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Brie's Submission (4-6) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 2)

Page 47

by Red Phoenix

  The idea of being taken by a group of Doms was both hot and frightening, but Brie was certain Mary could handle it. Ever since that night at The Haven with Faelan, she’d been different. She seemed complete, as if she had found a part of herself that had been lost. Mary could still be a bitch, of course, but she seemed like a much happier bitch.

  Unfortunately, Lea hit Brie with even harder news. Brie could sense something was up when Lea hugged Brie so hard and for so long that her friend’s boobs nearly smothered her.

  “Isn’t tonight exciting, girlfriend?”

  Brie shrugged. “It’s just a party for the new wing. Nothing to asphyxiate me over.”

  “Well, maybe not.” Lea giggled. “But look around you. All this is because of you. You made this happen, Brie.”

  She waved away Lea’s comment. “Nah, it was all of us. I just happened to have a camera.”

  Lea pinched her cheeks and wiggled them painfully. “Aren’t you just so cute? Can’t accept a compliment to save your life.”

  God, Brie had missed this—the silliness of being a girl. “Hey, Lea, I was thinking of starting up our girl-time again.”

  Lea frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m going to be busy packing.”

  Brie’s smile froze on her face. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m headed to Colorado, baby!”

  Brie’s stomach sank. It’s Ms. Clark all over again.

  “Don’t do it, Lea. Please don’t go chasing after Ms. Clark. Don’t make the same mistake she did by running after someone who will never love you.”

  Lea laughed and gave Brie another hug. “I’m not, silly! Master Anderson asked me yesterday if I wanted to be a part of his new Training Center. I’m going to be the lead submissive for the trainee Doms. Isn’t that awesome?”

  Brie kept the smile plastered on her face, even though her heart was breaking. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing Lea as well. “That’s an incredible opportunity.”

  “I know! I’m so giddy about it I can’t even think straight. And Colorado is gorgeous with all those huge mountains. Who knows? I just might become a sub-bunny on the ski slopes.”

  Brie could just imagine males crashing into trees as Lea skied down the slope in latex, exposing her ample cleavage to the mountain men. “You might be dangerous in the snow, girl.”

  “Hey, I hear Colorado isn’t too far from California. I’m sure we can get together between my sessions.”

  “Yeah, that’ll be great,” Brie answered, but that sinking feeling grew stronger. She was afraid it wouldn’t happen, so she said, “Let’s set it up right now, before we get too busy and forget. I don’t want anything to get in the way of our girl-time.”

  Lea bumped Brie’s hip with hers. “You got it, girlfriend.” She got out her phone and they looked over the calendar, picking the first date available. “Master Anderson has everything planned out to the day. I think the weekend after the school’s first six-week session should work. You know I’ll need to dish all about it with you!”

  “Perfect, because I’ll need to hear every detail.”

  Lea set a reminder on her phone. “All set. I’ve got you in there.”

  “I’m holding you to it, Lea. Come hell or high water, the two of us are getting together that weekend.”

  “Nothing comes between us, woman!” Lea assured her.

  Brie hugged Lea again, doing her best to hold back tears.

  No Mary and no Lea… Can it get any worse?

  She sought out Mr. Reynolds and his wife, needing some stability to cling to.

  When Sir’s uncle saw Brie, his face lit up. “We couldn’t be prouder. To think I had such talent sitting in my tobacco shop. I’m embarrassed I had you stocking cigarettes.”

  “No need to feel that way, Mr. Reynolds. I was happy to do it. Well…I was willing, at least.”

  He chuckled, remembering those days. “That damn Jeff. He was a thorn in both our sides.”

  Brie couldn’t help herself and gave him a hug. She grabbed his wife’s hand and gushed, “It’s just great to see you both again.” She was struck by a brilliant idea and prayed Sir wouldn’t mind. “I was wondering…”

  “What, dear?” Judy asked, squeezing her hand in encouragement.

  “Would you join us for Thanksgiving dinner? I would love to cook the meal for you.”

