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A Beautiful Thought

Page 4

by Alicia Rae

  Just roommates…

  I need a roommate.

  Focus, Gail.

  “So…” I trailed off nervously. I attempted to gather my words, but I was coming up empty-handed.

  Asking for someone’s help was so damn hard for me, especially when I barely knew the person. To top it off, I was undeniably attracted to Damon.

  His gaze stayed focused on me, never wavering, as he chimed in, “Abbey knew that I needed a place to stay, and she thought you might be able to help me.”

  I gave him a perplexed look, furrowing my brows, as I tried to understand what he was doing. I needed him, not the other way around. My thoughts whirled.

  “Want a roomie?” he politely probed. “You would save me the trouble of living with someone who might end up being a lunatic,” he added, giving me a handsome grin.

  My mind was reeling, still trying to pick up the scattered pieces. This was not what I’d expected at all. I was supposed to be pleading with him to live with me. I had a feeling that he was saving me from asking for help.

  “I do need a roommate,” I admitted softly. But I wanted to give him an out if he needed it. “Then again, we are nearly strangers, so I’ll understand if you don’t want to.”

  “No, we’re not. You are my brother’s fiancée’s best friend.” He pinched his brows together and chuckled. “I think I said that right. We were bound to have to get to know each other in the near future anyway.”

  He reached across the table, taking my hand in his, with a gentleness that stole my breath. While blushing, I gazed down at our hands with his olive skin tone against my fairer one.

  This is crazy.

  But I was desperate for assistance since I wanted to continue helping with Caroline’s expenses.

  “We don’t really know each other, and this isn’t the most practical situation. But we both knowingly trust Abbey, and she wouldn’t lead us down the wrong path,” he added.

  My eyes flickered up to his. His mouth curved and formed the slightest dimple in his cheek.

  While lost in his irresistible charm, I found myself saying, “Okay, let’s give it a try.”


  After throwing my last bag in the backseat of my four-door black Ford F-250, I walked back into the hotel and checked out of my room. As of tonight, I was officially moving into Gail’s apartment.

  I remembered our night at dinner as I jumped into my truck, and I followed Gail’s written directions to her place. She had seemed like the strong and independent type all through the evening. Then, when it had come time for her to ask me to move in with her, her eyes had filled with so much vulnerability, and I’d felt like someone had sucker-punched me in the gut. In that moment, it was as though something unexplainable had come alive inside me while sitting across the table from her, and I’d wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and take care of her. I was fucking clueless as to why I’d felt that way. I’d never had that reaction to a woman before. I shook my head in awe. There was just something about her, and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

  Roommates. I sighed, tossing around the word in my mind.

  I pulled into her parking lot while trying my damnedest to block the images of her that were continuously repeating through my head—the way she’d smiled coyly at me, the unforgettable sound of her soft, genuine laughter, the look she had gotten in her eyes when she was nervous. She was fucking beautiful, and the thought of keeping my hands off of her did not seem to sit well with me. It would be the death of me.

  I shut off my diesel truck, grabbed one of my bags from the backseat, and headed for her building. Once I found the door marked 13B, I let out a sigh. Time to turn my fate over to the big man upstairs, I thought as I rang her doorbell.

  “Just a minute!” she yelled over the music on the other side of the door.

  The song was abruptly cut off, and a lot of ruckus followed. I chuckled under my breath, wondering what she was up to in there. A few seconds ticked by, and then she whipped open the door. My eyes traveled with a slow, measured pace up and down the length of her body. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail, and she was wearing a loose-fitted white Nike tank top with a black sports bra underneath that hugged her breasts perfectly and a pair of black nylon shorts. Her exposed skin was flushed as if she had been working out.


  She looked fucking gorgeous, just like every other time I’d seen her.

  “Hey, Damon,” she said, offering a surprised, shy smile. “I wasn’t expecting you so early.”

