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Brie's Submission (4-6) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 2)

Page 55

by Red Phoenix

  “They’re going to cremate Master Nosaka’s body while we wait.”

  She glanced behind her, shuddering at the thought. It seemed so…final.

  Tono joined them, smiling curtly at Brie. Was she the only one who saw the agony behind those chocolate-brown eyes?

  “It’s a shame the funeral was publicized,” Sir told him.

  “Yes, it has my mother in an unpleasant state. I reminded her that last night was undisturbed, but it seems to be of little comfort to her now.”

  The room he led them to was expansive, with plenty of seating and large amounts of food set out for the mourners, but eating was the last thing on Brie’s mind. She thought she spotted Chikako across the room and asked Tono, “Is that your partner from the studio?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “Many people my father worked with are here to pay their respects today. They were like family to Otosama, so I invited them to attend the funeral despite my mother’s objections. Funerals are meant for the living, not the dead.”

  “And who are the children?” Brie asked, as a tiny girl with pigtails walked past.

  “Part of my father’s side of the family.”

  “You have adorable relatives,” Brie complimented, waving to the little girl, who giggled and waved back.

  “Please partake of the food while I defuse the confrontation about to take place,” Tono growled under his breath, heading towards his mother.

  Brie wasn’t interested in eating, so she watched the other people in the room, wondering what their stories were and what role they had played in Tono’s life. One thing that struck her was the respect they all showed to Tono. It was gratifying to see.

  After he’d neutralized the situation, Tono disappeared from the room.

  “Brie, go after him,” Sir commanded. “He’s almost at his breaking point.”

  She hurried out to the hallway and followed it down until she found Tono leaning against a wall, his eyes closed—the pain he suffered rolling off him in tangible waves.

  “Tono,” she whispered as she approached.

  He opened his eyes, shaking his head. “I’m not strong enough for this.”

  “Then you can lean on me today,” she offered.

  He laughed miserably. “Today I can handle. It’s the countless days ahead I can’t face.”

  Brie felt certain that once he was far from his mother, he would regain his peace. “How much longer do you plan on staying, Tono?”

  “You don’t understand, do you? As the only child, it is my duty to care for my mother.”

  “But you can’t,” Brie protested. “It will crush your spirit to remain here with her.”

  He closed his eyes again. “The moment I realized that my father was dying, I knew what lay ahead for me. This is not the life I wanted, but it is the one I must live out.”

  Tono smiled down at her sadly. “The only consolation I have is that by not collaring you, I did not make this your fate as well.”

  “Oh, Tono…”

  He said with certainty, “It’s better this way. I understand that now.”

  “But I don’t want this for you!” Brie cried.

  Tono took her forcefully by the shoulders. “What I need is your understanding and support.”

  Brie bit her lip and nodded. “You have my unwavering support, Tono. You always will.”

  “Good,” he said, releasing his hold on her. “Then go back home and start on your new film. It would bring me joy to see your career grow. Make me proud, Brie.”

  Tears of love and gratitude ran down her cheeks as she hugged him. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “But you must.”

  He guided her back to the gathering in silence.

  When they arrived, the attendant was directing people to a new room. Brie left Tono’s side as he helped to escort his relatives out of the room. She made her way through the crowd to rejoin Sir.

  “How did it go?” he asked.

  She wiped away the remnants of her tears. “He’s staying in Japan, Sir.”

  “I assumed he would.” As they followed behind the large party, Sir told her, “Keep an open mind, Brie. The Japanese culture holds many meaningful rituals we’re unfamiliar with in the West.”

  She thought he was talking about Tono’s choice to stay, but realized he wasn’t as soon as she entered the new room. She paused for a moment, taken aback.

  Brie stared down at the white ashes of Tono’s father, and tears came to her eyes.

