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Daddy Next Door

Page 32

by Tina Lee

  She sniffed. “I can’t help it.”

  “I’ll be there soon. I promise.”

  She nodded. Then jumped through the window and sprinted towards the woods.

  “You there! Stop!” One of the men shouted while drawing his blade. He was bigger than the rest. Tribal tattoos drawn across his bald head.

  I pulled the door and stepped outside to greet the men, and by the shock on their faces, they were surprise to see me.

  They all drew their weapon immediately. “I’ll be damned.” Another of the men said. He had a slender body and a rat face. “We just managed to stumble on the leader of the rebellion.” His accent sounded of rural town in the southern region.

  “Dante in the flesh.” The bald man grinned. “May I ask what you’re doing in these parts?”

  “Non of your concern.”

  The rat face man laughed. “How lucky are we! We set out to do some scrappy job and we run into the famous Dante! When we kill you, we will return as heroes!”

  “The queen will be so pleased.”

  “That is, of course, if you can defeat me.” I reminded them. The smile vanished from their faces.

  The first one charged at me, swinging his sword for the kill. He’s quick, but I’m quicker. I dodged his blade and unsheathed my sword to take off his head. The rat face and bald man jumped in to his defense. I jumped back to a safe distance.

  I see. That’s how they were going to attack. Four on one. I’ve had worst, but I must not underestimate them. The four charged, all attacking from a different angle. Our swords clashed, fending off their attacks, while trying to deliver a blow of my own.

  They’re strong, and the queen gave them good blades. If the Queen sent some of her strongest men here, that only means that the spirit stone is important to her. That stone must be more powerful than I originally thought.

  The bald man’s blade grazed against my arm. I saw my blood for the first time in a long while. I need to separate them. I jumped on the roof then skipped on the next roof.

  “Is Dante, one of the most feared man in all the lands, running?” The men laughed.

  I called them with my fingers. The rat face man sprung in the air with his blade pointed at me, but before his blade could reach me, an arrow pierced his head. His body bounced on the roof and crashed into the ground.

  The men look around in confusion. Kitara, you foolish girl. Why did you come back?

  The bald man spotted her hiding behind a hut couple meters ahead. I ran towards her on the roof while he took the path. “Kitara! Run!” Stubborn as could be, she stood there, taking her aim at the man charging at her. She fires but he dodged it. That would never work again, the element of surprise is gone, the only thing she had to her advantage.

  She fired more arrows. All dodged. I Jumped from the roof, I must stop him at all cost. The two other men are behind me, trying to stop my attack. I swung my sword, taking off one of the bald man’s legs.

  “Behind you!” Kitara screamed. I spun around just in time stop their attack. They gave their all to slice my flesh. Now that they were down to two, they were no match for me. “My blade was crafted by Hiromo Rhye, otherwise known as The Hand of God. You have no chance of stopping this blade. Why not surrender?”

  One of the men laughed while the other wore a curious look. “Is that really made by The Hand of God?” The curious man asked.

  I nodded, and I could tell he believed that he would not leave here alive.

  The smiling man said to his comrade. “You ready to go home as heroes?”

  He nodded, knowing this attack would be his last. They jumped to perform a aerial attack.

  “Stop!” Kitara screamed. I saw a bright red light then a force sent my enemies and I crashing into the huts. The light was blinding, more powerful than the faint sunrise in this early dawn.

  “She activated the stone! She’s what we’re looking for!” One man told the other.

  Kitara slowly levitated in the air. Her glow so powerful that we dare not look at her directly.

  “Leave him alone!” Kitara shouted. The huts were beginning to fall apart as the ground began shaking.

  One man charged at her, and with the flick of her wrist, a beam of light obliterated the man.

  Her power was immense, like a goddess floating before me. Oh Kitara, what have you gotten yourself into. “Kitara, listen to me. Its okay. You have to calm down.” I slowly walked towards her with my eyes to the ground. “Listen to my voice. It’s okay, Kitara. It’s over.”

