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From Sir, With Love

Page 14

by Rachell Nichole

“I noticed.” Her dry tone told Evangeline that the other woman had picked up on all kinds of aspects of her relationship with Leo.

  “Something in here should work.” Evangeline opened the bucket and rummaged around, ignoring the weirdness between them. She took out a small stack of shorts and T-shirts, and a pair of sweatpants, and handed the pile to Charlotte.

  “Thanks, Evangeline. I mean it. I don’t know why it took me so long to call for help, but I really appreciate you being so cool about this. Particularly after me trying to take the house. I just... I guess I thought if I had somewhere else to go, somewhere safe, it would make leaving easier.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. Really.”

  “I think Ben’s death really gave me the kick in the ass I needed. Made me realize no one was going to save me, and that I could die next week, and I didn’t want to live what could potentially be my last few days in fear.”

  “I can so understand that. You’re here now, and you’re safe, and we’ll help you figure out what can come next, okay?”

  “Okay. I think I’m gonna try to get some rest. Maybe have a shower before bed.”

  “Of course. Whatever you need. The hall closet and bathroom will have everything you need in it.” She got the impression that Charlotte was over having company. “Help yourself to anything in the house. If you need something you can’t find, just let me know.”

  With another nod of thanks, Charlotte left, closing the door softly behind her.

  Evangeline sunk onto her bed, her body slumping back. She stared at the ceiling, trying to breathe deeply and get her nerves under control. What a fucking night.

  Her phone buzzed, and she really wanted so much to ignore it. But she didn’t. She knew who it would be before she reached for it. She read Leo’s text.

  I’m coming in in five minutes, minx. We’re going to finish the conversation we started downstairs, and then we’re going to discuss the state of my bedroom. Without yelling.

  She could hear the Dominant order even over the text. And it made her shiver.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leo waited until he heard the shower start, and then he padded, barefoot and silent, down the hall to Evangeline’s room. He’d already warned her of his approach, so he didn’t bother to knock, just opened her door, and slipped inside. He didn’t relish sneaking around, but he wasn’t going to rub his relationship, or whatever it was he was doing with Evangeline, in his sister’s face.

  His little minx was lying in the middle of the bed, still in her work clothes. She didn’t even look at him when he closed the door behind him.

  He took a deep breath.

  “I bought a whip,” she said from the bed, still not moving, speaking directly to the ceiling.

  He paused. His brain took a few seconds to process what she’d said. “What?” A whip. She bought a whip. Was that why she said she would be late?

  She lifted her head. “I bought a whip. If I’m not mistaken it’s still in a bag somewhere in the kitchen. That’s why I was late. I went shopping. Maybe we should go retrieve that.”


  She glared at him. “Fine. Let’s let your traumatized sister find it. Along with my owner’s manual. I’m sure that will put her right at ease.”

  Shit. She was right. He sighed. “I really don’t want to fight anymore, Evangeline.”

  She huffed and pushed herself upright. Her glare never wavered. And now, as she stood there, facing off against him, again, she pointed at his chest. “News flash, Leo, it’s not exactly a walk in the park for me, either.”

  She pushed past him and he fought the urge to grab for her again. “I’m going to the kitchen. I’ll be back.”

  “Bring ice cream. And two spoons.”


  “Yes, minx. I need to eat some of my feelings tonight, damn it, and you’re going to help me.”

  She turned that ice stare back at him, her hand outstretched for the door handle, but not yet grasping it. “That’s not healthy.”

  “Ask me if I care?”

  Shaking her head, she opened the door and walked out. His hands ached for the feel of her, but he resisted the need. He would keep his damned hands to himself tonight if it killed him.

  He was way too far gone. Too lost to his rage. He wanted to hunt Pete down and rip the piece of shit limb from useless limb. He wasn’t going to do that, though. Instead, he was going to lock himself in this room with Evangeline and find a way to shackle his anger. A way that didn’t involve him hurting her.

  When she returned, she was carrying a bag, a bowl of ice cream, and two spoons. “I wanted the gallon.” His voice was little more than a growl.

  “I know.” She closed the door behind her, and then sat back on the bed.

  She set down the bag with a heavy thud beside her. She had picked up the package of paper he’d surreptitiously slid into a drawer in the kitchen as soon as Charlotte was distracted with Evangeline. He could see the envelope through the translucent plastic. Along with the distinct outline of a flogger.

  With a weary sigh, he sat next to her. “You wanted me to flog you?”

  She nodded.

