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Leading the Witness

Page 8

by Chantal Fernando

  We all have a drink, toasting to my freedom—Kat, Callie, Preston, Cheffy, Jaxon, and Tristan joining us. I probably see Tristan, Kat’s husband and another lawyer at the firm, the least in the pub, but his blue eyes, brown hair, and dry comments are always welcome with me.

  “Thank you all so much,” I say, my hand on my heart. “Especially Kat and Hunter. I can’t thank you both enough.”

  “For the record, neither of us, nor anyone at the firm, did anything to help you. But off the record,” Kat says, lifting her beer up, “you deserve this moment, Riley.”

  I feel like I’m about to cry. I never let my guard down, but if I learned anything from this mess it’s that these people are my family. I can let them in. Hunter pulls me against him and whispers into my ear, “Are you okay?”

  I nod, overwhelmed. “More than okay.”

  “Good,” he replies, kissing the top of my head.

  He’s never done that before.

  What does this mean?

  Does this mean he’s done playing the waiting game?

  Is it open season on my heart?

  Did I really just think that?

  I’m just going to savor this moment.

  chapter 11


  SHE SNUGGLES AGAINST MY chest, in front of everyone, and I can’t help but enjoy the moment. I know it doesn’t mean anything—she’s just giddy—but I can only hope that we have more moments like this.

  We’re finally free of Jeremy and ethics and attorney-client privilege. Riley is finally single. There is nothing stopping us now. There is just so much going on, my mind cannot catch up.

  Kat settles next to me, a smug look on her face. “Arabella is good at what she does.”

  “I know,” I tell her, smiling gently at her. “And you could have done the same. I know how great of a lawyer you are, Kat. You prove yourself over and over again. Just because you’re the youngest and newest on the team doesn’t mean you can’t stand with the rest of us.”

  “Oh, I know that,” she murmurs, smirking at me. “Just wanted to make sure you did.”

  “I do now,” I reply, laughing when she elbows me in the stomach, then turns to Riley and whispers, “I think his abs just broke my elbow.”

  Riley reaches out and touches my stomach through my shirt. “They are pretty hard, aren’t they?”

  Kat glances between us and fans herself. “Okay, well, I’m just going to leave the two of you alone.”

  I chuckle, and Riley steps away from me, cheeks flushed. “Another drink?”

  I nod. “Yes, please.”

  How could I not, with so much to celebrate?

  “SO THERE’S SOMETHING I wanted to ask you,” I say as I pull up outside of Riley’s apartment. She had way too much to drink, while I stopped at two beers before I started on the water. I made sure I wasn’t over the limit before I left to take her home, but she sure as hell is.

  “What is it?” she asks, her rosy cheeks just asking to be kissed.

  “It’s my birthday next weekend, and I’m having a get-together. I want you to come. Everyone is invited, so bring Callie and Preston, and whoever else you want.”

  She turns to me and grins. “You trying to steal my thunder, Hunter? Tonight is my night.”

  I laugh and reach out to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Never. Why do you think I waited until the end of the night?”

  “So I’d be drunk and say yes to coming even though it’s a terrible idea?”

  “Why is it a terrible idea?” I ask, learning that drunk Riley is a very honest Riley. I could get used to this Riley, the one who doesn’t hide and keep everything to herself. Maybe one day she’ll be open with me all the time.

  “Because I’m officially divorced now.” She turns to me and adds, “I’ll bet you’re happy this case is over.”

  “You have no idea,” I chuckle. I’m surprised myself that everything worked out in the end. “And yes, you’re officially divorced now, but everything comes down to one question, Riley. What is it that you want?”

  “What do I want?” she asks herself, then clicks her fingers. “I want to know if you’ve slept with Arabella before, how about that?”

  Well, fuck.

  I should have seen this one coming, because I saw the look she gave me outside the courtroom.

  “A long time ago, yes. Now we are just friends,” I say, giving her nothing but honesty.

