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Daddy Next Door

Page 30

by Tina Lee

  “So Dante, what is it you do?”

  “No more talking. Save your energy.”

  I kept silent for the rest of the walk. It gave me time to reflect on a lot of things. About college, about Jennifer; wherever she may be, about the situation I was in and where do I go from here. I had came to terms about everything that was going on. I was in a strange land where blood thirty creatures exists. My only hope for leaving this place was to be calm and wait until the portal open again. I can do this.

  We reached the small village, and to my surprise, it was deserted. The huts were made out of stones and mud, with hays for the roof. Some of the houses were burnt and trashed and others were totally destroyed. One particular house had three slashes of blood on the wall. It reminded me of the savage Lugars, they had no sense of mercy and their only thought was to kill me. There was definitely a war here and I had a feeling I was in the middle of it. “Where is everybody?”

  “They ran from the woods to settle here, trying to run from their demise, but it didn’t matter how many times or how far they ran, they would have been found. They were all annihilated, gone and extinct.”

  “Extinct?” For the first time I saw something other than a cold look on Dante’s face, I saw anger.

  “Every last man, woman and child. They were the Keeba race. Neo Humans with special eyes. They were skillful hunters.”

  “Who did this?”

  “A coward.” Dante said, sharply. “A fire demon. I made sure he is off no threat anymore. His death was slow.”

  Dante chose one of the finer looking huts and entered. It was small, with only a small fire place, two windows and a small hay bed in the middle. It smelled funny but it will have to do until the week is over. I just wanted to stay low and avoid anymore Lugars, they were now my biggest fear, and in second place was flying cockroaches.

  “Why did the demon wipe them out?” I asked.

  “He was ordered to by their queen.”

  “You have a queen?”

  “They have a queen, I am ruled by no one. Their queen; Queen Alexandra, ordered the extinction of the Keeba, fearing they could contribute to the rebellion. She knows she cannot stop it, so she aims to weaken it.”

  “So you are part of a rebellion.”

  “I am the leader of the rebellion.”

  “Why rebel?”

  “These are my people. I must fight to defend them.” He said it like it was a motto. “Stay here, I’’ll get something for you to eat.”

  I spun around to ask him what was on the menu but he was already gone, he moved so silently. He escaped my corny joke.

  This was once someone’s home, and it would be mine for the next couple of days. I could not escape the eerie feeling that lingered here. There were drawings on the smalled wooden table that sat in the center of the hut. Stick figures of a boy and girl with dot for eyes and a big smile. Similar drawings I had made on my old bedroom wall. Once there was a family here, and that broke my heart.

  I took a walk outside into the empty village. My mind was going crazy in that small space. Walking through the village told a horrific and gruesome story. I have never met or seen them, but I had a deep sympathy towards their race. Dried blood marked the dirt and made a trail which I was unknowingly followed. The demon dragged their bodies along this narrow path and at the end of the trail was a heartbreaking image; a small pit where all the bodies were thrown and burned.

  Incinerated bones, skulls and ashes were all of what was left of the people who once lived here. The baby skulls were all grouped together, that heartless demon gathered them and torched them. The clouds inside my mind was heavy with grief, flowing tears ran down my cheeks. It was an image I would never forget.

  How could the queen order such a thing? This was genocide. How could anyone be so heartless? I thought about the wars back home and suddenly it all felt familiar. Maybe we were no more than demons and Lugars; killing everything along their path. I understood why Dante had to fight, it was the right thing to do. Someone had to stand up against the oppressors. Someone must rise and defeat this great evil.

  Beneath bones and ash, I saw something glimmer. It looked like glass. I stepped closer to the pit to further inspect it. It definitely wasn’t glass, more like a jewel. It was small, round and it was glowing. Maybe it was a pearl, but what type of pearl glows? I stepped into the pit, cringing at the ash beneath my feet. I held the small pearl, it glowed red on my palm. It glowed brighter, then suddenly it dissolved into my flesh.

  I threw my hand in the air and flashed it, yet still I could not get it out! My hand lit up like the sun! My eyes lids squeezed shut from its blinding light. What had I gotten myself into? When would I ever learn? Electric jolts flowed through my flesh, too much energy for my body to handle. There was something more, a different type of energy. It was pure and euphoric. I let go of myself and allowed the stream of light to take over. I sailed in its flowing energy, like a leaf running down a river.

  I opened my eyes and the bright light was gone. I checked my palm, it seemed to be back to normal. The pearl was gone too. There was no explanation I could give for what had taken place. And apart of me thought it was wise to keep this from Dante, no use getting him involved in what could be potentially nothing.

  I used old pots to scoop dirt and bury the charred remains. It was the least I could do. The village was a short walk, on the other side was more open land. I could see the mountains ahead more clearly and it was still as beautiful. The orange glow of the evening sun lit the protruding castle that stood on the mountain top. Dragons circled the castle with great flight and blazed the sky with fire, their loud screech echoed throughout the land and silenced everything. The burning sky was a surreal spectacle; I was either scared or amazed because my hand shook uncontrollably.