  Her light slowly faded away and her body slowly descended. She tried standing on her feet but collapsed to the ground.

  The last of the Queen’s soldier ran away, running to tell the Queen of his find. I could not allow it, he saw too much. There was no way to outrun me, my speed was of no other. I killed him swiftly. There was no shame of dying by this blade. It was Hiromo Rhai’s finest work.

  The spirit stone was too strong for her. Kitara lay unconscious in the dirt, with blood running from her nose. I lifted her up and took her in one of the remaining huts where she could rest properly. Using a wet cloth, I wiped her bloody nose and cheek. All she had to do was go to the woods, and non of this would have happened.

  She knew what I was capable of, that I could take those men on my own, and still she turned back. Pures are so foolish. What is it that would drive her to come back and risk her life. I left her in the hut, she needed the rest.

  I hate to admit it, but she her shot of the arrow was immaculate. To shoot a moving target is not easy, yet she did it with deadly precision. One arrow in his head, killing him instantly.

  I had no doubt that the light from the stone could be seen from far away. This location wasn’t safe anymore. We had to move before the Queen and her men get here. But first, I would let her rest.

  With the state she was in, walking on foot was not an option. She would not make it very far. I had to call Rio to come fly us away. I gathered some of the branches of the roof and lit a fire. I was confident Rio would see the smoke and come to my rescue. I could always depend on Rio, even with my life.

  On gathering more dry branches, I spotted the bald headed man who tried to kill me. Kitara’s blast from earlier had sent into the broken woods, leaving holes in his body. I was tired of seeing death on people’s faces. I told myself that I wouldn’t look but I had to. I owed them at least that. Look into their eyes and accept my sins.

  I wasn’t the killer like I once was and I think my men were starting to suspect. Rio had definitely noticed, and he wished nothing more than to see me regain my old self when there was fire in my eyes and grim on my face. I found myself looking forward to the war so it could be over, and whether I would be dead or alive at the end of it, I hoped that I would find peace.

  There were moans coming from the hut, it seemed she was awake. I rushed in, grabbed the bucket and fed her some water. She looked so drained and her eyes barely had life in them. “Take it easy.”

  “Are they gone?”

  “Don’t speak. Just rest.” I brushed her hair from her face. “And yes. They are all gone.”

  She smiled. “Did you like my shot?”

  I wanted to curse and tell her how dangerous and stupid it was for turning back. It wouldn’t have changed a thing. That’s just how she was, and I was starting to accept that. I smiled. “It was a lovely shot.”

  Seeing her in such a state solidified what I had known to be true; she had to go home. Somewhere, deep down, I imagined a life where she stayed. Where we traveled together and made a life. I was getting ahead of myself, and also forgetting my duties. If she stayed, then I would love her, and nothing good ever came to the people I love.

  The smoke signal was made, now all I had to do was wait. I sat by her as she fell asleep, stroking her hair. It seemed to comfort her. I stayed with her until she woke. Her eyes slowly opened and it met mine, without breaking her stare, she smiled. She held my hand against her cheek, then kissed it. “You didn’t move. Why?”
/>   “I’m never leaving your side until you’re back home.”

  She planted more soft kisses on my hand. “I feel much better. The Spirit Stones power is so amazing that it scares me. This is too huge of a responsibility. It—”

  The hut shook like a great storm was rolling outside. “They’re here.”

  “Who?” She asked.

  A loud screech wailed outside, almost collapsing the ceiling over our heads. Kitara crawled to the corner of the hut, her mouth wide open as she looked around for her bow and arrows.

  “Calm down. It’s only a dragon.”

  “Only a dragon! Are you serious! Why aren’t we running!” She looked at me as if I was completely out of my mind.

  I went by the door. “Come. Let me show you. You do trust me, do you?”