  “Hi,” I replied, finding my voice at last. “I apologize if I interrupted you.” I pointed in the direction where I’d just come. “I can come back later if you’d like.”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s okay. I was just finishing up my workout video,” she responded, gesturing me inside.

  After I walked in, she shut the door behind us, and I glanced into her living room. The area was divided into two parts. The front half was filled with a couch, love seat, and TV, which seemed typical. The second half consisted of a treadmill and a mini weight station.

  Gail stopped at my side, staring between the room and me. I could feel the electricity brewing between us. I was a man dedicated to keeping my body in prime condition, but this might be too much.

  Jesus…I have to watch her do workout videos here? With her dressed like that? All my blood rushed south. Fucking hell.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked me apprehensively, breaking my concentration.

  “Yep,” I croaked out in a hoarse voice before looking at her.

  Gail shifted on her feet. “Okay,” she mumbled in a soft, sweet tone. She lifted her hand, motioning for me to follow behind her. “Would you like to see your room?”

  “Sure,” I said, pulling myself together.

  Without another word, Gail spun on her heel and led me toward the other side of the apartment. The first thing I noticed were two wooden doors right next to each other.

  Gail entered the door on the right. “This will be your bedroom.”

  I gestured to the other door. “And that’s your room?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  We would be sleeping with only one wall separating us. If I wanted to keep a safe distance between us, it seemed fate was not on my side. Or was it a sign I wasn’t supposed to keep said distance? Shit.

  “Yes,” she answered barely above a whisper, observing me intently.

  “Where’s the bathroom?”

  “All the way over there.” Gail indicated back toward the main area of the apartment. “On the opposite side of the living room.”

  I must have made a funny face because Gail laughed at me.

  I gave her a lopsided grin, unable to rein in my opinions. “As an architect, I have to say, whoever constructed this floor plan was an idiot.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

  Gail sighed quietly, and the sweet sound mesmerized me. I wanted to hear it again.

  “Well,” she added, maneuvering herself around me, “I’ll let you get settled. Please let me know if you need anything.”

  “Okay.” I smiled, turning my head to watch her. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she replied, taking a backward step. “I’ll make some lunch in about an hour or so, if you want to join me.”

  “Count me in,” I answered.

  With that, she walked off. I rotated back to face my new room. It was fairly small with a king-sized bed placed against the left wall, a built-in closet against another wall, and a built-in radiant heater on the opposing side.

  I strode over to a tall mahogany dresser and set my bag down next to me. Then, I opened the top drawer and started dividing my clothing into each one.

  It only took a few trips down to my truck to unload the rest of my belongings. I was a simple kind of guy, and I usually traveled light. Most of my stuff was still back in Colorado. I was giving myself time to make sure relocating to California would be right for me. />
  I finished hanging my dress clothes in the closet when I smelled bacon. My nose led me out to the kitchen, and I saw Gail standing at the stove. She was humming softly to herself while flipping the pieces in a pan. Her hair was wet from a shower and clinging to her light-blue T-shirt. She had changed into a pair of jeans that hugged those delicious curves of hers. I forced my eyes to focus back on her face.

  She must have heard me enter the room because she tilted her head over her shoulder, gazing at me. “You’re just in time.”

  “I could smell the food from the bedroom,” I replied, walking closer. I saw eggs and hash browns each cooking in separate skillets. “If you cook like this all the time, you might become my new best friend,” I teased.

  Gail unleashed a sexy grin. “I do cook a lot.” She lifted the utensil in her hand. “But it’s going to cost you.”

  Her playfulness surprised me, and I enjoyed seeing this fun side of her.

  “Oh, yeah?” I asked. I would do anything not to have to eat hotel or restaurant food anymore. “And what’s that?”

  She looked to be deliberating her response, and then she gave a hopeful laugh. “Dishes?”

  “You got it.” I winked.

  “Then, this friend thing might work,” she joked.

