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Wolf Unbound

Page 21

by Lauren Dane

  “Spread your pussy open for me,” he ordered, leaning in to lick her clit fast and hard, stealing her breath as he filled himself with her taste. She made a sound, low, needy, deep in her throat.

  He’d start her off with an orgasm and then give her a few more because he loved to make her come, loved the sounds she made, loved the way she writhed, loved the way she became languid and sensual as endorphins flooded her body. He made her that way. No one but him would ever bring her that kind of pleasure.

  Her clit bloomed under his tongue as he teased it, tasted it, tickled it. Their link, made all the stronger since he’d been made into a wolf, flowed to bursting with her pleasure.

  She trembled as he pushed her straight into climax. He put an arm around her ass to hold her up as her knees buckled and her breath came in short, hard, jagged pants.

  Giving her one last lick, he stood and met her gaze. “Christ you’re beautiful,” he mumbled before he captured her mouth. She opened to him immediately as her arms circled his neck. Her tongue danced lazily along his, letting him lead and take from her. She gave herself completely and he took, plundered, even as he gave back. He sank into her warmth, into the way she gave him safe harbor, into her trust and the gift of her submission.

  With one last nip of her bottom lip, he moved away as he caught his breath. And then he watched her eyes clear up when he held up the nipple clamps. Her breath puffed out softly as she made a small ooooh sound.

  “Mmm. Your nipples just got even harder.” He thumbed them and she moaned. “Hold them for me so I can put the clamps on.”

  She cupped her breasts and the way her breathing quickened, once he touched the rubber-covered metal to her nipple, shot straight to his already ridiculously hard cock.

  Carefully, he set the tension with the small screw. Just tight enough the weighted ornament on the chain that hung between her breasts would tug but not hurt.

  * * *

  Tegan looked down and watched, mesmerized as he attached the clamps. The sight of his large, olive-toned hands against her pale skin as she held her breasts out to him deeply moved her. Something about the juxtaposition of all those things—his work-hard hands, her smooth, pale skin, the delicate color of her nipples and the shiny steel and black rubber of the clamps—rolled what they were to each other into that one brief moment.

  Hard and soft, tough and vulnerable. Both of them were a lot of things at different times but she realized she could trust him to be what she needed, when she needed it. That sort of surety was breathtaking.

  The tension on the clamp was just barely shy of painful as a dull throb settled in. She adjusted her breathing, knowing when he took them off, usually right as she came, sensation would burst through her body. The way he knew her, manipulated her senses to bring her more pleasure, was so sexy. He never took too much, always pushed just far enough.

  He looked at her closely, making sure she was okay before moving on. The half-lidded eyes and the small, wicked smile let her know he had plans. Anticipation slid through her, and relief, she’d missed this with him.

  A few steps back and he backed up to a chair in the corner. “Knees.”

  She swallowed hard and moved to him eagerly. He put a pillow down for her to kneel on and the case was cool against her skin.

  “Undress me.”

  He’d been shirtless and barefoot, looking totally rakish and devastatingly corrupted. She shivered as she looked up at him and leaned in to rub her cheek against his cock through his jeans before running her hands up the muscled calves, the hard thighs and cupping his ass a moment. Her fingertips dipped below his waistband, between the scratchy denim and the smooth, hard, warm skin of his abdomen.

  Inhaling deep at his belly button, she slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and slid them down his legs, along with his boxers. His cock, gloriously hard, slick at the head, tapped his belly. The scent of his maleness wrapped around her and squeezed until she thought she’d explode with it.

  He fell into the chair, widening his knees for her to move closer to him. “Beautiful woman, all mine.” He ran a gentle hand through her hair before drawing a thumb down the line of her jaw. “Suck my cock. Don’t make me come just yet though. I’m going to be fucking the hell out of you when I come.”

  Holy shit the man knew what he was about.

  She let his scent, the timbre of his voice, the way he stroked a hand over her hair, draw her in and set the pace. She leaned in and palmed his sac, drawing her thumbs over it as his balls began to tighten against his body.

  Long, slow licks with the flat of her tongue over his balls and up the line of his cock followed. She loved every inch of his cock, making sure to pay extra attention to the places she knew he liked best. A dig of the tip of her tongue just beneath the crown. As she sucked hard on the head, she slid her thumbs up the stalk of him from root to her lips, using the slickness she’d created with her mouth to ease the way.

  “That’s so good, Tegan. Beautiful. I could sit here like this forever. Looking at you, your mouth wrapped around me, your hair sliding against my thighs. You’re so sexy.”

  His nails scored her back, making her gasp with delight and arch to get more. She loved it when he did that, the burst of sensation that rode the line between pleasure and pain with such a sweet edge. She also loved the way there’d be faint marks some hours afterward. Because he was a wolf now, they’d stay longer. The thought brought a warm flood to her gut, her pussy heated as she groaned.

  “Mmm, I love when you make that sound. Dreamy, needy. I love making you react like that.”

  His nails gently raked over her scalp, massaging it as she sucked his cock. The throb in her nipples returned as she rocked back and forth to take him in her mouth again and again, sending the little weight swinging. Her clit began to throb in time and she writhed a bit to ease the building ache.

