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Scandals, Rumors, Lies

Page 9

by Jessica Burkhart

  “Oh my God,” I said. “That’s awful! How did you feel about him asking you?”

  “Like it was a good step forward,” Jacob said. “Which is why I said yes.”

  For seconds, I just looked at him, unable to find the words. “That was beyond generous of you, Jacob. It was more than enough that you apologized to him, but to also tutor him? I can’t even find the words to thank you.”

  And Jacob didn’t wait for me to find them. He touched his lips to mine and The Jacob Effect made all of my worries and anxiety about school, riding—everything—go away.

  We sat on the bench for a few more minutes before Jacob looked at me. “Want to go to The Sweet Shoppe?” he asked. “I haven’t been there in forever. And by forever, I mean for two days.”

  I giggled. “I’d love to.”

  “Do you want to invite Brit?” Jacob asked as we stood. “I’d like to get to know your roommate.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’m sure she’ll be up for it. Give me an hour to shower, change, and get ready and then we’ll meet you there. Okay?”

  “Perfect. See you there.”


  JACOB HEADED TO BLACKWELL, HIS DORM HALL, and I pulled out my BlackBerry. I couldn’t even wait five minutes to talk to Brit.

  Sasha Silver:

  Be there in 5. You up for The Sweet Shoppe in, like, an hr?”

  Brit wrote back right away.

  Brit Chan:

  Def! But WHAT happened with Jacob? I need details! Dying over here!!

  Sasha Silver:

  I’ve got to tell you in person, but srsly, you won’t believe it. It was actually something good. Well, better than good.

  Brit Chan:

  !!! Hurry and get here. We need to talk!!

  Sasha Silver:

  LOL. I’m at the Orchard stairs. C u in sec.

  I stepped around students in the hallway, eager to get to my room. But the Halloween decorations caught my attention. Brit was probably going crazy in our room waiting for me, but I couldn’t help it. And she understood. Halloween was both of our favorite holiday.

  Even though I saw Orchard a zillion times a week, the decorations that Stephanie, the dorm monitor, and a few of the student council members had put up always made me slow down.

  The glass doorway had an intricate spiderweb drawn on it with shimmery white paint. A silver spider sat in the middle of the web. I pulled open the door and all down the hallway, ghosts, bats, and spiders hung on invisible fishing line from the ceiling.

  Just before the common room, a giant black cat with an arched tail and fur ruffled up its back was on the wall. Its green eyes were an eerie shade—a mix between green and yellow—and they seemed to follow me down the hallway.

  Since Halloween was only days away, almost everyone’s door was decorated. Some students had placed plastic pumpkins outside of their door on end tables. Other students had decorated their doors with black and orange crepe paper. More and more decorations were added every day.

  And, just before I reached our room, I looked at the long espresso-colored end table that was always decorated for the appropriate season or holiday. The end table had a beaded pumpkin placemat in the middle and a black bowl with candy off to the side. I always swiped a Kit Kat for me and a pack of SweeTarts for Brit whenever I walked by. I loved the tall candles at the end of each table. The black candles, covered in silver spiderweb paint, were separated by a dozen orange votives in glass holders. I couldn’t wait for all of the candles to be lit on Halloween night.

  I stopped staring at everything, remembered that Brit was waiting, and slid my key into our door. Just as I started to turn the knob, our whiteboard caught my attention. In bubble letters, Brit had written HAPPY HALLOWEEN! at the top in orange and black dry-erase markers. Under that, over a dozen people had written notes to us.

  Boo! Xoxo ~Kristen

  Have a “spooktacular” (I know it’s cheesy!) Halloween, Sasha and Brit! ~Steph

  Trick or Treat! <3, Devon

  People had written notes on Paige’s and my whiteboard before, but never anything like this. And never so fast!

  I read a few more of the comments and looked at some of the holiday-centered doodles before I opened the door. Brit almost knocked me over the second I walked in. She grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the edge of my bed.

