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Leading the Witness

Page 20

by Chantal Fernando


  I grin, spread her legs and start to lick her pussy from behind. She moans and arches her back, giving me more access. I slap her ass again, and this time I get a moan in response. I know she’s about to come by the way her thighs start to tremble. I love it when she comes. The sounds she makes, the way she tastes, the fact that I know I’ve pleased her; I love it all. I get hard just from going down on her.

  “Hunter,” she moans, and I slide my finger inside of her, throwing her over the edge. Her moans get louder, and louder, and I continue to lick and suck on her clit, letting her ride out the pleasure for as long as she can. She quiets when she’s finished, and I stand and remove my slacks and boxer shorts, and then slide into her wet pussy, groaning as the heat surrounds my cock, squeezing the life out of me.

  “Fucking hell, Riley,” I whisper under my breath, my teeth clenched. I pull out and roll her over onto her side, in the spooning position, lay behind her and slide back in, my lips on her neck, sucking playfully. I slow the pace, going deeper than before, and reach down to play with her clit.

  “Hunter,” she whispers, turning her face toward me.


  “I love you,” she says, and then kisses me.

  When she pulls away, I smile, and say against her lips, “Babe, I think I’ve loved you from the moment I first laid my eyes on you.”

  We come together for the first time, finally all of our walls down, showing our true selves to each other.

  No boundaries.

  Guards down.

  Giving ourselves to each other.

  Sometimes, rarely, if you’re lucky, you will put yourself out there for someone.

  You’ll take a gamble. A chance. Put your heart on the line.

  And it will pay off.

  And fuck, that feeling is indescribable.

  “WE HAVE ENOUGH EVIDENCE now, don’t you think?” Jaxon says to Officer Bates. The police seemed confused about why lawyers were involved, until Jaxon explained that he was a friend of Riley’s. I don’t know what else he did, but the police seem to be doing their job as quickly and effectively as they can. Jaxon’s name carries a lot of weight in this town, and everyone in law enforcement respects him.

  “The fingerprint doesn’t match, and the footprint is in his size, but a lot of men could be that size. We need to find the exact pair of shoes to prove he was the one who set the fire.”

  They’d found fingerprints on a side window someone must have tried to open but wasn’t able to, but apparently they aren’t Jeremy’s. Did he have an accomplice, maybe? If the shoe matches, I think that’s enough to make a case against him. I’d love to hear what the asshole’s alibi is.

  “Let us do our job,” he tells us. “I’ll let you know as soon as we know something. Right now we have no probable cause to search Mr. Rodgers’s house.”

  We agree and head back to work.

  “Are we sure it was him? The fingerprints weren’t a match,” Jaxon asks, sounding unsure.

  “The shoe size did though. And he has the motive,” I say, my jaw tight. “Are you thinking otherwise?”

  “I don’t know; it’s just too obvious,” Jaxon murmurs, lost in thought. “He had to have known we’d all suspect him first. Maybe he paid someone to do it. He has enough money to do so, and it would explain the fingerprints.”

  “Maybe,” I agree. “I don’t know. I guess we will have to see what the police find out. If it’s him though, what a clusterfuck. I can’t believe he’d do this to Riley, even if he paid someone to do it. She told me he came by and there was a moment where she saw pain. But you don’t do this because you are in pain. You do this because you have some serious issues. He’s such a selfish fuck.”

  “You’re right, he’s clearly got some issues he needs to work out,” Jaxon comments, opening the door for me, like a gentleman. “He can sort them out in prison.”

  “Thanks for opening the door for me, you cutie.”

  “Any time, honey.”

  “Do you two need some time alone?” Scarlett asks from where she sits perched on Yvonne’s desk, amusement dancing in her eyes. “I can come back later.”

  I give her a hug and pull back, arms still around her. “I haven’t seen you in so long. Where have you been?”

  “Working.” She smiles, her floral scent filling the office. “I thought I’d surprise my man by taking him out to dinner, only to catch him flirting with you.”

