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Deacon: A Werewolf Shifter Romance (Small Town Pack Book 2)

Page 4

by M. J. Perry

  Gabe coughed and his eyes widened. “You got that ability from him?”


  Gabe turned wide eyes on Deacon. “What else can you do?”

  “A lot. That is why I’ve pushed you all away. I’ve felt like a ticking bomb.”

  “And you don’t now?”

  “Mating Milly has relieved some of the tension. It’s probably because I’ve shared most of my abilities and feelings through our connection.”

  “You’ve mated?” Gabe asked in shock and I grinned.

  “Yep. I’ll let Deacon tell you all about it because I see Sierra standing in the window and I’d really like to see her.”

  “I’ll walk you to the door.”

  “Deacon, I’m safe here. I’m in your view and it’s only a few steps. Talk to your friend, make things right. You’ll feel better.”

  He sighed. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I don’t want you to leave me either but you have to do this. You have to catch him.”

  “I know and I will.”

  “I have no doubts. Gabe, it was nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Milly.”

  I gave them both a little wave, blew Deacon a kiss, and headed up the path to the porch steps. The front door opened and Sierra almost knocked me over with the force of her hug.

  “I knew Deacon had saved you but I needed to see you with my own eyes.” She said tearfully.

  I wrapped an arm around her and led her inside, closing the door behind us. “I’m all in one piece, Sierra.”

  “I’m so glad. I was terrified I wasn’t going to see you again. Those vampires are bad news.”

  “Tell me about it, I’m lucky Deacon is a real bad ass.”

  “He definitely is that.” She agreed. Her eyes are still full of tears as we sit down on the sofa. I squeal as a sudden thought pops into my head and it isn’t one of my own. “You’re pregnant?”

  Her eyes widened and she stared at me in shock. “How can you possibly know that?”

  “You told me, well, your thoughts did.” I admitted.

  “You and Deacon have mated.”

  “Yes. He has some tremendous abilities.”

  “Mind reading is clearly one of them.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted it but I’m so excited for you.”

  “It’s ok. I was going to tell you I just didn’t want to tell you as soon as you walked in the door.”

  “I’m going to be an auntie.” I grinned. “I can’t wait to spoil the little thing.”

  “You’re not the only one. Jaxon is walking around on cloud nine. I’m still struggling to believe it.”

  “It has happened fast.”

  “It really has. A few days ago I was just minding my own business and now I’m mated to an alpha shifter and carrying his baby. I didn’t even know this world existed. It feels like a story in a romance book.”

  “I agree. Life really has changed for us.”

  “Even though it took me getting attacked to find out about this world, I wouldn’t change it.”

  “I wouldn’t either. Can you hear other people’s thoughts like I can?” I asked curiously.

  “I hear Jaxon’s all the time. Deacon let me hear his once, the day he brought you here, and I can hear the packs, but it’s more of a cloud of feelings from them. I can't focus on one person’s thoughts and know who they belong to. ”

  “I can hear Deacon’s when he isn’t trying to block me and I can hear all of yours if I concentrate enough. I heard Gabe’s when he was standing next to me but I can’t now.”

  She’s staring at me open mouthed. “You’re powerful.”

  “Deacon is powerful. He’s just shared some of his abilities.” I shrugged.

  “Has he gone looking for Simon now?”

  I shook my head. “He’s looking for the mole.”

  Sierra looked sad. “To find the mole, they decided to make up a story about me going shopping with only one guard. When Gabe spread the fake news to the pack, they had the phone lines monitored by someone Jaxon knows and they found out someone from the pack had called a number and left a message giving details of my supposed trip. Jaxon was disappointed because it gave them proof that the mole is a shifter. Up until then I think he’d convinced himself that somehow a stranger had done all this.”

  “I’m sorry for him. Being betrayed by people you trust can’t be easy.”

  “I just hope that when Deacon finds the mole, it isn’t someone close to Jaxon.”

  “Deacon won’t spare him or her if it is.”