  “What happened ?” she asked. “It feels like you took hours to get here! Did they get into a fight? Was everything okay?”

  “You won’t believe this,” I said. “Jacob went to Eric to apologize.”

  “What?! Seriously?”

  “I know! I almost thought I’d heard Jacob wrong when he told me.”

  “So, Jacob apologized to Eric for kissing you at your birthday party?”

  I nodded. “Yep. And they decided the past wasn’t worth fighting about anymore.”

  “No. Way.” Brit leaned back on her elbows. “Wow. That’s huge, Sash. Guys never do that.”

  “I know. I kept waiting for Jacob to say that something had gone wrong with their conversation, but he didn’t. And guess what?”

  “There can’t be more.” Brit said up straight, her long hair flipping over her shoulders.

  “Oh, but there is. And it’s big. Eric told Jacob he was having problems with math this semester. He said he’d heard Jacob was good in math and wondered if he’d tutor him for a little while. Otherwise, if Eric’s grade dropped any lower, he’d be on academic probation.”

  “Did Jacob say yes?”

  “He did. He thought it was a good way to show that they could put old feelings behind them instead of just talk about it.”

  Brit clasped her hands together. “That’s so great! You must be ridiculously excited to have them not fighting anymore.”

  I flopped back against my bed. “You have no idea. It would have been more than enough if Jacob had apologized to Eric, but tutoring him is just amazing. He really is showing me that he meant what he said about making things work out between them.”

  “I’m really, really happy for you,” Brit said. “We should get ice cream or something.”

  I laughed. “It’s funny you said that. Jacob invited both of us to The Sweet Shoppe in about an hour, if you’re up for it. He wants to meet you and get to know my roomie.”

  Brit smiled. “I’d love to! That sounds like so much fun.”

  We kept chatting, there never being a moment of silence between us, while we took our showers, did makeup, and got dressed superfast.

  I’d chosen black skinny jeans, a supersoft pink shirt with a charcoal hoodie, and a pair of silver ballet flats.

  Brit, always chic, had paired flared jeans with tall boots and a white cable-knit sweater.

  “Accessories and then we’re out of here,” I said.

  Brit held up the light pink Caboodles box that we used to store our jewelry.

  I grabbed a pair of skinny black hoops and Brit chose a pair of faux diamond hearts. We finished and left Orchard, heading for The Sweet Shoppe.

  When we got there, Jacob was already waiting with a table for three. He stood, smiling at us. I waved at him, smiling.

  “Hey, guys,” Jacob said.

  I looked at Brit. “Brit, this is Jacob Schwartz. I’m so glad you guys can finally meet.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Jacob said to Brit, smiling at her.

  “You too,” Brit said. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  We all sat down and the waitress came over to see what we wanted to drink.

  “Go ahead,” Jacob said.

  “I’d like a root beer float, please,” I said.

  “That sounds so good. I’ll have one, too,” Brit said.

  “Make that three,” Jacob said.

  The waitress nodded at us and left our table.

  “Sasha told me you’re on the YENT,” Jacob said. “It’s cool that you’re roommates and you ride together. Do you like Canterwood so far?”

  I loved that Jacob was asking Brit about riding.
He didn’t know anything about it except for what I’d told him about Charm and riding when we’d first met. Jacob had spent a few hours in the stable when we’d filmed a documentary for Mr. Ramirez’s film class last year.

  There was an immediate smile on Brit’s face. “I love it! I almost passed out when I got accepted. I ran from the mailbox to my kitchen and screamed to my parents that I’d made it.”

  Jacob laughed, but not in a mean way. “I almost did the same thing. Well, I probably would have if my parents hadn’t been at the neighbor’s barbeque.”

  We all laughed.

  The waitress came with our root beer floats and set them on the pale blue table. “I’ll be back in a while to see if you want anything else,” she said.

  We thanked her and dug long spoons into the tasty vanilla ice cream.

  “What’re you interested in?” Brit asked Jacob. “Sasha told me that you play football and like video games.”