  “I think so, too.” I chuckled. “Do you need help with anything in the meantime?” I glanced around. “Plates? Cups?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “That cabinet on the top left there,” she responded before going back to stirring the food in front of her.

  I grabbed enough glass dishes and silverware before carrying it all over to set the table. Gail finished up the food and brought it over to our place setting. We filled our plates and started to eat, and I was amazed at how at ease I felt around her.

  “So, do you have any plans for tonight?” she asked in between bites.

  I swallowed my food and gazed over at her. “No. You?”

  “Abbey called earlier and invited us over to Kyle and Lily’s house for a bonfire. Would you like to go with me?” Her beautiful brown eyes widened briefly. “I mean, as friends.”

  I bit back a smile. She was adorable when she was nervous.

  “Of course,” I answered.

  “All right.” She nodded as though convincing herself it was okay to go with me, like there was a boundary between our roommate status. “It starts at seven.”

  I exited my truck and shut the door. Gail had already hopped down from the other side before I could help her. I walked over to her, and then we strolled up Kyle and Lily’s sidewalk. The sun was already beginning to set, and the temperature was perfect for a hoodie-and-jeans kind of night. I was looking forward to kicking back with everyone while enjoying cold beer.

  Lily opened the door before Gail or I even had the chance to knock. Her bright blue eyes beamed when she saw me. “Damon!” she cried as she stepped forward to hug me.

  “Hey,” I said, embracing her tightly. “How’s my favorite cousin?” I asked, drawing back.

  “I’m wonderful,” she replied happily, lowering her hands to cup her little baby bump. “I got to feel Baby Blimp move for the first time yesterday.”

  “That’s amazing, Lily.” I smiled over at her fondly and then gave a puzzled stare. “But who on earth names a baby Blimp?”

  “It’s not the baby’s name, silly.” Lily flippantly rolled her eyes. “It’s what he or she looks like in the ultrasound picture. Until Kyle and I agree on a name, it’s Baby Blimp for the time being.”

  “Gotcha.” I chortled.

  Lily turned her attention to Gail. “Hi, Gail!” she exclaimed, briefly stepping forward to hug her. “It’s so great to finally see you again.”

  “Hi, Lily,” Gail responded in a friendly tone. “Congratulations on your pregnancy.”

  “Thank you!” Lily replied, rubbing her belly again.

  I mentally noted that Lily touching her stomach so much must be a mother thing.

  “Kyle and I are so excited.”

  Kyle came up behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her. “The chicken wings are done grilling, beautiful.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you.” Lily patted her husband’s arm.

  Kyle made eye contact with me and grinned. He stepped around Lily and extended his hand to me. “Hey, man. Glad you could make it.”

  “Hey.” I shook his hand. “Good to see you.”

  Kyle welcomed Gail, and then he gestured us inside. “Come on in. Abbey, Jason, and Pearl are already out back.”

  Gail and I walked in through the foyer and main area of the house until we reached the back patio. I let Gail step outside first, and then I followed with Kyle and Lily after me.

  Once outside, more greetings and hugs were exchanged. When Pearl’s eyes landed on me, her whole face lit up, mirroring my own expression.

  “Uncle Damon!” she screeched, running straight for me.

  I opened my arms wide, ready to catch her. “Ugh,” left my throat at her impact. “Hey, Princess. How’s the bonfire going?” I asked, spinning her around the yard.

  She tipped her head back. “It’s so much fun! Mom and Dad said I could make s’mores. We’re going to roast marshmallows over the fire pit!”

  My heart warmed at the way she so naturally referred to Abbey and Jason as her mom and dad after such a short amount of time. I could not be happier for the three of them. Pearl was the sweetest kid, and I was so proud of my brother and Abbey for giving her the family and home that this little girl deserved. She was our family in every sense of the word.

  “That sounds really good,” I replied, setting her down.

  Pearl’s brows lifted. “Would you like me to make you one?”


