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Chasing Clark (Maple Hart)

Page 4

by Fel Fern

  “Good?” He asked.

  Clark looked apprehensive, nervous even. He was so damn adorable.

  “Very. I couldn’t even fry an egg. Where did you learn to cook?” I asked.

  “My mom. I was her little helper when I was growing up. None of my brothers liked to cook. I mean sure, they like to barbecue stuff but that’s not cooking,” he said with a roll of his eyes.

  I noticed Clark might sound annoyed when he spoke about his family but I didn’t miss the fondness in his voice.

  “I wish I could cook like this.” I shoveled more eggs into my mouth. “No other guy has ever done this for me before. Thank you.”

  “I can cook for you anytime you want,” Clark said. He beamed, making my heart flutter.

  “Do you have to go to work?”

  What was I saying?

  We both needed to do our jobs but I wanted this moment to last a little longer. Eating breakfast like this together, I could imagine Clark was my boyfriend and we were living together.

  Gone were the days I had to wake up to my empty apartment and seeing Tag’s things still cluttered around the space.

  Tag belonged to the past. He was a distant memory because Clark was so much better than him. Clark was a great listener. He was a protective and sweet Alpha. My dream man.

  Clark considered me for a moment. “If I stayed here, neither of us would get any work done.”

  “That’s true. I was only kidding.” I wasn’t, but I didn’t want to sound too needy or weird.

  “Don’t get me wrong, it’s tempting,” Clark said.

  He set his fork down and reached across the table to touch my arm. Goosebumps appeared over my skin as he stroked my forearm. He clasped his big fingers over mine, making my heart race.

  “We’ll see each other again soon.” Clark pointed out.

  “We will?”

  Clark raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want to?”

  “Of course I do. It’s just, I never had much luck with dating. Good things always come to an end,” I said lamely.

  I was surprised when Clark tugged me close so our faces touched. He kissed me long and deep. When Clark extracted himself from me, I was panting. I remembered what went happened last night with vivid clarity.

  Clark rutted me in the living room. I went on all fours and begged him to ride me faster and harder. My cock thickened in my boxers.

  I blushed, still not used to how my body reacted around this man.

  “Not this,” Clark said. “We’re so good together, Dusty.”

  I let out a laugh, unable to help myself. Clark narrowed his eyes and I spoke up before this turned into a misunderstanding. “We only met yesterday. We’re still practically strangers.”

  “True, but I intend to change that.” Clark stole another kiss from me, leaving me breathless for a few seconds. “I got to rush. Do you mind taking care of the dishes?”

  “Sure. You did the cooking. I can clean up.”

  “I’ll text you later,” Clark said.

  After he left, I touched my lips, which were still swollen from his kiss.

  What was it about this Alpha, that he always made me feel so good and dare I say it—happy?

  It was never like this with Tag. With my ex, I had to beg and fight for a smidge of his affection. Being with Clark was so easy.

  I started on the dishes when my phone began to ring. Thinking it was Clark, I left the soapy plates on the sink and picked up my phone.

  “Hey, that was quick. Are you at work already?” I asked.

  “Dusty, it’s your mother. Who were you expecting a call from?”

  I groaned. Her interference was the last thing I needed.

  Don’t get me wrong. I loved my interfering mother to pieces.

  My father died when I was 12 and she practically raised me on her own. I owed her everything but sometimes, she could be too nosy.

  She’d know how my date went with Clark sooner or later anyway, seeing as she was friends with Clark’s mom.

  “It went better than okay,” I admitted.

  She let out a whoop on the other end. “I knew it. Tell me everything.”

  “Mom, I got to start work soon.” It was true. I needed to work on a couple of projects.

  Begging Clark to stay had been a wistful and selfish wish on my part. We were both adults who needed to make a living.

  I could almost imagine her scowling on the other end. “Dusty, you work from home.”

  Gee, thanks for reminding me, mom.

