the number of missed calls before huffing and shoving it into her pocket.

  When she awkwardly shuffled her feet, he grinned.

  “So when is dinner?” he asked casually.

  Her head jerked around.

  “Well,” he continued, ”I assume you will wine and dine me before I make an ‘honest’ woman of you. I am not some man whore, you know!”

  Her short bark of laughter was reward enough for the effeminate tone he used on his last sentence.

  “Seven will be fine,” she replied with a slight smirk.

  “All right, well, then I suppose I should go get that deer and get ready.”

  He bent to kiss her cheek, brushing the corner of her mouth before pressing his lips flush against hers. When she drew a quick breath, he took full advantage of her open mouth, lightly tracing the contours of her lips before slipping his tongue inside. With a small moan, she stepped into his embrace, arms going around his waist and her tongue coming to play with his own.

  He put his arms around her, one hand weaving its way through her hair to tilt her head as he wanted it and the other around to the small of her back. He pulled her into the shelter of his body, hating the clothes in the way and wanting her to feel his building erection. He wanted her to know what she did to him with just a single kiss. As their passion built, his hand in her hair fisted in an attempt to not let things progress too far. He slowly pulled away, switching from the sensual onslaught to small pecks.

  “Until tonight then,” he said, taking a full step away, looking into her eyes that were half closed in desire. Turning from her, walking away at that moment, was one of the hardest things he’d had to do since coming back to the States.

  Chapter Five

  Bree fumbled around the kitchen. She had to say seven, didn't she? Couldn't take a minute to see what time it was. She had no clue how Travis would manage to get to wherever his cabin was, grab his truck, get the deer, dress the meat, get showered and dressed and be back by then. Surely that would give her a chance to get the steaks seasoned, the potatoes washed and in the oven and get in a shower herself. Shit, she still had to shave her legs, wash her hair and hope she had time to straighten it. She wanted to look her best for that man who gave her such intense feelings. Well…as close to her best as she could in this backwoods cabin.

  Did she have a dress? Or would that be too much? Maybe some slacks? No. She knew for a fact she hadn’t packed any slacks. She might have thrown in a dress when she gathered her jeans and shirts from her bedroom closet. After all, she had just managed to grab a handful of her clothes, then throw them into her suitcase.

  After she put the potatoes in the oven, she shoved the seasoned steaks in the fridge, then rushed to the bedroom where she lived out of her suitcase.

  Quickly, she laid her clothes out, looking for something suitable to wear for a romantic night. She didn't want him to think she was just using him to get off, or get back at Earl. He attracted her. He made her feel special, beautiful. More than she had felt in that last year she and Earl had been together and the seven months since the separation. This was the least she could do for him.

  There, near the middle of the suitcase was a summer dress. It was nothing special, just a tank top style in flattering light blue. It was flowing, close to sheer, hit her about an inch below her knees and had a fitted top. If she wore her light blue, lace bra and matching t-back it would work. It was definitely better than anything he had seen her in yet, considering all he had seen her wear were loose fitting blue jeans and shorts.

  Quickly, she took the clothes into the bathroom and turned on the old shower. She paused for a moment, making sure everything was where she needed it. After undressing, she stepped into the shower, thankful the water pressure was decent. Letting the conditioner set in her hair while she shaved was a normal routine—one she was glad she used now. It definitely saved some time. Once she was done, she toweled off quickly and finished getting ready.

  Running back into the bedroom, she looked for shoes. Not finding any, she figured he could deal with her in bare feet. Just as she crossed the hallway, back into the kitchen, she heard a knock on the backdoor. Glancing at the clock above the stove, she saw it was only six-twenty, certainly not enough time for Travis to get back. As she opened the kitchen door, she heard a familiar voice.

  "Hey, baby."

  "Shit, Earl, what are you doing here? How did you find me? What do you want?" she asked as she cussed herself for not looking before she opened the door. She was from the city, she knew better! But then again I never expected the ex from hell to show up, either. As she griped at herself, she recognized two men standing outside, the ones from the truck that had been on the service road earlier. What were they doing here?

  "See baby, these men were in the local gas station drinking a few beers, talking about a beautiful, wild woman with a pet leopard. I was ready to blow them off as local inbred idiots until they described you."

  "Earl, that still doesn't tell me why you are out this way. Or what you want." Her exasperation came through in her tone and she knew it. But damn it, he should be out of her life!

