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Brie's Christmas Pearls (Submissive in Love, #3)

Page 3

by Red Phoenix

  He pulled out his cell phone to call his sub. “Come now. Meet me at the auditorium doors.” While they waited, Headmaster Coen explained to Brie, “I want you to capture the expressions on her face.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” she agreed. “I’ve set up the camera at this angle so it will center on her face and the swing of your hand. It will also allow you to strip her ass bare if you need to without exposing her to the film’s audience.”

  He took a peek through the viewfinder. “Excellent, Miss Bennett.”

  There was a soft knock on the door. Headmaster Coen smiled as he walked to greet his sub. A middle-aged woman entered the auditorium, dressed in a school uniform complete with knee-high socks, pigtails and a tiny little skirt. He cupped his sub’s chin and kissed her before introducing her to Brie.

  “Miss Bennett, I would like you to meet the newest member of my family. Her official name is raven, but we all call her rae-rae at home. You may call her rae if you wish.”

  Brie held out her hand, admiring the woman’s long black hair. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, rae. Thanks for agreeing to film with me today.”

  The woman shook her hand enthusiastically. “I can’t believe I’m getting to be part of your film!” She turned to Headmaster Coen. “I’m such a lucky sub.”

  “Yes, you are,” he replied, sounding amused by her excitement. The Headmaster’s pride in his sub was touching to see. Brie had to swallow her sadness, knowing Sir used to look at her the same way.


  She played with the flower in her hair as she explained, “Just as I did in the first film, I’ll stay behind the camera. Don’t pay attention to it or to me. If at any time you need the filming to stop, just give me the signal.”

  Headmaster Coen grabbed his sub’s ass with his beefy hands, pressing her against him. “Are you ready to make film history?”

  “Ready and willing, Master.”

  “Then stand next to the chalkboard and write, ‘I will not talk when the teacher is speaking’ fifty times.”

  She bowed to him before skipping up to the stage and going to the chalkboard to begin her assigned task.

  “You may begin filming,” Headmaster Coen told Brie as he headed onto the stage to join her.

  Brie followed him with the lens as Headmaster Coen ascended the steps. She couldn’t keep from smiling when he picked up the ruler from the desk and questioned, “What happens to willful students?”

  Rae answered, “They get punished, Headmaster.”

  “Yes, they do. In your case, since this is the second offense, I believe a harsher punishment is in order.”

  Rae stopped writing and turned to him. “Please, Headmaster, I promise to be good.”

  “You promised me that the last time.” He hit the ruler against the desk. “Put the chalk down and lean against the desk, legs together, palms flat on the wood.”

  She put down the chalk and approached the desk with a shy smile directed at him.

  “Left cheek on the desk,” he instructed, pushing her head down so she faced the camera.

  Brie felt her body respond to his forcefulness, remembering their own scene together. She hadn’t known Headmaster Coen at that point, but had been aware he was unhappy with her.

  When she’d scened with him that first time, Brie had been frightened he planned to hurt her as punishment. Instead the muscular trainer had introduced her to the sensuality of a good spanking. It had been a surprising lesson she’d never forgotten.

  Brie felt tingling sensations coursing through her body as he positioned himself behind his sub. The Headmaster reached over and grabbed a pencil from the desk and broke it in half. “Open,” he commanded, putting the pencil near her lips. “Bite down on it. I don’t want the other classes to be disturbed while you take your punishment.”

  He took off his jacket and put it on the chair, then unbuttoned his cuffs before slowly rolling up each sleeve to expose his impressive arms. How many women in America would be daydreaming of being punished by his bare hand after seeing this film?

  “Ten swats to start off with.” He lifted her tiny skirt and caressed her ass through the thin material of her white cotton underwear. “Young women need to learn to respect their superiors.”

  Rae nodded.

  Brie held her breath as he swung his hand back, readying for the first swat. The distance let her know it was going to be a hard one. His hand came down on rae’s right ass cheek, the sound of it echoing in the auditorium. Rae whimpered as she bit on the pencil. He delivered the second with the same force on her left ass cheek.

