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Brie's Submission (4-6) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 2)

Page 17

by Red Phoenix


  Brie felt her pussy gush with wetness as her Master moved into position to take her. She was an object to be enjoyed. Unable to move without discomfort, she was completely at his mercy.

  She whimpered when the head of his cock rubbed against her slick outer lips. Despite her fear, despite her distress, she wanted him to use her in front of the stranger. She was desperate for it.

  “How easily a goddess becomes a slut,” the gentleman observed.

  Brie closed her eyes and accepted his words. She was a slut—a slut who needed her Master to dominate her with his cock.

  She groaned as he pushed inside her, filling Brie completely. She cried out, needing to pull away, but unable to because of the metal restraints. She was his to do with as he wanted… Only one thing stood in his way—a safe word that she refused to call out.

  “Who am I?” he growled, grabbing her thighs and thrusting with greater force.

  “Master!” she screamed.

  Her Master took her cry as an invitation and began to fuck her hard. He fucked her like a man possessed. Everything blurred as she fell into his unleashed passion.


  She felt like she was falling into the darkness and flailed about, trying to save herself.

  “Brie, wake up!”

  She opened her eyes and stopped her struggling when she realized she was in Tono’s bedroom. She forced herself to let go of the dream, but echoes of Faelan’s domination still lingered over her.

  “It’s Faelan…” she sobbed, burying her head in the pillow.

  Tono lifted his blanket and ordered, “Come to me, toriko.”

  Brie lifted herself off the floor and slipped under his covers. Tono wrapped his strong arms around her and held her protectively. “It was just a dream.”

  She shuddered from the intensity of the images and the lustful energy coursing through her. She nestled closer to Tono. “Make it go away,” she begged.

  “He will no longer haunt you, toriko,” he said with finality, and ordered her to go back to sleep.

  She lay in his arms and was amazed that the memories of the dream began to slip away as she listened to Tono’s even breathing. It wasn’t long before she followed him into a deep, restful sleep.


  “Brie,” Sir called out.

  His clear voice demanded attention. She opened her eyes expecting to see him, but quickly realized she was in Tono’s bed. She looked at the clock and saw it was five forty-five. She couldn’t afford to be late on her first day.

  She slid out of the bed, trying not to disturb Tono as she quickly gathered her workout clothes and got dressed. Luckily, the workout center was only a five-minute drive. Sir had arranged her membership, so all she had to do was flash her card to the staff member at the door.

  This was her first time working out with the complicated exercise machines. All she’d ever done was lift five-pound weights and jump rope. She found a vacant elliptical machine and attempted to get it to start. After she had pressed many buttons without success, an elderly man took pity on her and instructed her how to use it.

  Brie looked at the clock. It was already five after six; she’d missed five minutes with Sir. She started running in place, vowing that she would not be late again. She closed her eyes and called out to him in her mind. Sir…

  It thrilled her to know that he was on the other side of the world, possibly even using the same equipment while thinking about her. Despite the great distance, she swore she could feel his warm presence surrounding her.

  It seemed only natural to tell him about the dream about Faelan as if he were there. She closed her eyes and had a silent, one-sided conversation with Sir. She went on to describe her first day with Tono, and how much fun she’d had discussing the film the night before. Thank you, Sir. Thank you for asking me to serve under a kind Master while you are gone. I have a better understanding of why you have chosen this for me.

  Brie was sad when the hour was over and she had to say goodbye. She looked up at the ceiling and subtly threw a kiss upwards. “Goodbye, Sir. Until tomorrow.”

  Upon returning to Tono’s home, she was instructed to dress in her kimono and meet him at the dining table. Like the table in the backyard, it was a low-lying piece of furniture with pillows surrounding it. She sat down opposite Tono and smiled. He’d already prepared breakfast for them. It consisted of a mixture of rice, egg and vegetables—not the kind of breakfast food she was used to.

  He handed a bowl to her and smiled when he noticed her surprise. “I believe in a hearty Eastern breakfast to start the day. It will give you the energy for all you need to accomplish. Pour the tea, toriko.”

  She felt self-conscious as she filled his cup, blushing when a drop fell from the spout onto the table. She poured hers next, with no better results.

  He said kindly, “I will teach you later.”

  Brie was grateful, wanting to please Tono as well as learn the proper tea etiquette.

  “Today you interview with Marquis. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Tono. I’m nervous about it.”

  “Have confidence in your purpose and you can overcome any uncertainties.”

  She reached over and touched his arm. “You are a very wise man.”

  “Wise, toriko?” He shook his head. “That is reserved for men like my father. I prefer sage-like.”

  She giggled, his response reminding her of Sir. Brie said in an overly dramatic voice, “Yes, oh sage-like Tono.”

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap, then pulled up her kimono to smack her naked ass. She squealed when he delivered a firm, stinging slap. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back so he could look her in the eye. His eyes sparkled mischievously. “Say it with respect, toriko.”

  She hadn’t expected such treatment from the gentle Dom. Brie responded solemnly, “Yes, my sage-like Tono.”

  “Better,” he replied. He pulled the kimono down and helped her off his lap.