  Pearl took my hand in hers and pulled me over to the bonfire. Sure enough, packages of marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate were sitting on a wood log. My stomach grumbled as I helped her push a marshmallow onto a stick, and I showed her how to hold it above the fire. I snuck glimpses at Gail while she talked with Abbey near the house.

  Pearl chuckled. “I think your tummy is hungry.”

  “It’s always hungry for chocolate,” I agreed.

  “Mine, too.” She giggled.

  When the marshmallow was a golden brown, she pulled it back from the flames and started assembling the delicious treat. She finished quickly and handed it to me. “Here you go, Uncle Damon.”

  I reached for it and took a bite. “Mmm…” I said before swallowing. “Delicious. Thank you, Pearl.”

  “You’re welcome,” she replied as she began making another one.

  I took another bite as I scoped out Gail again. She was still talking with Abbey. Her eyes gazed over at me, and I grinned at her. She tenderly smiled at me before returning her attention back to Abbey.

  “Uncle Damon?” Pearl lightly tapped my shoulder. “Is that your girlfriend?”

  “No,” I answered gently, spinning around to face her. “We are just friends.”

  “Sure.” Pearl snickered. “That’s what Mom and Dad said in the beginning, too.”

  My brother walked up to us, saving me.

  “What are you two up to over here?” Jason asked, setting his hand on Pearl’s shoulder as he smiled down at her.

  Pearl lovingly hugged her dad.

  “We’re making s’mores,” she informed Jason. “And Uncle Damon said Gail is just his friend.”

  Jason replied, “That’s great, Princess.” Stepping closer to me, he tilted his head in my direction as he raised a brow at me. “Perceptive for a seven-year-old, isn’t she?”

  “I’ll say.” I laughed, watching Pearl take a huge bite out of her s’more. “But Gail and I are really just friends.”

  “Uh-huh.” Jason snickered. “Let me know how that works out for you, buddy. Since you arrived, you haven’t been doing a very good job at keeping your eyes to yourself.” He gave me the look. “And neither has Gail.”

  I was intrigued to hear that Gail couldn’t kee
p her eyes off of me, but I facetiously glared at my brother anyway. “I would say something to you right now, but I can’t because kid ears are listening,” I threatened.

  Jason threw his head back, laughing. “That look of yours only proves my point!”

  Abbey and Gail started walking toward us with Kyle and Lily following right behind them. Kyle handed a beer each to Jason and me before stretching out next to Lily on a blanket. They snuggled while watching the logs burn on the fire.

  Pearl walked up to Gail and extended her hand that was holding a s’more. “Would you like one, too?”

  Gail tenderly smiled at her and hugged Pearl, careful not to get chocolate remnants on her clothing. “Yes, please,” she answered before taking a bite of the gooey chocolate treat. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  I took a seat on the log again. Gail chose a green chair at my right, and Pearl hopped onto her lap. I felt my pulse spike, wondering if Pearl would bombard Gail with the same question as she had done with me.

  Instead, Pearl asked, “When can I have another sleepover at your house?”

  I had no idea that Gail even spent time with Pearl, but I guessed that made sense, considering she was Abbey’s best friend. The endearment made my chest swell. I let out a silent breath. This woman had me all out of sorts.

  “Hmm…very soon. I miss you,” Gail replied.

  She shifted Pearl up higher on her leg, and Pearl nestled into her.

  “How about not next weekend but in two weeks?” Gail added.

  Pearl gasped. “Okay!”

  Jason sat down in a yellow lawn chair and pulled Abbey onto his lap. “Did you hear that, baby?” Jason exclaimed to Abbey. “We get a date night in two weeks.”

  “Mmm…” Abbey purred at him. “How should we make use of our free time?”

  “Whoa!” Kyle cut in, startling Lily. “Jason, I will fucking kick your ass if you answer that question with me right here.”

  Jason yelled, “Language!”

  “Sorry, man,” Kyle said with sincerity to Jason.


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