  “As acting members of Tono’s family,” Sir explained, “we will be helping to separate his bones from the ashes.” A gold tray lay across the middle of the receptacle that held the ashes. On it sat a beautifully decorated urn, one Brie was certain Tono had painted himself.

  As she watched, the family members began reverently picking up bone fragments with special chopsticks and placing them into the urn.

  “Come, Brie,” Sir commanded, handing her a set of the chopsticks. She steadied her hand as she stood beside Tono and helped in the ritual, silently thanking Sir for his earlier lesson.

  Tono nodded his approval as she carefully deposited a piece of bone into the urn.

  Everyone participated, even the children, as the family made sure Master Nosaka’s remains were lovingly retrieved and put in the vessel. Afterwards, the lid was placed on the urn and handed to Tono.

  His mother grabbed it from him and held it to her chest, her fingers turning white from her deathlike grip on it—the first outward sign of her grief.

  Tono escorted his mother through the crush of reporters and took her to his car, but before he drove off he came back to Brie and Sir.

  “I will never forget the honor you paid my father today.”

  “It was not only for him, Nosaka.”

  Tono bowed to Sir. “Domo.”

  Brie was surprised when Tono suddenly embraced Sir. The two men hugged each other, both familiar with the grief of losing their fathers.

  “May I?” Tono asked him afterwards, turning to Brie.

  “Certainly, Ren.”

  Tono took Brie in his arms and held her tenderly for several moments before the obnoxious clicking of the cameras became too much. “Thank you,” he whispered when he let her go.

  Brie’s eyes watered as Tono drove away. So much grief and hardship faced him in the weeks and months ahead.

  “He’ll be fine, Brie.”

  “I hope so, Sir.”

  “I guarantee it. In all my life, I’ve never met a stronger man.”


  Brie was emotionally and physically spent after the funeral, and collapsed on the hotel bed. But the gift Tono had given them at the wake caught her eye. She heeded its call and pulled herself off the bed to retrieve the white box.

  Untying the jute binding, Brie smiled when she found a perfect white orchid inside. It had been painted in some kind of hard preserving material so that the flower remained looking as fresh as the day it’d been picked. The exquisite blossom was attached to a silver comb.

  Sir took it from her and placed it in her hair. “It looks beautiful on you.”

  Brie lightly fingered the flower and smiled. “I’ll wear it whenever I film.”

  “An excellent plan. Although I have a few more days left here, I think it would be best for you to return to the States to begin your documentary.”

  “But Sir…”

  He shook his head. “You have done all you can for Nosaka. It’s time to honor his request.”

  “But we didn’t get to say goodbye,” she whimpered.

  “Yesterday was his farewell, Brie.”

  Her heart sank when she realized Sir was right.

  “Return to the US and write him letters sharing details about your filming. That is how you will help to support Nosaka through this.”

  She understood, but her heart was breaking just the same.

  Sir chuckled kindly, caressing her cheek. “Every emotion plays out on your face. I love that about you, téa.” He kissed her o
n the lips slowly, tenderly.

  Brie gave in to the magic of his touch as he carefully took out the comb and laid it on the table.

  “Let me make love to you before we say goodbye,” he said, pushing her gently onto the bed. “Death has a way of helping you to appreciate what you have.”

  She closed her eyes as he undid the buttons on her blouse and moved the material aside to stare at her chest. He kissed the round swell of her breast before returning to her lips.

  “Right now, all that exists is you, me and this moment in time.”

  She opened her eyes and nodded, lifting her lips to meet his.

  Sir’s lovemaking was unusually gentle and sweet. Light, lingering kisses and soft, teasing caresses carried her to heavenly release…

  Later that night, he printed out her plane tickets and handed them over to her. “In just a few hours, you’ll be Denver-bound.”

  Denver? She looked down at her ticket to confirm she’d heard him correctly.

  “I think a trip to Master Anderson’s new Training Center will prove quite helpful for your new film.”

  “Oh, my gosh, I’ll get to see Lea!”

