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A Beautiful Thought

Page 2

by Alicia Rae

  At Pearl’s party, I’d silently daydreamed about the look and feel of every curve of Damon’s muscles hiding beneath his clothes. I had lacked the inner strength to peel my eyes away, and Abbey had caught me staring at him.

  Go figure.

  Trying to hide my blushing face from Abbey in an effort to avoid any questions, I’d ignored her inquisitive eyes that day and turned my attention to her mom, Grace.

  Just thinking back to meeting Damon at Pearl’s party caused my body temperature to rise a few degrees. He was that hot. I shifted in my chair, wanting to ignore the way my entire body responded to hearing his name.

  “Yes,” I finally squeaked out. I was terrified to see where this conversation was leading.

  “So, you do remember him?” Abbey teased.

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Of course. How could I not?” I lifted my drink to take a large gulp. I would definitely need liquid encouragement to continue this chat with her.

  “True,” Abbey answered. “So, since he is new to town and currently seeking housing, my thought was that maybe you could ask him to be your roommate.”

  My eyes widened at her words. I had to remind myself to swallow and not spit out my drink. I could feel the scorching heat in my body. Nerves were taking over at the idea of having a man for a roommate. I had only met Damon once in my life. Not to mention, living and sleeping with that handsome hunk under the same roof while keeping things platonic would be absolute torture.

  At my expression, Abbey lifted her hands in front of her. “Whoa! Hear me out!” she pleaded.

  All the reasons to rebuttal her suggestion came pouring out of my mouth. “That is your most ludicrous idea ever, Abbey! Doesn’t Jason have an apartment he wanted to get rid of since the two of you moved in together?” I questioned.

  “No, it’s not!” Abbey exclaimed, looking teasingly appalled. “And Jason’s apartment is not available anymore. When he called the landlord to let him know the apartment was no longer needed, the guy found someone to lease it to within a week.”

  “But Damon and I don’t even know each other. Wouldn’t that be totally awkward?”

  “Only if you let it.” Abbey set her elbows on the table, leaning closer. “Gail, he’s a really sweet, funny, and down-to-earth guy. Quite frankly, he’s great. You’d really like him, and this could be a win-win situation for both of you.”

  “How so?” I croaked.

  Imaginary red flags were waving at me, shouting loud and clear that this was a terrible way to solve my problem.

  “Well, Damon could chip in on the rent, relieving you of some financial pressure. Since he just moved here from Colorado, California is new to him. This opportunity would give him the chance to see if this move is right for him without committing to a lease.”

  “If he’s already here in Lake Tahoe, where is he staying?” I asked. Curiosity was getting the best of me.

  “He’s been staying at a small hotel while hunting for an apartment. We told him he’s more than welcome to stay with us, but he doesn’t want to impose even though I’ve told him it’s no trouble at all.”

  I sat completely still, stunned into silence, and Abbey took advantage of my lack of words.

  “Come on, Gail. You know I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t like the guy. This is Jason’s brother we’re talking about, not some stranger.” She released a mischievous smile. “Besides, I think this could really work.”

  I was still not buying this plan of hers. “Uh…he’s a stranger to me.”

  Abbey blushed as she unexpectedly lifted her left hand. Then, she rotated it, so I could see the stunning shiny diamond on her ring finger.

  “Well, soon, he’s going to be my brother-in-law, so he is practically family.”

  My mouth dropped in surprise as I jumped up from the table. Abbey rose to her feet, too, so I closed the small space between us, and I warmly hugged my dear friend.

  Tears filled my eyes as I cried, “Oh my gosh, Abbey! Congratulations!”

  Out of pure happiness, I could not help but bounce on the balls of my feet while embracing her, and she reciprocated my actions.

  “Thank you!” she responded with excitement.

  We both drew back, holding one another at arm’s length. Abbey’s eyes beamed brighter than I had ever seen before.

