by Hollye Davis
Britney’s eyes widened, mumbled a, “Sorry,” turning on her heal and ran to her friends who were watching from a distance.
Edwin reached down and kissed her lips sweetly before moving to open the door for her. As soon as she was seated she busted out laughing. Christoph picked up her discarded bag and slid into the car.
“God it’s good to see ya’ll again,” wiping the laughter tears from her eyes, “I’ve missed you so,” and tears of laughter turned to tears of joy and relief.
Edwin held her hand tightly as they pulled out of the school parking lot. She scooted closer, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“When did you get in?”
“About an hour ago,” Edwin said.
“You came straight to the school?” She raised her head to meet his gaze.
“Of course. Christoph and Duke didn’t have a choice, I was their ride and there was no way I was going to waste one second before seeing you.”
Chloe tilted her head sideways to speak with Christoph and Duke, “I would say sorry for inconveniencing you but, I’m not sorry. Thanks for the sacrifice though.”
“It’s no big deal. Don’t worry about it,” Christoph answered. He looked tired as he watched the scenery out the side window.
Chloe put her head back down on Edwin’s shoulder closing her eyes. His soft hoodie and clean smell would have lolled her to sleep if she wasn’t so excited he was there…for real. When he slowed down she opened her eyes long enough to notice he was pulling into a parking garage. Edwin parked near two cars that she assumed were Christoph’s and Duke’s.
Christoph and Duke began to exit the car but before he closed the door, Christoph said, “We’ll see you guys Saturday night at the fire.” He shut the door.
In all the excitement she had forgotten to thank them for what they did with Britney. She grabbed the door handle and vaulted out. Edwin gave her a curious look when she shouted to him, “I’ll be right back.”
She ran to Christoph first and planted a kiss on his cheek before turning to Duke and doing the same thing.
“Thank you for what you did back at the parking lot, you guys were totally awesome and convincing. You should think about a career in acting.” She was baffled when they both busted out laughing. They held onto each other, then holding their guts as they continued to laugh so hard that she was beginning to think their little trip elsewhere might have addled their brains. She backed up to Edwin’s car and fumbled for the handle. Once the door was open she slid in, glancing one more time at the still laughing duo.
“I don’t get how that’s so funny,” she commented to Edwin.
“They’re just idiots.” Well duhh, obviously but still…
Edwin reached over placing his hand on her thigh as he drove off eliminating all thoughts of laughter. It would have been enough but he wasn’t content with having it lay there. No, he was lightly caressing her bare legs with his fingers, trailing from her knee to the bottom of her shorts, sometimes dipping a bit higher. It was driving her insane. She decided to retaliate by leaning across the seat to nibble on his neck, to his ear. She was rewarded with his hand tightening on her thigh and him driving a bit faster. She nibbled as her hand traveled up his chest, down to his pants, brushing him…there. She was so involved in their mutual lust that she was shocked when he threw the car in park, turned to her and captured her mouth in a frenzied kiss.
He unbuckled her seatbelt, dragging her into his lap, all the while kissing her with an urgency she wasn’t able to comprehend. Edwin groaned, mid-caress of her breast and pulled away from her slightly, setting his forehead against her,
“Let’s go upstairs before we give the neighbors a show, shall we?” His voice trembled slightly belying the calmness of his words. She nodded and fumbled for the door handle once again.
Once outside, Edwin snatched her hand and led her up the stairs, well more like pulled her up the stairs. She inserted her key, turned the knob and pushed her way into the empty, or what she hoped was empty, cottage. No sooner did the door close behind Edwin, she was in his arms kissing him as he kissed her. He had her shirt off before they cleared the entrance-way, she had his shirt off before they made it through the living room. He was working on her bra in the hallway succeeding with it before they walked through her bedroom door. Both their pants were unzipped and off before they landed in the bed completely and totally anxious to feel each other, become one.
Later, when they had completely exhausted each other, he held her so tightly she felt if he let go she would fall apart.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t gentle,” she tilted her head back to see his worried expression, “I can’t seem to control myself when I’m around you. I know I’ve said this before but I never want to be apart from you again.” Her heart squeezed pleasantly because she couldn’t agree more.
Nothing else was said as Edwin quickly succumbed to sleep, he must have been exhausted after traveling from London, not to mention jet-lag. She watched his deep even breathing, admired his well-formed chest, admired everything about him but she couldn’t sleep.
After a few minutes she carefully dislodged her body from his and slipped into the bathroom to take a hot shower to calm her down. He was still sound asleep when she emerged. A feeling of rightness entered her as she tilted her head to view Edwin sleeping in her bed.
Grabbing her cell phone from her backpack, she walked into the living room to call Kim. She had assumed Cole picked Kim up but in all the excitement she forgot to verify it with Edwin. She dialed Kim’s number, the phone barely rang before she answered it.
“Hey Kim, are you okay? I didn’t leave you behind did I?”
“No, what do you mean? Cole picked me up, said that you had another ride coming. You did have another ride coming?” Kim asked anxiously a little panicked.
