Twelfth Night
Page 21
98 his i.e. his servants
100 For as for
101 blanks blank paper/unstamped coins
106 suit petition, courtship
107 solicit urge
108 music ... spheres planets and stars were thought to be surrounded by hollow spheres that produced beautiful music as they rotated 110 leave permission (to speak)
112 abuse wrong/disgrace
114 construction judgment/interpretation (of my conduct) 115 To force for forcing
117 stake post to which a bear is chained for baiting by dogs 119 receiving understanding
120 cypress light transparent material
123 degree step
124 grize step
124 vulgar proof common experience
126 smile again i.e. throw off melancholy 129 lion a more noble adversary
133 proper handsome/worthy
135 disposition state of mind
137 You'll you'll send
140 what you are i.e. in love with me (a woman/a servant) 145 I ... fool you make me look foolish
146 deal quantity
149 love's ... noon i.e. despite trying to conceal itself, love is obvious 151 maidhood virginity
152 maugre in spite of
153 Nor neither
154 extort ... clause extract reason from this premise 155 For that because
155 no cause need to woo in return
156 reason ... fetter restrain your reason with the following reasoning 163 deplore lament, recount sorrowfully
Act 3 Scene 2
2 venom venomous person
6 i'th'orchard in the garden
7 the while at the time
9 argument proof
12 it my case
12 oaths sworn testament
15 Noah biblical character who survived a mighty flood sent by God 17 dormouse sleepy
19 fire-new ... mint i.e. like a freshly minted coin 20 banged struck
22 balked avoided/neglected
22 double gilt i.e. golden (opportunity)
23 north cold region
26 policy strategy
28 lief willingly
28 Brownist follower of Robert Browne, founder of an extreme puritan sect 28 politician schemer
29 build me build
30 Challenge me challenge
32 love-broker go-between
37 martial hand military style/handwriting
37 curst quarrelsome
38 so provided that
38 invention innovation
39 licence of ink freedom encouraged by writing rather than speaking 39 thou'st call him "thou," an insult to a stranger ("you" is the polite form) 40 lies accusations of lying
42 bed of Ware famous bed, able to hold twelve people 43 gall bile, anger/an ingredient in ink (oak-gall) 43 goose-pen quill-pen made from a goose's feather (may play on sense of goose as "fool") 46 cubiculo "bedroom" (Latin)
47 manikin little man, puppet
48 dear costly
48 two thousand probably ducats (gold coins) 50 rare marvelous, i.e. entertaining 53 wainropes wagon ropes, pulled by oxen
53 hale haul, drag
56 th'anatomy i.e. his skeleton/body 57 opposite adversary
57 visage appearance/face
58 presage indication
59 youngest wren the wren is a small bird (a play on Maria's size); some editors emend "mine" to "nine"
60 spleen fit of laughter (the spleen was thought to be the seat of laughter) 61 gull fool, dupe
62 renegado deserter of his religion
64 passages of grossness i.e. the ludicrous statements in Maria's letter 66 villainously offensively, horribly
66 pedant schoolmaster
67 dogged followed closely
69 new ... Indies probably refers to a map published in 1599 that showed the East Indies in much greater detail than previously 71 forbear desist from
Act 3 Scene 3
3 chide scold
5 filed sharpened
6 all only (out of)
6 so much enough (love)
8 jealousy concern, apprehension (about)
9 skill-less in unacquainted with
9 stranger foreigner
12 rather more readily
16 ever oft very often
17 shuffled off shrugged aside
17 uncurrent worthless
18 worth financial means
18 conscience feeling of obligation
18 firm substantial/reliable
19 dealing treatment/reward
20 relics antiquities, old sights
25 renown make famous
28 count his count's, i.e. duke's
28 galleys ships usually propelled by oars as well as sails 30 it ... answered it would be virtually impossible to account for it/make reparation (i.e. Antonio's life would be in danger) 31 Belike presumably