  “I know. That’s why I convinced Jaxon that he was better off letting Deacon do the looking.”

  “You did the right thing.”

  She nodded. “I just hope they can find out why this person decided to betray us all in the first place. Shifters are usually loyal to the fault.”

  “He’ll find the answers you all need.”

  “I don’t doubt that.” She gripped my hand in hers. “So, how does it feel to be mated to Deacon?”

  “He gives me the warm and fuzzies.” I smiled. “He does the cutest things, like brushing my hair back from my face, holding my hand, or even just giving me a smile as he walks past me. He makes me feel so precious. He doesn’t do them for brownie points, I don’t even think he realises he is doing them and that makes him all the more special.”

  “Jaxon is very much like that. I think as mates they are just in tune with us and they take care of us without a thought.”

  “We are really lucky.”

  “Yeah.” She opened her mouth to say more but shook her head instead.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Have you seen his wolf?”

  I smiled sadly. “No. His wolf and he communicate but he’s unable to shift.”

  “Does that concern him?”

  “He said it doesn’t but I think he misses it. I think this is the reason he tried to leave the pack. He didn’t feel like he belonged here anymore.”

  “I can understand that logic but he’s still a shifter, he was one before he was changed.”

  “He knows that. It’s just taking him time to come to terms with it.”

  “I’m glad he’s trying.”

  “Me too, else I wouldn’t get to see you and the little bean you’re growing. Are you nervous?”

  “As nervous as any first time mum I guess.”

  “I’ll be here to help you. I can’t imagine that Jaxon will leave your side either.” I looked around. “Where is he?”

  “He’s in the training room blowing off some steam.”


  “He was really angry this morning after he received the text message and I was too tired to make love.” She added with a grin.

  “I know that feeling, they have huge stamina.”

  “Yes they do, but once the mating takes hold that stamina will be yours too. The baby is just draining some of mine right now. The doctor said it will get easier once the pregnancy prolongs.”

  “I wonder if I can get pregnant. Deacon hasn’t said anything although it’s not like we’ve had the time, things have been pretty hectic.”

  “I can imagine. I’m sure you can, his changes shouldn’t affect him that way, but I’m no doctor.”

  “It’s a conversation to have when things have calmed down.”

  “I hope that happens soon. I don’t think the pack can take the stress.”

  “With Deacon on it I don’t think it will too long.”

  Sierra looked me over. “I have clothes you can borrow until yours get brought here.”

  “I like wearing Deacon’s clothes. They make me feel…”

  “Safe.” She finished for me. “I know. I feel the same. Quite often, I still wear Jaxon's t-shirts. With his scent surrounding me, it leaves me feeling content. It helps me to feel close to him when he has to go out.”

  “Yes, it’s odd but it’s true. I’m used to Deacon’s scent already. I feel upset if I can’t smell him
and if I was with a human I would think I was crazy.”

  “It’s definitely a shifter thing. Jaxon saved me from my attackers because he felt my terror and he used my scent to find me. We had just met.”

  “Deacon told me I will be able to feel his emotions and know where he is if I concentrate.”

  “That’s so cool. I can sense Jaxon, but I can’t tell you where he is or what he’s feeling from far away. Having a hybrid mate sounds incredible.”

  “It’s going to take some getting used to, I can tell you that.”

  “It will, but you have me to help you.”

  “I’m lucky.” I bit my lip before giving her hand a squeeze. “I’m so sorry I just left. I just couldn’t deal with Deacon’s rejection.”

  “Milly, you don’t have to apologise. I imagine I would have done the same thing.”

  “It wasn’t the greatest reaction but I was just so hurt. I really missed you.”

  “I missed you too. I’m glad it’s worked out for you both now. You’ll be good for him. You’ll bring him back to himself.”

  My tummy rumbled reminding me I hadn’t eaten since the sandwich Deacon forced me to eat a few hours ago.

  Sierra laughed at the loud sound. “I haven’t had breakfast yet, let’s go and see what’s in the kitchen.”