  “I’m so happy for you, Abbey,” I said, my voice overflowing with the emotions I felt inside. I noticed a tear dripping down her cheek.

  She wiped it away. “Thank you. I am so happy. My life has been overwhelmingly surreal lately.” She shook her head. “Who would have known that I could fall in love with the man of my dreams and a beautiful little girl who fills my heart every day at the same time?” she said more as a statement than a question.

  Now, we were really crying, all happy tears, so I hugged her again. It was truly one of the most memorable moments for me to see someone so deserving be blessed.

  “You are one of the kindest people I know, Abbey, and you deserve everything that has happened in your life,” I said, pulling back. “This is only the beginning for you.”

  “What about you?” She sniffled. Her concerned eyes scanned mine.

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” I replied confidently, wanting to soothe away her qualms.

  This was supposed to be a happy time in her life, and I did not want to burden her. Today, I just needed her to lend an ear, which she already had, and I was very grateful for that.

  Her face turned serious. “Will you at least consider the roommate thing with Damon? I really do think it could help you both,” she said softly.

  I let out a deep breath, and for some reason, I found myself contemplating her crazy, way-out-there thought. “I’ll try.”

  “Okay.” Abbey nodded. “That’s all I ask.”

  On my way to my parents’ house, I cruised along the back roads with the T-tops off my newly repainted 1978 Firebird RT. I tried not to cringe at my one and only splurge after I’d gotten my last promotion a few months back. If only I had been more careful with my money, the savings pot would be bigger right about now.

  After a weeklong debate and thinking things logically through, I’d turned down Abbey’s suggestion of having Damon as a temporary roommate. I’d felt terrible for not taking her advice when she was only trying to help me, but then again, I just could not see myself living with a man I had only met once. It was just too far out of the box for me.

  Who even knows if Damon would have been willing to move in with me anyway? He probably would have thought Abbey and I were both insane for even suggesting it.

  I would simply have to believe there was another way to make my finances work.

  I pulled into my parents’ driveway and parked, focusing back on the here and now. Today was Caroline’s fifteenth birthday. The four of us were going to have a quiet dinner this evening. I was looking forward to a peaceful and stress-free afternoon with my family.

  I was a bit early, so I could help out with last-minute preparations. As I entered the front door, I set my sister’s presents down on the foyer table. They were wrapped in her favorite color—blue. Caroline had a fetish with clothes, and she loved to change her garments several times a day. I was hoping she would like the new outfits I’d found for her at our local mall.

  I took off my shoes and started to head toward the kitchen in search of everyone. Soft classical music was playing from the home theater system that my dad had self-installed a few years ago. The smell of baked goodies filled my senses. It felt good to be home.

  I rounded the corner to see my mom, Kathy, standing next to the counter. She was dressed in a floral apron that she’d had since I was a kid, and her brown locks were pulled up into a bun. It was her signature look and a beautiful one at that.

  “Hey, Mom,” I said with an affectionate smile.

  Mom spun around with a spatula in her hand, and a broad smile spread across her features. “Hello, sweetie! You’re here early!”

  We hugged one another and
then pulled apart.

  “I thought I’d come by early and help out.” I looked around to see an empty house. “Where is the birthday girl?”

  “You know Caroline.” She laughed warmly. “She’s outside helping your father.”

  “Of course. Anytime that girl can be outside under the sunshine, there she is!” I glanced around the kitchen. “So, what can I help with first?” I asked.

  “I was just about to frost Caroline’s cake if you’d like to do that,” she responded, gesturing toward it. “Then, I could finish preparing some side dishes.”

  “Sure.” I ambled to the sink and washed my hands.

  My mom started pulling out platters from the fridge, and then she took off the lids. One of them was her famous egg salad. I couldn’t wait to dig into a scoopful of that later. I dried my hands and strode toward the cake to begin decorating it. I immediately settled right in. There was something to be said about a mother and her kitchen. It was an at-home feeling I’d never forget.

