Book Read Free

The Twelve

Page 26

by D A Walmsley

  “Huh, Oh, sorry, I’m so tired.”

  “What’s happening?” asks Peter.

  “I’m awake, I’m awake,” says James, startled.

  They stand up stretching, all rather embarrassed that they fell asleep three times.

  “The hour has come when the Son of Man is to be handed over to sinners.”

  John looks around, he neither sees nor hears anything. Still half asleep, he is bewildered by Jesus’ words.

  Suddenly, there is the sound of a helicopter and a bright searchlight begins scanning the area. The helicopter hovers high above the garden, its beam misses them and instead focuses on the minibus. Now John can hear the sound of engines as several trucks and armoured cars come roaring towards them, their headlights piercing the dark car park.

  The lads left in the bus are trying to escape the searchlight. They quickly come running over, Matthew and Simon both taking out their guns in readiness. Peter sees Simon’s knife clipped to his belt and grabs it, Simon nods.

  “What is happening?” shouts Thaddy.

  Out of the trucks jump dozens of Union soldiers, all fully armed with rifles and wearing full combat gear. They surround the minibus and block all the exits to the garden. The lads all circle around Jesus, desperately trying to protect him. The searchlight finds them. They look at each other, what can they do? They are outnumbered and surrounded. John’s heart is beating faster than ever before, he can barely think, the noise and lights are confusing his senses. More soldiers arrive on foot and with them more than a hundred Temple guards, all armed with batons. It is the Temple guards who move to the front and edge closer to the group. Following them are some priests who come forward.

  “Which one is he?” says a priest.

  Jesus steps forward, “who have you come for?” he asks.

  “Jesus the Nazarene.”

  “I am he.”

  Peter tries to pull him back, as temple guards start surrounding them all.

  “They’re after us all, come on boss do something,” shouts James.

  “Who is it you want?” Jesus asks again.


  “Well, that’s me, now let all these others go.”

  “Is that really him, the Miracle Man? How can we be sure?” says a Temple guard.

  “I’ll show you,” says a familiar voice.

  Jude steps out from the dark into the searchlight and comes right up to Jesus.

  “Master,” says Jude, kissing him on both cheeks.

  “So, you betray the Son of Man with a kiss,” says Jesus.

  “Jude you bastard,” says Peter.

  Matthew and Simon both point their guns at Jude, but it is Peter with the knife who slashes at him. He misses, instead catching the ear of a man standing just behind, an assistant to one of the priests. He cuts his ear clean off. It falls to the ground and blood pours out of the gaping hole. The soldiers raise their weapons and are just about to open fire when…

  “STOP!” shouts Jesus, the power of his voice knocking some of the guards to the floor. He puts his hand up to the man’s ear and heals it instantly.

  Turning to the lads he says, “put your weapons away, all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword. Do you think I can’t appeal to my Father, who would send down an army of angels…but how then will the Scriptures be fulfilled that says it must happen this way?”

  He turns to the priests, “You come to arrest me like I am a bank robber or murderer. Yet you did nothing while I was in the Temple.”

  The guards, sensing their chance, seize hold of Jesus, handcuff him and drag him to a truck. They push him inside and it speeds away. Now they have their man, Jude, the soldiers and priests withdraw as swiftly and as suddenly as they appeared. The helicopter flies away, turning off its searchlight, plunging the garden into darkness once again.

  The lads, fearing for their own lives all run; it’s every man for himself as they scatter. Andrew heads for the minibus followed by Nathaniel, they don’t wait for anyone else. Andrew sets off, driving as fast as he can. Alphie, Thomas and Thaddy head for the rear exit. James and Philip go out of the main entrance and along the side of the city wall.

  Matthew and Simon stand, guns in hand, shocked and scared. Peter with a trembling hand gives Simon his knife back. Simon wipes the blood off on the grass before putting it away.

  “Shit, shit,” he says, kicking the ground.