  She raised to her feet and gripped her bow. Outside, the magnificent creature sat, flattening a few huts under it. On its back, my men watched with curiosity as Kitara held my hand. My heart was racing again. I loved how my fingers felt with hers entwined, giving me a warmth I had not felt in so long.

  Rio jumped from the dragon’s back. “Sir, is every thing all right?” He walked to us, then stopped and looked at Kitara, then back at me.

  “This is Kitara. Kitara, this is Rio.” Our fingers separated and I felt a pang in my stomach.

  They both gave slight nods, both not sure if they should trust each other. “Which tribe do you belong to?” He asked.

  “She’s a Pure.”

  He took several steps back. “What are you doing with a Pure. Sir, they cannot be trusted.”

  “I trust her, and that is all that matters. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir.” He whistled at my men. Down came the rope ladder for us. He gestured for us to lead the way.

  “You go first.” I told Kitara. She looked at the creature, watching it observing its surroundings. Soon, we were all on the Dragons back as it took flight, leaving the village that housed us in our time of need.

  She glanced back at the village, and I try to imagine how disheartening it must be for her. She tried her best to be respectful of the deceased and have the village clean as possible. Now, all she saw below her were rubbles. It was worst than what it was before.

  It perfectly described me, and what happened to things and people around me. They get worse than what they were before.

  There were no reason to cherish those huts and village. The people who lived there were gone. And no matter how much she cleaned, it would not bring them back. It was an empty house and empty village, and no more.

  And yet, her irrational emotions towards the people she never knew made me fall hard for her. She would have to leave soon, and I could feel the nervousness throwing me off balance. I must regain the proper composer in front of my men, and not forget who I am. I am Dante; The Leader of the Gaara Rebellion.


  I don’t think they trust me. They watched me from the corners of their eyes and gave me no so decent looks. Whispers could be heard as I walked through the Rebellion base. The word ‘Pure’ thrown around like a ball with a sense of unease in their voices. The only one who seemed to trust me other than Dante was Rio, and still I didn’t think he directly trusted me, he trusted Dante that I could be trusted.

  They looked at me like I was an alien monster, yet we all looked similar. We were all humans, they were just more evolved was what I was told. I could tell many of them had never seen a Pure before, and I couldn’t see what was the big deal.

  Dante lead me to his Villa. I stopped with my mouth opened. It was spectacular. It stood three stories with a balcony at the top. Flower vines ran against the white paint and at the top, a large feather painted in gold. “This is where you live?”

  He stopped, and admired it as he was seeing it for the first time. “I hardly ever get to sleep in it. It’s just an empty house.” His voice said with much sorrow.

  Inside was well decorated with fine furnitures and antique items. Women came and lit the candles and prepared dinner for Dante and I. I wasn’t sure what meat I was eating but I knew it tasted magical. And unlink in the village, it was with great abundance. He drank more than he ate. He watched me eat, not with amusement like he did before, but with admiration and a pondering thought. I liked when he watched. I didn’t mind. I wanted to be all that his dreamy amber eyes saw.

  After dinner, I ran a bath, and I immediately felt the absence of his presence. I wanted him to sit by the door, just to know that he was there, and with a single call, he would come to my rescue. Perhaps, even take a bath with me. Let me wash his messy blond hair and rub my hands along his scars.

  The Duo Moons would separate the next night, that means I was finally going home to my friends and family. I should be happy. Then why did I feel a growing sadness in me? I felt conflicted and frustrated, as would anyone who would have to make a supposedly easy but hard decision.

  I wasn’t a big believer in love, so much that I found it hard to even use the word. It seemed like something silly romantic comedies threw around and what women gushed over until their hearts exploded. Even with the cynic in me telling me ‘no’, I knew with absolute certainty that I loved that man. I could never explain it, because I would only sound like a fool, but it was as if I had met him before. Never had I met someone who felt so familiar, like our lives had been entwined before. The cynic in me told me I was crazy, that no such thing could possiblly happen. But I’m in a world with such great wonders, where exactly would I draw a limit on what was plausible and what was not.

