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Chasing Clark (Maple Hart)

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by Fel Fern

  Chasing Clark

  Maple Hart 3

  Fel Fern

  Chasing Clark © 2020 by Fel Fern

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  Book cover design by James

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  All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

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  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.

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  Chasing Clark

  I always had trouble holding onto an Omega. Losing both my job and my boyfriend at the same time dragged my confidence at an all-time low.

  * * *

  When my mother convinced me to go on a blind date, I reluctantly agreed, only to have the best night of my life.

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  Dusty might be five years my senior but I knew right away that this Omega was made to be mine. Dusty was funny and adorable. He also took himself way too seriously sometimes.

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  He wanted to settle down and have kids.

  * * *

  Dusty was convinced we shouldn’t be together because we didn’t want the same things. I might be younger than he was but one look, one kiss and I was hooked. I wasn’t just Dusty’s Alpha. I also had every intention of being his mate and baby daddy.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  About the Author

  Taming Todd



  Anger gathered inside of me like a rising storm. I wanted to punch someone, to wreck something.

  I squinted at my phone, at the photo my cousin Nestor sent me. My ex-boyfriend Simon was sucking face with some unknown Alpha in the picture.

  You know what really hurt?

  The fact they were standing by the carousel at Maple Heights Park.

  Our park. It was where Simon and I first met, where we shared a kiss while waiting in line to ride the carousel.

  The park was also where Simon broke my heart. He ripped it to pieces before handing it back to me. I could still hear his parting words in my head.

  “I’m sorry, Clark. I’m seeing someone else. He’s not like you. You’re too possessive. You’re too much sometimes.”

  What the hell did Simon mean by those words?

  What did his new boyfriend have that I didn’t?

  I was having the worst time of my life. First, I lost my job at the accounting firm, and now this?

  I had everything figured out or I thought I did. I was the kind of guy who liked to plan two, three steps ahead.

  I was the only Alpha in my family, the first one who managed to get a college degree.

  Get a good job at a great company. Find my soul mate. Have kids. Raise them in a huge-ass house.

  Now my great plan was shot to pieces. I was single, stuck with a part-time job slinging drinks at weddings.

  No one could replace Simon. The hole he left in my heart was too raw, too fresh. I couldn’t stand the thought of wading into the dating pool again.

  Pissed, I chucked my phone away. Not hearing it clatter on the floor, I narrowed my eyes at my cousin Todd, who picked up my cell phone.

  “For the thousandth time, Todd,” I began, getting out of bed. “Knock first before you enter my room and give me back my phone.”

  “Who’s this? Wait I know this guy. It’s that prick you’ve been dating,” Todd said, moving out of the way as I grabbed him. “Wait, did you guys break up?”

  I scowled at him. I knew this was Todd and not his twin Aaron because Todd was the more nosy of the pair.

  “Give it,” I said with a warning growl. “Or I’ll punch your lights out. I don’t care that you’re an Omega.”

  “Easy there, big guy,” Todd said in a mocking voice.

  I glowered at him.

  “Yeah, Clark. Chill. We all know you won’t hurt a fly or at any of your family members. You love us, remember?” My older brother Everett, another Omega, sauntered into my room.

  I bared my teeth at both of them. They were right of course. I was the only Alpha raised in a gigantic family that somehow only managed to produce a lot of loud and obnoxious Omegas.

  “Get out of my room. Can’t you read the sign outside the door?” I demanded. “Why are you here anyway, Todd?”

  “Did you forget? It’s Saturday. You know, when we have our weekly family barbecues?” Todd reminded me.

  How could I forget?

  My mom hosted weekly barbecues and invited everyone in our crazy family all the time.

  I closed my eyes and pinched my forehead. A headache started pounding in my head, probably a result of having one too many drinks last night.

  I narrowed my eyes and scanned the room. The empty beer can bottles were gone. I had a sneaking suspicion my mom wandered into my room last night while I was passed out and cleaned up after me.

  A mama’s boy. That was what all my cousins and brothers called me. Simon accused me of being that as well.

  “Forget Simon. He didn’t deserve you,” Everett said.

  I frowned at my brother and crossed my arms, suspicious.

  Why was Everett being so nice to me?

  Everett then yelped. Something big and orange swiped at his ankles with sharp claws. Simon’s cat, Cutie, hissed at Everett and Todd.

  Well, technically Cutie was my cat now since Simon didn’t want her. Surrendering her to a shelter was not an option so I kept her.

  Both Everett and Todd jumped my bed to escape Cutie’s wrath. The smug cat prowled towards me and circled my ankles. I picked her up and stroked her. She purred.