  “Do you need to come, Tegan?” Grabbing her hair, wrapping it about his fist, he pulled her away from his cock. His eyes glittered and she knew he was as turned on as she was.

  She nodded.

  “On my lap. Face away from me.”

  She obeyed, he helped her to stand from kneeling so she wouldn’t lose her balance.

  “Legs outside mine, I want your cunt spread wide-open for me.”

  Her heart pounded as she adjusted how she sat. He moved so his cock rested between her legs, up against the folds of her pussy.

  “Hot. Scorching hot and creamy wet. My favorite,” he said in her ear before biting down on the lobe. “Use my cock to make yourself come.”

  Desire for him ran through her like honey. Sticky-sweet and warm. Languid, she moved, undulating while she held his cock against her on the opposite side as the full length of him stroked against her.

  “Tell me how it feels,” he gasped.

  “Good. Oh, Ben, so good. Your cock is rubbing over all of my pussy. I’m so slick and my clit is so hard.”

  “Mmm, I can’t wait to angle you just right and slide into your cunt. After two orgasms you’ll be nice and ready. Swollen and juicy. I’m going to pound and watch that weight swing back and forth, knowing it’s tugging on your nipples. You know I’ll make you finger your pussy, I love the way you feel when you come around me. At some point, I’ll pull the clamps free and you know what you’ll feel then. You do remember, you just spilled honey all over me. Close now, hmm?”

  She swallowed back something utterly incoherent as the ridge of his cock stroked back and forth over her clit again, sending spirals of pleasure through her, blinding her.

  It was then he bit her on her shoulder, prolonging the orgasm as her wolf stirred, loving that bit of dominance she could understand as well.

  He helped her to stand and did as well. While she watched, he stroked himself, still bathed in her honey while his eyes never left her face. She whimpered and he stopped.<
br />
  “What is it?”

  “I want it to be me doing that.”

  He chuckled darkly and then licked his fingers, nearly sending her to her knees. “Go stand next to the bed. Palms flat against the mattress.”

  She moved, knowing what was next. Her body trembled in anticipation. He hadn’t flogged her in weeks. She felt as if she’d drown in the intensity of his need for her. But his very being anchored her, kept her from slipping away completely.

  Anxiously, her body attuned to the sounds she knew would come. First the creak of the handle as he gripped it. Then the slither of the tails as they slid against each other when he weighted it properly in his grasp. She scented the leather, the oil from his hand on the handle. The combination of the sounds and scent of the flogger in this man’s hand devastated her in a way little else did.

  And then the first cool, featherlight touch of the tails as he lightly drew them over her shoulders, down the line of her back, across her ass and up her thighs.

  By the time he shifted subtly behind her, moving back to get full extension of his forearm and wrist, she’d slid deep into the narcotic bliss of subspace. Limbs heavy with pleasure, she registered the first sting on her left thigh. And then her right. Over and over again, in multiple places from the tips of her shoulders to the backs of her thighs. He’d spread her stance wide enough that he tickled her pussy, swollen and sensitized, with just the barest tip of the tails.

  Heat built over her skin as the percussion sent blood to the surface layers, making it more sensitive to every touch.

  Dimly, she heard the thud as he tossed the flogger to the side, felt the wetness of a tongue sliding down the line of her spine, down the seam of her ass and straight to her pussy.

  She cried out, beginning to rise from the heady languor she’d been in, arching toward him. “Please, your cock, please,” she begged, her voice a slight slur.

  The blunt head of his cock was pressing into her gate before she’d even realized he’d stood. He’d truly become fast since his conversion.

  “Cripes, you feel good.” He adjusted her, one hand at her hip as the other grabbed her hair the way he knew drove her insane as he made good on his promise to fuck her so hard the weight between her breasts would swing.

  His cock slid in deep, retreating with a wet, slow sound. She didn’t want him to leave, moved her body with his with a sound of entreaty and he leaned down, careful not to put pressure on her back and with the hand that’d been in her hair, pulled the nipple clamps off.

  She gasped at the wave of sensation, first pain and then the warmth of pleasure flooded through her. Her nipples throbbed with sensation, driving her close to coming right at that very moment.

  “No, no. Not yet, red wolf. I want to feel the way the muscles on your forearm cord as you make yourself come.”

  His voice was everything. Dark and velvet, filled with longing, with adoration and love, with arrogance and self-assuredness that absolutely marked him as an alpha man and a very alpha wolf.

  She gave herself to him as she did every time he asked because she loved him. Because he took her love and the gift of herself and he made her feel as if she were the most special, beautiful creature alive. Even with Lucas it had never felt so intimate, so intense and loving even as it felt deliciously wicked and taboo at the same time.

  As her fingers danced around her clit, he spoke to her low and intense. Told her he loved her. Told her how beautiful she was, told her he lived to wake up to her face each day and she knew he meant every word. Those words, the reverent way he spoke to her, treated her, sounded in her ears as the mammoth climax hit, sucking her under with an anguished cry as she shoved back to meet him, to take him in as deeply as she could while her body clutched his.