  “I’m not going to say no to that. I’m starving.”

  “You need to keep your energy levels high. You’ll burn through it quicker now.”

  I blush as I remember falling asleep on Deacon after he’d showered me last night. “You’re right.” I followed her to the kitchen and saw coffee in the pot. I touched it with the back of my hand to see if it was still warm and grabbed a cup. “Can you drink coffee?” I asked Sierra.

  “I’m allowed to have one, but too be honest the smell makes me sick so I just avoid it.”

  “Man, I hope that doesn’t happen to me. Coffee is the only thing that gets me through the day.”

  “If it does then you’ll deal with it.”

  “Yeah, I just won’t like it.” I laughed. “Deacon will probably hide from me for nine months.”

  “I’m sure he can help find something to do to distract you.” she giggled.

  “All he would have to do is smile at me.” I admitted.

  “You have it bad.”

  “Yep, being mated to Deacon kind of does that to you.”

  She grinned. “What do you want to eat?”

  “I’m not fussy.”

  “Ok then, toast it is.”

  “Awesome. With chocolate spread?” I asked.

  “You haven’t changed.”

  “And I never will.” I said.

  Both of us are quiet as we make our toast and sit down to eat it. Fury suddenly filled making me gasp because it isn’t my feeling, its Deacon’s.

  “What’s the matter?” Sierra asked me in concern.

  “Deacon is furious; his anger is making my head throb.” I said as I rubbed my temples.

  “He’s found the mole hasn’t he.”

  “Yeah. I can only hope he holds his temper long enough to find out the reason why the person sold out his own pack.”

  Chapter Six


  I’d found him. I’d found the mole. I’d scented his disgust and his shame in himself, felt his fear as I’d walked past him, and it wasn’t the usual fear of the unknown I got even from my own pack, no, this was fear of being found out. Now, he is sitting in front of me sobbing with his head in his hands. I may have found our mole but I felt no victory. He is an eighteen-year-old kid who was caught up in a blackmail plot all because someone had taken a photograph of him smoking a joint. His parents are the town’s vicars and he’d been worried they’d lose their jobs if anyone saw the photos. He’d also thought that Simon had been trying to find out about the pack so he could approach us and ask to join us. Clearly, Billy isn’t very bright, but he didn’t have any malicious intentions, he is just gullible. He still needed to be punished, but that is up to Jaxon, not me. I didn’t give a shit what happens to him now. I just want Simon. Billy has given us a last known address and we’re about to leave.

  “Are you ready?” I asked Jaxon impatiently. He’s still giving orders to the pack and I’m tired of waiting. Now we have the information I don’t want to be delayed any longer, it gives Simon more time to escape.

  “Yes, I’m just sorting out who is coming with us.”

  “I’m going to see Milly, shout when you’re ready.” I walked away from the still crying boy and headed towards the house. There is no way I’m leaving without saying goodbye. Milly must sense my intentions because she’s suddenly at the front door. She stands there waiting for me to come to her.

  “Are you going after him now?” she asked me worriedly.

  “Yes. I have his last location. I only hope he is still there.”

  “I hope so too.” She stepped closer, her hands going to my hips. Looking up at me, she bit her lip.

  “I’ll be careful.” I answered her unspoken thoughts. “I have everything to live for now, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Do you think it’s possible for us to have a baby?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled. I could see how important my answer is to her. “You’re ovulating right now. I’m hoping my seed took place last night.”

  “Oh, wow. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I didn’t think I needed to. My thoughts were an open book last night. I figured you would have seen my intent to make you pregnant.”

  “Last night I was too lost in the pleasure you were giving me to notice anything.”

  “I was fantastic.” I grinned. I don’t remember ever feeling this light hearted. Even knowing I have to go and chase down a homicidal vampire doesn’t spoil the fun I have with Milly, or the joy I feel just knowing she is mine.

  “Yes, you were.” She grinned back. “I see Jaxon coming. Does that mean you’re going now?”

