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A Beautiful Thought

Page 6

by Alicia Rae

  “Oh, yes, it is.” He lifted his hand, keeping his face in check. “You just sucked on my finger.”

  “Uh…” I stammered. I wished I had answered his first question. Then, this awkward moment would have been avoided. I waved my hand at him. “That was a spur-of-the-moment idea, and Matt is only my neighbor.”

  Damon stepped toward me, and I inched back until my torso was flush against the wall. He gave me a look, radiating challenge but oozing sex, with every second passing between us.

  He lifted his hand and placed it on the wall above my head. “You can deny this attraction between us all you want, Gail.”

  He ran his opposing hand down my cheek, igniting a raging desire within me.

  “But you can’t hide the look in your eyes when you gaze into mine or the way I make you feel when we are standing this close to each other.” His breathing deepened. “And this…”

  He ran his hand back and forth along my bare skin, leaving a trail of scorching sensations I had never felt before in its path.

  “I don’t know what this is, but I want to find out, so think about it,” he said before walking off to his room.

  Breathe. Just breathe, Gail, I told myself as my mind, body, and heart all reeled after him.

  Gaping, I tried not to watch the way his ass moved in his jeans with each confident stride. Speechless, I let him go.

  No one had ever made such an impact on me, and a part of me wanted to rewind the last few minutes and pretend it had not just happen. Because now that it had, it could never be undone. It left me completely out of my realm on where to go from here.


  While listening to some good old-fashioned rock ’n’ roll, I lowered the two-hundred-pound weighted bar down on my chest for a rep and then another and another in an effort to block the sexy yet frustrating-as-hell brunette woman out of my head before I went home and crashed for the night.

  I could not get a read on her for the life of me. With one look, she would make me feel as though she wanted me, and then she would seem to be pushing me away. I was trying damn hard to give her some space, so she could get to know me better. But when she’d sucked on my finger—impulsively or not—I’d wanted to pin her up against the wall and kiss her senselessly.

  Jason walked up to me as I set the weights down, and I sat up. I tugged the earbuds out of my ear.

  “Did you work out your sexual frustration yet, bud?” he teased, already knowing the story of what had happened with Gail.

  “You’re an ass.” I laughed, nudging him on the arm, as I went to grab a set of forty-five-pound dumbbells.

  “Ah, come on”—he grinned at me—“you know you love me.”

  “Right now, I don’t¸” I lied.

  “You cut me deep, bro, real deep.” He rubbed his chest. “So, what are you going to do about Gail?”

  “I don’t have the slightest clue.” I pumped the weights in my hands until sweat broke out across my forehead, but I made myself lift them again and again.

  “Since when are you the type of guy not to step up, take control, and get your woman?” Jason asked.

  “I’m giving her space,” I retorted. My biceps screamed in protest, but I pushed forward. “We just met a few weeks ago.”

  “Women don’t like space,” Jason scoffed in good humor. “They want a man who takes charge.”

  I stopped midair and narrowed my eyes at my brother, who was trying to be funny at the moment. “Stop giving me relationship advice before I beat you.”

  “You could try flowers,” he added.

  “Who are you?” I said, bending forward to drop the weights. I stood straight again. “And what have you done with my brother?”

  Jason roared with laughter. “Oh, just wait, little brother.” He grinned at me, shaking his head. “You’re about to find out what falling flat on your ass in love is all about.”

  Love seemed like a strong word to use right now, but I was feeling more than ready to get my girl after I caught up on some much-needed sleep.


  I startled myself awake and checked the clock. “Shit, shit, shit,” I muttered. I had overslept by nearly thirty-five minutes.

  I flew out of bed and darted for the bathroom to take a shower, realizing I must not have heard Damon getting out of bed this morning. He usually woke up nearly an hour before me, and I always heard him clunking around, so I’d stopped setting my alarm.

  Bad idea.

  I had stayed up late last night, reading a steamy romance novel, while waiting for him to come home. I must have slept like a rock.

