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Daddy Next Door

Page 49

by Tina Lee

  I thought of the woman I wanted to be. The woman my mother would be proud to call her child. Queen Elizabeth would have made her proud. She would burst into tears.

  There was a sound at the window.

  “Hey beautiful,” Dante said.

  I wondered if he watched me at nights. His face is barely visible as there was no moonlight tonight. “Checking in on me?”

  “You could say that,” he said.

  I went over to him and kissed him, simply because I liked surprises. I had grown to really love his scruffy beard. “Did you miss me?” I asked.

  “Hmmm. Let me see. No, I didn’t.”


  He kissed my neck, “it’s so easier to kiss you when you aren’t covered in mud.”

  His hand went around my throat and squeezed. I moaned louder than I should have. I wanted more.

  My door flung open. “What are you doing by the window?” Sia asked.

  “I was—” Dante was gone. “Nothing.”

  Dante’s hits got heavier as we train more. Finally he was letting go of that foolish thought that because I’m a woman he should be easy on me. The jaws of a wolf doesn’t care if I am a man or woman, it will kill me just the same. I tackled Dante but he barely budged. Then I remembered about gravity and how I can use it to my own advantage. I kicked his feet off the ground, and for a moment I thought it worked, but I forgot how agile shifters can be. He flicked over using his hands and was on his feet once again.

  I charged at him but I was no match for his speed, but I knew something that could move as fast as him; my arrows. I quickly sent an arrow at his feet and he jumped before it could reach him.

  “I’m still quicker,” he said, then charged at me.

  I sent another arrow and he dodged it again. Before I could send another, he tackled me to the ground. We fought, and rolled, him on top, then me on top, then him on top again. Our faces only inches from touching. “Looks like you got me trapped,’ I said.

  My lips tremble from the closeness between us. I couldn’t move at all. He had me completely pinned. His breathing was just as heavy as mine. “How does it feel to be powerless?” he asked.

  “Who says I am?”

  I could his feel manhood getting thicker in his pants. I let out a soft moan and it grew even thicker. “Oh Dante,” I whispered, and already I could hear his breathing increase.

  I stuck my tongue out and he licked it. Looking deep into his amber eyes, I told him, “what are you waiting for?”

  Immediately he ripped off my shirt, letting my breast loose, and began biting my nipple. “Yes,” I said.

  I waited until I had enough room then I used my knee to hit Dante in his ribs then I rolled over and got on top of him. I quickly drew my bow and aimed an arrow at his head. “I win,” I said.

  He laughed. And I tried to remember if I had ever seen Dante laughing before.

  “Using your breasts as diversion. I must say, that is the best tactic I’ve ever seen,” he said.

  I threw my bow to the side and laid on top of him. Listening his heart beat inside his chest. We didn’t do anything. We just breathed.


  I caught up with Ben and Sia in the old arena, where men battle each other to entertain us and the winner goes home richer. “So, what did I miss?” I said. Ben and Sia were awfully silent.

  “Not much, these two have been dancing around instead of actually fighting,” Ben said.

  “Stop wasting our time!” someone said from the seats above us.

  “It’s that bad, uh?”

  “Yeah,” Sia said.

  “Who you rooting for, Ben?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Who you rooting for, Sia?”

  “Um. I don’t know.”

  “Okay. Enough. Why are you two acting so strange?”

  “Strange? We’re not acting strange,” they said in unison.

  I looked in Ben’s eyes because I knew he couldn’t lie to my face. “Ben, what happened?” He looked at Sia. “Don’t look at Sia. Tell me, Ben. What happened?”

  “Okay! Okay!” he exhaled, “Sia and I slept together last night.

  Sia palmed her face.

  “Wow,” I said.

  “Could you just forget it,” Ben pleaded.

  “Forget that my two closest friends had sex. No way.” I turned to Sia, “I didn’t know Ben was your type.”

  “He’s not! We just drank a little and I made a mistake,” Sia said.

  Ben interrupted, “mistake? Hmm. That’s funny. Didn’t seem like a mistake when you were begging me to fuck you harder.”

  “Oh my,” I said.

  “Whatever,” Sia said.

  “Hey. You two better kiss and make up—sorry. You two better worked this out. I will not have you two fighting each other.”

  They kept silent and watched the men in the ring finally decided to fight. The crowd roared as fists were thrown and kicks were received. I never found fighting to be entertaining but Sia certainly loved it.

  “Yeah! Hit him again!” Sia screamed.

  I felt like I was being watched, and I didn’t have to look too long to see who it was. In the rows above me, Kronus watched me from above. He sat beside King Agnor and Veronica. I was not surprised to see them hear. The people in West loved to watch men kill each other.

  After the fight, Kronus approached me. “Enjoyed the fight?” he asked.

  “These are not my kind of things.”

  “Ah, then what are your kind of things.”

  When I thought about it. I didn’t have a thing. Was my life that sad? “I recently got into archery.”

  “Then if you want to excel at archery, you cannot do it here. There are no good teachers here. The best of the best are beyond these walls.”

  “I’m not leaving, Kronus.”