  She picked up her bowl of rice and began to eat, attempting to hide the smile on her lips. He certainly was not what she’d expected.

  Brie arrived at the Training Center early to make sure she was ready for Marquis’ interview. It would not do to keep the trainer waiting, especially when he’d already done so much to help her with this documentary.

  She went to the receptionist at the front desk. “Hi. Can you tell me if Marquis Gray has arrived?”

  The young woman smiled. “Actually, he has not, Miss Bennett.”

  “Would it be all right if I—”

  “Fancy meeting you here.”

  Brie’s heart nearly stopped at the sound of Faelan’s voice. She whispered to the receptionist, “Call Headmaster Coen up immediately.”

  Faelan sounded genuinely hurt. “Why, Brie? Are you really so cold to me now?”

  She turned around slowly, but did not speak.

  His blue eyes locked onto hers, so she instantly looked to the floor.

  “You have haunted me, blossom. Every waking moment since that damn collaring ceremony.”

  Brie edged towards the elevator. Unfortunately, Faelan did not take the hint and followed her.

  “You haunt my dreams as well.”

  She gasped, made a beeline for the elevator and mashed the down button several times. The mention of dreams had Brie envisioning the lustful dream encounters she’d had with the Dom.

  “I know you still think about me, Brie. I can feel it…especially at night.”

  She shook her head violently, staring at the elevator doors, willing Master Coen to show.

  “What are you doing, Mr. Wallace?”

  Brie breathed a sigh of relief at the welcomed sound of Marquis Gray’s voice.

  “I came to reschedule our next session and came across Miss Bennett at the front desk.”

  “Why would you attempt to engage her?”

  “I needed to speak with Brie.”

  “You have been instructed no
t to, and everything about her posture shouts her discomfort. Take heed.”

  At that moment, the elevator doors opened to Master Coen’s impressive presence. Marquis guided Brie inside. “Take her down, Headmaster. I will join Miss Bennett in a few minutes.”

  Brie glanced up as the doors closed. Faelan was staring her down, his eyes dark with lust.

  “Unfortunate timing,” Headmaster Coen stated.

  Brie nodded and the two stood in silence until the doors opened to the lower floor.

  “I was in a meeting. Go ahead and set up your camera in the room I designated for this interview while you wait for Marquis Gray.”

  “Thank you, Headmaster,” Brie said as she bowed respectfully.

  He huffed and headed back down the hallway, mumbling to himself, “This is getting absolutely preposterous.”

  Brie went directly to the small classroom she’d been given to interview Marquis. She set the camera on the tripod first and then erected her light reflectors, adjusting them several times until she was satisfied. Next, she got out her list of questions and read over them a multitude of times, gradually getting more nervous as time passed.

  She waited a full half-hour before Marquis joined her. His stern countenance let her know not to question him about Faelan. “Would you please sit here, Marquis Gray?” she asked, pointing to the seat.

  He did so, stating stiffly, “I apologize for the lateness.”

  Brie smiled, trying to lighten his dark mood. “I truly appreciate you taking the time to meet with me today.”

  “Let’s begin,” he instructed, not allowing time for any small talk.

  Brie turned on her camera and made a few last-minute adjustments before sitting down next to it, so that it would appear as if Marquis was speaking to the camera when he answered her questions.

  “First, I want to thank you for meeting with me today, Marquis Gray.”

  “My pleasure, Miss Bennett,” he replied, without a smile.

  She jumped into interviewer mode, not wanting to waste a second of his time. “I am sure many are curious about how one becomes a trainer for the Center.”

  “It is not something you strive for. The Submissive Training Center looks for individuals who show extensive skill in a particular area. However, they must also have the patience needed to work with students.”

  “May I ask how you came to work at the Center, then?”

  “Headmaster Coen, who was simply a trainer at the time, noted my flogging skills and felt I would be a good match to be on the panel of trainers. I was not interested, until there was an incident with an inexperienced submissive at a club I frequented. I did not witness the abuse myself, but I saw the aftereffects. I regret I was not able to help the young woman, but I determined then that I would make it my mission to empower submissives so that such maltreatment would cease.”

  “Can you elaborate on the incident, Marquis Gray?”

  He raised his eyebrow. “Suffice to say the girl was permanently hurt. That is all I will say about it.”

  Brie knew better than to push the trainer, and went to her next question. “May I ask how you became a Dominant in the first place?”

  “I come from a large family with eleven siblings. I noticed early on that the religious beliefs my parents subscribed to valued appearances more than reality. I could not accept such duality.” A slight smile haunted his lips. “Instead, I sought inner enlightenment through pain, similar to the monks of old. Once I’d achieved a sense of self, I desired to help others attain it.”

  “How old were you?”

  His eyes pierced her when he answered. “I was ten.”

  Brie’s jaw dropped, but she quickly recovered. “When did you have your first scene with another person?”

  “I was thirteen. The girl was seventeen. She was lost. I aided her in regaining her inner purpose.”

  Brie had not expected such an answer, and had to think fast on her feet. “How do you feel pain helped her to achieve that?”

