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Friends Before Lovers

Page 15

by Alicia Rogers

  Darcy watched as the earl and Elizabeth went outside. As the rest of the party entered the hallway, he stopped.

  "If you will excuse me, I have just recalled some business that I must attend to." He bowed shortly and quickly left for his study. Georgiana could not abandon her guests after she agreed to the duet so she could only look on in compassion at her brother's distress.

  His head in his hands, Darcy knew not how much time had passed when he heard his study door open and close. He expected to find Bingley or perhaps Georgiana when he raised his eyes but, instead, found the sole object of his thoughts standing with the door at her back.

  "So, you have come to tell me your news in private. A friend to the very last, I see. I should thank you for informing me without an audience to witness my misery." He said despondently.

  "I… I do not understand you, sir." Elizabeth stuttered out as she stared at the man before her.

  "Truly, Elizabeth? You do not understand me?" Darcy said heatedly as he rose from his chair.

  "I believe I have made myself abundantly clear for several months, if not for the past weeks while you have been at Pemberley. I love you, heart and soul. I will not deny that even now…even when you have come to tell me that you will wed another. I cannot blame you for preferring a man who has always treated you properly, who never caused you pain, who can provide well for you and be a perfect husband. I may know this but do not ask me to wish you joy…I will not, I cannot. My heart will not allow it."

  Darcy fell back into his chair and dropped his face into his hands once again.

  "Please, leave me to my despair. It is well earned." He said quietly.

  A moment later, he felt her hand upon his shoulder and then heard a whisper.

  "Silly man. And, what do I want with a perfect husband?"

  Darcy looked up to find Elizabeth looking down at him with tears on her face. She moved her hand to his cheek.

  "What would I do with a perfect husband who never was ridiculous? Who never drove me to distraction or gave me the opportunity to tease his serious ways? I could not bear to be wed to a man who did not challenge me. I could not love anyone who was not as unperfect as I."

  Darcy covered her hand with his own and turned his face to kiss her palm.

  "Is that truly how you feel, Elizabeth?" He asked desperately.

  She nodded her head when words failed her. Darcy quickly rose and took both her hands in his.

  "Then you are in luck, madam, for I know of a suitable imperfect gentleman who would be delighted to spend the rest of his days with you at his side." He whispered as he kissed one hand and then the other.

  Epilogue: Earl Waldegrave

  Earl Waldegrave wandered the streets of Bath attempting to enjoy the beauty of the day. His life had been difficult over the last year and his burdens were heavy. He had hoped to have someone in his life to share these burdens with or, at least, to bring some joy to his currently overwhelming circumstances. Alas, that was not to be.

  Even now, the earl could not think about Elizabeth Bennet without a smile. Her wit and easy laughter had drawn him in from the beginning of their acquaintance. She was kind and artless in a way that was seldom to be found among the ladies of the Ton. As a second son, John Waldegrave had the luxury of not being the target of mercenary women. For certainly, who would scheme to capture the less attractive second son? No, that privilege was reserved for his brother George. His arrogant, foolish elder brother who John could not help loving and missing even over a year after his death.

  When John suddenly lost both his father and his brother, his entire existence was turned on it's head. Those were dark days, indeed. If not for Amelia, he would surely have drowned in his grief. However, his love for his sister pushed him to continue on and accept his new fate. He was determined that he and Amelia would thrive and he would do all within his power to ensure her happiness. No one was more surprised than he when her happiness appeared in the form of Tom Bertram. That man had been a dissolute rake of the first order; however, he humbly explained to John that he was a changed man. The death of his close friend as well as his own near-death experience was the impetus needed to wake Bertram up from the error of his ways.

  John was able to see the changes in Tom for himself as he courted his sister. He was confident that his beloved sister would be well-cared for and secure in her marriage. This thought brought him back to the task at hand. He had promised Amelia a gift from Bath and set out today to fulfill that promise.

  John entered the shop and acknowledged the storekeeper who greeted him. Making his way towards the hat display, he noticed a lovely woman studying a pale blue bonnet. When she glanced up at his approach, he was surprised to recognize her.

  "Why, Miss Anne Elliot! What a surprise to see you after so long." John said with a bow.

  Anne smiled widely as she curtsied in return.

  "An agreeable surprise, I hope, your lordship."

  "I trust your family is well?" John asked.

  "Yes, they are, thank you. My father and Elizabeth are in Bath. My younger sister was lately married."

  "Wonderful to hear." John replied.

  "And how is Miss Waldegrave?" Anne inquired.

  "Amelia is very well, thank you. Soon I shall have a younger sister married too." He responded with a smile.

  "Oh, I am glad to hear it." Anne said before adding quietly, "I was so very sorry to hear of your father and brother's passing sir. Please accept my condolences."