  Three more hard thrusts into her and he stilled, the fingers at her hip digging deep. Leaning down, he took the back of her neck between his teeth, the warmth of his breath against the cool sheen of sweat on her skin when he came.

  He put aloe on her back, soothing the heat before they took a shower together. Before capturing her lips he looked at her for long, silent moments. “Am I what you want?” His words were soft, gentle.

  Her heart swelled as she nodded, emotion making words hard to come by. “Yes. From the first moment you touched me at the club, before I’d even seen your face, you were what I wanted. You’re what I need too. You didn’t hurt me tonight. It was—” she paused trying to think of the right thing to say. “It was amazing. Raw. I feel like tonight was the first time you totally opened up and didn’t hold back.”

  “That’s probably true. When I thought you were human, I held back because what I felt for you was so intense and because I didn’t want to harm you. And then after the claiming I was afraid to confront the intensity of my feelings. After that, it was intense and hot, sexy and wonderful but when I changed, I feel like our bond has become deeper, more, I don’t know, integral perhaps. But then you’d had this terrible experience. I realized tonight you knew I wouldn’t hurt you. You trusted me and if you can trust me, I can trust me too.”

  “You’re what I need, Ben. What I crave. You fill me up in every way. You accept all of me and make me whole.”

  They had a meal. Took a run and came back home. As she stood on the deck, overlooking the water, scenting other Pack wolves as they ran on the compound property, she knew this was home now. Knew this place was theirs and from then on, Seattle would be a place they visited.

  The rightness of it settled into her as she leaned into his side.

  “We need to be here. I feel it. This is where we’re meant to be. I’ll be on your Enforcer team.”

  “We’re going to have to talk to Cade and to Maxwell. You need to talk to your parents and your sisters too. I hate you having to lose anything else.”

  She turned to him, cupping his cheeks in her hands. “You’re everything. You’re my family and this is the way it has to be. There are airplanes. War is here, there’s no more time for indecision.”

  * * *

  Ben watched the stars and listened to the steady breathing of his wife as she lay sleeping in his arms. Out the window, the world was changing. He had no control over the war brewing, no control over the very real possibility he’d never be able to be a cop again. But he had Tegan. He had the ability to be a cop for the Pack and that could be good. If they could survive the coming storm.

  Ben vowed he’d protect the woman in his arms with his dying breath. Yes, she’d be on his Enforcer team, she’d be his right-hand man. They’d be together so he could keep her safe and that was all there was to it. Pellini would be dead, one way or another, for what he put Tegan through.

  The rest they’d have to take one step at a time.

  * * * * *

  Read on for a sneak preview of ALPHA’S CHALLENGE, the next book in New York Times bestselling author Lauren Dane’s CASCADIA WOLVES SERIES.

  Alpha’s Challenge

  by Lauren Dane



  The low-level Pack member tried to shut his laptop but Grace reached out and held it open, reading the screen. Her skin crawled as she saw the data there.

  “I thought I said this wasn’t to be tested.”

  The wolf had the good sense to look down. “Warren told me to pass the reports on to the lab down in Nashville.”

  Her jaw locked and she took a deep breath. Now wasn’t the time to lose it or call attention to herself.

  “Fine. But you need to CC me on everything. How can I do effective research if I don’t know everything going on? This sort of thing, people doing all this around me and messing with the stream of data, could set us back. I hardly think that’s what your Alpha wants.” Alpha, ha, that was laughable.

  “Of course, Grace. I apologize.”

  Still, she knew none
of them would do anything Warren didn’t authorize. She pulled a phone from the pocket of her lab coat and called Warren Pellini’s personal number.

  “Warren, it’s Grace. Look, you need to be sure that when you’re having the data sent elsewhere, I’m alerted.”

  “I thought you didn’t want that data used. I wanted it to be sent where it might be seen with different eyes.” His voice was cold.

  She sighed her impatience. She didn’t need to fake that. “Look, you brought me back to do this research. If you go around me and all sorts of data gets mixed from the different formulas and I don’t know it, how can I make any accurate predictions of efficacy? All this stuff just floating out there from Pack to Pack. It’s not secure, you don’t know who’s doing it under what control situations. I’m the doctor here, Warren, and I have the expertise you need. Let me do my damned job or don’t waste my time.”

  He paused and she wondered for a bit if she hadn’t overplayed her hand but after a time he cleared his throat. “Very well. You’ll be alerted. I want the Nashville lab to have that data. We have some subjects down there I’m told are perfect for trials. You have full access, Grace, don’t disappoint me.” Nausea threatened at what she knew would happen to the homeless humans the Pack would use.

  The call ended and within moments the wolf at the terminal got a message. A second after that he turned to her and nodded.

  She needed to move and soon. Just another few days until she got more information and she’d get out. She couldn’t risk it much longer without actively helping them or really exposing herself.

  Warren’s spies were everywhere, she trusted absolutely no one, not even her own parents. She just had to hold it together, every day, until she got home. Then she could turn on the shower and weep. Let the terror sweep through her until she had nothing left to cry with and managed to stumble into bed where fitful nightmares kept her awake.


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