  “He’s my office husband. You know I’ll always be his first love,” I tease, stepping back and letting Jaxon approach her. “I can cover for you, Jaxon, if you need to bail.”

  “Thanks, man,” he says, taking Scarlett’s hand in his. “I better give her some attention before she leaves me.”

  I smirk and watch the two lovebirds leave.

  “They are such a cute couple,” Yvonne comments, heaving a big sigh.

  “When are you going to find a man, Yvonne?”

  “When hell freezes over,” she replies, smirking, her red lips lifting at the corners.

  “I’ll set you up, if you can’t find anyone,” I say, poking the beast. “I know a few men. They aren’t very fussy.”

  She throws her notepad at me.

  I duck and run to my office to hide.

  Who said working in an office all day was boring?

  chapter 37


  AFTER TALKING WITH THE insurance company, I start feeling a little better about Riley’s. The kitchen needs to be completely redone, as well as the back of the building, but everything else is okay the way it stands. With the insurance money I’ll be able to do all this and have the business up and running soon enough.

  I’m looking forward to a fresh start, and the fact that I know no one can bring me down, that I will always get back up and fight no matter what, brings a newfound confidence.

  Jeremy can’t break me.

  I take Bear for an hour jog around Hunter’s neighborhood, then return to his house to make dinner for us. I’ve been at his place more than I’ve been at my own apartment lately, mainly because it’s easier for him to come straight home from work, and I have plenty of time on my hands right now too, so I don’t mind cooking, cleaning, and playing house. I visited my parents today with Bear, and had lunch with them, something I haven’t had the time to do in a while, so it’s actually been nice having some extra time on my hands. When Hunter gets home, dinner is cooked, and I’ve had a relaxing Jacuzzi and am walking around the house in a bathrobe.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he says, giving me a long, deep kiss. I like that he always kisses me properly, not just a little peck.

  “Hello, handsome,” I reply, smiling up at him. “How was your day?”

  “Not too bad,” he says, smelling the air. “Something smells good. Are you sure you want to go back to work? I’m kind of getting used to this treatment.”

  “Well, don’t,” I say, smirking. “As soon as those doors are ready to open, I’ll be back at Riley’s, doing my thing.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” he says, brushing my hair back off my cheek. “I like coming home to you though. I don’t care if it’s me cooking dinner for you every night after work. I just like you being here.”

  I duck my head, smiling. I can’t take it when he’s sweet sometimes. It’s too much. It makes me want to make stupid decisions, I can’t think properly when he’s so close to me. “I like being wherever you are, Hunter,” I manage, raising my head, our gazes locking. “I don’t care what we’re doing or where we are.”

  He kisses my temple. “Fuck, you’re cute.”

  I grin and hug him, breathing in, taking in his scent.


  I don’t know how this happened so quickly. Isn’t love meant to be a slow burn? Maybe there are no rules for love. I know I wouldn’t change anything that’s happened between us.

  I’m in love with him.

  I said it to him while we were making love, and he said it back. I know I shouldn’t have sai
d it then, the timing was wrong, people say stupid shit when they’re having sex all the time, it’s when we’re at our most vulnerable, right before climax, and I meant what I said, but I didn’t mean to say it at that time, it just fell from my lips.

  “I love you, Hunter,” I tell him, feeling bold.

  “I love you too, Riley,” he replies, smiling widely and shaking his head. “I thought I was dreaming when you said it last time.”

  “Do you want me to pinch you?” I ask him, lifting my hands to touch his beard.

  “I want you to do something else to me,” he murmurs, gaze zoning in on my mouth.

  “Like what?” I ask, batting my eyelashes at him.

  “Well, you can start by kissing me,” he says, smirking, his mouth almost touching mine. “And then by dropping that robe. I’m guessing you have nothing on underneath?”

  He’d be guessing right.

  Not wanting to listen to him fully, but wanting what’s going to come after this, I drop my robe first and then flash him a stubborn smile.