  “So, how have you been? Anything new and exciting since last week?” Mom grabbed burgundy decorative bowls out of the cabinets to use for the side dishes.

  “I’m doing good,” I replied, wanting to keep the conversation light.

  My parents had enough stresses of their own. They didn’t need to worry about my job, too.

  “I pretty much have only been working. I had dinner with Abbey last week.” I glanced over at my mom. I playfully added, “Nothing new and exciting, Mom. You know me, I’m kinda boring.”

  “Oh, stop.” Mom snickered as she plucked the kitchen towel from her apron and swatted me with it. “You are anything but boring. We all know you can be quite spunky when you want to be.” She laughed. “So, how is Abbey doing?”

  We got back to our tasks at hand.

  “She’s doing wonderful. Actually, at dinner, I found out her and Jason recently got engaged.”

  “Aw, how wonderful!” Mom beamed over at me. “I can’t wait to meet Pearl. We’ll have to plan a get-together soon.”

  “Definitely. I’ll talk to Abbey about it next week, and I’ll see what their schedule looks like,” I replied.

  Mom and I continued to arrange dinner while listening to the music and humming to the graceful beat.

  After I made long, even strokes with the frosting, I used a separate tube of light-blue icing to write Happy 15th Birthday, Caroline across the center of the cake. I was not the most artistic person in the world, but I could hold my own. Caroline would love it regardless as long as it was done with her favorite color.

  I heard the back patio door open, and in walked my dad with my sister at his side.

  Caroline was dressed in a girlie, long blue shirt, white leggings, and a matching blue ribbon in her short golden auburn hair. Her big hazel eyes landed on me, and she gave me her reserved smile.

  “Gail!” she shouted with excitement.

  She barreled straight for me, and I smiled at her lovingly as I opened my arms just in the nick of time before she reached me.

  “Hey, birthday girl!” I said, squeezing her with equal force and soaking in this moment with her.

  On some days, Caroline would be very expressive with her feelings. Other moments, she would withdraw from us, refusing any affection at all. It was part of her diagnosis of autism. My parents and I wouldn’t take it personally when she was distant from us. We knew Caroline loved us, and we loved her. That was all that mattered.

  I gently opened my arms, so she would not feel trapped. “I missed you!”

  Caroline abruptly pulled back. “Me, too!”

  My dad, David, stepped forward to hug me next, and we exchanged a, “Hello,” with one another.

  “The grill is almost ready. I hope you came with an empty stomach.” Dad grinned.

  Dad was a typical man, and he was all about the grill. He had cooking meats down to a science.

  “There is no other way to come over to the Bennett house.” I winked.

  Everyone laughed.

  My family and I all worked together as we set the table after dinner finished cooking, and then we sat down for our home-cooked meal. We conversed with one another about this and that.

  My dad was picking up every extra hour that he possibly could at work, and the same applied for my mom, who worked at the bakery just down the street. It saddened me to realize how many hours the two of them worked, yet they were still drowning in medical bills. My parents did not live a fancy lifestyle. They were just trying to get by and stay afloat.

  Caroline told me that she had finally been accepted into a new local program for autistic kids. My parents had recently applied for it, and she would be starting at the end of the month. I could hear the mix of excitement and nerves in her voice. My parents and I did our best to encourage her and soothe away her worries.

  After dinner and cake, we all congregated in the living room, so Caroline could open her gifts.

  Caroline ripped open a box from my parents first. “Yay!” she cried, holding up the jewelry with blue gems on it. “New necklaces and bracelets!”

  We all gave her a tender smile. My sister did love fashion.

  Mom and I had talked over the phone a few weeks ago to coordinate what to get Caroline for her birthday, and I knew that would be her favorite gift.

  Next, she opened a box with a pair of cowgirl boots that my mom had picked out for her. Caroline quickly slipped them on her feet. Standing up, she beamed down at the shiny, detailed leather material. She sat back down, Indian style, on the floor.

