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Protected by a Hero

Page 119

by Susan Stoker, Cristin Harber, Cora Seton, Lynn Raye Harris, Kaylea Cross, Katie Reus, Tessa Layne

  “About Afghanistan?”

  Another nod. “That mission. When the firing started, Raider was about a dozen yards away from me. I’d detached her lead and told her to go scout up ahead for our foot patrol. During the ambush I was so busy returning fire, I didn’t watch her closely enough. By the time I looked up and saw her sitting to alert me there was an IED there, it was too late. They remote detonated it.”

  God, how terrifying and awful for him.

  “The explosion sent me flying. I didn’t even feel the pain at first. The moment I came to I opened my eyes and looked for Raider. I couldn’t see much because of all the blood, and I didn’t realize yet that I’d lost my right eye. She was lying a few feet away from me, both front legs missing.”

  Austen closed her eyes and squeezed him tighter.

  “I crawled over to her,” he said, voice catching. “She was still alive, looking up at me with that glassy-eyed expression I’ll never forget. There was nothing I could do for her. By the time the corpsman got to me she was already gone, and so were the guys with me.”

  He was silent a long moment, and she could feel the tension in his big body. A silent vibration of self-recrimination and grief. “They loaded her onto the Medevac helo with me. One of the guys covered her with an American flag, just like they would any other fallen Marine. Because that’s what she was, and that’s what pisses me off so much when people say dumb shit like, ‘it was only a dog’. Or that the Corps considered her to be a piece of equipment.”

  He shook his head, the motion full of anger and disgust. “I trained her from the ground up. She trusted me, was the most loyal friend I’ve ever known, and she saved so many lives over there. Out in the field she slept beside me, or across my legs, and alerted us to any trouble long before we were aware of it. She wasn’t just a dog, she was a Marine. My battle buddy. And I let her down.”

  Tears pricked the back of Austen’s eyes. She held him tight, aching for him and all he’d gone through. “Did she know you were there, do you think? At the end?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, she knew I was there. That’s the only thing I don’t regret about that day. I was right there holding her when she died.”

  While he’d been lying there with a badly lacerated face and a mangled foot and lower leg. God, she hated that he’d gone through all that. “She sounds like a very special Marine.”

  “She was. At the hospital in Germany, they gave me her purple heart. I put it on her collar. It’s on the mantel.”

  “I saw it.” She rubbed her cheek against him. “How long were you in the hospital?”



  “Better part of a year, on and off. I had eleven surgeries to try and save my leg before I finally made the call to have it amputated. In hindsight, I wish I’d done it right away. Would’ve saved me months of recovery.”

  “Must have been a hard decision.”

  “Not by that point, not really. It was more of a relief to make the pain stop. I had phantom pain and itching for a while after, but nothing close to what I had before that.”

  “At dinner the other night I saw a picture of you in the hospital, with your family around you.”

  “When I was first transferred home. Brody flew in to see me in Germany and stayed for a few days until I was sent back to the States. Easton was deployed overseas and Charlie and my dad were at home. But the day I landed in Virginia, they were all right there for me.”

  “I think I love your family.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He swiveled his head around toward her. Grasping her hand, he tugged her forward. “Come around here where I can see you.”

  It was then she realized that she’d been kneeling at his right side, his blind spot. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” He drew her around to his left side and brushed the hair back from her face. “Thanks,” he said quietly. “Feels good to talk about her with you.”

  She put a hand on the side of his face, ran her thumb over his cheek. “I’m glad you told me more about her.”

  Scooting closer, she leaned in to brush her lips across his. His hand delved into her hair, strong fingers cradling the back of her head as he slanted his mouth over hers. She stopped, pulled back. “Where did Grits kiss you?”

  Wyatt let out a low laugh. “My cheek and my ear.”

  “Oh, good.” Smiling, she kissed him again. “Don’t want my lips where he’s already been. Plus, I don’t share, I’m greedy like that.” The way he held her, and the feel of his lips and tongue against hers had her melting inside.