  Everything about this land terrified me and at the same time, it excited me. For once, the highlight of my day wasn’t drinking a yummy cappuccino or handing in my assignments on time. My adrenaline was pumping and I felt so alert. Getting chased by Lugars wasn’t exactly my definition of an adventure, but it was just the thrill I needed.

  Through the high grass of the open land slithered an enormous snake. With one attempt, I was sure it could have swallowed me whole. I understood why all the creatures here were predatory. The nature of the land was to kill or be killed. There was no room for peacemakers, only the killer survives.

  “What a pleasant surprise.” It spoke, of course it did. He sounded like my literature professor, they were both articulate, and another thing they had in common was that they were both snakes.

  “Hello.” I said, trying not to display any fear.

  “I did not expect to see anyone here.” He slithered in a circle around me. “What is your name?”


  “Kitara.” My name sounded so fancy coming from his mouth.

  “I should go.” I turned in the direction of the hut but he moved in front of me, blocking my path.

  “Do not be alarmed, Kitara. I simply just want to talk.”

  “Talk about what?”

  “Well, I’m curious as to how you got here. You see, it is rare that one meets a Pure blood human.”

  “Who said I’m pure blood? I’m from here.”

  “You may lie, but your scent does not. The wind told me of you. Your sweet earthly aroma is ever so present.”

  “I have to go.”

  “Not so fasssst.”

  “Get out my way.”

  “You’ve strayed to a place where you are nothing more than a delicacy. I don’t know what I did to deserve such meal, but I assure you that you will not be wasted.” He hissed. “The effects of my venom are instant and lethal, you will barely feel anything.”

  “Stop right there!” Dante appeared.

  “Dante!” He hissed. “Why are you doing defending a Pure?”

  “None of your concern.” Dante replied.

  “I have a better question.” He turned to me. “What is a girl like you
doing with a demon?”

  I struck Dante a look. A demon? No. He couldn’t be.

  The snake laughed. “Do I sense deception?”

  “The only thing you should have sensed was your imminent death.” Dante said, calmly.

  “When were you planning on telling her?”

  “Your silly attempts are futile” Dante unsheathed his sword, the blade was made entirely of gold.

  The snake suddenly snapped at me! There was a gust of wind and the snake’s head sailed in the air and his body wriggled on the ground. Dante sheathed his sword. He was so swift, I barely saw anything. Just a gold blur.

  “I told you to stay!” He barked.

  I avoided looking in his eyes, afraid that they could kill. I change the topic, I had ammunition after all. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a demon?”

  “I did not think it was necessary.”

  “It was you who I saw last night! You killed those Lugars!” I looked at the body writhing in the dirt.

  “It wasn’t me you saw last night; it was something that lives deep inside me.”

  “Will I meet it again?”

  “I hope you never have to.”

  “You should have told me.” I said.

  “What difference would it make? Are you going to depart from me now? I am your only hope of survival.”

  I wanted to argue but he was right. It changed nothing, I still needed him. And even if he was that demon from last night, he was the one killed those Lugars and saved my life. Running from him now would have done me no good. Could a demon be capable of good? Or does he have some hidden agenda. I was grateful for all he had done, but from now on I must keep one eye open. One thing I had learned from this place was to expect anything.

  I think what hurt me was the fact that he was unapologetic. All I was looking for was an ‘I’m sorry Kitara.’ That’s all. “How did you become a demon?” I asked.

  “Now is not the time. We must go to the well before sunset. I’m sure you want to take a bath.”

  I did need a bath. It was a long day and I just wanted to close my eyes and relax. “Fine.”

  Stepping into the wooden bath bucket felt orgasmic. The cool water caressed my aching body. I never thought a bath could feel so good, it was complete bliss. I sat and relaxed while Date stood post just outside the door. I told him I was fine, but he insisted on standing there in case more animals come to attack. I kinda liked having him there, knowing he had it as his duty to protect me.

  I stretched my legs and placed it on the rim of the bucket. My feet were tired and new bruises found their way on my legs. I don’t know when I got them. The past day felt like a year. “Dante, have you ever been yo my world?”

  I could not see his face, but I imagined him being annoyed from me talking.

  “No. But I have heard of people who did.”

  “What did they say about my world?”

  He hesitated. “Bad things.”

  “Is that what you think of me?”

  “At first sight, I may have judged you. And I may have been wrong. You seem okay.”

  “Oh… I’m flattered.” I said, sarcastically. That seemed like the sweetest thing I would ever hear from Dante.

  He changed the subject. “Do you want me to warm the bath for you?”

  “No. It’s fine. Thank you.”

  Dante was a mystery to me. And I liked that. I was always a big fan of puzzles. I needed to be careful though, as to not let my interest in him cloud my judgment. I would need a rational mind if I was to survive here.

  I stepped out the bath, my body clean and my muscles felt rejuvenated. Suddenly, a small rat came running across my feet. I made a loud shriek “Get away!” The creature sped off through the space under the door.

  Dante busted through and came charging in. “Whats wrong?”

  A silence fell between us. Exposed to Dante was my naked wet body. He looked at my breasts then my sex then my eyes. His Amber eyes widen, then they looked down and away. “Are you okay?” He asked without looking up.

