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Friends Before Lovers

Page 13

by Alicia Rogers

  Elizabeth continued to explore the area near the house on her morning walks for fear that she would become lost upon the paths that ventured further into the woods. A few days before the harvest ball, Mr. Darcy offered to join her again and she finally agreed.

  "I hope that you are enjoying your visit, Miss Bennet?" Mr. Darcy asked when they had walked for a while.

  "Yes, I am very much, sir. It has been wonderful spending time with Georgiana and the countryside is beautiful."

  "I am glad to hear that you enjoy it here." He said quietly.

  "The house is also impressive, sir. I have been spoiled with the beauty of a new exotic flower bouquet each day in my chambers." Elizabeth said as she watched him closely.

  Darcy refused to meet her eyes as he looked ahead on their path.

  "It is a wonder that Pemberley can maintain such a large assortment of flowers if every guest is treated thusly?" Elizabeth questioned.

  Darcy finally stopped and looked at her.

  "Miss Bennet, I am pleased that you think me such a generous host but I must admit that daily bouquets are reserved for special guests."

  Elizabeth's heart beat faster but she could not stop from continuing.

  "I see. So then, I am a special guest?" She asked quietly.

  Mr. Darcy did not respond immediately but took her hand and raised it to his lips. After gently kissing her hand, he rubbed her fingers with his thumb.

  "You are the most important guest that I have ever hosted at Pemberley." He whispered.

  Elizabeth's head was swirling.

  "Perhaps we should continue on our walk. I do not want to return to the house too late or Jane will worry."

  Darcy bowed and they continued on their way.

  The morning of the harvest ball, Elizabeth decided to explore a new path on the gardener's recommendation. He said that the path led down to a small stream in the woods and was clearly marked.

  As Elizabeth walked through the colorful beauty of the surrounding trees, she heard the sound of water. She was surprised to find that the end of the path was occupied when she finally reached the stream. There, upon the bench that the gardener had spoken of, sat a small boy with a makeshift fishing pole held tightly in his chubby hands.

  "Good day, young man." Elizabeth said as she approached so that the little boy would not be frightened.

  He turned his head at her greeting to look at her. He eyes widened and he quickly hopped up and cut a small bow.

  "Hello, miss. Are you fishing? 'Cause I just got here and Master says that I can fish here." He asked sweetly.

  Elizabeth smiled and asked, "Would you mind if I joined you for a bit? I don't want to interrupt you from your purpose."

  "No, miss. There's room for both of us on the bench." He answered with a gap-toothed smile.

  They settled themselves upon the bench.

  "My name is Miss Bennet, Mister?"

  "Oh, I's not a mister! I'm just Henry. I am 5 years old!" He said enthusiastically.

  "Well, it's lovely to meet you Henry. Thank you for sharing the bench with me this morning."

  Henry blushed and looked back towards his fishing line. Elizabeth smiled and took a moment to appreciate the view surrounding them. It was not long before Henry broke the silence.

  "Um, Miss Bennet, are you staying at the big house?" He asked quietly.

  "Yes, I am. I am visiting Miss Darcy." She responded.

  "I like Miss Darcy. She gives me sweets sometimes and her hair is pretty." He said.

  Elizabeth smiled but then Henry continued.

  "Are you sure you don't want to use my fishing pole? This is the best spot, that's why I came here early. My grandpa says that worms like to eat early." He said with authority. Then his little brow scrunched up and he added, "I don't know why a worm would want to eat early. Or why grandpa says that about fishing since the fish eat the worms? Why would a worm want to get eaten sooner?"

  Elizabeth laughed lightly, "Worms are odd creatures."

  They were interrupted when Henry's line was tugged. The little boy quickly hopped up and pulled in a large fish.

  "Look at that, Miss! I can't wait to show that one to my grandpa!"

  Elizabeth made a great show of inspecting the fish and declaring it to be the mightiest that she had ever seen.