33 Albeit even though
34 bloody argument cause for shedding blood 35 answered requited
36 traffic's trade's
38 lapsed apprehended/caught out
40 open publicly
41 doth not fit does not suit/is not appropriate for 42 Elephant name of an inn
43 bespeak our diet order our food
44 beguile while away
45 have meet
47 Haply perhaps
47 toy trifle
48 store available money
49 idle markets trivial purchases
Act 3 Scene 4
1 him i.e. Cesario
2 of on
5 sad serious
5 civil decorous
9 possessed by evil spirits, i.e. mad
19 sad serious/melancholy
22 sonnet song/poem
22 'Please ... all' a ballad about women having their own way sexually 25 black melancholic (from an excess of black bile) 25 It i.e. the letter
26 his i.e. Malvolio's
27 Roman hand fashionable Italian style of handwriting 28 go to bed i.e. to rest (but Malvolio takes this as sexually suggestive) 30 kiss thy hand a fashionable greeting among courtiers 33 daws jackdaws, birds of the crow family/fools 51 midsummer proverbially the season for madness
53 hardly with difficulty
53 attends awaits
58 miscarry come to harm
59 come near begin to understand/appreciate 65 consequently subsequently
66 reverend carriage dignified bearing
67 habit manner/clothing
67 sir of note distinguished man
68 limed caught; birdlime was a sticky substance smeared on branches to trap birds 70 Fellow equal
70 after my degree according to my position 71 dram tiny amount
72 scruple small quantity/doubt
72 incredulous incredible
73 unsafe unreliable
78 drawn in little gathered in a small space/painted in miniature 78 Legion biblical reference to a multitude of devils; Sir Toby may mistakenly think it is the name of a specific devil 82 private privacy, with possible play on "private parts"
83 Lo look
83 hollow echoingly
84 have a take
87 Let me alone leave him to me
91 La look
93 water urine, examined for diagnosis
93 wise woman local healer, thought able to cure those bewitched 99 move excite/provoke
102 bawcock good fellow (from the French beau coq, i.e. "fine bird") 103 chuck chick
105 Biddy hen
106 gravity respectability
106 cherry-pit children's game in which cherrystones are thrown into a hole 106 foul collier dirty coalman, i.e. the devil 112 idle worthless/trivial
113 element sphere/type
117 genius soul/guardian spirit
119 take ... taint be spoiled (by exposure to air) 123 in ... bound conventional treatment for the insane 124 carry manage/maintain
127 bar open court, i.e. judgment
128 finder of madmen juror who formally declared whether a man was mad 129 matter substance/sp
129 May morning i.e. festive time 130 warrant assure you/confirm
132 saucy spicy/insolent
133 warrant assure
135 scurvy worthless/contemptible
137 admire marvel
139 note remark
139 keeps protects
139 blow ... law legal punishment (for breaching the peace) 142 liest ... throat lie outrageously
149 o'th'windy on the windward, i.e. safe 152 hope i.e. of success
152 as ... him insofar as you treat him as such 155 move provoke/set in motion
157 commerce transaction/conversational exchange 158 Scout me keep watch (for me)
159 bumbaily bailiff who crept up on the debtor from behind 160 horrible terribly/exceedingly
162 twanged off uttered ringingly/said with a snide nasal intonation 162 approbation credit
163 proof testing out
164 let me alone i.e. you can rely on me 166 capacity intelligence
170 clodpole idiot
173 youth inexperience
173 aptly receive readily believe
173 hideous terrifying
175 cockatrices basilisks, mythical reptiles whose gaze had the power to kill 176 Give them way keep out of their way
177 presently immediately
178 horrid terrifying
181 laid laid down/exposed
181 unchary carelessly
185 'haviour ... bears behavior that characterizes your passion 187 jewel piece of jewelry, here a miniature portrait of Olivia 191 honour saved i.e. apart from my virginity 195 acquit excuse, release (from obligation to love) 200 That whatever