  “I’d advise you to decline and save yourselves,” Marquis commented behind her.

  Brie turned to face him. “I’ve gotten much better at cooking, Marquis Gray. Truly, I have.”

  He patted her head as he told Mr. Reynolds, “Offer to bring the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, as well as the gravy and you should be good to go.”

  She crinkled her nose at Marquis and assured Mr. Reynolds, “I can cook all those things…”

  If I google it, she added in her head.

  Brie eagerly continued, “It will be lovely, I promise. Please say you’ll come. Thanksgiving should be about family.”

  “And not about edible food,” Marquis interjected.

  She stamped her foot, biting back a witty retort. Marquis was a respected Dom and she knew her place, but he was being wicked with his teasing.

  “Of course we’ll come, dear,” Judy replied.

  Mr. Reynolds readily agreed. “It’s an invitation we would never turn down.”

  “Great!” Brie felt some of her joy return.

  Brie focused her attention back on Marquis Gray, noticing for the first time that Celestia was standing beside him. “It’s so great to see you again!” Brie cried, sighing gratefully as she hugged the gentle woman. It was a friendship that held possibilities.

  She was about to extend an invitation for Thanksgiving dinner, but Marquis Gray changed the subject. “I never did hear if you enjoyed the new flogger, Miss Bennett.”

  Brie shivered just thinking about it. “The flogger is incredible, Marquis. I’ve never known one to give two different sensations at the same time.”

  Marquis’ eyes shone with pride as he explained, “I had that one especially made for you with a combination of suede and oiled leather. The flogger is also balanced so that the wielder can use it for longer sessions.”

  Sir came up behind Brie and put his hand on her shoulder. “It’s the best flogger I’ve used, Gray. None finer.”

  Marquis seemed particularly pleased. “I have a similar one at home.” He ran his fingers down Celestia’s spine and Brie watched her quiver in response. “It’s a favorite tool of ours.” Marquis looked at Brie again and said, with a glint in his eye, “Wait until your present next year.”

  Tono came up and shook hands with the men before addressing Brie. “Amazing, the impact a simple film concept can have in the hands of a true artist.”

  She blushed at his compliment. “Thank you, Tono. It does amaze me that the Center is expanding and a new one is starting up because of the demand for training. I never guessed my documentary could effect that kind of change.”

  “That reminds me, Ren,” Sir said, “I’ve heard rumors that you are going to start a national tour soon. Is that true?”

  Tono glanced at Brie before he replied. “Yes. I’ve been contacted by a group of Kinbaku artists. Due to the increased interest, they are holding performances nationwide to promote understanding of the ancient art. I’ve been asked to lead it.”

  Brie’s heart sank. Not Tono too…

  She hid her disappointment, but felt compelled to ask, “Tono, you told me once that you preferred remaining in one place. What’s changed?”

  His smile was gentle when he answered, “I’ve become stagnant.”

  The meaning behind his answer was clear. He would be traveling the country to find the woman meant to be his complement.

  “I wish you much success with the tour, Tono Nosaka,” Brie said, bowing to him not as a submissive, but as a friend. She turned away, fighting to control her swirling emotions.

  It was too much. Too many losses to swa
llow in one day.

  Sir cupped his hand lightly over the brand on her back. “It’s time, Brie.” He led her to the stage.

  As she mounted the steps, Brie forced herself to focus on the school’s success so that her smile was genuine when she faced the large group. She scanned the crowd, and did a double-take when she saw two familiar faces she hadn’t expected.

  What are my parents doing here?

  Sir put his arm around her waist and began, “I know many of you are familiar with the courage that burns inside the young woman who stands beside me.” He looked down at Brie and stated proudly, “If you know her, then you know she has the heart of a lioness.”

  She burned with a heated blush, embarrassed to be praised so highly for her simple documentary.

  Sir took his eyes off her to address the group again. “You may recall that a certain graduate of this school broke all protocol to offer her collar at my feet. You may also remember that it was not met with enthusiasm.”