  Henry quickly gathered up his fishing pole and bucket and turned towards the path. Then, he stopped and turned back towards Elizabeth.

  "Do you need help, I mean, could I take you back to the big house, Miss? My grandpa says it is important to help ladies." Henry said formally.

  Elizabeth stood and replied, "Thank you, Henry. Do you live nearby? I would not wish to delay your return when you have such a wonderful catch to share."

  "Oh, don't worry, miss. My grandpa works in the stable for the Master." He assured her.

  The pair set off and chatted during their walk towards the stable. Elizabeth saw an older gentleman giving instructions to a few stable boys as they approached. Henry quickly ran towards him.

  "Grandpa, grandpa! Look what I brought you!" The yelled swinging the bucket.

  The older man peered into the bucket and smiled widely.

  "Well, that's the finest catch yet for you, Henry!"

  The young boy beamed and responded, "That's what I told Miss Bennet and she said it's the biggest fish she's ever seen, Grandpa!"

  At this, the stable master turned to find Elizabeth standing close by.

  "Good morning, Miss. I hope that my grandson did not disturb you." He asked.

  "Not at all, sir. Henry was kind enough to escort me back to the house."

  Elizabeth took her leave of Henry and his grandfather before turned back towards the house. She was not too surprised to find Mr. Darcy walking towards her from the veranda.

  "Good day, Miss Bennet." He said once he reached her.

  "Yes, it is Mr. Darcy." She replied.

  "I was hoping to join you in your walk this morning; however, I find that my place has been usurped." He laughed.

  "Tis true, sir. I'm afraid that a very gallant young man was my escort this morning."

  "I see. And am I to wish you and young Henry joy, Miss Bennet?" Darcy teased.

  "While he could certainly provide well for a family given his excellent angling skills, I believe that I am much too impatient to wait for Henry to reach an appropriate age." Elizabeth laughed.

  "Ah, that is too bad. Perhaps another excellent angler will come along…one who is not 15 years your junior."

  "Perhaps." Was her only response.

  "Are you looking forward to the ball this evening?" Mr. Darcy asked.

  "Yes, Mr. Darcy. I am anxious to know more of your neighbors. Are all gentlemen from Derbyshire reserved? Do the men prefer the view out of windows to the diversion of dancing?" Elizabeth asked seriously.

  Seeing that she was teasing him again, Darcy decided to ask what had been on his mind since his guests agreed to attend this ball.

  "These are heavy questions, indeed. I hope that this evening will provide ample opportunity to satisfy your curiosity. However, I believe that I must take exception to one of your statements."

  "Truly? Which statement would that be, sir?" Elizabeth asked.

  "I am a gentleman from Derbyshire and I certainly do not prefer the view out of a window to dancing with you, Miss Bennet. As such, would you do me the honor of dancing the first set with me this evening?" He asked hopefully.

  Elizabeth looked away for a moment but then responded.

  "Yes, thank you for asking, Mr. Darcy."

  Chapter 31

  The evening of the harvest ball had finally arrived. Elizabeth was eager to don the beautiful wine colored gown that Jane had gifted to her while they were still in London. Georgiana was keeping her company while Georgiana's own maid worked tirelessly to create an intricate arrangement of Elizabeth's hair.

  "It will be so dull at home this evening with you all away." Georgiana sulked as she looked over the fashion papers she had
strewn across Elizabeth's bed.

  Elizabeth could only see her friend's reflection in the mirror at the dressing table where she was sat under the maid's command. A large smile covered her face as she was reminded how young Georgiana was regardless of her excellent manners.

  "I must thank you, Georgiana. I was beginning to be melancholy for my younger sisters and their petulant ways but you graciously obliged with that comment." Elizabeth laughed.

  Georgiana looked up quickly at the reprimand and caught Elizabeth's eye but then the friends both laughed.

  "Yes, well, I am pleased that I could be of assistance." Georgiana said sarcastically.