  Sir smiled. “I can just imagine the giggles now.”

  Brie threw her arms around him. “Thank you, Sir. This is exactly what I needed!”

  He chuckled warmly, returning her embrace. “I’ll join you when I’m done here. I’m curious myself to see how their new Center is faring.” Brie wondered if Sir wanted to personally check up on Ms. Clark, as well.

  “I’ll get to see Baron, too! Maybe even do a little sightseeing while I’m there,” she squealed.

  “Take it all in, Brie,” he encouraged, lightly grazing her lips with his finger.

  “Does anyone know I’m coming?”

  He said with a smirk, “Only Brad.”

  “Eek! I can’t wait to see the look on Lea’s face when I show up.”

  “Yes, I believe Anderson has a little something planned for your reunion with her. I look forward to hearing about it.”

  Brie grinned at her tickets, before attacking Sir with a flurry of kisses.

  Ready or not, Denver, here I come…

  A Slave’s Dream

  She had been called to join Master Anderson in room eighteen. Although it was highly unusual to meet after school hours, Sir had assured her the lesson was essential if she wanted to graduate from the Center.

  Brie had been working hard for nearly six weeks—nothing was going to stand in the way of her making it to Graduation Night. She hurried through the familiar hallways, awkwardly sprinting in her six-inch heels to make it to her class on time.

  She opened the door and froze for a second. Master Anderson was tightly gripping the bullwhip in his hand. She’d already felt its bite at The Haven and didn’t want to relive the experience.

  “Come in, young Brie.”

  She walked hesitantly over the threshold and took off her blouse and bra with shaking fingers. She knelt down, putting her hands behind her back in the position Sir had instructed she take upon entering a room with a trainer.

  Her heart rate shot up as she listened to his boots echoing in the large room as he approached. Master Anderson put his hand on her head and stated in a sultry voice, “Stand and serve me well, slave.”

  Her stomach did a flip-flop when he called her ‘slave’. She gracefully rocked off her heels and stood before him. “It would be my honor, Master Anderson.”

  “You will call me only Master tonight.”

  She bowed her head in acknowledgement of his command, but her heart fluttered. Calling him Master had a completely different feel to it, especially since she was to be his slave for the session.

  “Master, what is the focus of tonight’s lesson?”

  “We are going to test your willingness to please in the face of challenge.”

  Brie sucked in her breath. This did not sound as if it was going to be an easy lesson—a part of her wanted to bolt from the room, but she’d come too far to give up now.

  “Challenge me, Master,” she stated confidently.

  “Stand on the X to receive my pleasure.”

  Brie shivered as she made her way to the brightly painted red X on the floor. The skin on her back tingled in anticipation, knowing the sensations she was about to experience.

  “Hands up, slave.”

  She lifted her arms and he secured her trembling wrists in the leather cuffs attached to overhanging chains. The clinking sound of the metal announced that there was no escape for her.

  Brie heard the door open as another set of footsteps announced someone else had entered the room. She felt a commanding presence behind her, then a familiar deep, baritone voice asked, “Is she ready for me?”

  Her breath caught and that old feeling of fear mixed with expectation washed over her. Was she ready for Baron?

  “Undress her,” Master Anderson stated.

  Brie felt the dark Dom’s strong hands caress her small waist before he unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She held her breath when his lips landed on her neck as he slipped off her lace panties.

  Once she was naked, he wrapped his strong hands around her hip bones and pressed his hardening cock against her. “You will be well used tonight, kitten.”

  Brie let out a ragged gasp when Baron bit down on her neck before releasing her.

  She swayed in the chains, unsure whether she could handle the lesson the two Doms had planned for her. Baron moved her long hair forward so it swished against her erect nipples, while he whispered in her ear, “I must make the path clear….”

  Brie shivered when he moved away, knowing her skin would soon feel the fiery bite of Master Anderson’s bullwhip. Without meaning to, she whimpered.