  He chuckles and reaches down, tracing the curve of my breast with his index finger. “Was that meant to teach me a lesson? Because I’m pretty sure it’s still me who wins here.”

  I laugh under my breath and turn, heading straight to the bedroom. Before I can make it there though, he stops me with his hands around my waist, pulling me back against his body. When he turns me and pushes me back against the wall, his lips slamming down on mine, his fingers sliding between my legs, I’m glad he’s holding up my weight, because I’m so turned on I can barely walk.

  “Move in with me,” he demands. “Bring Bear, and all your belongings, and move in with me.”

  I still, but he doesn’t, his finger now rubbing circles around my clit.

  “Hunter,” I moan, licking my suddenly dry lips. “Can we talk about this . . . you know. After?”

  “No,” he states, sliding one finger inside me, and then a second. “No overthinking. What is your gut telling you?”

  Damn him.

  Of course I’d love to move in with him, but I need to think about it from all angles. It’s not overthinking, it’s being smart. Yes, I’m at his house a lot, but what if things change?


  I close my eyes, feeling my orgasm approaching. He’s learned how to touch me just right; he knows exactly what to do to make me come quickly.

  “Fine,” I say, moaning as my orgasm takes over me.

  If things change, then they change, and I move on. I’m going to live in the now, enjoy and love the now, and I’ll worry about everything else later.

  I’m going to be happy, and not be scared of the future.

  Anything can happen, but I love my right now. So yes, I’m going to fucking move in with Hunter Brayze. I’m going to take a risk.

  He throws me over his shoulder and carries me to his bedroom, to our bedroom, where he makes love to me slowly, kissing me everywhere, and telling me without words that I made the right choice.

  That he’s happy, and that I will be too.

  I won’t regret this.

  And afterward, when we get up to eat dinner, and when my mind is thinking rationally again, I smile.

  I LISTEN TO PRESTON, Izaac, and even Cheffy gushing about how cool everyone is at their new job, trying to hide the little sliver of jealousy I have. I’m happy they have good jobs, with fun people, but I have major FOMO. It’s normally us getting up to all those shenanigans together, and now they’re doing it with some hot chick named Summer, and her even hotter husband, Reid. Cheffy doesn’t even like anyone, and he keeps talking about Summer.

  Maybe I should apply for a job there too.

  We sit in Riley’s, pretending the kitchen isn’t burned to smithereens, eating some sandwiches I made for everyone, and some other stuff I brought for our mini picnic—chips, dip, homemade guacamole, and cupcakes.

  Callie sits next to me, scowling at their description of their new job too. “Maybe I should turn down the law job and work with them,” she says to me, frowning. “I was just getting used to a bartender’s salary. I can’t even remember what a designer bag looks like anymore.”

  I wrap my arm around her. “No. You’re going to take your dream job, and you’re going to roll with it. You’ll be taking over that firm in no time.”

  She smiles at me, nodding. “You’re right. I need to do this. No more excuses. And I can’t sleep with any coworkers this time, because they’re all taken and my friends.”

  “That’s the spirit,” I snicker, laughing to myself. “Fuck, Callie. I’m going to miss you and your spray bottle.”

  “We need to have these catch-ups at least once a month until we die.”

  “Deal,” I say, glancing around the room. I hold up my cup of soda. “To Riley’s.”

  We all cheer.

  WE’RE AT HUNTER’S WORK Halloween party, and he’s dressed as the sexiest Iron Man I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how he talked me into it, but I’m dressed as Wonder Woman. After a few gin and tonics, I’m feeling a little better about that fact.

  “Jaxon, looking good,” I say, taking in his Batman costume. “Where’s Catwoman?”

  “In the ladies’ room,” he tells me. “With Kat, so who knows how long they’ll be in there.”

  “So that’s where the party is,” I joke, looking toward the bathroom. Hunter’s arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me back against his chest.

  We’ve been watching and circling each other all night, and I know both of us can’t wait to get home and rip these costumes off each other.