  Matthew goes and sits on the bench and puts his head in his hands.

  “I wouldn’t stay here if I were you, they might come back for us,” says Simon as he starts to run to an exit of the garden.

  “I don’t know about you, but I want to know where they’re taking him,” says John.

  Peter, doesn’t say a word, he just nods and starts running. As John follows, he looks back at Matthew who is still sitting on the bench with his head in his hands.

  Chapter 32

  “Two minutes. Copy that.”

  “They’re approaching the gates, get ready.”

  “One minute. Copy that.”

  “Open the gates.”

  “The gates are secure and the prisoner is in the palace,” says Benjamin.

  Theo puts his thumb up,“we got him.”

  Annas breathes a sigh of relief; that was most stressful, finally he has his man in custody. Never in all his life has he been so anxious, failure this time was not an option. Perspiration pours from his brow and he dabs it with his handkerchief.

  “Well done gentlemen.”

  As Benjamin and Theo wait with Annas in his office the tension has given way to excitement. Theo opens the office door in readiness for their captive, before he and Benjamin stand either side of Annas. Theo takes out his gun and Benjamin picks up his Temple guards baton.

  “Now let him try and get out of this one,” says Benjamin.

  Six armed Temple guards escort a handcuffed Jesus into the office. Annas holds his hand up and stops them.

  “Thank you gentlemen, wait outside,” says Benjamin.

  Annas nods and the guards leave, closing the door behind them.

  Theo and Benjamin move towards Jesus. Benjamin takes a practice swing with his baton, laughing. They stand either side of Jesus awaiting instructions.

  “Finally, we meet Jesus of Galilee or should that be Nazareth? You have been quite the superstar haven’t you? The great teacher who mesmerises and deceives. Well, one of your team has betrayed you and the rest deserted. So much for your power. I was expecting Superman - instead I get you.”

  Jesus stays silent. Annas is a little disappointed, this Galilean looks so much smaller in person and not at all special. Why would anyone want to follow him?

  “Now is your chance to enlighten me with your clever words and false teaching. Come on, Jesus, speak, convince me you are the one! Or do you know I won’t be as gullible as the rest of the country?”

  “Why do you question me?” answers Jesus. “I have taught in synagogues and in the Temple. I spoke nothing in secret. Question those that have heard me, they know what I’ve said.”

  Benjamin strikes Jesus across his back with his baton.

  “Is that the way you answer your superior?”

  “If I am wrong, then testify so. If I am right why strike me?”

  Annas stares at him… so underneath that plain exterior is the great blasphemer. Annas burns with hatred for this man but he knows he must remain calm. After all there is a plan in place and the first part has been a complete success.

  “Take him away!” says Annas, “you know what we do to wannabe Messiahs.”

  * * *

  Peter and John had sprinted after the convoy and when they finally arrive at the Palace gates Peter is surprised that a crowd is already beginning to gather.

  “We have to get in,” says John.

  Peter can’t respond, he bends double, gasping for breath. He’ll need a minute or two to recover first.

  More people arrive and begin taking photos and filming on their phones. Severa
l cars had passed them as they ran from the garden and John had pointed out that each car carried a member of the council. Peter watches, catching his breath as another car arrives; cameras flash and people try to see who’s inside. The gates open just wide enough for the car; a member of the public squeezes in at the same time. The guards are on him instantly; they beat him with batons and drag him away. Some soldiers look on, rifles at the ready in case of anything more serious than an over-eager sightseer.

  Peter desperately wants to get in; he pushes his way to the front and grabs hold of the gates, but a guard standing on the other side pushes him back. “It’s no good, we’ll never get in,” he says.

  “Jesus kept using my phone, let’s see who he called,” says John.


  “Hang on, people keep pushing me, I can’t see properly.”

  Peter looks around desperately trying to think of a way in. John has to get hold of Nicodemus or Joseph, they’re the only ones who could help. He looks at John, who shakes his head.

  “Keep trying.”