  He took my hand and kissed it. “You still have time to reconsider. You were destined to be a Queen. Allow me to help fulfill your destiny.”

  “And how do you know of such destiny?”

  “It is clear, Elizabeth. Even the blind can see it.”

  “Is this how you flatter all women?”

  “Only the really beautiful ones,” he smiled. “I must go. My father is waiting.”


  On returning from my evening studies with Leo, I realized my room door was opened. It seemed I had a visitor. I entered cautiously, with a broom stick in my hand, ready to break it on a thief. There she was, sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

  “How did you get in here?” I asked.

  “I’m the Queen, I’m allowed anywhere.”

  “You’re not the Queen yet.”

  “In a few days, I will be.” She laughed, “Were you going to hit me with that?”

  “I still might.”

  “You couldn’t, even you tried. You see, you’re a human, a commoner, and you always will be slower, dumber and weaker. And I don’t blame you, darling, it’s the way how you were born.”

  I laughed. Suddenly I was starting to consider Kronus’s offer. “Oh yeah? Well you better be careful, because this human might just be the next Queen of the West.”

  Her eyebrow raised and she stared at me with wide eyes, “what do you mean?”

  “Your brother. He seems to be very fond of me.”

  “You lying bitch.”

  “Don’t believe me?”

  “My brother would never. You are no one. From a family of nobodies. Why would my brother even look your way? You’re not even pretty.”

  My fist clenched, I was ready to beat her to death. I hated that disgusting smirk she had on her face.

  “Are you angry? You shouldn’t be. There is a natural order for this world, and the sooner you know your place and accept it, the better.”

  “Are you threatening me?” I asked.

  “No, that wasn’t a threat. But this is; leave Leo alone, or else I will come and kill you myself.”

  “Leo is King. He can do whatever he pleases.”

  Her lips pressed together, narrowing her eyes on me.

  “Oh, are you angry?” I said.

  “Mark my words. The last face you will see before you die will be mine.”

  “Get out. Now!”

  She stood in front my face, “Mark my words,” she said, then stormed out the door.

  What she said hurt me more than it should have. I always knew there were people out there than truly believed I was lesser, but to hear someone say it to my face hurts. I had the urge to find Kronus immediately, accept his offer, be Queen, and when that time comes then laugh in her face. I would show her that I too can be powerful, and that the natural order that she speak of is rubbish.

  Suddenly staying in the North didn’t feel like the right thing. Not while she was going to be Queen. I’d rather leave than have that woman ruling over me.

  I took off the chain that my mother gave me, and attached to it was the small whistle Leo gave me, and it occurred to me that I had never tried it before. I blew it but it made no sound. I blew it again and still nothing. I must have accidentally broke it.

  I heard steps on the roof then Leo appeared at my window. “You called?” he said.

  “Come in.”

  “You know that whistle is for when you’re in danger, right?”

  “I was testing it.”

  “And here I am,” he sat on the bed beside me.

  I didn’t tell him about Veronica’s surprised visit. We just laid and talked. I just wanted him to be there, beside me. I asked about his day and the other boring things Kings do.

  “How can you marry a woman that you don’t love?” I asked.

  “Because life is unfair. If it were up to me, it would be you that I would marry.”

  “I doubt it. They would never accept a human as their Queen.”

  “They would learn to.” He kissed my lips. “They would get used to seeing your face,” he kissed me again, “because you would be mine forever.”

  I fell asleep in his arms, and when I woke up, he was already gone.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My life had been blissful these last few weeks. Kisses from Dante in mornings and kisses from Leo in the evening. I didn’t think about it too hard, I just ran with whatever came. There were no conscience eating away in my mind, because the way as I saw it, I was owned by none. I was free to do as I pleased.

  Both of them seemed genuine, yet none of them wanted to take it further. When you think about it, it was crazy how women got sad when a man didn’t want to own us. We were raised to believe that men choosing us as their wives was our purpose. I was over that feeling. No more would I shed a tear. I accepted my freedom and grew to love it, and if I never marry, then so be it.

  I loved how the brothers felt, and both spoke to a different part of me. If they could somehow fused together, then I think I would have found my perfect man. There was as much pleasure in a man choking me as there was in a man gently kissing my skin. I once told Dante that every person possess within them darkness and light, and I was no different.

  Leo’s wedding was in two days. My belly churned at the thought. After those two days, it was goodbye to Leo. He would officially be bound to that bitch. Leaving the North with Kronus was the only real option for me. So I decided, at the dinner tonight, I would accept Kronus offer and leave with him.

  “Something wrong?” Dante asked. We had just finished training. My arrows were off today and my punches were weak. I wasn’t in the mood for anything.

  “I’m fine,” I said. We decided to go swim in the river. At this point I was already comfortable being naked around Dante. Birds sang in the trees above us. A fish swam past me. The sunrise hit the water top. The cool water awoke cold bumps on my skin. My teeth chattered. My nipples erect.

  “I’m proud of how well you’re doing,’ he said.

  “I was sloppy today.”

  “Everyone has their bad days.”

  “Yeah. I guess so.”