  “Diana,” he whispers into my ear, using Wonder Woman’s real name, making me giggle.

  “Yes, Tony?” I reply, tilting my head to the side to see him. “Are you having a good night?”

  “Yes, I am,” he says, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

  We dance to a few songs together, but then Hunter’s phone rings, and the rest of the night goes to shit.

  “WHAT DID SHE SAY exactly?” I ask as he gets into his car and drives toward Cleo’s house.

  “That she’s gotten in some trouble and she needs me to go to her house, and bring money.”

  “How much money?” I ask, panic hitting me. Does she have a drug debt? What else could this be?

  “Two thousand. I can only pull one thousand out of the ATM, and I’ve got a few hundred on me,” he says, turning into a shopping center with a bank ATM we can use.

  “I’ll pull out a thousand too,” I tell him, grabbing my purse out of my bag. “I hope she’s okay.”

  He shakes his head. “She didn’t sound it. What the fuck is going on? I thought she had all her shit sorted out, but I guess I’ve been wrong.” He turns to me and admits, “Cleo had her wild days, and I know she drank a lot and dabbled in drugs, but she cleaned up her act. At least I thought she was clean. It looks like she’s back to her old shit again.”

  “I think she was on drugs the night of your birthday,” I admit. There’s probably a lot more I should admit to him too.

  “What?” he asks, turning his head to look at me. “How do you know that?”

  “Because I know the signs,” I tell him, shifting on my seat. Ahh, fuck. “I kind of used to be like your sister.”

  There, I said it.

  Not in a very straightforward way, but I said it nonetheless.

  “Drugs?” he asks, sounding surprised.

  I nod. “When my cousin died,” I try and explain. “It was my fault he died, and I couldn’t handle it. So I let drugs handle it for me.”

  “What do you mean it was your fault he died?” he asks me, sounding confused. “Didn’t he die in a car crash? Were you driving?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I wasn’t. He was drunk and driving, and . . .” I take a deep gulp of air. “And I’m the one who bought him the alcohol. He was underage.”

  “Riley,” he whispers, reaching out and taking my hand. “You were young too. You didn’t make him get behind that wheel. You can’t blame yourself.”<
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  I look out the window.

  “When Jeremy met me, I was addicted to cocaine. He kind of saved me in a way, except then he used it against me whenever he felt like it. He’d throw it in my face every time he’d get angry, but that wasn’t me anymore. It was so hard being sober and having to deal with the guilt of Devon. I still miss him.”

  “Thank you for telling me this,” he says gently, sounding like he finally understands something. “Jeremy hinted at more to the story of the two of you, but he never said what exactly happened.”

  I duck my face. Will he look at me differently now? Will my fucked-up past damage my present and my future with him?

  He squeezes my hand, and I find the courage to look at him. His eyes—they are the same loving, understanding blue I could never look away from.

  “All that matters is who you are now, Riley. I don’t care who you were.”

  And just like that, the tightness in my chest releases, and I take a deep breath.


  No judgment.

  True love.

  This level of understanding is something I’ve searched for my entire life but never found.

  Until now.

  We pull the money out, and head to Cleo’s to save her, dressed up as superheroes.

  HUNTER MAKES ME STAY locked in the car, and I don’t like it, but I listen to him. For now, anyway. If there’s any sign of trouble, I’m going in. He returns to the car about twenty minutes later, Cleo in his arms. He opens the backseat door, and places her in there.

  “We need to drop her off at my parents’ house,” he explains, sliding back in. I turn back to study her. She’s high as a fucking kite and doesn’t look very well. “She needs to sober up. Her drug dealer wasn’t there; it was just her. So whoever she owes the money to, I’ll handle it. But she’s going to fucking rehab, because I never want to see her like this ever again.”

  I nod.

  The drive to his parents’ is a few hours, and we’re all quiet. I check on Cleo every now and again, until she finally falls asleep, twitching a little. Hunter keeps his calm, doing what he needs to do.


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