  “I see,” she murmurs, glancing out the window. “So you got a woman you’ve slept with to be my lawyer.”

  “She’s the best aside from me, and she owed me a favor,” I say in a gentle voice. “And like I said, we’re just friends now, Riley. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

  Her head snaps to me. “I have plenty to worry about, Hunter.”

  I don’t really know what that means, but having this conversation with drunk Riley isn’t the best idea. She opens the passenger car door and I quickly get out, wanting to walk her to her door and make sure she gets inside safely. We walk to the staircase together, and then I offer her my hand to help her walk up, and she takes it. I take the steps slower than I would alone, allowing her little legs to catch up to me. When we reach her door, I wait for her to unlock it and step inside.

  “Good night, Riley,” I say to her.

  “Good night, Hunter,” she replies, reaching her arms out to pull me into a warm hug. “And thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  I squeeze her tighter, and kiss the top of her head. “I didn’t do anything, remember?”

  She laughs. “Yes, yes. Then thank you for not doing anything for me.”

  I smile. “Drink some water.”

  “I’m trying to thank you, and you’re being bossy,” she grumbles, stepping inside. I wait until I hear the door lock before I return to my car.

  It’s not just a fresh start for Riley; it’s one for me, too.

  IT’S ONLY BEEN A week since her divorce was finalized and I haven’t had a chance to see her much since. My caseload was intense this week, but I’m glad she decided to come to my birthday party at my house.

  No matter where I move to, or who I’m speaking with, I can sense her. I know where she is, even if it’s just out of the corner of my eye. I know who she’s talking to. I can hear her when she laughs, the sound hitting me straight in my gut. I want to be the one making her laugh.

  What is it about her?

  “You’re staring at her again,” Callum, a guy who used to work at our firm as an intern, points out, tapping me on the back in sympathy. “You going to ask her out, or what? Make that shit official. Lock her down.”

  Great, I’m getting sympathy from someone younger than me, not what I need right now. And how the hell did he get his woman when he clearly has no game. Lock her down? Jesus.

  “Where’s Medusa?” I ask, trying to change the subject. Callum somehow managed to fall in love with a woman all lawyers in the city know by that name. A judge known for her cutthroat ways and no-bullshit personality. Apparently one look into her eyes and his dick turned to stone, and hasn’t softened since.

  “You ever going to stop calling her that?” he grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. “And don’t try to change the subject.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lie, taking a draw from my beer and trying to pull my thoughts away from Riley.

  “I’ll bet,” Callum murmurs, amusement in his tone. The bastard has always been too cocky and confident for his own good, and giving me shit right now showcases that. I’m about to take him down a notch when Yvonne approaches me and wraps me in a warm hug.

  “Happy birthday, Hunter,” she says, smiling up at me. Even with her extremely high heels, she doesn’t even reach my chest.

  “Thanks, Yvonne,” I tell her, making sure not to spill my drink. I glance around to find her here alone. “No date?”

  “You should know me better than that,” she says, not sounding put out about it, just stating a fact.

�What about the guy you were chatting to online?” I ask, brow furrowing.

  I know there’s been some office talk about us sleeping together, but that actually isn’t true. Yvonne and I are close, yes, but she’s just a friend and always has been.

  “I got bored before we even met. Welcome to dating in 2017,” she replies with a smirk on her hot-pink lips. “Everyone is temporary, and everyone is replaceable. Too many options.”

  I don’t think anyone would ever call me a romantic, but for some reason her words make me feel a little sad.

  “I can’t even remember the last time I properly dated,” I admit, cringing when the truth hits me. I’ve fucked, sure. I’ve had fun. I’ve been so immersed in my work, in my career, that after I ended things with my ex about three years ago, I never bothered to try to pursue anything meaningful again.


  Maybe I just haven’t met the right woman yet.