  “A person’s tolerance for pain varies with the individual, but there is a point common to all where pain forces you to focus on the present. Too much pain and that focus is lost. However, if you can maintain the correct level, you can keep a person at a point of awareness that is enlightening. Initially, that was my goal when I started flogging. However, I quickly realized the sexual allure of pain for many. I enjoy delivering both.”

  Brie’s loins trembled—she knew very well the pleasure he was capable of delivering. She cleared her throat self-consciously. “Going back to what you said earlier, you mentioned that your family is religious. Does that mean you believe in God, Marquis Gray?”

  He stared straight into her soul. “Yes, I believe in a higher being.”

  Again, she was stunned by his answer. She’d never considered that practitioners of BDSM would also believe in God. “What religion are you…if I may ask?”

  “I do not follow any conventional religion, Miss Bennett. Religions are far too concerned with judgment for me to have any interest.”

  “I see.” Brie was floundering. This was not the direction she’d thought the interview would go. She looked at her sheet and asked the next question on it, realizing how horribly unqualified she was to give such an interview. All she could think was, Poor Marquis…

  With feigned confidence, she asked, “Marquis Gray, having worked with you personally, I was struck by your ability to…for lack of a better word, read my mind. Is that a skill you have learned due to your exposure with so many subs, or does it come naturally?”

  “I do not read minds, Miss Bennett. I discern intent and motivation.”

  “Have you always been able to do that?”


  Brie felt a nervous flutter in her stomach at the thought of Marquis reading people even as a young boy. “That is fascinating. You must have been an interesting child growing up.”

  Although his expression did not change, she could tell by the way he shifted in his chair that it was not something he wanted to discuss. Mr. Holloway had asked for more intimate details from the subs, but he hadn’t said anything about the trainers. It didn’t feel appropriate to force the issue.

  Moving to something light and generic, she asked, “What is your favorite aspect of being a trainer at the Center?”

  “That moment a submissive embraces the totality of what and who they are. Once they reach that level of understanding, they are empowered to live out their lives without compromise.”

  She was struck by the empathy Marquis had for the students. It was more than simple training; he was truly passionate about improving the lives of the submissives he worked with. She couldn’t help wondering if that was the case for all of the trainers. If so, what would she learn about Ms. Clark when she interviewed her the next day?

  “So the training that the school provides goes beyond training submissives to master particular tasks?”

  “The sole purpose of the Center is to train and educate dedicated submissives so they can realize their full potential. That cannot be achieved by merely learning ‘tricks’, Miss Bennett. It is a lifetime objective that requires a complete understanding of one’s strengths, weaknesses, and personal needs.”

  She was grateful he had so clearly and eloquently expressed her own experience at the Training Center. “Marquis Gray, I am sure many people are interested to learn what fulfillment you get from flogging a female submissive.”

  His smile was disarming. She knew women were going to eat it up. “I enjoy the exchange of power, Miss Bennett. Knowing that she trusts me enough to lay down her needs and desires for mine is exhilarating. I also derive pleasure from helping her transform the stimulus I give into something sensuous and beautiful. The connection with her during the scene is unique and cannot be duplicated in any other setting.”

  The sensations she’d experienced during their many sessions together flooded her mind, and she found herself blushing. Brie fiddled with the equipment to distract herself, hoping
he wouldn’t notice.

  “Turn off the camera, Miss Bennett.”

  Brie did so immediately, groaning inside. Why was he able to read her thoughts—no, correct that—her intent and motivations so easily?

  Marquis was not smiling. “This conversation is not meant for public consumption.” He moved his chair closer to her before he spoke. “Mr. Wallace is woefully misguided in his conduct, but I understand his motivation. I believe today’s encounter necessitates a formal meeting between you two in order to end the unnecessary drama his infatuation is causing. I will speak to both Sir Davis and Tono Nosaka after we finish here.”

  The idea of meeting with Faelan had Brie spiraling out of control. Marquis gazed into her tortured eyes. “There is no need for concern, Miss Bennett. I am personally mentoring Wallace and have suggested counseling to help him move beyond his past. It is the root of his unhealthy obsession with you. I thought he was further along—however, his behavior today refutes that. It must be confronted.”

  “Will Sir be at the meeting, Marquis?”

  “My opinion is that it should happen sooner rather than later. I believe the connection he has with you can be severed cleanly if done in a timely manner.”

  “I will only meet with Mr. Wallace if Sir agrees, Marquis Gray. Even if you and Tono punish me for it, I will not without my Master’s approval.”

  Marquis chuckled. “You are feisty but devoted. It pleases me to see it, Miss Bennett. Unfortunately, time is short. This interview is over. However, I was told by Headmaster Coen that you are looking to film a scene with a trainer. I am willing. Did you have a particular submissive in mind?”

  Brie’s mouth curved into a smile. “If I had my choice, I would choose Lea Taylor.”

  “I will inform Ms. Taylor after class tonight then. I assume you want to film a session with the flogger?” He gave her an amused look. “Unless you’d prefer her to receive a good caning.”

  Lucky Lea… Brie wasn’t sure she could handle watching a sexy scene between Marquis and Lea without imploding, but she knew that it would serve her documentary well. “A flogging session would be perfect, Marquis Gray. Thank you.”


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