  Jacob reached under the table and squeezed my hand as if surprised that I’d talked to my roommate about him.

  “Football’s fun,” Jacob said. “I’m not great at it, but I like working out. I’m at the media center, though, every second I get a chance. I love playing games—Nintendo’s my favorite.”

  I took a sip of root beer and glanced over, seeing four seventh graders sitting two tables in front of us. One blond girl facing me was wearing something that looked so familiar … it was Brit’s tan jacket with beautiful clear buttons.

  I shook my head, annoyed at myself for thinking the girl was trying to emulate Brit. That was just coincidence.

  But then … I saw two girls get up and walk to the counter. They had the boots I’d bought in Manhattan when I’d stayed with Heather during fall break. Were they … copying me? Copying us?

  Oh my God, I said to myself. You’re ridiculous. Maybe someone would copy Brit, but definitely not you. I went back to joining in the conversation between Brit and Jacob.

  And easy chatter among us didn’t cease through root beer floats or fudge brownies. Brit had this ability to make everyone like her and I couldn’t have been happier that my new friend and my boyfriend liked each other.


  “HE’S SOOO GREAT, SASH!” BRIT SAID, squeezing my arm. We’d just split up from Jacob and were walking back to our room.

  “I’m glad you like him,” I said. “Jacob’s just …” I paused. “He’s just Jacob. We had things, people—both of us included—mess up the start of what could have been something amazing. But now we have a real chance at trying.”

  Brit ran her hand through her long hair, flicking it over her shoulder. “Just take this for what it is—a fresh start.”

  I breathed in the crisp air, taking in all of my favorite scents of fall. Apples. Burning wood. Cider. It was a new start with Jacob and things were on the right track so far, especially after our first date.

  For the rest of the walk Brit and I talked about boys.

  “I haven’t been here long enough to really do anything but look at boys,” Brit said. “But, trust me, I’ve been looking.”

  We giggled.

  “There’s nothing wrong with looking. There are tons of cute guys here. It definitely doesn’t hurt to check out your future options.”

  I almost skipped beside Brit as I pulled opened the door to Orchard. We stepped inside, both pretend--shrieking as the fake bloody hand in the giant green bowl of candy inside the doorway reached up, sensing our motion.

  Our laughter stopped the second we saw Callie.

  “Sasha,” Callie said.

  Her dark brown eyes locked on mine and I couldn’t imagine what she was about to say.

  “I want to talk,” she continued.

  I wondered if I’d heard her right or if my brain, in Halloween mode, was playing tricks on me and making me see a ghost Callie.

  I blinked and she was still there.

  “Um, sure,” I said, my voice quiet. “What’s going on?”

  “I want to talk—alone.”

  Brit shifted beside me and smiled at Callie and me. “I’m going to get started on homework or I’ll never finish,” Brit said. “Sasha, see you back in our room.”

  I nodded, wanting her to stay but knowing I had to take this chance to talk to Callie.

  Brit walked away from us and I heard our door shut down the hallway. I hadn’t been alone with Callie in forever.

  “I’m don’t want to drag this out,” Callie said, folding her arms. “So I’m just going to say it.”

  I looked behind Callie at the pumpkin stickers that Stephanie had put on the WELCOME TO ORCHARD message board. I needed something, anything, to keep me from fainting.

  “Go ahead,” I said.

  “You, Paige, and I need to talk,” Callie said.

  “About what?”

  Callie shook her head. “Please, Sasha. You already know.”

  I didn’t want to stand here anymore and play this game. Sure, I knew she wanted to talk about the Jacob situation, but I didn’t know how specific. But if we all sat down, maybe I had a shot at ending our weird relationship.

  “Fine. When and where?”

  Callie seemed a surprised, and maybe a little unprepared, that I’d agreed so easily.

  “Let me talk to Paige and find a time and day when she’s free,” Callie said. “I’ll text you.”