  Unsatisfied to merely lean against him, she swung a leg over his lap and balanced her weight on her knees on the edge of the mattress, straddling him. He gave an approving groan and grasped her hips, fingers squeezing in a dominant grip that fired her arousal even more.

  “Grits. Bed,” she ordered, pointing at the bed in the corner. She didn’t need an audience for this, let alone one so close up. To her surprise the dog got up and padded over to the bed, then flopped down with a dejected sigh.

  “Look at you, going all dog whisperer,” Wyatt murmured, a smile in his voice.

  She hummed against his lips. “I was inspired.”

  There was so much of him to explore and she hadn’t had her fill of him earlier. She ran her hands over his shoulders and chest, down his arms and back up, excited by the feel of those powerful muscles. “You’re just so damn sexy, it’s hard to stop touching you.”

  “So then don’t,” he whispered, nipping at her chin, his deep, intimate tone making heat build between her legs.

  Leaning back to watch his face, she skimmed her hands down his chest, his stomach. He got distracted by her breasts, cupping them in his big hands, squeezing gently.

  She sighed and let her eyes close for just a moment to enjoy the feel of his thumbs teasing her nipples, then forced her heavy eyelids open and focused on him. He’d been more than generous with her earlier. Right now she wanted to do the same for him. Wipe away the last remnants of the nightmare, replace the painful memories with something good.

  Reaching between them, she curled her fingers around the hot, hard length of his erection standing up against his belly. He groaned and pushed into her touch, leaning forward to capture a nipple in his mouth. The feel of his tongue sliding over her sensitive flesh made her moan and squirm, momentarily distracting her from the job at hand.

  When he pulled back, releasing her nipple with a quiet pop, she seized her moment and scooted to her knees on the floor in front of him so he wouldn’t have to move, her hand still wrapped around his hard length. She looked up at him and gave him a slow, firm stroke, licked her lips so there was no way he could misunderstand what she wanted.

  In the faint light coming through the upper windows his eyes gleamed with raw hunger, the sound of his erratic breathing in the silence increasing the erotic tension. The hand in her hair tightened a moment, then relaxed, his fingers rubbing at her curls. An electric silence built between them as she stared up into his eyes and let her free hand caress down the length of his thigh.

  His right one, full of scars. Some were deep pits, others raised and bumpy, some smooth, thin lines from a surgeon’s scalpel. She ran her hand down to his knee, lower, right over the amputation site, to show him there was no part of him that bothered or disgusted her. That she thought every part of him was beautiful.

  And when she bent her head at last and ran her tongue up the length of his cock, he hissed in a breath, his fingers contracting in her hair, the muscles in his chest and arms standing out in sharp relief.

  Lowering her gaze, Austen took him between her lips, flicking her tongue against the sensitive underside of the head before sucking. Softly at first, then harder.

  Wyatt growled and flexed his hips slightly. “God, sweetheart, that feels so good…”

  Hearing that endearment in his low, impassioned voice sent a pleasurable shiver up her spine. She hummed in agreement and took him deeper, built a rhythm with her hand and mouth
. He was thick and hot against her tongue, swollen to bursting. It was incredibly arousing to kneel before this strong, sexy man and reduce him to a trembling mass of pleasure with her mouth.

  “It’s not gonna take me long,” he rasped out, gasping as she sucked and let her fingers trail down to caress the soft flesh between his splayed thighs.

  She didn’t mind, and he was so thick her jaw was already aching. But she didn’t let up, following his cues, repeating the motion and pressure he seemed to like best. He was panting now, deep, raw groans coming from the back of his throat.

  “I’m gonna come,” he warned in a low voice, his big body twitching.

  Austen redoubled her efforts, stayed with him until he arched and let go, swallowing his release. After a few moments he sighed and relaxed, began petting her hair. Carefully releasing him, she went into his arms as he pulled her into his lap.