  Several people chuckled in the crowd.

  “I believe courage should be met with courage,” Sir stated firmly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

  Brie watched in shock as he got down on one knee and held out the opened box. “Brianna Bennett, in front of everyone here, I am asking for your hand in marriage.”

  She glanced at the diamond ring nestled within. It sparkled with an eternity of promise.

  When she looked back at Sir, time stopped. She took in the sight of her Master. It didn’t seem right, seeing Sir on his knee before her in front of the people she knew and loved, but at the same time it was heartbreakingly beautiful.

  For one fraction of a second—just one—she toyed with the idea of turning him down as payback.

  But Brie’s answer was loud and clear, so that there would be no doubt. “Yes, Thane Davis. I accept your proposal with all my heart.” Enthusiastic applause filled the large room.

  He stood up and took her hand. Brie lost herself in the moment, aware of only one thing—her Master’s touch as he slipped the engagement ring on her finger.

  Brie stared at him in stunned silence.

  Sir smiled as he explained in a lowered voice, “I asked permission to marry you the day your father and I spoke in the study. Needless to say, it did not go the way I’d planned.” He cradled her cheek and stroked her soft lips with his thumb. “But I am a determined man, Brie Bennett.”

  She pressed her cheek into his hand and returned his smile. “I cherish your determination, Sir.”

  “I know your father isn’t going to like this, but I will not be denied,” Sir murmured as he fisted her hair and pulled her head back, giving Brie a possessive kiss that sealed his rights as her fiancé.

  Brie stumbled slightly when he let go of her, overwhelmed by the kiss.

  Sir announced to the group, “Please sit down and enjoy the meal my friend, Chef Sabello, has prepared for you. We are grateful you could join us tonight to celebrate our engagement.”

  So tonight was never about the expansion of the school or my film. Clever Sir…

  The applause started up again as Sir led her off the stage to speak to her parents.

  “Congratulations!” her mother cried, giving her a hug.

  Her father’s response was to turn to Sir and demand, “Was that really necessary? You were doing well up until…that thing at the end.”

  Sir wrapped his arm around Brie and said unapologetically, “Yes.”

  Brie ignored her father’s criticism. “Thank you for giving us your blessing and for being here tonight. I—” Tears welled up, making it difficult to speak. “This means so much to me, Dad.”

  Her father held his arms out to her and Brie gratefully settled in his embrace. “I may not care for your choice of husband, Brie, but I am certain he loves you. In the end, that’s what I care about most.”

  She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Dad, right now I am the happiest woman in the world.”

  Her father squeezed her tighter. “I guess that will have to sustain me when I suffer from doubts later tonight.”

  Brie spent the evening flitting from table to table, catching up with people who had been part of her training, including Jennifer, the redhead who’d been Sir’s date the day they first met, and Greg, the Dom from her first encounter. Everyone who had been a part of her training was there—even Mistress Clark.

  Although the Domme stayed behind the scenes for most of the evening, she came to Brie before leaving. “It seems congratulations are in order, Miss Bennett. Sir Davis is an exceptional man.” Her gaze burned into Brie when she added, “He deserves an exceptional sub.”

  Brie chose to ignore the last comment, knowing the woman’s history with Sir. She replied respectfully, “Thank you, Ms. Clark. I wish you success in Colorado.”

  “Yes… Well, thank you,” she answered uncomfortably. It seemed that having Brie know so much about her personal life made the Domme jumpy.

  Who has the power now? Brie thought, pleased with the subtle shift of control.

  Before she could explore this interesting new dynamic, her parents came to say goodbye. She watched Ms. Clark walk away and suddenly felt an ache of sadness. She would miss the harsh woman. It was a disconcerting realization.

  Brie was surprised her dad seemed cheerful. When questioned about it, he explained, “You know, Brianna, we had a chance to talk to Mr. Gray during dinner. He is a remarkable person. A man of deep faith and philosophical insight. We had a fascinating conversation tonight.”