  I slid to a stop in the bathroom and locked the door. I was used to locking it now, thanks to having a roommate. With quick succession, I stripped off my clothes and showered in lightning speed. Then, I dried off and noticed I’d forgotten to grab my scrubs for work. After I securely wrapped my towel around me, tucking it under my armpits, I cracked the door open to take a quick peek just in case. The coast was clear, so I ran for it, mindful that my feet were still damp in my hastiness.

  Three feet from my bedroom door, Damon rounded the corner, rubbing his head sleepily with his hand. His eyes bulged when he looked up. “What the—”

  I loudly gasped as I crashed into him, expecting to tumble to the floor in a heap of tangled limbs. Damon’s broad arms caught me, wrapping around my waist, while my hands clung to his biceps for balance.

  Once I got my footing, I peeked up at him. “Hi,” I whispered breathily.

  His eyes were smoldering hot, darker than I’d ever seen them before, and his jaw was set. At first, I thought he was pissed, but the increasing firmness against my abdomen told me otherwise. Heat flared inside me at our contact, and desire burned within me once again.

  “Hi,” he murmured back in a rough tone.

  A second passed, or maybe several, and neither of us moved.

  Damon kept one hand firmly on my waist while lifting the other to cup my cheek. He caressed it back and forth with a gentleness that sent shivers racing down my back. I melted into his touch. His eyes raked over my body as he ran his thumb over my lips, tracing them, while he murmured my name. I leaned into him and brushed his lips with mine, causing him to gently glide his fingertips down to the base of my throat. Ignoring all the reasons why this was a really bad idea, I gave myself over to what my body so desperately wanted.

  A groan left his throat as his palm came to my neck, pulling my lips closer. He took my mouth and kissed me deeply. His kiss rocked me back on my heels, and I grasped him like a lifeline, matching his passion as I kissed him back with equal fervor. Sparks ignited within every part of me.

  By the time we parted, we were both gasping for air.

  After the most perfect moment of my life, doubts came barreling into me and knocked the wind right out of me.

  “Oh my God…I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” I shook my head in dismay and embarrassment at succumbing to my crush on him. This was all my fault. “I have to go.”

  I went to disengage myself from him, but he held me in place.

  “Wait,” he demanded.

  I could see the confusion mixed with hurt in his expression. The look had me feeling even worse.

  “We need to talk about this.”

  “No, we don’t.” I felt at a total loss and out of my league. “I kissed you, and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “We kissed each other,” he countered. “And what if I want to do it again?”

  “We can’t,” I retorted and looked up at him. “It will ruin everything.”

  “Ruin what?” he asked quietly.

  If Damon dumped me like the last guy and the guy before that, it would destroy me, and I could not let that happen. I was a stronger woman now. Plus, I was on a very thin line with my finances. Caroline’s education was partially riding on my shoulders, which in turn was riding on having a roommate to help pay my rent.

  If Damon and I crossed this boundary between us, there would be no going back.
Things were perfect the way they were now. I did not want to mess it up. I would just have to live with my attraction to him. It was an awful, risky situation, yes, but there was no other way.

  When I did not answer him, he added, “Gail, no matter what happens between us, I would never just walk out on you.”

  It was as though he had guessed what my apprehensions were. I would not jeopardize my sister’s future over dating a man I barely knew, especially given my history with men who had only wanted one thing. His last words hit me deep and gave me the strength to say my piece.

  I stood up tall, tightened my towel, and looked him straight in the eyes. “That’s what every guy says, and you’ll be no different.”

  Damon dropped his hands, letting me go, as if I’d slapped him. His eyes turned unreadable.

  My heart constricted painfully in my chest, churning and twisting relentlessly. I was so ashamed of myself for being so callous to a man who had done nothing but lend a helping hand to me in my time of need.

  “I’m so sorry, Damon,” I murmured, lowering my head in shame. Tears filled my eyes. “I have to go to work.”