  “God, I think you destroyed me,” he murmured against her hair, squeezing her tight.

  She kissed his neck, his shoulder. “You taste good.”

  He shuddered at her words, then eased a hand down her side to cup her breast. Her nipple was already beaded tight, and the feel of his thumb and forefinger rolling it lightly made her gasp and bite her lip. More heat rushed through her, settling between her legs where she was slick and ready.

  His mouth was at her temple, her ear. “Did sucking me off turn you on, sweetheart? On your knees, taking my cock into that soft little mouth?”

  Her eyes nearly crossed at those dirty words spoken in his deep voice. God, just when she thought he couldn’t be any sexier.

  And he wasn’t done. “Is your pussy wet for me, Austen?”

  She shivered, could only manage a nod as his mouth found that perfect spot at the juncture of her neck and shoulder and his free hand eased down her middle, his big palm cupping her sex. The warmth of his palm made her whimper, her body hungry for more.

  “Mmm, all hot and wet for me,” he whispered, his tongue laving her neck while his fingers toyed with her nipple and his other hand stroked between her slick folds.

  She trembled in his grasp, reached up to grab hold of his wide shoulders for support and closed her eyes, giving herself over completely to his care.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  She did as he told her, perched precariously on his lap. But she knew he’d never let her fall.

  His fingers caressed each sensitive fold as they stroked up, up to her swollen clit and gently circled it. Her thighs tensed and she moaned, sensation shooting out from her captive nipple and where he was rubbing her so sweetly.

  Then he pushed a finger into her and her internal muscles immediately clamped down on it, greedy for more. His mouth trailed hot, wet kisses up her neck to her jaw, his voice and the raw words he used pushing her up the cliff fast.

  “So hot, Austen. So fucking sexy. All mine.”

  She nodded in agreement, gripping his shoulders tighter. She was his, and it floored her. Just weeks ago she’d come here seeking space, a new life. She’d never seen him—this—coming, but she wouldn’t change things now.

  Over and over he stroked her clit as he thrust his finger into her, rubbing that hidden glow inside her until it felt like she would explode.

  “I love stroking your sweet spots,” he murmured against her ear. “Almost as much as I loved burying my face in this sweet pussy earlier. Did you like my tongue on your clit? Inside you?”

  She shuddered, cried out as she contracted around his finger, the pleasure rising sharp and clear. He didn’t stop what he was doing, didn’t speed up, seemingly content to drive her out of her mind, her mewls of need mixing with the slick sound of his fingers as they worked her most sensitive flesh.

  Then the fingers squeezing her nipple tightened, adding pressure, and the increased sensation set her off. Her wild moan of sweet relief filled the room as the orgasm hit, blinding her with an explosion of pleasure.

  Panting as it faded, she collapsed on his chest, her face resting against his neck. Wyatt slid one arm around her and eased his hand from between her legs, pressing tender kisses to her temple and cheek. “I’m glad you were here tonight,” he whispered in the quiet.

  “Me too.” He’d let her in when he felt vulnerable, and hadn’t pushed her away. That was huge and their bond was even stronger now.

  Nearly boneless with relaxation, she let out a contented sigh when he lay back down and turned them so she was nestled against his side, her head in the crook of his shoulder. She’d never thought she would find someone she’d want to share her life with again, but that’s exactly what she’d found in Wyatt.

  After pulling the covers over them, he wrapped both arms around her, squeezing tight for a moment as he kissed the top of her head. “Night.”

  “Night,” she whispered back.

  Lying safe in his arms with his heart beating beneath her cheek in the moments before she slid into sleep, she smiled to herself. As incredible as it seemed, she’d fallen in love again.


  If she was this tired at seven in the morning, it was going to be a long day. Although considering the reason for her tiredness, she had no regrets. After last night’s scare, Wyatt had insisted that Easton follow her here and check the place out before she went inside.