  “Does Leo have anything to do with it?”

  “I—yes. He does.”

  “I wonder what women see in that pretty boy,” Dante scoffed. “He’s soft.”

  “Is the great Dante jealous?”

  “Me? Jealous? No.”

  “Okay. If you say so.”

  “Why should I be jealous? He will never be as strong as me.”

  Seeing Dante jealous was adorable. I went into his arms and kissed him all over. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the firmness of him pressing against my body.

  These were my last few days in the north, so I did what I please. No limits.

  I grabbed his thick manhood and stroked, feeling every muscle in him tensed. He was already rock hard and ready for me. His fingers roamed between my thighs and my hand reached further and fondled his balls.

  Dante could wait no more. His beastly urge was kicking in. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around him. I felt his manhood moving along my slit, he pressed his head in, sliding his thick cock into my wetness.

  I gasped, for this was the biggest I had ever felt a man. He choked me, gripped me, all while pleasuring me with heavy thrusts, lighting a fire inside me that could not be tamed.

  As I basked in the wild bliss of having the strongest man in the North pounding inside me, I thought, why didn’t i let him inside me sooner?

  The birds singing were silenced by my loud violent moans. I had brought noise and sin in this peaceful place. The pleasure of feeling the full length of Dante’s cock into my warmth felt like water overflowing its brim, spilling over the edges. I orgasmed hard, thrashing my body furiously as Dante gripped me tighter to hold me steady.

  If I was to leave the North, then I would truly miss Dante’s cock.


  I had found myself at another one of King Agnor’s dinner. I never found the reason for me being here. All I did was sit and listen to his loud vulgar jokes and his terrible wheeze. I was disappointed in Leo for pretending to laugh at his jokes. I knew Dante wouldn’t. Dante would have looked him straight in the eye with serious face.

  Dante was missing again. This time Leo didn’t bother with an excuse. It was well known Dante didn’t approve of King Agnor.

  It was torture to be placed in the same room as Leo and Victoria, and even worse, to watch Victoria holding his hand. Someone’s will can only be tested for so long, before it is broken, and all is let loose. I wanted to kill her. I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking. The hatred was bubbling inside me.

  I drank wine, and a lot. That helped the time pass by.

  “Elizabeth, come here, I have something you must try,” Victoria said, standing by the painting of Demitri Lukas.

  Leo looked at me, then at her. We were both confused as to why she would even speak my name from her mouth.

  “Yes, Princess Victoria.”

  She handed me a glass of wine. “The finest wine you’ll ever taste. This, my dear, is older than time itself.”

  “I don’t care for your wine,” I said softly.

  “I can’t wait for you to serve me.”

  “Don’t be so sure.”

  “Remember when I told you I was a fighter? I meant it.” Victoria punched me in the gut, sending a surge of pain through my body. I staggered before falling to the floor. It took the others sometime before they realized I was writhing on the floor.

  “Are you okay?” Leo asked.

  “She must have had too much to drink,” Victoria said.

  I rose to my feet “I’m fine. I just need some air.”

  “I’ll come—”

  “No,” I stopped Leo, “stay.

  That bitch. I swore she would regret it. I took my time walking to the balcony, only to see Kronus was already there.

  “Your sister is a bitch. Do you know that?

  “A bitch? No, she’s far worse.”

  I took my time catching my breath. “I want to leave this place.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “Yes, I’ll leave the North with you.”

  “Will you marry me as well?”


  Kronus threw his wine in the air, turned and kissed me.

  I pushed him off, “We are not married yet.”

  “Elizabeth, it may be hard, but you have made the right decision. Be glad in knowing that one day you will be a Queen.”

  “And you think that is my desire? To be Queen?”

  “No. Your wish is to empower and aid, but you see, it is not much different from what a Queen does. You’ll be able to do all that and more.”

  I scoffed, “What do you expect from me? Love?”

  “I’m not foolish enough to think that I can command love. If it is given, then I will take it. My only wish is to help you fulfill your destiny.”

  “You keep saying that.”

  “Because it is true.”

  “And who told you of my destiny? A witch?”

  “No. For even witches abide by the certain laws. The Gods told me in my dreams. You see, Elizabeth, I knew you before I had even met you.”

  This was too much for me. I needed a drink. A real drink. Not this wine nonsense. “Only time will tell. Now, you must excuse me, Prince Agnor.”


  I was applauded when I entered the Snakes Head, where I felt most comfortable. Commoners, like me, held their glass high, for now, I was some sort of brave person.

  Ben stood on one of the table. “Why is it that Elizabeth is here and yet no food or beer is on her table?”

  Immediately men scrambled to buy me beer and more food that I could possibly eat.

  “None of this is necessary,” I told them. “I will pay for my own.”

  “Nonsense!” men rambled as if I had just insulted them.

  I had no choice but to accept all that was given.

  After a day of my emotions going north then south, the sight of my friends face brought me joy. Because I could always expect Ben to say something funny, and Sia to argue over something that she won’t remember the next day. People who I loved dearly. “Why are you two still wearing a face of shame?”


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