  Just then a TV camera crew arrive; the gates open and the van drives in. Once again the guards have trouble closing the gate. Soon it will be impossible to get near, let alone get in.

  “No one is picking up, wait, I have the office of Joseph Arimathea. Oh crap, it’s an answer machine.”

  “This is John, from Jesus’ team, it’s urgent, please ring me back…. please!”

  He has almost given up when he receives a call from a withheld number. Peter listens, trying to work out what is happening.

  “Thank you, thank you.”

  “It’s Joanna, the wife of a Captain in the Union army.”


  “And her husband has told her he was at the arrest and is now at the Palace. She wants to know if we are alright and if we know what is happening?”

  John pushes through the crowd, at one point physically shoving someone out of the way.

  “Come on, I asked if her husband could get us in,” he shouts.

  It’s so squashed at the gate Peter has to stand behind John; he looks at the soldiers, wondering which one is Joanna’s husband. After a few minutes one comes over and Peter recognising him, taps on Johns’ shoulder and points.

  “Are you Joanna’s husband?” shouts John.

  The Captain points his rifle at John, telling the guards “let that guy in.”

  One of the gates opens just wide enough for John to squeeze through. Before he is inside John grabs Peter. “He’s with me.”

  The guard, without much thought, nods to Peter, allowing him to follow John.

  They both thank the Captain, who points them to a smaller gate which leads through a narrow passage into the inner courtyard. Peter quickly leads the way. They are now in the centre of the palace. The High Priest’s wing is to the left side, Annas’ to the right and the Council chambers take up the rest of the building. Peter didn’t expect to see so many people, the courtyard is full. A camera crew films key areas and interviews of palace officials; reporters scramble around trying to get the latest information. At first glance there seems to be a lot of palace staff also hanging around. In one corner they have set up a table and are providing hot drinks. Patio heaters have also been brought out to keep people warm, and there are plenty of tables and chairs.

  “We should let his mum know,” John says.

  “Good idea, you ring round everybody, I’ll see if I can find out what’s happening.”

  Peter sits near a heater in the hope of overhearing any news of Jesus. A woman, wearing a staff uniform is sitting nearby, sipping hot coffee. She stares at Peter.

  “You look really familiar, are you from the press? No that’s not it, but I’m sure I’ve seen you before.”

  She thinks for a minute.

  “I know, you’re one of his team!”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, I’ve never met him.”

  “Huh, I never usually forget a face, I’m sure I’ve seen you with the teacher.”

  Peter just shrugs. Maybe I’d better get a hot drink, wonder why they aren’t serving food.

  “Coffee please.”

  As he is handed a coffee, a man next to him also recognises him.

  “Are you one of Jesus team? You are aren’t ya?”

  “No, I am not!”

  Oh great, now everyone has overheard, their accusing stares and pointing fingers convicting him right here, right now. I’m next, they’re going to arrest me. I cannot be arrested, I just can’t. He sees a camera crew coming towards him and tries to get out of the way.

  “He’s one of them.”

  “He’s Galilean, just like Jesus.”

  “I’ve seen you with him.”

  “You’re crazy! I don’t know the man.”

  He turns to see the film crew focusing in on him. He stares into the camera at the exact moment he hears a rooster crow.

  A shout, “quick he’s here,” there is a commotion as guards appear from everywhere. Peter’s heart already pumping, fears the worst. He freezes with fear, unable to move, this is it, they are here to arrest me. When a guard pushes past him, Peter is confused, if not him who?

  Jesus is being led out into the courtyard. He is handcuffed and surrounded by guards. Jesus turns in Peters direction and through the crowd fixes his eyes on him. Only now does Peter remember what Jesus had said: This very night before the rooster crows, you will have denied me three times.

  The realisation of what is happening, what he’s just said and done, is all too overwhelming. It feels like his chest is being crushed, those eyes are looking into his very soul. He has to get out of here.