  Stifling a yawn, Austen smiled as she headed up the front steps of her gutted house, where Easton waited by the front door. “All good,” he told her with a smile. “I’ll hang out in my truck until the guys get here.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” It made her feel better to know he was looking out for her.

  “No problem. Have a good one.”

  “I will.” She headed inside and through to the kitchen, her mind on last night. After Wyatt’s nightmare she’d slept tucked against his chest, and woken later to the blissful feel of his hands smoothing over her naked body.

  He’d caressed her everywhere, lavishing attention on her most sensitive spots until she was writhing, then turned her onto her stomach and entered her from behind, sliding one hand beneath her to cup her mound and stroke her to orgasm.

  After finally crawling out of bed they’d showered together and eaten a quick breakfast out on the screen porch. Right after that he’d left to talk to the police and she’d stopped by the motel to change into her work clothes.

  She hadn’t been this happy in a long time. It felt foreign, but that only made her appreciate it all the more, because she knew how precious it was. Without a doubt she loved that man, and each day it seemed she drew him more out of his shell. He’d opened up to her so much last night; she hadn’t felt this close to anyone other than John.

  Although she and Wyatt hadn’t known each other long, she refused to obsess over that. They had a fundamental trust between them, a quality she considered to be the most important basis for any relationship.

  There were so many things about him that she admired. She loved the way he took care of his family and the people around him, including vets like the guys on the work crew. She loved how he owned up to his responsibilities and stood by his word. She also adored how he treated and touched her.

  The inside of the house was quiet and still as she entered the kitchen, the smell of sawdust reminding her of her grandfather. Getting here first at this time of day gave her a lovely respite before the rest of the crew showed up.

  Opening the doors that led out to the deck off the kitchen, she stood there a moment, surveying her domain, then let out a contented sigh and closed her eyes. A smile curved her mouth as the early sunrays bathed her face and birdsong filled the air, along with the quiet rustling of leaves in the soft morning breeze.

  Once she got the deck refinished and tidied up the landscaping in the yard, it was going to be paradise back here. And she definitely wanted to build a porch swing for back here, because it would remind her of Wyatt. They could have morning coffee out here, or sit together in the evenings and enjoy the tranquility of the private yard.

  Back inside she hau
led out the finishing supplies she’d bought for the cabinets. Brushes, cloths, stain, varnish. She wanted to get a jumpstart on them before the others arrived so there’d be less dust in the air. She’d already sanded the doors to a satin-fine finish and added the embellishments, so she was anxious to get them stained and done so she could move on to the woodwork on the main staircase.

  The sound of footsteps behind made her turn around. Eddie stood framed in the doorway between the kitchen and hall. She straightened, her spine pulling tight as a ribbon of unease coiled in her stomach. “Hey,” she said, keeping her expression neutral even though her instinct was to back away.

  “Morning. Easton just left.” He frowned slightly as his gaze lingered on her face. “You look tired. Long night?”

  For just a second his words sent a shiver of alarm through her. Easton was gone. There’d always been something…off about Eddie, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. And he always watched her too intently. He’d suffered a bad head injury and was a bit on the slow side, but… Could he have been the one to send those texts to Wyatt? Had he been at the window wearing that mask last night?

  She made sure to keep her face impassive and not betray her suspicion. “No, I’m good. Scott here with you?” Now she wished Easton had stayed. When Wyatt got here she’d pull him aside and ask him to make sure she wasn’t left alone on site with Eddie.

  “Just pulling up.”

  “Okay.” That made her feel a bit better, and Wyatt would be here as soon as he could. Hopefully with a lead, or some sort of good news about the investigation.

  “Where’s Wyatt?”

  Her gaze moved past Eddie and through the open front door as a car parked out front. Scott. “He’ll be here soon.”

  The lie rolled off her tongue without a second thought. She didn’t want him or Scott to know she was alone here with them for long, and refused to feel bad about it, because they didn’t need to know why he was down at the police station.


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