  And, just like the ghost I’d first thought she might have been, Callie slipped out of the doors, leaving me alone in the hallway.


  AFTER CLASS AND MY RIDING LESSON ON Friday, the only thing I wanted to do was spend time with Charm. I especially loved being in the stable now, since it was only a week before Halloween. Mike, Doug, and Mr. Conner had decorated the stable—keeping hairy plastic spiders and giant rats far out of the horses’ reach.

  But before I could spend time with Charm, there was a stablewide meeting in the indoor arena. I imagined that Mr. Conner wanted to talk to us about the upcoming fall schedule, but I wasn’t sure.

  In the already half-full arena, I stood near the back of the crowd.


  I jumped, whirling around. Troy, Ben, and Andy laughed, their faces red as they stood behind me.

  I crossed my arms over my chest, pretending to be mad. “Seriously, guys? Was that the best you could do?”

  Dropping the act, I smiled at them at them, plotting in my head a way to scare them later. I saw Eric enter the arena with Rachel and her friends. Julia and Alison were near the center of the arena. I looked for Heather’s blond head, but didn’t see her standing with them. She must have been late. The Trio was, well, the Trio. They were always together.

  “Sasha, hey.”

  I looked over at Brit as she stepped beside me.

  “Any idea what this is about?” I asked her.

  “Not a clue. You?”


  Brit craned her neck, staring across the campus. “What’s Heather doing over there?” she asked.

  “Heather? Where?” I looked back toward the Trio, thinking I’d somehow missed Heather joining them. But Brit pointed toward the back of the room where Heather was standing.

  With Troy.

  The two had separated from the rest of the guys and were standing close.

  The clique leader wasn’t with her girls. This was so weird.

  “You know she’s with Troy,” I said. “I’m sure she offered to hang with Julia and Alison, but they told her to go with Troy.”

  But I wasn’t so sure if that was really true or not. All three members of the infamous Trio hadn’t been together much, recently.

  I’d seen Julia at the movies with Ben.

  Alison had been working with Sunstruck.

  Heather had been with Troy or riding Aristocrat on her own.

  But the Trio would never break up. They were the force on campus. Just because they were spending some time with other people instead of being linked at the arms did
n’t mean anything.

  The chatter in the arena silenced when Mr. Conner entered. He stood in the front of the arena and looked around at us. We stared back and the room seemed filled with uneasiness.

  “Everyone can relax,” Mr. Conner said. “This isn’t an announcement about changes to stable policies or anything that you need to be nervous about.”


  “But,” Mr. Conner said with a smile. “Some of you might get a little spooked after you leave. As you all know, next Sunday is Halloween. The stable will contribute an open, campus-wide activity for all, and, as a treat for you, I’ve planned something special.”

  Brit and I looked at each other. This type of announcement was definitely a kind Mr. Conner needed to make more often.

  “As our part in the day of Halloween festivities,” Mr. Conner said, “we’ll be providing fun snacks and drinks in the gazebo, which will be decorated to fit the occasion.”

  That sounded like so much fun! In my head, I was already running through Halloween-themed snacks and beverages like orange soda and chocolate cupcakes.

  “You will get your reward at nightfall,” Mr. Conner said.

  Everyone started to murmur, trying to figure out what it could be.

  “When the sun sets, come to the stable and tack up your horses. Mike, Doug, and I will be leading a haunted trail ride.”

  “Omigod!” Brit and I whispered at the same time.

  “No way!” someone in the arena said.

  “Sooo cool,” said a girl.

  “None of you will be allowed on the trails starting tomorrow. I will be determining a safe path and installing lighting and a few surprises along the way. Everyone needs to stay out of the woods; otherwise it won’t be a surprise. Deal?”

  “Deal!” we all said in unison.

  “Good.” Mr. Conner laughed at our reaction. “Have a good weekend and I’ll see many of you for lessons on Monday.”

  What had been a low murmur when Mr. Conner entered the arena ratcheted up to full out excitement as students streamed out the openings.


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