  “Yeah, but I keep a schedule, remember?” It frustrated me sometimes how my mother didn’t understand how important it was for me to keep to a routine.

  “Can’t you spare a couple of minutes for your mother?”

  I sighed, knowing she wouldn’t leave this one alone. “Why didn’t you tell me Clark was 5 years younger than me?”

  “I didn’t think age was an issue. Was it?”

  “No. He’s mature for his age. It doesn’t hurt he’s hot as hell.”

  “What was that, Dusty? I didn’t catch those last words.”

  I groaned, refusing to repeat myself. “When I first saw him sitting at that table, I thought he was way out of my league.”

  “Don’t be silly, Dusty. You’re a catch.”

  Of course, my mom would say that. I told her about dinner and how Clark chased Tag out of my apartment.

  “Good riddance to that loser. Tag never deserved you. What happened after?”

  “He kissed me goodnight.”

  Leaving out the more intimate parts of our date seemed the right choice. I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell my mom that we had mind-blowing sex.

  “Oh. That it?” Was it my imagination or did she sound disappointed?

  “Yeah, but we’ll go on another date soon.”

  She huffed. “Well, he better ask you out soon. My baby boy waits for no one.”

  Baby boy? Good grief.

  Truth was, I couldn’t picture myself going out on another date or seeing some other guy. Clark was it for it.

  I know. I sounded overconfident. It was crazy how madly in lust I was for him, given we’ve only known each other for a day.

  It was just a feeling, you know? Like the universe had a great plan for us.

  Tag broke my heart in two only for Clark to pick up the pieces and mend it.

  “Mom, listen, I got to go,” I said.

  “Fine. Call me soon, honey.”

  Thankfully, she ended the call. I finished the rest of the dishes, then took a shower.

  I fired up my computer and stared at the screen for a long time. My thoughts revolved around Clark, how wonderful it felt, falling asleep tucked against his big and warm body.

  I wondered if I could get any work done today.



  Hearing my cell phone beep under my pillow, I pulled it out. I squinted at the screen.

  6.30 am was an ungodly hour to wake up but I had another bartending gig in two hours. The wedding venue was at least half an hour’s drive from where I lived.

  My phone vibrated again. This time it was a text message from Dusty. I found myself smiling as I opened it.

  Three days had passed since our first date. I decided to wait one more day before asking him out again. It seemed the right thing to do.

  I made a mistake with Simon and appeared too desperate and overeager when I asked him out on a second date immediately after our first one.

  Dusty wasn’t like Simon in any way, I reminded myself.

  Simon had only cared about himself but Dusty was the exact opposite. I knew Dusty woke up at 7.45 am. He could afford to, given his workplace was his living room but he’d been waking extra early early the past three days to text me good morning.

  Sweet Omega.

  I texted him a bunch of cute kittens emoticons I downloaded yesterday night. Dusty replied immediately.

  Dusty: Stop texting with emoticons. Words, please.

  Clark: Send me a picture of you. I mi
ss you.

  Moments later, my phone pinged again. I gazed at the picture Dusty sent me. His hair was all tousled and he didn’t look quite awake. He was wearing a plain white shirt and blue striped boxers.

  Hunger stirred in my cock. If I had powers of teleportation, I’d move out of my bedroom and into his.

  I’d slide next to him, spear my fingers into his messy hair and tug his mouth against mine for a kiss.

  I angled the phone right at my face. I slipped my other hand past the hem of my boxers.

  Curling my fingers over my shaft, I began to work myself, my gaze still focused on Dusty’s picture.

  I groaned, imagining it was Dusty’s cock I held captive, his lips I kissed.

  I pictured Dusty’s face crumbling, lost in a paroxysm of pleasure after I gave him a handjob.

  Then I’d flip him on his hands and knees. I’d rut him again like a wild and uncontrolled animal while he only begged me for more.

  My vision hazed.