“Yes, Edwin is back in town.”
“Oh thank God, Ohhh, you mean Edwin, the boyfriend, is back?!” Kim’s excitement brought a smile to Chloe’s face.
“Yeah, he’s asleep in my room now.”
“Oh wow! In your room?”
Chloe blushed.
“Whatever,” she mumbled as Kim laughed.
“So I guess this is a stop to the nights over at the awesome cottage.” Kim sounded down, as if Edwin coming back would affect their relationship.
“No way, we’ll figure out something. I’ll have Aunt help me clean out the guest room. I love ya and all, but there is no way you will sleep with me AND Edwin.”
They both laughed.
After she got off the phone with Kim, she realized she was starving. Rising off the couch, she walked to the kitchen to prepare for supper. The smell of her cooking permeated the cottage and before long Edwin’s arms surrounded her from behind as he nibbled her neck,
“Hallo love.”
“The last time you kissed me while I cooked I burned breakfast.” His laugh was muffled as he continued his trail of kisses down to her collarbone.
“I’ve missed you so much. I can’t seem to stay away from you.” She patted his hands around her stomach, “Then don’t.”
He sighed. It wasn’t a good sigh.
“Unfortunately, things are getting…um…busier, and I will have a tighter schedule but I will try to get home every night.”
“Oh.” She looked down at the pot she was stirring, “I hate school and obligations. Can’t we rewind and go back to summer?”
“Yeah, but we all need school, it’s a necessary evil.”
“I know you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any less sucky.”
“Yes, love, I know, believe me I know.”
Edwin was still holding her when her aunt entered the kitchen. Chloe watched as Aunt’s expression finally registered who was holding her.
“Oh! Well…it’s good to see you! When did you get in?” Edwin turned toward her aunt giving her a hug.
“About an hour before I picked Chloe up from school,” he answered with a small kind smile.
unt didn’t return it. Instead she turned toward the refrigerator to pull out a cranberry drink. Chloe watched knowing her aunt was distracted and worried. She was about to ask her what was wrong when Aunt said after seating herself at the kitchen table, “Well there is just no good way to say this so I am going to say it quickly.” She glanced at her and said, “Chloe, I’m afraid your grandmother took a turn for the worse. They don’t think she is going to make it much longer. Your father cannot be found and you are her only other living relative. They have asked for you and me to come down and settle everything. The problem is that I can’t right now. One of my brats is having a movie premier and I am contractually bound.” Chloe saw the guilt and regret in Aunt’s eyes as she continued, “I have contacted a very good friend I grew up with that lives near you. In fact you probably know her son, Cameron.”
Chloe nodded, she remembered Cameron but the last time she saw him was when they were 12.
“She’s going to help you settle everything. Apparently, you are the heir to your grandparents’ estate, or what is left of it.”
Edwin paced, he was outwardly upset, “How long is this going to take?”
Aunt answered, “I’m hoping just a week, since school and all.”
Edwin purposely turned, walked out to the deck, closing the door behind him to presumably make a phone call. Aunt and Chloe exchanged looks, not sure how to interpret his reaction.
Chloe removed the food from the stove, walked over and sat down. How was she supposed to feel? Her grandmother raised her for most of her life but there wasn’t love there. She was treated as labor on the farm, free help. Her grandmother never told her she loved her nor ever touched her or hugged her. When Grandfather died she physically abused her, blamed her. What did she feel? Should she be grateful for the farm and take it as a sign of love or was it a payment for years of servitude? Kind of like what some of the slave owners did to the slaves when they had been freed. Or maybe it was lack of having no one else to give it to. They had known that her father would just sell it to the first bid that came to him. She also knew her grandparents never forgave him for running off with her mother.
Scratching her head, trying to push aside the negative thought that it was probably full of debt and this was a way for grandmother to reach past the grave to abuse her.
All her thoughts came to an end as Edwin stepped in from outside with a grim face. His eyes spoke of the same sorrow and guilt her aunt’s had, “I want to come with you Chloe, I really do, but it is impossible for me right now. I’m so sorry.” He came over and kissed her on the forehead. Her heart sank further, she must face this alone.
I was leaving on Monday, which gave me two days to prepare. I didn’t want to prepare, I just wanted to spend every second with Edwin. Edwin did his best to be around as much as possible but he said that his obligations were getting heavier with what I assume was his father’s business. I was really sick of his obligations and sometimes I wanted to demand what they were. I was tired of being left in the dark but because I was heading to Texas on Monday, I didn’t want to start an argument. It could wait until I got back but I was determined to get some answers. –Chloe’s diary
Chapter 9
Two Short Days
On Saturday her aunt brought in a brand new set of luggage. She wanted to be grateful but it was hard when she didn’t want to go at all.
“There was no way I was going to let you travel with those disgusting things you brought here. They’re embarrassing,” her aunt explained.
“Aunt you are going to have to stop buying me things.”
“No, I don’t. You are the closest thing I have to a daughter and I can spoil you as much as I want.”
“No, you can’t! I can’t in good conscious continue to take and give nothing!”