  At that moment, the maid proclaimed her masterpiece to be complete and Elizabeth and Georgiana congratulated her on the result. The maid then assisted Elizabeth with her gown.

  "Oh, Elizabeth! How beautiful you look!" Georgiana exclaimed.

  "Thank you, Georgiana. Perhaps people will believe that I am truly related to Jane tonight due to Greta's valiant efforts." Elizabeth said.

  Georgiana just shook her head at her friend's attempt to deflect her compliment but then her eyes landed on something.

  "Oh, Greta, wouldn't a few of these flowers be beautiful in Miss Bennet's hair?"

  "Yes, Miss Darcy, I agree. Miss Bennet?" The maid questioned while gesturing to the bouquet beside the bed.

  Elizabeth's cheeks became pink and she just nodded her head in assent.

  Once the maid finished adding the flowers, Georgiana proclaimed Elizabeth complete. The two walked together to the front hall where the rest of the party was already assembled. When Elizabeth realized this, she apologized.

  "I am so sorry to have kept you waiting!"

  "Why, Lizzy, you look lovely. Charles and I only just arrived so do not worry yourself." Jane responded.

  "Of course, I am perfectly accustomed to waiting on the ladies of my family, Lizzy. Caroline was the finest teacher of patience for me in that regard." Charles laughed and the rest joined him.

  Mr. Darcy stepped forward and bowed over Elizabeth's hand. As he straightened, he said quietly, "If this is the result of waiting a few extra moments, then happily will I sacrifice. I must say, you look stunning this evening, Miss Bennet." Elizabeth only nodded her head.

  Darcy turned to wish Georgiana a good evening. Georgie hugged her brother and wished him luck. When he looked at her, she just winked and said goodnight to their guests.

  The carriage ride to the ball was pleasant and filled with a feeling of anticipation. They soon arrived at their destination. Once again, Elizabeth felt the full force of scrutiny surrounding her as Mr. Darcy led her into the ballroom. He performed the introductions when his guests met their hosts for the evening and then led them to meet more of his acquaintances from neighboring estates.

  Elizabeth and Jane were chatting while Mr. Darcy and Charles were absorbed in a conversation with a few other gentlemen, when Elizabeth heard her name spoken in a very familiar voice. She turned quickly and could not contain her enthusiasm.

  "Amelia!" Elizabeth gasped as she moved to embrace her friend. Amelia laughed lightly as she hugged her back.

  "Oh, it is so wonderful to see you at last, Elizabeth!" Amelia said as she held Elizabeth's hands in her own. Elizabeth could see the toll that the past months had taken on her lively friend. She gave her hands a little squeeze.

  "Why did you not tell me that you would be in the area? You were aware that I would be visiting Georgiana from my letters?" Elizabeth questioned.

  "It would not be much of a surprise if I had told you of it, now would it?" Amelia teased.

  Elizabeth could not resist hugging her friend once again. The ladies turned as a throat cleared from behind Amelia.

  "Oh! Forgive me, Elizabeth, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Thomas Bertram of Mansfield Park. Mr. Bertram, this is my dear friend Miss Bennet of Longbourn in Hertfordshire."

  The handsome gentleman bowed over Elizabeth's hand. Elizabeth could not help throwing Amelia a sly look and was humored when her friend blushed in response.

  "It is a pleasure, Miss Bennet. Miss Waldegrave has spoken of you often." Mr. Bertram said.

  Before Elizabeth could respond, another joined their party and addressed her.

  "Fear not, Miss Bennet. I tempered my sister's tales with my own glowing opinion. Your reputation is safe."

  Elizabeth turned and her smile grew.

  "I thank you heartily for that, my lord." Elizabeth responded as she curtsied. The Earl Waldegrave bowed over Elizabeth's hand. As Jane greeted Amelia, the Earl stepped closer to Elizabeth.

  "I was hoping to obtain your hand for the first dance, Miss Bennet, if you are not already engaged?" He asked.