  Rae cried out between her clenched teeth.

  “Shh…” he said soothingly, rubbing her buttocks with his large hand.

  Rae wiggled her ass, apparently begging for more.

  He took his time, teasing her with light caresses before he finished the remaining swats. He did not stop until all eight had been delivered. Rae’s whimpers filled the large room, and her eyes were tearing up by the end.

  Headmaster Coen took the pencil from her mouth and set it on the desk. He caressed her ass gently and asked, “Why are you being punished?”

  She looked back at him. “Because I was talking in class.”

  “And why is that a problem?”

  “You were teaching, Headmaster.”

  “Yes, and I was in the middle of a very important lecture. How dare you compromise the success of other students by interrupting my lesson like that? As this is your second infraction, I can’t let you off lightly.”

  Rea smiled and rested her cheek back on the desk. “I understand, Headmaster.”

  “Don’t cry out.”

  She nodded, her eyes half-closed and glazed over with lust.

  He looked at her ass and shook his head disapprovingly. “I cannot punish you properly with these on.” The angle of the camera let the audience barely see the swell of her ass as he stripped off her panties.

  “Open those legs for me.”

  Rae adjusted her posture, still keeping her cheek pressed against the wood.

  “Good girl. Now let’s make that ass a little pinker.” He picked up the ruler and got into position. “I think another ten will do.”

  Rae took her punishment, moaning and gasping through it but never once crying out. The sound of wood slapping against skin was erotic, but watching rae squirm and wiggle as he applied the ruler was even sexier to Brie.

  When he put the ruler down, both Brie and rae let out a sigh. He caressed the woman’s sore buttocks. “Now that’s a nice shade of pink. I think you’re ready for a proper spanking.”

  Headmaster Coen rubbed his hands together vigorously, making them warm with friction. “I want you to count in your prettiest voice.”

  Rae answered in a low, flirtatious tone, “Yes, Headmaster.”

  He swatted her hard, moving repeatedly from one ass cheek to the other. Rae called each one out as she had been instructed, keeping her voice light and inviting.

  He stopped after twelve and leaned forward, whispering something in her ear. Then his hand disappeared under rae’s skirt as he nibbled on her earlobe. The soft moans she made let Brie know she was very much enjoying what Headmaster Coen was doing.

  He kissed her cheek chastely before positioning himself for another round of spanking. Although rae whimpered on several occasions, she counted out each swat in the same flirtatious tone; it would allow the audience to enjoy their play. However, it was the mystery of not seeing what Headmaster Coen’s hand was doing underneath the skirt every time he stopped that had Brie worked up.

  This was an extremely naughty scene that kept an air of innocence because of the props, rae’s cute little outfit and the modest camera angle. Brie hoped it would meet with Mr. Holloway’s approval, even though she could swear rae came at least four times during the filming.

  After the scene was over, Headmaster Coen handed his sub the apple from the desk. “To replenish your energy. I plan to ravish you in a few minutes.”
/>   Brie hurried to put her equipment away so the couple could enjoy the high they’d created together. While she was finishing up, Headmaster Coen came over and asked, “Did you find the scene satisfactory, Miss Bennett?”

  “Yes, it was…an invigorating scene.”

  “Rae has a fetish for spanking. Easiest way to get her off is with the bare hand,” he said, looking proudly at his palm.

  Brie stared at his hand as well, knowing its feel and allure. “You did a fine job showcasing a spanking scene, Headmaster Coen. I especially appreciated the role-playing. I think it will read well on screen.”

  Rae skipped up to them. “I love playing the naughty student. Could you tell?” she asked, taking a bite of her apple.

  “Yes, it was quite obvious that you enjoyed it…maybe a little too obvious,” Brie replied with a grin.

  “It can get you in all kinds of delicious trouble,” rae said, winking at Headmaster Coen.