“Give nothing? Oh Chloe, You don’t get it do you? You give me so much. I know I’m not around a lot but you’ve no idea how nice it is to come home and have you here. I feel like I have a purpose and that I am doing something right for the first time. You don’t understand how much I needed that. Life is empty if you don’t have someone you love to share it with you. I love you more than anything Chloe, allow me to share, please.”
Chloe put her head down trying to hide her tears. She didn’t know that Aunt was as desperate as her to be loved, but she was, “Okay, Aunt, just this one time,” she acquiesced tearfully.
That night the fire gang came back with music and all. She felt rusty but otherwise fell right into step with everyone else.
When she and Edwin had arrived, Edwin explained about Chloe’s grandmother. They all gave the appropriate words of sympathy at the same time they looked worriedly at Edwin. Edwin reassured them that he would be okay this time since it was only one more week apart. It surprised her that their friends were so worried about Edwin, but they were.
When they got back to the cottage it was nearly light outside. She was so very happy to have him come to her room and sleep the morning away, to make love again and sleep some more.
Sunday night she became angry at picking things out to pack. She threw a box out of her closet that had gotten in her way, narrowly missing Edwin lounging on the bed. She muttered a few cuss words when she stumped her toe in the process.
Edwin stepped into the closet, folded her into an embrace, “It’s going to be all right.” He whispered, “I wish I could come, I feel like I’ve let you down a lot lately.”
She shrugged, “It’s no matter, what can you do anyway?” She moved out of his arms and picked up the box and placed it back on the shelf. She knew she was being unfair but she was angry. She was angry that she had to leave him after just a few days together. She was angry that he couldn’t join her, which was selfish. Damn, when did she turn into a spoiled selfish brat who throws fits? She dropped her head in shame. She looked back up at him and he was just looking at her box in the corner that she occasionally stuffed things into.
“I’m sorry, that was wrong of me. I’m just upset about everything. I don’t mean to be a brat,” she walked up to him placing her palm on his chest.
Edwin looked at her, his eyes sad, “Don’t apologize, you have the right. I haven’t been upfront about everything and you are under a lot of stress. When you get back we need to talk.”
Then he walked out of the closet. She sat down. Oh God he isn’t going to break up with me is he? It would serve her right, it really would.
I boarded the plane in a new outfit my aunt had given me. She said if I presented myself correctly, people would treat me accordingly. So I was sure I was in some high priced number and expensive shoes. She made me take extra time on my hair so that it would shine and each curl would look natural and perfect. I brought my large sunglasses Sandra had given me because she said they looked better on me than her. I rolled my eyes - Sandra is happiest when she has an excuse to buy something. I was shiny and new looking but I felt like a hag. –Chloe’s diary
Chapter 10
Texas Bound
She wasn’t even surprised that she had a first class ticket. If Aunt didn’t do it, Edwin would have made sure of it. She didn’t even complain. What difference does it make? She’d just waste her breath on the two of them anyway.
The difference between this plane ride and the last one she took in March from Germany was the difference between night and day. Although her stomach hurt, it wasn’t as severe as it was back then. She wasn’t crammed in a middle seat stuck next to an unaccompanied 11-year-old who had plane sickness either.
The flight was short but she guessed any flight was short compared to Germany. She got off the plane in Austin walking down the wide gaping halls. It has been a long time since she had been here, a lifetime really. Austin was a small airport with only two escalators to the baggage claim, which makes it easy to find the people waiting for you.
She headed toward the baggage claim area when a tentative tap on her shoulder turned her around,
“Chloe, is that you?” A lady of similar age of her aunt wi
th soft brown shoulder length hair and soft brown eyes was standing waiting anxiously behind her. She recognized her as Cameron’s mother immediately even though she had only met her a few times while growing up.
“Mrs. Schwertner?”
“Oh IT IS you! My goodness, you are positively stunning and Claire must be doing very well indeed, you look as if you stepped out of a magazine!”
She smiled a little taken back by the overly overstated compliments. Chloe’s gaze shifted to the boy next to her and smiled. He had grown a bit taller than her, he was more handsome but he was obviously Cameron.
Chloe thrust out her hand to Cameron and said, “So good to see you.” He ignored her outstretched hand and gave her a hug instead.
“Here in Texas we give hugs.” He was right of course and she hugged him back.
It was a 45-minute drive north to the Schwertner’s ranch. She sucked in the scenery like a water-starved camel. She sighed in contentment. If she could just move the beach and cottage somewhere around here she would be completely content.
“Have you missed Texas, Chloe?” Mrs. Schwertner asked.
“Yes, it’s so beautiful and spacious here. You have no idea how crowded LA and surrounding areas are. We live on a private beach in a gated community so it isn’t so bad. But at school there are so many people. It’s overwhelming.” Chloe smiled at her.
“You aren’t the Chloe I remember. When you left here for Germany there were so many rumors. A lot of people didn’t think you would make it.”
Make it? She wondered what that meant.
“Do you want me to take you to your grandmother right now?” Mrs. Schwertner suddenly asked.