  “It’s okay. It was only a rat.”

  “A rat. O-okay.” He stuttered. Dante quickly exited the hut.

  I was embarrassed, but he looked even more embarrassed. Dante? Embarrassed? I couldn’t help but laugh and make light of the awkward moment.


  I didn’t sleep much. Too many thing were going on inside my head. I was happy to see the sun peak it’s head out and light up the small village. I imagined that sometime ago, the earlier inhabitants would be rising around these times to start their day. I wondered if they had schools and churches like back home. The silence was eerie. I had planned to clean the village today. If I was to stay here for the next couple days, then I could not live around these blood marks and sad reminders.

  Dante slept while gripping his sword, and I thought of how sad that must feel. To always be on the defense, ready to fight for your life at any time. With no sense of peace.

  It was the simple things of my world that I missed the most. Warm coffee when I woke up, Jennifer rude jokes, a nice comfortable bed. I found happiness in the simplest of things. My dad would be leaving for work in the morning. He would step out the door, then seconds later he would come back because he forgot his keys, and he would see my mother standing at the door with it. Silly dad.

  There were no birds around here, or any other sign of life for that matter. Just that one rat I saw yesterday. Flashback of Dante’s blushing face brought a smile on my face. I looked at the sleeping Dante, his shirtless body was like of a male stripper. I was tempted to touch, but afraid he cut off my hand thinking it was the enemy.

  His pecks seemed manufactured, there was no way a man’s chest could be so defiant of flaws, it followed no rules. It wanted to be great, and it was entirely so. His nipples positioned perfectly, almost hypnotizing and demanded to be licked. I could not stop my eyes from trailing down his chest, on to his perfectly stacked and boldly present six pack. Just under that was what I loved most about a man’s lower body, where the lower abs meet his hips, and formed that burning hot V shape. The V was pointing below to something more, something I wish I could just take a small peek at. His tight pants wrapped around his ass and his bulge poked out.

  Stop it! I told myself. I stepped outside before my mind could stray any further. I walked into the other huts, looking at all these people had left behind. I saw what was left of a painting of a family. Fire had scorched one side, leaving only their feet. I was stupid to enter here again, to relive the horror. Yet I felt it was necessary, to face the injustice instead of pretending it never happened.

  Hanged on the wall was a bone arrow. It was beautifully crafted, its wood polished and firm. Tribal signs were engraved in its wood. I wondered if Dante could translate. I was familiar with bows and hunting rifles. I used to tag along with my father and Uncle when they went hunting. My father taught me how use a rifle and how to shoot an arrow, skills I never thought I would have any use for, until now.

  I had never killed before, and I wasn’t sure if I could, but it was better to safe than sorry. I remembered aiming at deer, with the flick of my finger, that deer would have been killed. All I had to do was let go of the arrow, and i would have made my father and uncle proud, but I couldn’t. I blamed myself for being weak, for being a girl. My father smiled and tried to assure me that it was okay, but I knew he was disappointed.

  I thought about leaving the bow there, feeling I didn’t deserve to even touch it. I didn’t know why, but I had a burning desire to avenge them in anyway I could. It all seemed silly, I’m not a fighter, what could I possibly do to avenge them. I didn’t have the answers, but I had to do something. I took the bow, and promised to take good care of it.

  The door opened behind me. “Why do you always ignore everything I say?” Dante asked.

  “I’m not some trained animal. You can’t expect me to just sit there and not move.” He was fully clothed which left me a little disappointed.

  He st
epped inside and looked around. “Do you know how to use that?”

  “Yes,” I answered. “My father taught me how. I’m no expert, though.”

  “Very well. Then you can practice today. I’ll leave it on you to hunt for our food.”

  “Wait. I’ve never killed anything before.”

  He walked to the door then turned. “You’ll learn today.” Then walked out.

  Dante gave me clothes to wear, to blend in with this world. No doubt these clothes belonged to someone who once lived here. It resembled what the Chinese wore. A white floral robe with tribal drawings at the end. It wasn’t what I would normally go for but it would have to do. To the west of here was more woodland. Dante said we could find food there, and also leaves to make tea.

  I tied a piece of cloth to the bow and tied it around me so I could easily access it. Dante made some arrows for me, and gave me a a small dagger. He said it was all I need. We then set off to the woods, hopefully where our food awaited. I was starving.

  The woods was similar to the one where I encountered the Lugars, however, you could tell that there was more life here. On entering the woods, I heard movements on the ground and in the trees. I saw rabbits and other small creatures running all about. It seemed they didn’t like our presence and scurried off to hide. I couldn’t blame them.

  “What exactly are we looking for?” I asked.

  Dante ignored me. By this time I had already gotten used to it and it didn’t bother me as much. His eyes were scanning the land. I too looked for anything that was big enough for both of us to eat. I could try the rabbits, maybe kill a couple for both of us. That, however, would be my last resort. Rabbits were too quick and would prove difficult… and they were just too cute. I would feel heartless.

  Dante made one jump and reached on one of the highest branches. How did he do that? How was that even possible. “See anything?” I asked. He ignored me again.


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