  "Oh, I am sorry sir but my first two sets are filled." She responded.

  The Earl's smile grew.

  "It seems that we have had this conversation in the past, Miss Bennet." He teased while Elizabeth laughed lightly.

  "So, in keeping with tradition, might I secure your hand for the supper set?"

  "It would be my pleasure, my lord." Elizabeth answered.

  "I hope so, Miss Bennet." Earl Waldegrave responded before looking over her shoulder.

  "Ah, so I see that the evening is, indeed, a repetition of London. Good evening, Darcy!"

  Elizabeth turned and found that Mr. Darcy was coming to her side. His face was serious as he addressed Earl Waldegrave.

  "Good evening, my lord."

  "Although it has been months, I am still not accustomed to being addressed as such." He replied sadly.

  Mr. Darcy's face softened.

  "Before you open the ball with the beauty at your side, I wanted you to know that I greatly appreciated your letter, Darcy. It was the darkest time I have gone through in my life and your words of hope and encouragement…well, I cannot thank you enough." The Earl said sincerely.

  Darcy nodded and then offered his arm to Elizabeth.

  As in the past, Elizabeth felt an object of interest standing opposite of Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy noticed her preoccupation and questioned her when the dancing allowed.

  "I find that many eyes are turned in my direction, sir. I fear that I am not a favorite of the matrons of Derbyshire, sir." She responded quietly.

  Mr. Darcy smiled but did not respond while they were dancing. When the set ended, he stopped shortly before he reached their party.

  "Miss Bennet, if you felt all eyes upon you during our dance, then it was only because I was dancing with the most beautiful woman in the room. And, as for the Derbyshire mamas, I hope that you care not for who they favor; however, know that you are MY favorite." He bowed and then moved to retrieve some refreshments for them.

  Elizabeth stood stunned for a moment longer before Amelia took her hand.

  "Oh, Elizabeth, I am so glad that we made the journey to Derbyshire. It was so good of my brother to suggest it."

  This caught Elizabeth's attention.

  "It was the Earl's suggestion?" Elizabeth asked.

  "Why, yes, he felt that it would do us both good to leave town and see friends again." Amelia said carefully.

  "He is a kind brother to you, Amelia." Elizabeth said.

  Amelia only smirked but then changed the subject.

  "Elizabeth, I hope that you will be free to receive me tomorrow. I cannot wait to surprise Georgiana and I have so much to discuss with you both!"

  Elizabeth lowered her voice and looked in the direction of Mr. Bertram.

  "Yes, you certainly do have much to tell us, Amelia!"

  The friends laughed and then joined Jane and Bingley. Mr. Darcy returned and offered Elizabeth a glass of punch but then moved off so that she might continue speaking with her sister and friend. The dancing continued and soon the supper set arrived. The Earl led Elizabeth to the dance floor.

  The pair spoke lightly of the ball as they danced.

  "It was so good of you to bring your sister to Derbyshire, my lord." Elizabeth said.

  "Yes, well, I am glad to bring any hap
piness back into her life that is within my power to do so. It was worth the trip to see the smile on her face when you saw each other again." He said as they both looked towards Amelia fondly. She was dancing with Mr. Bertram down the line and laughing at something he said.

  "It appears I am not the only one who makes her smile." Elizabeth teased.

  He only smiled in response and they continued to dance. When the dance was done, the Earl escorted Elizabeth into the dining hall. Amelia and Mr. Bertram as well as Jane and Charles joined them at their table. Elizabeth glanced around and caught Jane's eye. Her sister knew right away her concern.

  "Charles, where has Mr. Darcy gone?" Jane asked lightly.

  "Oh, Darcy went to speak to a friend of his mother's. I believe he is sitting at her table down the line. Elizabeth glanced quickly in the direction Charles indicated and did see Mr. Darcy sitting with a kind looking elderly woman. She smiled before her attention was drawn back to Amelia as she told of their journey into Derbyshire.


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