  That seemed to be Brie’s cue to leave, so she picked up her camera bag and started towards the door. On her way out, Headmaster Coen mentioned, “I suggest a visit to Nosh, the head trainer of the Dominants.”

  Brie turned. “You think he might be interested in filming a scene?”

  “It’s possible.”

  She remembered the commanding presence of the Native American Trainer during her critique of Faelan. His long hair and brown skin had been attractive to Brie, but it was his stern gaze she remembered the most.

  “Nosh doesn’t tolerate foolishness,” Headmaster Coen informed her.

  She felt a pit in her stomach at the thought of meeting with him. “Is he expecting me?”

  “No, but he knows of the project. I’m uncertain whether he’s interested.”


  Brie thanked Master Coen and made her way to the Dominant Training side of the school despite her misgivings. The halls of the Training Center were empty during the day, although the business college above bustled with activity. It made for a lonely walk to the head trainer’s office.

  She refused to let her fear get the better of her, so she screwed up her courage and knocked on the door of Nosh’s office. When she heard no invitation to come in, she knocked again with a little more force. Brie was actually pleased when she got no response. The fact was, she felt ill-prepared to face such an intimidating presence in her current emotional state.

  As she walked to the elevator, a sense of pride washed over her. In spite of wanting to curl up and die, she had just filmed another winning scene for her documentary. Proof that she was meant to succeed in film no matter what life threw at her. Still, she was anxious to get out of the Center before Nosh showed up.

  She hit the elevator button several times, willing it to hurry. Naturally, that was when she heard her name being called from the common area.

  “Miss Bennett.”


  Brie closed her eyes and steeled herself before walking over to Marquis Gray. The man read her far too easily.

  “You seemed in a hurry just now, Miss Bennett. Did you forget you were meeting with me?”

  She avoided his eyes as she sat down, not wanting him to know she had forgotten his request. “I was told by the Headmaster to meet with Master Nosh. Since he isn’t in his office, I had hoped the receptionist might know his whereabouts.”

  “Master Nosh is out for the day, so I’m afraid you will need to schedule a meeting with him later.”

  “Good to know.” She met Marquis’ gaze and smiled. “Then I guess we can talk if you’re free now.”

  “Actually, I’ve been waiting for you. I’m growing concerned, Miss Bennett. I’ve invited Sir Davis to join me for dinner on several occasions, but he has yet to respond. It’s not like him. Can you shed some light on the matter?”

  Brie was careful with her answer, not wanting Marquis to know of their recent struggles. “Sir has been preoccupied with work lately. I’m sure it is simply an oversight.”

  “I thought so too, until I saw you today.”

  Brie groaned inwardly.

  “Are things going well?” he asked.

  “As I said, Sir has been working long hours. His overseas business is beginning to take off, but it requires an inordinate amount of time.”

  Not a man to mince words, Marquis Gray demanded, “What’s wrong? I only ask because I was your trainer and am invested in your success.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but it’s unnecessary.” Brie cursed herself when her lip trembled slightly, but was grateful that it seemed to go unnoticed by the Dom.

  “Why don’t you invite Sir Davis for me personally, Miss Bennett? Saturday night. Tell him I will not accept no for an answer. You will join us as well. I know Celestia has missed your youthful presence.”

  Brie silently congratulated herself for successfully thwarting Marquis’ intuitive powers. “I’ll be happy to relay the message, Marquis Gray.”

  “Good. I expect to see you both at six. It appears we have much to discuss.”

  It was obvious that Sir was not anxious to meet with Marquis for dinner, although he agreed to go. As retribution, Sir made her cook an egg custard to take for dessert. She groaned as she fished out a shell from the bowl of cracked eggs. The smell of vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon was tantalizing, but she knew Marquis would never eat the dessert. She held out hope that Celestia would give her first attempt at custard a try.

  Brie sprayed air deodorizer in the kitchen and down the hallway to the bedroom as the custard was baking, just in case the smell of eggs had settled there. Having her make an egg dish was as much a punishment for Sir as it was for Marquis.