  Caroline reached for the present I’d gotten her, and she tore off the blue wrapping paper without delay. Then, she opened the brown box inside. She gasped and jumped to her feet for a second time as she held up the baby-blue country-styled dress I’d found for her online. She shifted one leg out, so we could see one of her new boots below.

  Caroline beamed over at me. “Thank you, Gail!”

  She folded up the dress and neatly put it back into the box. She walked over to pat each of us on the shoulder as she told us, “Thank you.”

  It was moments like these with my family that were so precious to me.

  Later on, Mom and I started cleaning up the kitchen while making small talk. She asked me more about Abbey and how her family was doing. I asked her about Caroline’s new speech therapist. I also learned more information about the autistic program, and I realized this new program would be exceedingly beneficial for Caroline.

  “So, how are you and Dad doing?” I asked while washing the pots and pans from our meal.

  After I set the dishes on a towel, Mom dried each of them and put them away.

  “We are doing well. Just working as much as we can.” She came over to my side and gazed at me with a thoughtful expression. “Gail, I wanted to tell you how much we appreciate you helping out with Caroline’s expenses.” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Without your assistance, she wouldn’t be able to transfer to this new program that your father and I found.”

  I nodded, trying my best to keep my emotions under control. I was so thankful that my sister had been given this exceptional opportunity, and we all hoped it would be great for her.

  “There is no need to even mention it, Mom. You know that I’d do anything within my power to help her.”

  Mom reached up on her toes, and she kissed my cheek. “You have a beautiful heart, Gail. I’m so proud of the woman you have become,” she said in a soft voice before returning to her task.

  As I kept washing the dishes, I stared down into the soapy water, wondering what in the hell I was going to do. I could not let my family down. There had to be a way to make my finances work. I thought back to what Abbey had said the other night at dinner, and I let the idea of Damon moving in with me swirl around in my mind once again.

  Thinking back to Pearl’s party, I thought of Damon’s stunning smile, the deep tone of his voice, and his handsome, expressive eyes when they had met mine.

  I instantly deliberated on what it would feel
like to have him in my bed, his large hands gripping me and pulling me closer to him as his lips met my bare skin. The image sent a heavenly tingle down my spine.

  “You okay over there, sweetie?” Mom asked.

  I snapped out of my private thoughts. I blushed and croaked out, “Yep,” while mentally scolding myself.

  I just had dirty thoughts of a man I don’t even know—while standing in my mother’s kitchen, no less!

  Once I got over my mortification, I finished helping my mom put away the remainder of the dishes. All the while, nerves festered to a staggering height within me, making me feel as though I was a ticking bomb with no options and nowhere to run.

  After visiting my family for a little longer, I recognized it was time to head home, so I said my good-byes and ran for the safety of my apartment.

  I found myself staring at my ceiling in the dark for what seemed like an endless amount of hours, and then I realized that Damon was my only option to save me from my current dilemma.

  I silently prayed I could keep my hands to myself because gorgeous men like him didn’t pick out picket-fenced houses with girls like me. At least, that was what the last attractive jock I’d dated told me. I was not about to set myself up for failure again. Furthermore, I would never say those three little heartfelt words to a man again.

  Feeling like I was out of time and options, I picked up my phone and texted Abbey.

  Hey, girl. I changed my mind about Damon. Do you think you could talk to him for me?

  Abbey responded right away.

  Of course! I’ll talk to him tomorrow, and I’ll let you know what he says. ☺ Oh, and I think you made the right decision. ♥


  “Come on, you pussy, this drywall isn’t going to hang itself,” Jason, my older brother, joked while holding up another sheet of drywall.

  We were at our new office in downtown Lake Tahoe. It was seven o’clock at night, and every muscle in my body ached after hanging drywall for nearly twelve hours today.

  I nudged the fucker in the ribs, earning an, “Ouch!” from him.


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