200 betake resort
202 intercepter one lying in wait
202 despite contempt
202 bloody bloodthirsty
203 Dismount draw
203 tuck sword
203 yare quick
206 to with
206 remembrance memory
209 price value
210 opposite opponent
211 withal with
213 dubbed invested with knightly status
213 unhatched unhacked, unmarked (in battle) 213 on carpet consideration for courtly, rather than military, reasons 215 incensement fury
216 satisfaction recompense for offense to one's honor 217 sepulchre tomb
217 Hob, nob have or have not, i.e. come what may 217 word motto
220 conduct protection
221 taste test
222 quirk peculiarity
224 competent sufficient
226 that i.e. the duel
228 meddle get involved
228 forswear ... you cease to wear a sword 231 office task
231 know of inquire from
238 mortal arbitrement fight to the death 240 Nothing ... promise not at all as extraordinary 240 read judge
241 form appearance
241 like likely
248 mettle spirit/courage
250 firago virago, female fighter
250 pass bout (of fencing)
251 stuck in fencing thrust
251 mortal fatal
251 motion fencing maneuver
252 inevitable unavoidable
252 answer return hit
252 pays you strikes you in return
254 to in the service of
254 Sophy Shah of Persia
255 Pox plague
257 hold restrain
259 cunning skillful
259 fence fencing
259 ere before
262 motion offer
263 perdition destruction, damnation
263 perdition of souls i.e. loss of life 264 ride i.e. make a fool of
265 take up settle
267 horribly conceited has just as terrifying an idea 270 for's oath for his oath's
271 quarrel cause of complaint
272 supportance upholding
272 protests declares/vows
274 A ... would it wouldn't take much to (thing plays on the sense of "penis") 279 duello established dueling code
283 up away
289 undertaker one who takes on a task/challenger 289 for ready for
291 anon shortly
293 for that as for what
294 He i.e. Capilet, the horse
294 reins is obedient, responds to the reins 296 suit order/request
299 favour face
303 answer be accountable for
307 amazed shocked/bewildered
313 part in part
315 having fortune
316 present available resources
317 coffer money
318 deny reject/disown
319 deserts worthy deeds
320 lack persuasion fail to persuade you to help me 320 tempt try
321 unsound morally weak/inadequate
327 vainness ostentation
334 sanctity holiness
335 image appearance (plays on the sense of "religious icon") 336 venerable worth worthy to be venerated 339 feature physical appearance
341 unkind cruel/unnatural
343 trunks chests/bodies
343 o'erflourished richly decorated/made outwardly beautiful 352 sage solemn/dignified
353 saws sayings
355 glass mirrored reflection/image
356 favour appearance
356 went went about
357 Still always
357 ornament clothing, adornments
358 prove i.e. to be true
360 dishonest dishonorable
360 a coward cowardly
364 religious devout
365 'Slid by God's eyelid (common oath)
368 event outcome
369 yet after all
Act 4 Scene 1
4 held out kept up
8 vent utter, let out
10 of from
12 lubber clumsy idiot
12 cockney pampered child/affected, effeminate fellow 13 ungird take off
13 strangeness aloofness
15 Greek buffoon/speaker of gibberish
16 tarry linger
17 worse payment i.e. blows
18 open generous (with money or blows)
19 report reputation
20 fourteen years' purchase i.e. a large investment of time and money 26 straight at once
26 in ... coats in your position
28 hold restrain yourself
30 action of battery lawsuit for assault
35 iron dagger/sword
35 fleshed initiated into fighting
39 malapert impudent
46 Rudesby ruffian
46 friend friend/lover
48 uncivil barbarous
48 extent assault
51 botched up patched together
53 Beshrew curse
54 started startled/drove from cover
54 heart puns on "hart"
55 relish meaning (literally, "taste")
56 Or either