  I groaned, letting my phone go. I climaxed, spilling my cum into my waiting fingers.

  It was no good. I wanted the genuine article.

  Masturbating in bed kept my desire at bay but for how long?

  I wanted the real Dusty right here next to me. I missed everything about him. His laugh. His smile. His cute awkwardness.

  “Um, Clark?” Dusty’s voice made me focus on my cellphone.

  Aw shit.

  I must’ve accidentally pressed the video call button because Dusty was looking right at me with wide eyes.

  How much did Dusty see?

  I should be embarrassed, except why should I be? I was only thinking of Dusty while I worked my prick.

  “You saw all that?” I asked, masking my mistake with a smile I hoped looked sexy and confident. I could pull this off.

  “W-what were you doing?”

  God. I missed seeing his flushed face up close. I wanted to kiss Dusty’s trembling lips and see him come undone for me again after I emptied my seed down his ass.

  I didn’t care how many times we had to have sex. I wanted to knock Dusty up. Getting him pregnant would tie him to me forever.

  Dusty would be so addicted to him he wouldn’t be able to look at another Alpha again.

  There was something wrong with me. I’d never been this possessive around an Omega before.

  “You know the answer to your question,” I finally answered Dusty. “I’ve been masturbating to a fantasy of you.”

  “Me?” His clueless expression was always endearing.

  “Who else?”

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said.

  Relief filled me. At least he wasn’t appalled or disgusted.

  “It’s been hard staying away,” I admitted.

  Dusty bit his lower lip. “I’ve been wondering if you lost interest in me.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked with a frown.

  Once again, I wished I was lying next to him in his bed, not looking at him through a phone screen.

  “It’s been three days. I know we’ve been texting a lot, but a guy has to wonder, you know? I kept picturing you with someone else. Some younger and handsome Omega—”

  “I need to stop you right there, Dusty,” I said, biting back a growl. “There’s no one but you. You’ve been the star of all my erotic fantasies. I just didn’t want to appear too needy or desperate. I didn’t want to put you off.”

  “What are you talking about? Wait a damn second,” Dusty began, looking deep in thought. “Clark, I’m not Simon.”

  Trust my Omega to see right through me.

  “I hoped you’d call right away,” Dusty finally said.

  I let out a frustrated groan. This was bad. I’ve misread the situation.

  What if Dusty came to the conclusion I wasn’t over my ex because of this little misunderstanding?

  Simon had disappeared from my radar the moment I locked eyes on Dusty during our first date.

  “Then I’ll fix this,” I said to Dusty. “You busy tonight?”

  “I’m never busy,” he muttered.

  “I have a gig at the Maple View Hotel. Do you know where that is?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, I think. It’s that fancy hotel on the outskirts of town.”

  “There’s a fair nearby. You want to go?”

  “A fair? Oh wow. I haven’t been to one of those since I was a kid. I’d love to go.”

  I could tell Dusty sounded excited.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight then.”

  “Wait if the fair’s closer to the hotel, then I’ll just head right there.”

  “You sure?” I asked.

  It would save us a lot of time if Dusty met me at the hotel. That meant more time for our date at the fair.

  I could already see us holding hands, moving from stall to stall. I was a decent shooter. Maybe I could win him a bear. We could go on the rollercoaster.

  Dusty might be terrified of fast rides and he would cling to me throughout the entire ride. I’d make this the perfect date. At the end of the night, we’d be back in his apartment.


  “I’ll see you later.” I didn’t care how idiotic I would seem, but I gave him a flying kiss, which he returned.

  I ended the video call, pleased with myself. I took a quick shower. While I was dressing up for my gig, there was a knock on my door. I groaned, turning to look at whoever barged into my room without my permission.

  It was my mom. Great. I didn’t have time for this.

  She was one of the few people in this house who woke up earlier than I did and she was already dressed in one of her business suits.