  I had my own room with a bed. It was a big cloth with stuffings inside, it looked more like a huge pillow than a bed. I wasn’t complaining, it was far better than sleeping on hay. The candle light danced and so did my shadow. The demon came to mind and I wished it didn’t. I thought about what it said about leaving Dante. I would only distract him, and I was starting to see how true that was. Because of me, the queen would come looking, determined to find who had activated it.

  I couldn’t sleep in this room, it spooked me. I knocked on Dante’s door. I heard his footsteps getting closer. He opened the door. “Yes?” He said, with only a shorts on.

  “I can’t sleep in there. Mind if I join you in here?”

  He stepped to the side and gestured for me to come in. “What’s bothering you?”

  I wanted to tell him all that was on my mind. But I was afraid of complicating things even more. “It’s nothing serious.” I went on his bed and took control of his covers. He lay beside me, both of us looking at the ceiling. His presence felt right, I could feel my body at ease. We lay in silence, non of us wanted to address the issue that was on our minds. I shuffled closer to Dante to feel his warmth. His arm stretched around me and pulled me closer. I melted.

  I rested my head on his chest, and the first thing I noticed was his racing heartbeat. I smiled, and I think he knew why. I wanted to capture that moment, place it in a bottle and seal it tight. So whenever I think of him, I could relive what it felt like to be in his warm embrace.

  “What will you do when you get home?” He asked.

  “First thing I’m going to do is eat some chocolate cake. Then look for my parents. Then continue my boring life.”

  “What is it you do in this boring life?”

  “I go to classes, study, sleep and repeat.”

  “And what is the meaning of it?”

  “Meaning? Well, to get an education so I can get a job.”

  “And that job will give you a purpose?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Are you happy with that?”

  “No, but its what we have to do. We work to survive, whether we are happy or not.”

  “I see.”

  I rubbed hands on his hard chest. “What about you, are you happy with what you do?”

  “No. I don’t believe I am.”

  “Then why do it?”

  “It is my purpose, my responsibility. And a like job on your world, I must do it whether I’m happy or not.�

  “I guess we’re not so different after all.”

  Silence filled the room, a comforting one. His heartbeat and breathing was my lullaby as I was easing into rest. I wanted nothing more than to listen to his heart beat all night. “What would you do if I stayed?” I asked.

  “I would love you.”

  “Could you really love a girl like me forever.”

  “I don’t think I could stop even if I tried.”

  I said nothing more for the night. His words started a fire in me that would not die. It burned for him, and only him.

  The next day we walked through the garden of the fairies; the small creatures buzzed around like bees and swarmed the air. The sky was filled with chattering, and I was pretty sure I was the topic of discussion. The afternoon was really pretty, the sun was setting and its colors exploded across the orange-peach-pink sky. The flowers swayed in the light wind, couple fairies sat in the cupped shaped flowers and relaxed as the wind swung them.

  Dante picked a flower that resembled a rose; it was pink with white dots on the petal and smelled really good. And he placed it in my messy hair. I awkwardly blushed and look in his bright eyes. I could hear the fairies giggling in the air. “There, you look splendid for your departure.” He said.

  “Will you miss me, Dante?”

  “No, you annoy me.”

  “Bullshit, you will miss me.” I smiled. “Will my little Dante cry when I’m gone?” I patronized him.

  “I guess you will never know.” He said, and then shot me a smile.

  It dawned on me, he was right; I would never know. The thought of not seeing him again twisted my stomach, but I must go home.

  Dante and I reached the pond. The night sky wasn’t as bright as a week ago because one of the moons was almost engulfed in the shadows. It was time to leave. My time at this crazy, weird, evil and beautiful place had come to an end. I stepped beside the pool and just looked at it. This was what I wanted, right? I was waiting for him to stop me, just say something, anything! But being the bastard that he was; he did not. “You should hurry, the Lugars will soon pick up on your scent.” He said.


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