  “Yes, while the scent is still warm.”

  “I love you Deacon. I can’t wait until this is over.”

  “You and me both, baby. It won’t be long. We’ll find him and put him out of action.”

  “I know you will. Now, I’m going to read up on knitting so I can make baby clothes for Sierra’s little bean and hopefully for ours too.”

  “Sierra is pregnant?”

  “Yes, I figured Jaxon would have said or you would have read his thoughts.”

  “I try not to read him because his thoughts mostly centre on Sierra and sex. There hasn’t exactly been time for a heart to heart either. Besides, nothing ruins good news faster than a crying boy.”

  “The mole?”

  “Yeah, he’s just a kid who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and allowed himself to get blackmailed by Simon and unwillingly became a mole in the process.”

  “Is he stupid?” she asked in disbelief.

  “His parents have sheltered him too much.”

  “He should still be held accountable.”

  “He will be, but it’s not him we should be angry with though, it’s Simon. He will get his comeuppance.”

  “Deacon, are you ready?” Jaxon called, as he got closer.

  “Yes, just saying goodbye to my mate.”

  Jaxon turned to face Milly. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “You too, Jaxon.”

  “I’ve said goodbye to Sierra now let’s go.”

  “Yes boss.” I said as I saluted him with a grin. I looked at Milly, cupping her face with my hands. “I love you. Stay inside and stay away from the windows and doors.”

  “I will. I’ll be fine. Go be a hero.”

  “I don’t know about that. I think I’m more of the villain.”

  “No, baby, you’re definitely a hero. My hero.” She said as she lifted up to kiss me on the lips. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and caressed hers with my own. I groaned at her flavour, at the way her body relaxed into mine. I so desperately wanted to take her right here and now. I forced
myself to let her go, to move away from her, because I have a job to do and the sooner I do it the sooner I can get back to her sweetness.

  “I’ll be back soon.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” She said breathlessly.

  “Go inside and stay there until I get back.”

  “Yes dear.” She said as she opened the door and disappeared through it.

  I walked down the porch steps to meet Jaxon.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Ready.” I agreed as I cast my eyes over him, Gabe, and myself. “He won’t know what’s hit him.”

  “That’s what we want. Do you have the address?” Gabe asked me.

  “He’s in the old hotel, room four.”

  Gabe looked stunned. “It’s that easy?”

  “He’s been hiding in plain sight because the perfume he wears masks his scent and we haven’t been able to track him down because of it.” I growled. I hated knowing that he’s been so close all this time.

  “Jaxon, whatever happened to the vampires that were supposed to help us?” Gabe asked. “I’m not complaining, but shouldn’t they have been here by now?”

  “They were sent home in pieces.”

  “What the fuck. By who?” I asked in shock.

  “Apparently they went after Simon themselves and had better luck finding him than we did.”

  “He did that to his own kind? He’s a maniac.”

  “He believes he is a god and that makes him dangerous. He won’t stop until he gets rid of us all.”

  “And we won’t stop until we get rid of him. I wonder who will win.” Gabe grinned.

  “Are we running or going in a car?” I asked.

  Jaxon gave me a look full of pity and my anger rose. “We can take the car.” He said.

  “Do you think that without my wolf I’m helpless?” I growled.

  “No, I just think you may slow us down.” He admitted.

  I chuckled. Shaking off my anger, I tried not to take offense. It’s not as if I’ve shared with them what I can do. I have no right to be angry when I’ve pushed them both away. “I bet I can beat you there. Try to keep up.” I said as I set off at a run in the right direction. I felt their surprise before they changed into their wolves and followed me. I miss my wolf, I miss the change, but I know that I’m still a shifter, and that the abilities I have are benefits rather than a curse. I slowed my run to a jog, as I got closer to the hotel, not wanting to alert Simon just yet. Sensing my pack mates, I turned to face them with a grin. Watching as they shift back, I crossed my arms and leaned against a tree. “Took you long enough.”


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