  “Why is that evil creature still with you?” Everett demanded. “Didn’t it belong to Simon?”

  “Cutie is a she not an it.” I reminded him. I shot my brother an unfriendly look.

  “Cutie is such a stupid name,” Todd grumbled.

  All I wanted to do was haul their sorry skinny asses out of my room and go back to sleep with Cutie next to me.

  “It’s the only name she responds to. Get out. I’m nursing a hangover. I’m not warning the two of you again.”

  “I forgot to tell you,” Everett said. “Mom asked me to remind you that you have a date tonight.”

  “A what?”

  My mind wasn’t working properly at the moment. I did remember my mom telling me a couple of days ago that she arranged a blind date for me.

  Damn. I was pathetic.

  “She set you up with her friend’s son. I think his name was Donald or Daniel or something,” Everett said.

  Todd howled with laughter. I fixed him a glare, which shut him up instantly. Todd sobered up.

  “Hey, Clark, if you’re starting to date again, I could fix you up with someone from work.” Todd suggested.

  “No than
ks,” I said drily.

  Todd was a rising soap opera star. He once invited me and Everett to one of his parties before. It was a hellish experience.

  All of the actors Todd worked with were a little snobbish. High maintenance.

  “Tell mom I’m not going,” I told Everett.

  I winced. I knew I sounded like a spoiled kid, but what the hell?

  I wished my family would get off my back. I was 22 and still young. I’d date if again after I recovered from my broken heart.

  I didn’t need anyone’s help. I got this. My love life was my own business.

  “Tell her yourself. She’s in a good mood. Gideon and Garth just arrived with little Jenny.”

  I grimaced at the mention of my other brother, his mate, and their kid. I knew it was wrong, but sometimes, intense envy hit me when I watched Gideon and Garth.

  They looked so good together. The love bite seemed to be infecting more members of my family because my cousin Denver soon paired up with his best friend Wayne. They also had a kid on the way.

  At this rate, I was going to end up single and lonely.

  “Leave,” I repeated.

  Everett must’ve sensed my mood because he tugged Todd’s arm and steered him towards the door. My brother paused by the door.

  “I’ll save you some pork chops and I’ll tell mom you’re not feeling well.”

  Relieved, I slid into bed again. Cutie curled next to me.

  “Thanks, Everett,” I said, closing my eyes again.

  I drifted off to sleep. I didn’t know how much time had passed.

  A knock on my door woke me up. I dreamt Simon and I hadn’t broken up. Heck, we were even living together.

  Everett once called Simon toxic and a part of me knew he was right.

  Simon wasn’t a good boyfriend.

  He took our relationship for granted and always reminded me I was lucky he settled for me. We didn’t even have a lot of good memories.

  Last month had been our first anniversary. I took him to a super pricy restaurant in town and we ended up fighting because I told him I couldn’t afford the bottle of wine he chose—the most expensive one on the menu.

  I buried my face into the pillow. “Go away.”

  My door opened. Someone flipped the switch. I groaned, putting the pillow over my head but someone pried it away from me.

  I had a retort ready but seeing who it was, I sighed. My mom sat at the edge of the bed. She was a tiny woman by all accounts. All her sons towered over her but that death glare could scare even the world’s toughest Alphas.

  “You should be getting ready for your date with Dusty,” she reminded me.

  “Seriously, mom? Can’t everyone just leave me alone?” I grumbled.

  “No. You’ve been moping around for an entire week.” She yanked the comforter off my body.

  Cutie hissed at her but trust my mom to scare my cat away. Cutie jumped from the bed and left my room.

  “Can’t you see I need to mope? Also, I don’t need your help. I can find dates on my own.”

  “Dusty is a good kid. Give him a chance.” She urged.

  “A good kid?” I asked warily.

  “Dusty’s having a hard time as well. He also just broke up with his boyfriend.”

  “Uh-huh.” I huffed.

  She really couldn’t see how this was such a bad idea?

  What was she expecting?

  For Dusty and me to hook up?

  That Dusty would be my rebound guy?

  “Look, dinner’s on me. Go out, have a good time. You don’t have to see him again if you guys don’t click. Deal?”

  I sighed. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this. My mom had good intentions. She just wanted to see all her children happy but she really ought to butt out of my personal life.

  I’ve decided I’d sit her down and have a good long chat with her after my date with Dusty.

  “Fine, but I can pay for dinner,” I muttered.

  She patted my shoulder and stood up. “Good. Don’t be late. You’re meeting him at the Orange Restaurant.”

  “Fine. Whatever.”

  Being cooped up in my room wasn’t healthy anyway and the thought of getting some fresh air sounded nice.