57 fancy imagination
57 Lethe river of forgetfulness in the classical underworld 58 still always
59 Would thou'dst if only you would
Act 4 Scene 2
2 Sir respectful title for priest
2 Topas topaz, a precious stone, was supposed to cure madness; also proverbial for a puritan priest 3 curate parish priest
3 the whilst in the meantime
4 dissemble disguise
5 dissembled feigned, deceived
6 become suit
7 function task/role (of priest)
8 said reputed
9 housekeeper host
9 goes as fairly sounds as good
9 careful painstaking/conscientious
10 competitors conspirators, partners in crime 12 Bonos dies "good day" (mock Latin/Spanish) 12 old ... Prague an invented authority
13 never ... ink was illiterate
13 King Gorboduc legendary British king
23 hyperbolical immoderate/vehement/raging
23 fiend evil spirit (supposedly possessing Malvo
lio) 23 vexest torment
30 modest terms mild expressions
31 house i.e. room
35 barricadoes barricades
35 clerestories upper windows
41 puzzled bewildered
42 Egyptians ... fog in the Bible, God punished the Egyptians with three days of darkness 45 abused wronged/maltreated
46 constant decided/consistent/logical
46 question discussion, debate
47 Pythagoras ancient Greek philosopher who believed in the transmigration of souls from humans to animals 49 grandam grandmother
49 happily perhaps (though may play on adverbial sense) 55 allow ... wits acknowledge you are sane
56 woodcock proverbially stupid and easily caught bird 59 exquisite ingenious/exact (in imitation) 60 am ... waters can turn my hand to anything 63 To go to
65 delivered liberated
67 upshot final stroke, conclusion
67 by and by straight away
72 perdy by God (from French par dieu) 82 besides out of
82 five wits mental faculties: common sense, fantasy, judgment, memory, and imagination 83 notoriously evidently/outrageously
85 But only
87 propertied packed away like a piece of furniture/a stage prop 88 face bully
90 Advise you be careful/consider
92 bibble babble idle chatter
95 God buy you goodbye, literally "God be with you"
100 shent rebuked
104 Well-a-day alas/would
113 requite repay
118 a trice an instant
119 Vice buffoon/comic character in old morality plays 121 dagger of lath the weapon of the Vice character 121 lath thin wood
125 Pare trim
125 Pare thy nails probably a comic routine in morality plays 125 dad the Vice was sometimes portrayed as the devil's son 126 goodman title for someone below the rank of gentleman Act 4 Scene 3
6 was had been
6 credit report
7 range roam
9 disputes well i.e. agrees
11 accident unforeseen event
12 instance precedent
12 discourse rationality
14 wrangle argue
15 trust belief
17 sway her house govern her household
18 Take ... dispatch deal with matters of household business 21 deceivable deceptive
24 chantry private chapel
24 by nearby
26 Plight ... faith pledge your love (in a binding betrothal) 27 jealous anxious, uncertain, wary
29 Whiles until
29 note public knowledge
30 What at which
30 celebration i.e. marriage
31 birth social status
35 fairly note observe with favor
Act 5 Scene 1
5 This ... again seemingly refers to the anecdote about Elizabeth I and her kinsman Dr. Boleyn; she asked for his dog and promised him anything in return, upon which he asked for the animal back 8 trappings ornaments/bits and pieces
10 for because of
18 abused deceived
18 so ... affirmatives if the outcome is like the response to a request for a kiss, where "no, no, no, no" means "yes, yes"
22 though even though
23 friends i.e. one who gives him praise
26 But except for the fact double-dealing duplicity/giving twice 29 your grace favor/virtue (plays on the customary way of addressing a duke) 29 in your pocket i.e. to hide it/to give money 30 flesh and blood human instincts/frailty
30 it i.e. the ill counsel
31 to as to
33 Primo, secundo, tertio "first, second, third" (Latin) 33 play game