  It had been nearly a week since our towel-colliding incident, and Damon had not been speaking to me, other than muttering a few words here and there. I had apologized profusely for what I said to him, but none of my attempts had seemed to make any difference.

  And now, the man was on my last nerve.

  After coming home from work, I walked into the bathroom and prayed for patience. For the sixth day in a row, a pile of his clothing was astray all over the floor. The hot jerk was totally doing it on purpose because he knew I was a clean freak.

  While cursing every name for him I could possibly think of under my breath, I gathered all his dirty clothes, the towel he’d used, and even his bottle of shaving cream that he had left open on the counter. Then, I stomped my way into his room and chucked the items inside, not caring where they landed.


  My mother had always said that if I could not keep my stuff clean, I would at least keep it in my own space.

  I sauntered into my room to retrieve my phone and headphones, and I decided it was time to blow off the rest of my steam on the treadmill. I slipped my feet into my tennis shoes and hopped onto my machine to start warming up. Coldplay blared in my ears, and my feet picked up the tempo as thoughts of my infuriating, too-sexy-for-his-own-good roommate swarmed my head.

  In the past week, he had gone from this sweet, kind, and composed man to this stubborn and exasperating man whose sole mission was to make my blood boil. And, oh, was he succeeding because I was about to burst at the seams. My irritation carried me even harder as I ate up mile after mile. Sweat poured down my skin, but I did not care. My adrenaline was on fire.

  Suddenly, the treadmill slowed and came to a stop. I yanked out my headphones, and I tapped the touchscreen button that read Start, but it flashed Warning at me.

  A muffled laugh came from behind me, and that was when I noticed his shadow. I rotated to see Damon standing there in a ticked-off stance with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet spread. His sculptured arms bulged from his gray tank top.

  I shook away how delicious he looked in his gym outfit as I stepped off the treadmill. “I take it you’ve been in your room?” I stepped closer to him while managing to keep my game face in check even though it was sort of funny and cute to see him angry.

  His eyes roamed up and down my body, darkening with lust, before snapping back up to mine. The scrumptious look on his face had me pressing my thighs together. Sexual tension brewed in the air, and it was so thick that it was unbearable.

  “Yep,” he said, clenching his jaw. “Any particular reason you felt the need to throw my shit all over the room?”

  “Uh…because it made me feel better.” I skirted around him to head for the shower. “And you left them all over the bathroom floor instead of using the laundry hamper.”

  “I was making a point,” he retorted, trailing behind me.

  I entered the bathroom and flipped on the shower. I whipped around as Damon stopped at the doorframe, and I stood near the counter to retain an adequate distance between us.

  “And what’s that?” I questioned, not understanding his motives in the least. “To drive me crazy?”

  “No.” He took a step forward while making direct eye contact with me. Emotions flared in his eyes. “To prove that I’m different from the other assholes you’ve dated.”

  “Well, you have an odd way of showing it.” I laughed humorlessly.

  He leaned into me and set his hands on the counter, his arms on either side of me. My heart rate skyrocketed.

  “I did it because you cut me deep with your words the day we shared that kiss.”

  My cheeks heated, and I broke our gaze.

  With one hand, he cupped my chin and tipped my head until our eyes locked again. “Don’t ever hide your eyes from me,” he chided softly. “I’m sorry for this past week.” He caressed the base of my jaw. “I didn’t know how to handle the feelings you invoke within me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’m different, Gail.” He lowered his head until his lips were barely above mine. “Let me prove to you that I’m worth the chance,” he breathed.

  His honesty had all my reservations flying out the window, and my perseverance to stay away snapped as I fully gave myself over and kissed him. This kiss was nothing like the first. This time, it was sizzling hot with pent-up desire and longing all rolled into one. I looped my arms around his back to hold on while I reciprocated his keenness and the all-consuming passion he put forth.