  I glance toward Riley once more to find her chatting with Preston, their heads together. I know they are close, and Riley is his boss, but I still find myself wanting to punch him in the face.

  “You’re having fun,” Yvonne says, shrugging. “Nothing wrong with that. You’ll meet someone eventually, and that will all change. I’m going to go say hi to everyone.”

  “Okay,” I say, pondering her words. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and then heads over to Kat and the group. When I see Preston leaving his seat and heading inside, I quickly walk over and steal it, smiling at Riley.

  “Can I get you another drink?” I ask when I see that hers is long gone.

  “Preston went to get me one,” she says, looking to where he disappeared to. “But thank you. Are you having a good night?”

  It could be better.

  “I am,” I tell her, nodding. “Are you?”

  “Yeah, I am. It’s nice to actually be out of the house besides for work,” she replies, tugging on her black dress, bringing the slinky material back over her knees. She was born to wear this dress. It fits her perfectly, hugging her like a second skin, showing off every enticing curve. She has such a feminine, hourglass-shaped body, one I’d love nothing more than to explore with my tongue. “Thank you for inviting me, even if I did have to get Cheffy to close for me.”

  “You deserve a night off,” I tell her, words I’ve said to her many times before. “Especially after the month you’ve had.”

  “I’ve drunk more this week in celebration than I have so far all year,” she tells me, tilting her head to the side and grinning. “Hanging out with lawyers is turning me into a lush.”

  “Don’t blame us—you own the pub,” I tease, leaning closer so only she can hear what I have to say next. “Do you know how beautiful you look tonight?”

  She glances down, blushing. “I clean up pretty well, don’t I?”

  I chuckle at her surprising response. “Yes, you do. I’m glad that you came.”

  “Me too,” she replies. We share a smile, our eyes connecting and holding. Preston returns, bending to hand Riley her drink.

  “Thanks, Preston,” she says to him, immediately taking a sip.

  “No problem,” he tells her, then turns to me. “Dude, I didn’t even know women this good-looking existed in our city.”

  He works with one every day, but I decide not to point that out. In fact, I prefer that he doesn’t notice.

  “Which ones? Want an introduction? Most are friends from law school, or my baby sister’s friends”—I pause, looking around—“who is somewhere around here.”

  “I’d love an introduction or two,” Preston says, waggling his brows.

  I cross my arms over my chest and study him. “You might not want to do that in front of them though.”

  His brows cease their movement and settle into their normal arch.

  Riley starts laughing and shakes her head. “He’s going to need a little more help, I think, Hunter. Maybe you should give him an opening line or something.”

  “Can’t do all the work for him,” I grumble, standing up and patting him on the back. “Come on, let’s go do this.”

  So I can sit back down with Riley and continue my conversation with her. On second thought, I glance down at her and ask, “Care to join us?”

  She laughs and shakes her head again. “No, I think the two of you will do better on your own.”

  Two of us?

  I need to clear this up straightaway. “We all know who I want, and I’m looking at her.”

  Her eyes widen and she swallows. I press a kiss to the top of her head, smiling against her hair. “Let me know if you need anything,” I tell her, pulling back, my gaze dropping to her pouty lips. Those lips should be illegal. “A drink, or something to eat, whatever.”

  “I can manage, but thank you,” she replies, amusement flittering through her hazel eyes. Callie grabs her arm and pulls her attention away. I turn to Preston, who points at the woman he wants to meet.

  I’ve already slept with her.


  Here we go.

  chapter 12


  “YOU GOT ME A present?” Hunter asks as I approach him in his kitchen, gift in my hands. When I walked in, he was surrounded by a lot of his friends, so I waited to give it to him when he was alone.

  “I did,” I tell him, glancing down at the marbled wrapping paper.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything,” he murmurs, accepting the package from my hands. He shakes it a little and offers me an excited, boyish smile, one that makes the long day of shopping, looking for something just right for him, all worth it. “Do you want me to open it now?”