  “Are you scared, slave?” Master Anderson asked.

  It would be foolish to lie to her trainer, so she answered clearly, “I am, Master.”

  She heard him warm up as he cracked the whip behind her. She unintentionally stiffened in response to the intimidating sound. “Relax…” he encouraged just as the whip flicked across her back, licking her skin with its light caress.

  Brie had forgotten how sweet the bullwhip could be and purred in pleasure, closing her eyes to take in the gentle strokes applied by Master Anderson’s skillful hand. After several minutes of light play he stopped, and Baron approached again, gliding his fingers over her womanly curves, concentrating his efforts on her sensitive breasts.

  “Your body begs to be played with.” Baron rolled her nipples between his fingers, causing her to moan as waves of heat traveled down to her loins. She squirmed on the red X, the chains clinking with every slight movement.

  Baron shifted around to face her. He lifted Brie’s chin and kissed her with those delicious full lips. She groaned this time, her pussy already wet, preparing itself for the impending coupling.

  His sensual lips slowly traveled from her mouth to her chin, farther down her throat until they landed on her left nipple. He suckled it, sending ripples of pleasure through her.

  Brie moaned when she felt Master Anderson come up behind, his need obvious as his cock settled between her butt cheeks. “Slave, you will take my challenging strokes, then you will service both your Doms.”

  “At the same time, Master?” she asked breathlessly as Baron continued to consume her with his hungry kisses.

  “Naturally, slave.”

  Brie’s knees buckled when she heard his answer for she knew how well-endowed Master Anderson was.

  He chuckled as he slipped his hand between her legs and pressed his fingers against her mound as he lifted her back to her feet. “You can feign resistance, but this pussy tells me otherwise.”

  Swirling his fingers over her wet clit, Master Anderson then slowly pressed three of them against her opening. With his massive cock still wedged between the cheeks of her ass, he commanded, “Push against my fingers. Force them inside you.”

  Brie moaned with desire as she strove to obey his command. Baron switched t
o her other nipple as she leaned harder on Master Anderson’s hand, the width of all three fingers stretching her inner lips.

  “Good slave. Show your Master how desperate you are to be fucked by two men.”

  She started to grind against him, begging, “Your slave needs to be used for pleasure, Master.”

  He slowly thrust his fingers while Baron ravished her breasts with his talented mouth. The aggressive attention of both men was incredibly hot and had her pussy aching with need.

  Without warning, the two pulled away. She cried out, desperate for their continued caresses.

  “Ready yourself, slave,” Master Anderson stated, snapping the bullwhip. “The next cry you make will come because of my lash.”

  Her burning need for them overcame her fear of the whip and she dutifully steeled herself for his onslaught. She shifted in the chains, forcing her muscles to relax.

  “Isn’t she beautiful like this?” Master Anderson asked Baron. “Totally helpless and afraid, yet completely willing.”

  “Yes—as stunning as she is bound, it’s her enthusiasm for what is about to come that makes my cock ache for her.”

  Brie smiled, coveting the praise of both Doms.

  “Open your legs wider,” Master Anderson commanded.

  Brie spread her legs farther, which forced her to tiptoe to keep that position. She could only imagine the erotic pose it presented to the men. Although it was challenging, it made her that much more focused and attentive.

  “This will bite, slave,” Master Anderson warned her as the first stroke exploded across her skin. Brie held her cry to a whimper as she swayed from the impact. The burning sensation radiated over her entire back. The second lash was just as intense, taking her breath away. She concentrated on the fire, not resisting its burn.

  Master Anderson took his time, pausing between pairings. The third and fourth lashes challenged her, but by the fifth she’d started to fly.

  She squeaked when she felt Baron’s warm tongue licking her moist sex below. He shouldn’t be there with Master Anderson still whipping her back, and she looked down in surprise, moaning when he grabbed her buttocks, burying his face in her mound.


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