Naughty Flings: Twelve Naughty Little Romps
Page 46
“Will you be that someone for me, my Christina?” Will asked her, knowing full well that it was tantamount to a proposal. It sometimes happened this way for Luminis. Lives building upon lives, flooding into the current one bringing with them emotions and soul deep understandings that couldn’t be denied. They still didn’t know each other in the traditional sense, but their souls cried out for each other.
The Conclave was going to be so pissed off that he didn’t ask permission, first.
“Christina, you are in my heart and my soul,” Will said, beginning the formal betrothal. “Sanimia, Christina,” he added, speaking their ancient tongue, remembered intact only by Luminis. The word spoke of love through millennia, of destiny, of soul-deep connection. It was never used idly among their people.
“Sanimia, William,” she repeated the endearment, acknowledging who they were to each other; two souls bound from the beginning who must find each other anew in each new life.
Will held out his hand for her, gently enfolding her strong hand in his. “Your uncle could be right, Christina,” he said. “Your life with me would be,” he paused, “complicated.”
Christina laughed. “All Luminis’ lives are complicated,” she said as she moved so close he could feel her breath on his skin. “I have seen your wings in my dreams since I was three years old. I knew then that you were special, not just to me, but to our people.”
“I wish we could be together without,” Will shrugged, “the burden I carry.” He put his arms around her, brushing her wings as he did so. She shivered in reaction and he growled low in his throat, as his cock rose insistently. Wings could be the most sensitive part of the body. Will’s certainly were. He’d gotten off more than once just from stroking them or having them stroked. Christina’s seemed to be equally sensitive, which pleased him to no end. They were going to have so much fun with each other.
“Tonight,” she said, “we have tonight.” She waved her hand around indicating the foggy rooftop. “Do you see anyone else here? My uncle? The Conclave?” She put her hand on his chest, her claws slightly extended against his leathers. “Tonight we are just Christina and William. We have the night and we have the fog,” she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips, “and we have each other.”
“I’m not letting you go!” Will’s voice, deep and rich in his human form, rumbled like a small earthquake in Luminis form.
“I wouldn’t let you, if you tried, Will,” Christina replied. “No matter who you are or how complicated our lives will be.” She looked him steadily in the eye, and Will swelled with pride. His mate, his Christina was a formidable woman. “We can speak with them all tomorrow, or even the next day.”
“I want you to meet my mom, first,” Will told her. He felt a little silly. Here they were discovering their millennia-old connection and he wanted to introduce her to his mother. It shouldn’t matter if she liked Christina, but it did. Will and his mom had gone through hell together and had come out the other side more or less intact. That forged a bond that could not be broken. He might be willing to tell the Conclave go to hell, but he would never disrespect the woman who’d sacrificed and bled and even died once or twice to keep him alive.
“I’d love to meet her,” Christina said. Her voice was warm and light, but Will saw the sadness in her eyes. Will started to ask, but she shook her head and put her fingers across his lips. “Not tonight, love. I promise I’ll tell you about it, but not tonight.”
Will kissed her fingers and then took them in his own again. He probed the outer edge of her mind and felt her barriers relax a little. It would take time, but soon, they’d have that connection as well. He grinned, exuberance over having her at his side overcoming the melancholy of a few moments before.
He started toward the edge of the roof, tugging her along beside him. Once they got there, he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, then made a show of looking over the edge. The ground and most of the building was obscured by fog. He could see a couple of floors but that was it. Enough open space for his purpose, but he knew Charles would have his hide if he found out.
Who was he kidding? With Charles it wasn’t if he found out, it was when he found out.
“Wanna do it?” Christina was suddenly right next to him. He turned his head to see her leaning over the edge of the roof with him, a grin on her face as if daring him. It was something Luminis children had done since the dawn of time—and something Luminis parents dreaded.
Will grinned back. His younger years hadn’t included the usual childhood adventures. When Christina and her friends had been playing tag and catching air off anything higher than a stepladder, Will had simply been trying to survive. At that moment, he felt an odd mix of man in love and six-year-old on a dare. He backed a few steps away from the edge of the roof and held out his hand.
“C’mon, girl!” When she joined him, he grabbed her hand, and nodded toward the edge. “Last one to catch air—”
“Is a slimy snake,” she finished and started to run. He caught up after a single step and then they were over the edge and falling, wings out, hands clasped, rushing down and out. With a single beat of his powerful wings, Will began to rise, Christina right beside him, still at his side.
Where she belonged.
He’d run the gauntlet of the Conclave later, but for now, he was going to dance on the wing with his girl
There had to be some perks to being the Prince.
About the Author
Terry Rissen
Terry is just one pseudonym of a multi-published author who writes in a number of genres. She loves to travel, cook, and try new things, but not necessarily in that order. She is well-looked after by her two cats and is torn between wanting her daughter to return home after college or get a place of her own. She has more stories in the works for her Luminis ‘verse, including a novel that may turn into two or three before the characters finally leave her alone.
Twitter: @terryrissen
Naughty Flings
Stay the Night
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Blood Mates: How To Blackmail A Vampire
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The Loch Ness Monster, Romeo, and Julio
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The ShadowLord’s Arrival
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Teach Me to Dance
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Phantom Affair
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Sticky and Sweet
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Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Buying Adam
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My Kind of Lover
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Hot As Hadesr />
Hot As Hades
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Spring Training
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Blue Plate Special
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