  A low, raw rumble left Damon’s throat as he gripped my ass. He hoisted me onto the counter and pulled me against him as he kept our lips together. The hardness of him had my core tightening and pulsating with anticipation. I had never wanted another man the way I wanted Damon right now.

  His hands glided up my waist, and he took off my shirt and bra at the same time. He descended forward, enclosing his mouth over my nipple. His tongue swirled around it while his hand firmly kneaded the other. I drew in a single breath and wrapped my legs around his waist, squeezing them, as my body trembled for him.

  Damon’s hand came to my shoulder and gently pushed as he whispered, “Lie back.”

  I braced my hands on the cool counter behind me for balance as his lips brushed soft kisses down my stomach. His tongue circled around my belly button as he kneeled between my legs, and he brought his hands to my yoga capris.

  I lifted one hand, swatting him away. “I just worked out,” I protested.

  Damon shook his head. “You smell fucking beautiful, sweetheart, and I need to taste you—now.”

  He tugged off my leggings and panties, and then he placed warm kisses on my thighs. “I can’t wait to explore every inch of your gorgeous body,” he murmured against my skin.

  His tongue connected with my sex, leisurely dragging over my sensitive tissue, as he made heavenly circular motions that drove me wild and made my blood sizzle in perfect unison. Then, he increased his pressure. My head thrashed from side to side as I panted hard.

  He suctioned his lips around my clit and gently pulled. Stars flashed in my vision as I cried out and came around his mouth. He continued to tease my flesh, drawing out the sensations coursing through me. I drew in deep breaths as he rose. My hands went to his gym shorts, and I untied them.

  “Are you sure?” he asked in a heartfelt tone.

  “Very sure,” I replied, yanking the material down his waist.

  My mouth found his. He grabbed a condom from his wallet before slipping his shorts off the rest of the way while never breaking our connection. My hands glided across his stomach as I memorized every curve of his abs. His boxers were the last article of clothing that still clung to his hips. His tongue thrashed with my own as he gripped my waist and positioned me farther back on the counter.

  My backside hit the potpourri dish behind me, causing it to slam into the faucet handle. A loud n
oise reverberated in the room. I screamed out a laugh as cool water shot up my back and around the bathroom, effectively soaking us in mere seconds. Damon dropped between my legs. He opened the lower cabinet and fiddled with what I assumed was the shut-off valve. A few moments later, the water finally stopped.

  He rose again with a smile on his face. “Well, I didn’t expect that to happen.”

  I chuckled in utter shock.

  The temperature of the water had made my nipples harden even more than they were before, and Damon’s eyes took notice as they roamed over me.

  He shook his head with a wolfish expression. “But your naked skin glistening with water is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he added.

  All the while, I observed the way his erection strained against the wet material of his dark boxers, making me eager to get my hands and mouth on him. Before I could demand that he get his devastatingly handsome ass closer to me, he pounced, ravishing every part of me, and I removed the last garment of clothing separating us.

  I grabbed the condom from him, opened it, and started to slip it down his thick, hard length. He kissed and nibbled my breasts, throat, and then the base of my jaw as if he could not keep his mouth off of me. To know he yearned for me so heightened my own lust.

  Wrapping my hands around his impressive girth, I tenderly stroked him up and down as I reveled in the feel of him. He swelled even more within my palms.

  Damon groaned as his hand cupped my nape. “Sweetheart, right now, I need to be inside you,” he said in a raw tone.

  He gently thrust his hip forward against my center, spreading my arousal, and I whimpered at the sensation.

  “Next round, I’ll take my time,” he rasped. “But at the moment, I want you too badly.”

  “Yes,” I murmured in agreement.

  On his next forward thrust, I tipped my pelvis, and he slowly slid into me, stretching me. Pleasured moans filled the air.

  “Fuck, Gail,” he growled, filling me deeper with each measured movement. “So snug,” he added.

  It seemed as though he was lost in me. I was lost in him, too, and we had only just begun.


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