  "Well, baby, I figured out while we were on the phone earlier that I just couldn't live without you. I made a horrible mistake, honey. I don't want that skank. I want you. I want our family back. And I came to stop you from making a terrible mistake with that man I heard you with. I know you, baby. You haven't gotten over me yet. You’re just mad. But we can work through that. I
promise I will be good from now on."

  As his speech progressed, he managed to make her step back into the house. By the time he was through, he had her backed up against the stove and shaking her head.

  "No, Earl. That will not happen. I am not giving you…us another chance. And that still doesn't tell me how you found me."

  She could not believe this was happening. How had he found her? How had he known to look in this direction? Then she saw his phone in his hand and it clicked. He had done that before, used the GPS in her phone to see where she was. The first time, she had been naïve. She had believed his lies about just wanting to be able to find her if something happened. After all, what woman would believe her husband would put a tracker on her phone, to warn him when she was nearby when he was screwing around? What better way to protect yourself from getting caught? And it had worked too, up until the woman's panties got lost in the couch.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and drew her closer.

  “But baby, I love you,” he whispered as he ducked for a kiss.

  Once, those few, simple words had meant the world to her. Hearing them had made all seem right in the messed up world they lived in. Now all they did was piss her the hell off. She slid a foot forward between his legs to get a sense of balance, made a fist with her right hand and slammed it into his stomach. As her fist connected, he stumbled back, and she heard a roar fill the small kitchen—a furred paw grabbed Earl by his shoulder, drawing him away from her.

  * * *

  Travis hurried through what he had to do to get back to Bree's cabin. He rushed back to the carcass and carried it home and left it in the smoking shed safe from predators, after he took the time to properly hang the deer, correctly disemboweling it and cutting out the bad meat. Afterward, he took a shower and a shave, wanting to look nice and not like some wild mountain man for the woman even his cat had decided was going to be theirs.

  When he approached the cabin, he noticed the two idiots from earlier and knew there would be trouble. Although the men made no attempt to stop him as he made his way to the cabin, they kept a close eye on him. But when he saw what was happening inside, he stopped caring about the other two. Once in the doorway, he saw Bree backed up to the stove, shaking her head, fire and hurt in her eyes. He heard the soft, empty promises of the man between them, and watched as the man pulled her into him with a whispered, "But baby, I love you."

  Bree seemed to stop struggling, sliding her foot forward for what had looked like a more intimate hold, when his anger and feelings of possessiveness came out in a roar. As the man he assumed was Earl stumbled backward, he reached forward to lengthen the distance between what would be his woman and the interloper, barely realizing his second nature was shining through.

  * * *

  He saw the look of fear in Bree's eyes as she looked at his mangled paw-like hand. He saw the look of terror in Earl's face as he was propelled around. He fought the anger and need to maim his opponent as he moved to stand between them.

  "Mine," he tried to say, sounding guttural.

  "What the hell?" The man struggled to get away as Travis' claws found purchase in his expensive shirt and his flesh beneath.

  "Mine," Travis roared in his face again, spittle flecking out.

  "The hell I am," Bree yelled as she thumped his back, "I am mine!"

  He turned his head to stare her down. And saw the anger and fear still in her eyes. He saw his reflection shining back as well. He looked like a monster. A version of Beast to her Beauty.

  His eyes had shifted fully to leopard, green with an elongated pupil. His nose flared, fighting to pull in the scents around him. He looked back at his hand and saw how far the shift had gone. He still had fingers, in a way, but the claws were what caught the attention. Shit!

  He let go, stepped back and to the side, keeping his gaze on the two other people in the room. He watched fearfully as Bree seemed to reign in her terror and anger.

  "Earl, leave," he heard her say as he tried to change back.

  "Baby, don't—"

  Travis roared in anger again. Both Bree and Earl flinched.

  "Leave. I don't want to see you again, Earl. Not unless it’s for the kids. We have nothing to say to each other. It was all said when you left and again during the divorce. I wanted to remain friends, to make things easier on the kids, but you just won't let up. So if it doesn't pertain to the kids, then the answer is ‘no.’”

  As she gave Earl the riot act, Travis was able to calm down. He was able to pull in his claws, figuratively and literally, when he realized she was throwing his competition out. And then she turned her gaze on him. In her eyes, he still saw fear. He still saw pain. But he also saw something else…maybe awe?

  "And you, cat man," she said, poking a finger in his chest," you and I are going to have a little talk."