  I’d stay for thirty minutes and then make up an excuse to leave. That would satisfy my mom.

  After that, I’d take a long walk around town. Maybe I’d sniff around Simon’s apartment and see if I could catch another glimpse of him and his new boyfriend.



  “Send me a picture. I want to see how you’re dressed,” My mom was saying on the phone.

  I rolled my eyes, glad she couldn’t see me. This was ridiculous. My mom had been fixing me up on dates since I was 21.

  When I was 21, it had been cute but I turned 27 this year. I was downright pathetic.

  What did it say about me that I couldn’t hold onto a man?

  Just like that, my thoughts strayed back to my ex-boyfriend Tag. I looked around my living room, heart heavy.

  Some of his stuff still littered the apartment we used to share. I didn’t have the energy or heart to pack all his shit in a box and send them back to him.

  “Dusty, are you still there?” My mom demanded.

  “Mom, I’ll be late for my date. Got to go, bye.” I ended the call, unsurprised she called me again.

  I ignored her and sighed. It was time to get this over with. I knew my mom wasn’t doing this to annoy me.

  She genuinely wanted to see me happy and paired up. Hell, I wanted that too, but it didn’t look like love was in the cards for me.

  Most Omegas paired off young.

  I wasn’t a young buck anymore. I had average looks. I worked from home as a graphic designer. I had hobbies—namely gaming and watching anime, which most of my dates considered nerdy.

  Refusing to take down the posters of my favorite anime characters and games from the walls had been one of the reasons Tag broke up with me.

  “You’re such a loser, Dusty. Who would ever want a pathetic Omega like you?”

  Tag was a part of my past. I should move on but sometimes, his parting words still resurfaced in my head.

  I grew up feeling different and odd my entire life. I outwitted and survived bullies in high school. I eventually accepted who I was and I refused to change myself for any guy.

  Where did that get me?

  Nowhere apparently.

  I could defy my mom and stand this guy up—except I’d never do that.

  I’ve been stood up plenty of times before. I knew what it felt like, sitting all alone at a table the entire night while everyone else gossiped about me.

  I didn’t want this guy to go through the same ordeal I did.

  Maybe I could stick around for a couple of minutes, then make up an excuse to leave early.

  That should be fine, right?

  What were the chances that Clark Bright could be the one man I’ve been waiting for my entire life?

  I scoffed and fussed with my hair one last time. I knew I applied a little too much hair gel but I was already running late.

  I exited the apartment and took a bus to our meet-up spot.

  The Orange Restaurant was located in a street filled with restaurants. Watching other couples holding hands or kissing as they walked down the street, made me feel envious and a little out of place.

  I spotted the restaurant but I didn’t head in right away. My mom told me Clark was wearing a dark green shirt and leather jacket over it.

  I took a peek at the windows. Every table in the place was filled but I instantly spotted him.

  I drew a sharp breath.

  Clark Bright was a bonafide hottie. Clark looked young and also a little out of my league.

  He had short brown hair, a strong jaw, and every inch of him was cut. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were at this distance.

  I needed to get closer.

  My mom scored me a sexy date this time. The Alpha sat at a table in the corne
r of the restaurants. Clark was busy looking at his menu. He furrowed his brows.

  My mom mentioned I was older than him but by how many years?

  What was I still doing standing outside the restaurant and gawking at him like a weirdo?

  My heart raced as I walked inside and zeroed in on him.

  Don’t panic, I reminded myself.

  Clark might be good-looking but outside appearances didn’t count for anything. My ex had been a looker but inside, Tag was filled with nothing but poison.

  Clark set the menu down and I finally stopped in front of our table. Eyes the color of whiskey met mine.

  My world stood still. I couldn’t hear the other diners anymore. My cock thickened in my jeans.

  I wondered what it was like to steal a kiss from this Alpha. I imagined Clark clasping the back of my neck, taking control as he slipped his tongue down my throat. I wanted Clark to run his big hands down my body.

  He’d then throw me across the table, rip at my clothes and—oh hell.

  I had a filthy imagination. I hadn’t been on a date for a long time and I was lonely and horny.

  That was all.

  I never had such a visceral reaction to another Alpha before and it was a strange feeling. I became tongue-tied, incapable of stringing two coherent sentences together.

  Clark stood up abruptly, eyeing me up and down. I shivered for no explainable reason.

  What if this gorgeous Alpha decided I wasn’t worth his time and simply walked away?

  I wouldn’t be able to live down the embarrassment. To my shock, Clark flashed me a smile and held out his hand.

  “Dusty? I’m Clark,” he said. His voice was deep and he sounded confident.


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