  John bowed and thanked her before they were interrupted by an elegant older woman.

  "Anne, I was wondering if you made a selection?" The older woman asked before she glanced significantly toward the gentleman.

  "Lady Russell, I'd like you to meet Earl Waldegrave. Your lordship, this is my godmother, Lady Russell."

  John bowed over the elder woman's hand.

  "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Russell."

  Anne's godmother smiled and nodded and then turned to Anne.

  "I see that you're not done shopping, my dear. Please take your time."

  John spoke up at this.

  "If I may be so bold as to impose upon an old friend, perhaps Miss Elliot would be so kind as to assist me in selecting a purchase for my sister?"

  Lady Russell smiled and then replied, "You have chosen well, my lord. Anne has excellent taste."

  Anne blushed at the compliment.

  "My godmother is too kind. I am at your service, my lord."

  "Wonderful. In return, I would like to invite you both to join me for dinner this evening, if you're not otherwise engaged?" He asked, hopeful.

  Anne looked to her godmother, who nodded.

  "Thank you, my lord. We would be very happy to join you."

  John smiled broadly, "Excellent! Now, to select the perfect gift."

  He moved towards the display that Anne had been inspecting upon his arrival.

  When the two were looking at the hats, John leaned over conspiratorially.

  "I suppose Amelia would not appreciate that rather large bonnet with the equally large stuffed bird on it? It is the most unfortunate shade of orange, yet, I cannot but imagine how amusing her face would be upon opening the gift box."

  Anne laughed louder than was proper and John could not help but join her.

  "What a doting brother you are, my lord. I was unsure when you asked for my assistance but now I see that it was a wise choice. I believe you do need me." Anne said with a smile.

  John quietly replied, "Yes, I believe I do."

  That day in Bath was the start of a brief yet tender courting between Earl Waldegrave and Anne Elliot. The gentleman's charming, good-humored personality was complemented by the lady's soft, loving nature. There were no misunderstandings to overcome during their courtship. It was a period of discovering one another and understanding how certain events in the past had brought them to their current place in life. Anne revealed to John that an earlier attachment gone wrong had taught her to trust in her own judgme
nt in matters of the heart. John admitted to his own failed attempts to find happiness that led him to Bath. Their marriage was one of contentment, respect and enduring love.

  Epilogue: Darcy & Elizabeth

  Elizabeth sat quietly in one of her favorite places at Pemberly, a cozy chair situated near the window of her morning room. It was the ideal spot to gaze upon the beauty surrounding her new home. However, this morning, her attention was fully engaged in reading a letter from a dear friend.

  I was so thrilled that things have been settled quickly between them. My greatest wish has been to see my brother find his happiness and I am certain that everything has worked out as it always should have…

  Elizabeth glanced up and looked out the window after reading the allusion to her own past dealings with Earl Waldegrave. Her relationship with Amelia was somewhat strained after that day at Pemberly so long ago. Yet, even now after nearly two years had passed, Elizabeth could remember it with startling clarity.

  True to the earl's word, the weather was indeed mild as he and Elizabeth walked slowly from the house. Elizabeth realized that the earl must have had a specific destination in mind as he steered her towards a little path near the side garden. Her suspicions proved correct when he stopped before a little bench and asked her if she would please sit. She did as he requested and then watched as he began pacing before her. Until this moment, it had not occurred to her that the earl could possibly have any true designs towards her. Yet, his every motion spoke of a man on the verge of declaring himself. Suddenly, a great weight settled upon her shoulders with the realization that her life was about to take a drastic turn. The earl finally stopped and faced her once again before speaking.

  "Miss Bennet, might I have your indulgence to listen to the ramblings of a friend?", he asked.

  Elizabeth could not help but smile and nod as his request.

  "As you are aware, this year has been very difficult for both Amelia and I. The loss of both my father and brother, well, it seems as if my life is no longer my own. I was not raised with the expectation of acquiring this title nor did I fathom how it would affect my prospects for happiness. While many people have stated that this new found wealth and status should be a silver-lining to the loss of my family, I have yet to adopt this belief."

  Elizabeth felt she must interject.

  "Of course you cannot feel that way, sir. It is quite evident that you cared deeply for your father and brother and it is absurd that people should expect you to find joy while you are yet mourning." Elizabeth stated heatedly.

  He smiled at her understanding and replied, "As you say."

  Then, looking intently at her eyes, he continued.

  "Yet, I must admit that I brought you here with the sole intent of 'finding my joy', Miss Bennet."

  Elizabeth drew in an unsteady breath and watched as he knelt before her and gently took one of her hands in his.