  She was surprised when Sir was uncharacteristically late picking her up that night. He did not provide her with any excuse, nor did he attempt to make up for lost time on the road. They did not arrive at Marquis Gray’s home until well after six.

  The door opened before they even set foot on the porch. “I wasn’t sure you were coming,” Marquis told Sir, ushering Brie in with a slight smile.

  “Yet here I am,” Sir answered curtly, following Brie inside.

  The conversation between the two Doms remained terse and formal the entire evening. A far cry from the last time they’d visited together. Luckily, Celestia was her gentle and calming self, bringing a needed sense of ease to the gathering. She gladly took Brie’s offering of dessert and directed them to seat themselves at the table.

  Humorously, the first course was a Caprese salad. Brie had to stifle a giggle. Evidently both Doms thought alike. Sir was forced to set aside the tomatoes, only eating the mozzarella and basil left on his salad plate.

  Marquis kept the conversation going throughout the dinner with questions about Sir’s business, his trip to Japan and his future plans for his consulting business. Sir responded by peppering Marquis with a number of questions. Brie found out that after her documentary came out, the trainer had begun crafting custom floggers. It seemed that a flogger handmade by the now-famous Marquis Gray was quite the “it” item.

  When the time for dessert finally came, Brie started wringing her hands under the table. Celestia brought out the covered dish and lifted the lid with a flourish.

  Marquis Gray stared at the custard without any expression on his face. “Did you make this, Miss Bennett?”

  “I did, Marquis Gray.”

  “I find myself too full to eat dessert,” he announced.

  “I understand.”

  “But I can’t wait to try it,” Celestia exclaimed.

  Brie cut the custard pie, noting the light texture. She handed a piece to Celestia, confident it was going to be good. She then cut a small piece for herself and watched in eager anticipation as Celestia brought the custard to her lips.

  Ruby lips encased her creation, but the expression on Celestia’s face was not one of pleasure but of shock as she quickly swallowed and put her fork down.

  Brie didn’t understand and took her own bite, spitting it out immediately.

  Marquis Gray
picked up Celestia’s plate and sniffed it, then looked it over carefully, appearing amused. “Perfectly cooked, correct consistency…let me guess, someone mistook salt for sugar.”

  Brie let out a little whimper.

  “Is that true?” Sir asked her.

  Brie’s bottom lip quivered when she answered. “I’m afraid so, Sir. It’s inedible.”

  “No, it’s not that bad,” Celestia insisted, picking up her fork and cutting another piece. Marquis grabbed her wrist before she could put it in her mouth, forcibly taking the fork from her.

  “I will not let you poison yourself.” He addressed Brie sternly. “Did I not stress numerous times during the cooking session that you must always taste your food? No one, I repeat, no one should ever have to eat your mistakes.”

  Brie looked down in shame, then turned to Sir when he said her name. She barely had enough courage to look him in the eyes.

  Sir’s hard stare was chilling, but then she saw a glimmer of a smile creep across his face before he began chuckling loudly. “As if eggs weren’t bad enough.”

  As soon as Marquis and Celestia joined in his laughter, Brie let out a sigh of relief, knowing she’d been forgiven. “I apologize for the custard. I will not make that mistake again.”

  “No, Miss Bennett, you will not,” Marquis admonished.

  Sir held out his arms and Brie gratefully settled into them, resting her head on his chest. “Take it easy on her, Gray. She was doing me a favor.”

  Sir took her chin and shook it gently back and forth. “I knew I was getting a non-cook when I collared you, but I failed to realize how deep your ineptitude goes—incredible, simply incredible.”

  Brie was grateful when he kissed her on the lips. At least Sir wasn’t holding her honest mistake against her.

  “Now that you’ve had your bit of fun, Sir Davis,” Marquis said, “why don’t we retire to the other room and let our subs clean up? There are certain things we need to discuss.”

  “If you feel it is necessary,” Sir replied with disdain.


  Sir kissed Brie one more time before getting up. “Thank you for the custard, my dear. It was exactly what the doctor ordered.”


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