  My mom was a lawyer at a prestigious law firm so it always floored me how she always had time for all her children. We were a rowdy bunch, especially my older brothers.

  I had a feeling I knew why she entered my room. Cutie, who finally woke up, emerged from her hiding place and pressed herself against my legs.

  I lifted her to my chest and stroked her while I regarded my mother warily.

  “Mom,” I began. I expelled a breath. “I need to head to my gig.”

  She blocked the door. She was five foot nothing but she sure cut an intimidating figure.

  “I thought your date with Dusty went well?”

  “It did.”

  “Then why haven’t you called the poor boy?”

  “His mom told you that?” I asked.

  “Is Dusty not to your liking?”

  “He is. We just cleared a misunderstanding. I’m taking him out to the fair tonight.”

  My mom beamed at me. “That’s wonderful news, Clark.”

  Cutie began to fuss in my arms so I set her town. I needed to get her fed and watered before I went for my job.

  “So, uh mom. Can you let me through? Cutie needs to eat.” I reminded her.

  “One more thing. When can I expect my second grandchild?”

  I groaned, trying to nudge her aside but she didn’t budge.

  “Mom,” I complained. “We’ve only had one date.”

  “But Dusty’s different, isn’t he? I’ve seen you mooning over him the past three days. Everett says you’ve been glued to your phone ever since.”

  “Mom, can you and everyone else stop interfering?” I demanded.

  Damn it. I’ve once joked to Dusty that I was a mama’s boy. If he found out how true that was, would he look at me differently?

  Damn. When it came to Dusty and me, I felt insecure and unsure. This wasn’t like me at all.

  “Interfering?” She planted her hands on her hips. Uh-oh. “I might’ve just led you to the love of your love.”

  “Haha, mom, but seriously. Please move so I can get to work.”

  She touched my arm, making me pause. Her eyes softened. “It’s good to see you back to normal again.”

  Embarrassed, I ran my hand through my hair. Thinking back to the past few weeks and how I’ve acted since my breakup with Simon made me grimace. I was beastly to be
with. I’ve been awful to my family.

  “Well, things are looking up. Dusty’s important to me. I’d appreciate it if you and Dusty’s mom would give us some breathing room.”

  She pursued her lips. “Very well. We’ll leave it to you kids then.”

  She finally left my room. Cutie pawed at my sneakers. I sighed, bending down to give her an ear rub. She purred at me.

  “Let’s get you something to eat.”

  I swept my cat into my arms and headed to the kitchen. I couldn’t wait for my bartending gig to be over so I could finally spend the entire night with my Omega.



  Naturally, I couldn’t focus on any of my projects today. My thoughts kept straying back to Clark in his bed that morning, masturbating to the thought of me.

  Who would’ve imagined a sexy Alpha like Clark would picture me in his erotic fantasies?

  I blushed, thinking how he smiled at me through the camera. I would’ve given anything to be with Clark physically in that moment.

  Honestly, I was worried Clark was drifting from me, slowly losing interest. We’ve been messaging each other plenty but in the back of my mind, I was worried we’d slowly devolve to texting buddies.


  I shuddered at the word. I checked the time on my PC. It was only three in the afternoon. I usually got sleepy at this time of the day.

  I pulled myself away from my screen and fixed myself a cup of coffee. After Clark asked me out to the fair, I felt all excited and giddy.

  I looked at what I was currently wearing—a ratty gray hoodie and a pair of jogging pants. I definitely couldn’t go the fair dressed like a slob.

  I needed to up my game. I sipped my coffee and returned to the computer. I didn’t have a lot to do today. I finished up the series of ads I was designing for a motor company and shut my computer down.

  I checked the time again. 5 pm.

  I took a quick shower and looked through my closet.

  Should I go for semi-casual or should I just put on a pair of clean jeans and a plain shirt?

  I went through several outfits before settling on a buttoned-down denim shirt and blue jeans. I checked my wristwatch and blinked.


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