  "Miss Bennet, I realize that this may be unexpected but I recently learned that we are not guaranteed days upon this earth; therefore, I shall press on. I do not imagine that you might already hold feelings of love for me but, I hope, that you feel the mutual regard & respect that I have always felt towards you. Our friendship has always been easy and I know that I can trust you, unlike those women of the Ton who only recently find me 'fascinating'. I cannot imagine going through life with such an uncompanionable and insincere woman. However, I believe that the two of us could build a happy life together. Would you do me the honor of accepting my hand?" He asked expectantly.

  "My lord, I…I for once am at a loss. Please know that I understand the very great honor you are bestowing on me with such an offer." Elizabeth stammered.

  The earl, seeing her distress, removed himself from the ground and sat besides her on the bench. They were both quiet for a time before he spoke again.

  "I cannot say that I am pleased to receive such a response; however, it only proves your worthiness that you would not accept me despite your own reservations. Perhaps we can discuss the reasons why you feel that you cannot readily accept me?"

  Elizabeth turned towards him and was relieved to find his face honest and concerned instead of hurt and angry.

  "My lord, I could not feel right in accepting your hand when I know my heart to already belong to another." Elizabeth was surprised at her own candidness but did not regret it.

  "Ah, I see." The earl said as he looked thoughtfully towards the house.

  "I will admit that I was hesitant to pursue you due to some concern that it might offend my friend. However, when I found you still unattached at my arrival in the county, I thought that…well, it gave me reason to hope."

  Again, silence descended upon the pair. Elizabeth's head was spinning with their conversation as well as her own admission, however veiled, of loving Mr. Darcy. Finally, the earl stood and faced her once again.

  "I believe that I shall find Amelia and take our leave. However, I hope that we might still meet as friends in the future, Miss Bennet?" He asked kindly.

  "Yes, of course, my lord. I am honored to have you counted among my friends." She responded.

  "Before I go, might I offer a bit of advice?"

  Elizabeth nodded.

  "Darcy is an excellent fellow, Miss Bennet. I do not know what has transpired between the two of you but I do hope that it will be resolved to the satisfaction of both. As I stated earlier, I believe we must grasp hold of happiness while we have the chance for we never know what tomorrow might bring. Farewell, Miss Bennet." He bowed over her hand.

  "Good-bye, my lord." Elizabeth said softly and then he turned to go.

  Elizabeth was brought back to the present when she heard the door to the room being closed quietly. She looked towards the door only to find her husband staring towards her. She held her finger to mouth asking him to be quiet and he nodded as he slowly walked near. When he finally stood behind her, he dropped a kiss upon her head and then whispered in her ear.

  "And how are my two favorite women spending their mornings today?"

  She smiled and whispered back, "Well, one of us is being incredibly rude by sleeping the time away."

  As if her mother's comment roused her, the tiny baby asleep in the bassinet began to stir. Elizabeth leaned down to pick up her daughter but felt her husband put his hand on her shoulder.

  "Please, allow me." He said smilingly and picked up the precious girl.

  Elizabeth thought that her heart might explode for the amount of love she had for the two people in front of her. Watching her husband whisper to their daughter and kiss her round cheeks in adoration never failed to move her.

  Darcy looked up and noticed the letter in Elizabeth's hands.

  "Good news, I hope?" He asked.

  "Why, yes, it is from Amelia. She writes that her brother shall be married soon." She answered as she stood to see her daughter cooing in her husband's arms.

  "Well, I wish them joy. I hope that he is able to find happiness in his marriage." Darcy said placidly.

  Elizabeth looked at him and nodded her agreement.

  "As long as his happiness lies with a woman who is not my wife." He added with a smirk.

  "You are incorrigible!" Elizabeth half-heartedly scolded him.

  Seeing that his daughter had drifted back asleep, Darcy gently laid her into her bassinet before wrapping his arms around his wife's waist.

  "That I may be but I will never regret winning your hand even if it was at the cost of a friend." He whispered before leaning down to capture her mouth in a heated kiss. When he pulled back, he looked in eyes and asked smiling, "I hope that you have no regrets, my darling?"

  Elizabeth laughed lightly, "I will never regret choosing you…even if you are determined to scandalize our household by seducing your wife in the morning room."

  He grinned devilishly before saying, "Ah, it is seduction you want? I am pleased to be at your service, madam."

  It was some time before the Darcy's emerged from the morning room that day. Perhaps the young Mis
s Darcy's demand of nourishment contributed to the cessation of their activities yet that is the way of life.

  The Darcy's went on to be blessed with six children. Their household was full of love and laughter. Although the servants might remember a few instances of heated battles between their master and mistress, they were more likely to recall the times when doors had to be quickly shut in order to protect the sensibilities of the young. Such is the way when love and passion abound in a marriage that began with a friendship…a friendship afire.

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