  If there was anyone who could convince her father that the D/s dynamic was healthy and viable, it was Marquis. Brie glanced at her ex-trainer from across the room and smiled in gratitude. He nodded slightly, accepting her thanks.

  “Shall we?” Sir stated, letting Brie know it was time to go.

  Brie looked over the commons one last time, taking in the moment so she could remember every detail. Then she looked down at her ring and smiled. “We shall, Sir.”

  Sir took Brie on a little detour on their way home. She was surprised when he parked his sports car on the side of the coastal highway and set the brake.

  “Take off your shoes.”

  Brie did as she was told, wondering what he had planned when he took a blanket from behind the seat and slipped matches into his pocket. He went to her side of the car and opened the door.

  “Come with me, Brie.”

  Her heart fluttered as she took his hand. He lifted her over his shoulder and spanked her playfully on the ass before starting down the trail.

  Even in the dark, Brie recognized the beach. She’d been here before, and had mixed feelings about it. Brie fingered the pearls around her neck, remembering how badly the night had ended last time.

  Sir made it down the trail quickly and, to Brie’s relief, passed by the spot where they’d had their tryst. He took her closer to the water and set her down next to a fire ring that had been prepared beforehand.

  He laid the blanket on the sand and commanded, “Lie down, Brie.”

  It startled her that he hadn’t used her submissive name.

  She lay down on the soft blanket and watched as Sir lit the fire. When it was pleasantly blazing, Brie held her hand out to him. “I’m so happy, Sir.”

  He took her hand and lay beside her on the blanket. “Tonight I prefer we call each other by our given names.”

  Brie leaned forward and breathed his name in his ear like a forbidden secret. “Thane.”

  He smiled, turning his head to kiss her. “I like the way it sounds coming from your beautiful lips.”

  Sir began slowly removing Brie’s clothes, beginning with her stockings. He rolled them down one at a time, lifting her foot once it was free to examine it as if it were fine art. He kissed each toe tenderly before he started on the gown. Sir undressed her with such controlled passion that he made the experience another form of foreplay.

  He took the pearls from her neck, rolling the beads over her body—first her right nipple
and then her left, causing them to contract into tight buds for him. He trailed the beads down her torso, making Brie giggle with his feather-light touches.

  Sir smiled as the pearls traveled southward and brushed against her femininity. Brie gasped, her clit already erect and hungry for his pleasure.

  “Do you remember the night I was Khan?”

  She nodded, smiling as she bit her lip in anticipation.

  “Open your legs,” he commanded.

  She could barely breathe as she spread her legs open and exposed her sex to him. Sir stared at her, admiring her mound without touching it. She loved it when he examined her with his heated gaze. It made her feel beautiful.

  Sir fingered her pussy, separating her outer lips, which were already moist with arousal. He placed the pearls on either side of her clit and pulled them taut. “You know what comes next…”

  Brie moaned softly as he pulled the beads along, each pearl caressing her clit as it rolled by. She lifted her pelvis, wanting more when he had finished.

  Sir spoiled her and repositioned the pearls to begin again. “Do you want to know what I see?”


  “Your clit dances as I pull the strand down, and I am aware that each tiny movement brings a jolt of pleasure to you. It’s erotic to watch.”

  She turned her head to the side and bit down on the blanket, lifting her pelvis again in silent petition. He granted her wish and pulled the pearls against her swollen clit one last time. Then he put them to his lips as he gazed down at her and ran them across his tongue, tasting her.

  “I have another use for pearls. Present your wrists to me.” Sir began binding her with the strand of pearls as if it were rope. It was not simply decoration. He bound her tightly so she could not break free.

  “Put your hands above your head, Brie.”

  She stared at him, feeling vulnerable, naked and bound in the open like this. It was intoxicating.

  Sir leaned over her and stated, “I told you that I would never marry.”

  “I remember,” Brie replied, curious what had changed his mind.

  “But I realized a simple truth after I collared you.” Sir traced his finger over the collar on her neck and asked, “Do you know the difference in commitment between having a collared submissive and a wife?”


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