  As she turned back to Earl, Travis put his hand up where she had poked him, a bit in awe himself. He was definitely going to have his hands full. What woman in her right mind would be willing to talk to him, let alone poke him in the chest after seeing his eyes and hands change? Was she for real? He watched in amusement as she shoved the other man through the kitchen door.

  "I am serious, Earl, I don't want to see you again."

  She slammed the door before he could turn around. As she clicked the lock, he watched as she took in a deep breath. Turning, she leaned back against it.

  "Is there anything you would like to tell me, Travis? Anything I should, perhaps, know?"

  The sarcasm was expected, but still cut.

  “And what would that be, Bree?” he asked quietly.

  “Don't you think it would be a good thing to offer full disclosure before sleeping with someone? Or were you planning on waiting until right before and say 'Oh yeah, by the way, I am a cat?’ I would think that ranks right up there with someone saying they’re married. You're not, are you? I didn't think to ask before...shit....”

  His laughter bubbled up as her rant continued, erupting to full blown just before she got to the ‘married part.’

  “You want full disclosure? Fine.” He ticked points off on his fingers. “One, I’m not married. I was, but she decided she wanted someone who was home more. Two, I was in the military until just a few months ago. Three, I was a regular Joe Schmoe until my partner and I were attacked while in Afghanistan, where he died and I changed. Four, I have no diseases, I’m clean sexually and mentally.”

  “No worms, fleas or even cat scratch fever?” Her snide comment caught him off guard and his laughter bubbled through again.

  "No," he replied, "none of those. Not even cat scratch fever. Five, I think you are one of the hottest women I have ever met, and loved watching you throw that asshole out the door. Six, my cat and I both want you."

  Her nose scrunched up in that cute way of hers as a "Eww" came out of her mouth.

  "No, not like that. My cat admires you and doesn't see you as food to be played with."

  "Do you talk to your cat?" The question seemed to just pop out of her mouth, surprising him.

  "No, it’s more like a sharing of thoughts than talking. Do you know any cats that can talk?" he teasingly asked.

  “Well, I once had a cat that could say ‘Momma,’” she retorted.

  He took a second to think, to try to figure things out. He was not a rash man normally, but something about Bree made him want to throw caution to the wind. And while she appeared sane, what sane woman would take this all so calmly?

  When he asked, her answer shouldn't have surprised him.

  “I read,” she smirked. “A lot. And I’ve been on a paranormal kick lately. Werewolves, vampires, zombies: Anything that goes bump in the night. I don't believe Big Foot is out there, but it makes sense that something else is. And don't think I am not freaked a bit, oh I am. But it doesn't really surprise me all that much. What surprises me is that you want me instead of finding a nice cat lady of your own. Why, does that worry you? Would you rather I be screaming and riling up your c
at? I’ve been beside that thing and let me tell you it is huge!"

  She surprised another laugh out of him. Yes, he had pictured her running for that beat-up van if—no—when he told her what he was. And if she didn't run, he had expected her to grab the phone and a gun. Phone to call the men in white coats and the gun to keep him at bay. Instead, she stood in front of him, firing questions at him and making him laugh.

  He stalked toward her. “Who needs to find a cat lady when I have a nice tame cougar right here?”

  He laughed when she smacked his chest and pushed him back. He walked backward until his ass hit the table, trying to give her room.

  “So you aren't scared?” The answer was important to him, one he didn't want to find out by cheating and using his nose.

  “Scared? No, not really. If you wanted to hurt me, you could have already.” She shrugged. “You could’ve easily hurt Earl. Worried? Hmm, yes. Do you always change like that when you are mad? What about turned on? Am I going to owe Marge a bed, because you’ll claw it up? Do you have to change with the moon? Are you housebroken or litter box trained?" She snickered at the end.

  Housebroken? Litter box trained? His laughter sounded a lot like his chuff in cat form. No, she would definitely not bore him. She would keep him on his toes.

  He took a step toward her, wanting to be closer.

  “Housebroken yes, but darling, I don't think they make a litter box big enough for me.”

  “Well, I suppose being housebroken is something at least,” she said as she stepped forward to meet him in the kitchen.

  He reached a hand out to touch her hair, and felt a bit of awe like Beast did when Belle didn't reject him in the Disney movie. Sucking in a lungful of air, he put an arm around her shoulders to pull her into his chest for a hug. He needed to hold her. When her arms went around his waist, he let go of the breath he held.

  "So does this mean we can continue with tonight's plans?"

  "Hmm? And what plans would those be?" she asked in return as she nuzzled his chest, rubbing her cheek over the fabric of his shirt.


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