  Head down and hands up, he tries to hide from the camera’s accusing stare and runs to the gates. As he approaches them one of the cars has dropped off another council member and is leaving. The gates are still open and he quickly slips through before they can close.

  Now he runs, not caring where he’s heading, just away from everybody. All he can see is the image of Jesus, the look on his face; it’s all too much to take. He is angry and embarrassed at what he has done, but the longer he runs the more upset he becomes. He denied Jesus, he denied the Master. After all those promises of fighting and even dying for him, he couldn’t even acknowledge he knew him. Tears pour down his face until he is so physically upset that he can’t take another step. He stops in a dark corner and collapses in grief, crying uncontrollably.

  Chapter 33

  Theo and Benjamin, accompanied by Temple Guards, take Jesus through the courtyard and throw him into a small room adjacent to the council chambers and lock the door.

  Jonathan enters Annas’ office, goes over to a wall and slides open a cupboard. In it is a TV monitor. He turns it on, all it shows is static.

  “Right gentleman, entertain me,” says Annas.

  A grainy black and white view of the room appears on the screen.

  “Are we on, sir,” says Theo waving to the camera.

  “Yes, you are live,” says Jonathan into a microphone.

  Annas and Jonathan watch as Theo takes out a scarf and blindfolds Jesus. He punches him in the stomach, knocking him to the floor.

  “Go on, gives us a prophecy, which one of us will hit you next?”

  He punches him again, this time in the kidneys. Benjamin kicks him in the groin.

  “Oh, that’s gotta hurt,” says Theo.

  “I wish your team could see this, but they’ve all run away, not so tough now are they?”

  He lashes out with a kick, knocking Jesus over. Benjamin grabs Jesus by the hair pulling him back up and spitting in his face.

  “You disgust me, all this talk about a New Kingdom. Yet you don’t even fight for this one. I don’t know why Matthew would ever follow you. You’re just a little piece of shit, that’s all.”

  “Try not to mark his face if he’s going in front of the council,” says Annas, laughing over the mic.

  They carry out a frenzied attack, concentrating on Jesus
’ body. Jesus curls up in a ball and tries to protect himself, but blow after blow, kick after kick keep coming.

  “That will do, for now,” Annas’ voice crackles over the speaker.

  “That’s enough, Annas needs you back here,” Jonathan adds.

  “We’ll be back for you in the morning,” says Theo to Jesus.

  “Don’t go anywhere, will you,” mocks Benjamin.

  * * *

  In the morning Caiaphas is ready to start the trial. Under Jewish law, criminal trials are not legal if held at night, so the trial will not begin until first light; this gives Annas time to brief his most favoured council members and time for Caiaphas to prepare the prosecution. The Priests use the time to round up witnesses to testify against Jesus. Trials usually take place in the Temple chambers, which are larger, with each member having his own seat. But because of the nature and speed of Jesus’ arrest, Annas had suggested the palace chamber be used.

  Caiaphas sits on a raised platform at one end of the chamber. Next to him are the chief priests and elders. Not all the seventy members could make the trial in time, but those that did are squashed inside and have very little room. The other priests stand wherever they can. Annas stands at the back, his two trusted guards next to him.

  Jesus is brought into the chamber in handcuffs and placed in the centre of the room facing Caiaphas. A series of witnesses are brought in and each are asked what Jesus had said in the Temple that could be used against him. The priests hope they can make up stories, and tell lies that Jesus had broken the law, but each witness contradicts the others.

  “Where did you find these people?” questions Caiaphas.

  Annas shakes his head, this is not a good start. One by one the witnesses fail to find anything to use against Jesus. Annas has to turn to plan B.

  “Fetch me better witnesses,” he tells Theo.

  Theo comes back with a chauffeur and a staff member from the household. Annas takes them into a quiet room and coaches them on what to say and how to come across. Their names are soon called and they are brought before the council.

  “This man said: I am able to destroy this Temple of God and rebuild it in three days,” says the chauffeur.


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