  The two of us are in the kitchen, surrounded by muted noise, bottles of alcohol, and a platter of food. I pick up an olive and pop it into my mouth.

  “Up to you. You have a lot of friends, don’t you?”

  He watches me and simply grins. “Wouldn’t call all of them friends.”

  “Then why are they here?” I ask, arching my brow and leaning against the countertop. “Is today your actual birthday?”

  “It’s tomorrow,” he says, glancing at his watch. “Few hours to go. And they’re here because I like them and have a good time with them, but that doesn’t mean I trust everyone here.”

  “Acquaintances, not friends, then,” I surmise, glancing around the house once more. “Your house is beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you,” he returns, not hiding the heated look he gives me. It looks like he’s not hiding anything anymore. He’s not toning himself down, or censoring me from his thoughts. He’s not exactly pushing me, either, though. He hasn’t touched me inappropriately, although we have gotten more affectionate with hugging, and he kisses the top of my head, or my temple.

  Never my lips though.

  At least not yet.

  I decide to change the subject. “Who is into the gangster rap?” I ask, smirking at the music selection.

  “That would be me,” he chuckles. He shrugs. “I like hip-hop and R and B.”

  “And it’s your party, so tonight we all have to like it?” I tease him. I actually don’t mind the music; I just didn’t think it would be his genre of choice.

  He sends a wink in my direction. “Everyone else, yes. But you can ask the DJ for anything you like. Tell him I said so.”

  “Free music rein? How did I get so special?” I flirt. Or at least I think this is flirting. It’s been a while since I’ve had to do so.

  “I don’t know,” he says softly, eyes dropping to my lips. “I wish I knew. You just are.”

  I clear my throat, and turn to the crowd, away from those eyes of his. “OMG” by Camila Cabello starts to play and I nod my head toward the door. “Callie is probably looking for me.”

  We walk through the double doors together, side by side. His hand casually brushes mine, and I pretend I didn’t feel it. Someone calls him over, and he leans down and says to me, “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be sitting with Callie,” I tell him, and head
in her direction. As soon as I sit down, she’s on me.

  “Hunter, Hunter, Hunter,” she murmurs. “You are one lucky woman.”

  I turn to watch him standing, facing away from us, speaking to a group of men, and can’t help but drag my gaze down to his ass. His is the best I’ve ever seen: round, tight, and completely bitable.

  I wonder what he looks like naked. The picture I imagine has me shifting on my seat and squeezing my thighs together. I clear my throat and swallow a mouthful of the gin and tonic. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “I’ll come with you,” she offers, standing up. I’ve never really had a lot of close female friends before, and I’ve definitely never had one who wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom alone, so Callie’s offer has me feeling oddly content. She links her arm through mine and we walk back into Hunter’s house, passing a lot of unfamiliar faces on the way.

  I finish my drink and place the cup on the kitchen table as we walk past it. “Any idea where the bathroom is?”

  “Nope,” she says cheerfully, glancing around. The house is huge, and there’re a few different doors we could try. There’s a staircase that leads upstairs, but also a hallway with several doors. “Let’s see what’s behind door number one.”

  She opens the door, only to reveal an impressive theater room.

  “What about there?” I ask, pointing to a door down the hall. Callie knocks on the door to see if it’s vacant, but a deep voice replies with “Someone’s in here.” We both back away from the door.


  “There’s probably another one upstairs,” I whisper, leading her toward the staircase. I’m busting to go at this point, and need to make it quick.

  “Time to break the seal,” Callie comments, snickering to herself.

  “Just how many drinks have you had?” I ask her, noting her rosy cheeks and extra-happy expression.

  “Just two,” she says, with a silly smile on her face, then adds, “And a few shots.”

  “You did shots without me?” I tease, pretending to be outraged.

  “You were inside, talking with Hunter,” she says with a defensive tone. “You flirt, you lose.”


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