  “I can’t.”

  She glanced at him and scooped a spoonful of mint chocolate chip into her mouth. Good. At least she wasn’t going to make him order her to eat. He watched her for a second, and then took the other spoon from the bowl, helping himself to some ice cream.

  After a few nibbles, he said, “I can barely see straight tonight. I shouldn’t have put my hands on you in the kitchen. That was a bad call, and I’m sorry for it. I can’t trust myself when I’m like this. I shouldn’t even be sitting here with you. I don’t have any control left. And I am damned well not going to hurt you...” he fell into silence for a moment.

  He shouldn’t be telling her all of this. They weren’t in a relationship, not really, but they did have an understanding. There was trust here, between them, and an honesty they both needed. So, he was going to tell her all of it. Even if it was scary. Maybe because it was scary. She had to know that he couldn’t be trusted like this. That he was dangerous when the rage inside him boiled over.

  “I would have killed him. If I’d been able to find Pete, I would have killed him. And I wouldn’t have regretted it. Not even a little bit. I have half a mind to go to that house right now and beat him to death with my bare hands. I want to. Charlotte would never forgive me, and I’d spend the rest of my life rotting in a jail cell, I know that. But I still want to.”

  She just nodded at him.

  “I just told you I wanted to commit a heinous act of violence and you’re just nodding at me.”

  “Did you expect me to condemn you?”

  “Yes!” If she was smart, she would. She’d be terrified of him.

  “I thought you said no yelling.” Her voice was even, matter-of-fact. But there was a glint in her eyes.

  “Point one for the minx.” He couldn’t stop a smile from spreading on his face.

  “I’m not going to tell you what you already know. He’s a piece of shit who deserves it, but ruining the rest of your life over such a worthless human being isn’t a good idea. It’s not going to take away Charlotte’s pain, or make what happened to her any less horrific. It would, however, take away her other brother, and I think that’d be a real shame.”

  He took another spoonful of ice cream but held it to her lips instead of his own.

  She grudgingly opened her mouth and he slid the spoon inside. She closed her mouth around it, and he slipped the metal back out. She watched him as she ate, heat building in her eyes.

  “You kissed me,” she said after she’d swallowed.

  “You told me to.”

  “So I did.”

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” Because now all he wanted was to do it again. And he shouldn’t. He couldn’t. She wasn’t his.

  “Did you want to do it?”


  “I’m still pissed at you.”

; “I know.”

  “Kiss me again.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Tell me you don’t want to, fine. Tell me no, sure, okay. I’ll take no for an answer. I told you I wouldn’t push that particular boundary, and I feel bad that I lied about that, by telling you to kiss me. But I didn’t kiss you. You kissed me. I told you I wanted you to. But you’re the one who did it. So, don’t you sit there and tell me you can’t. Because you can. Because you already did.”

  He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t tell her he didn’t want to. That was a lie. Damn him. And she was right. She hadn’t kissed him. She hadn’t breached the boundary. She’d just demanded he do so. Despite his better judgment, he had done just that.

  “I don’t want to... hurt you.”

  “That’s not the same thing, and you know it.”

  “Damn it, minx, why do you have to make everything so fucking difficult?”

  She rose her hand. “Hello, I’m a certified brat, or so I’ve been told. I think it’s literally in my job description.” She pointed to herself.

  “Come here.”

  “Make. Me.” She threw the words at him over her shoulder as she put the empty bowl and two spoons onto the bedside table. He grabbed her waist and yanked her to face him. His mouth claimed hers in another bruising kiss, and he let himself get lost in the feel of her mouth.

  He knew he shouldn’t. Knew in his bones that he could hurt her. But the fire consuming him made him weak. He kissed her like he wasn’t going to be able to breathe if he didn’t. She opened her mouth to his, her teeth and tongue as insistent as his. As desperate. He wrapped his arms around her, and she climbed onto his lap, straddling his hips.

  He held her like this, hands on her hips in a rough grip he tried to loosen. Still, she kissed him, let him devour her mouth, but refused to let him take total control of their kiss. She nipped at his bottom lip and he groaned. She rubbed against him, her hot core insistent against his growing erection.

  Finally, sense returned, and he pulled his head back.

  “Easy, minx. Easy, now.” He forced his fingers to loosen, to stop clinging to her like she was a life-raft.

  She growled at him and shoved his shoulders back hard enough to make him unbalanced. “No. No more easy. No more being careful. You don’t want to mix kink and sex, that’s fine, we won’t. But if you refuse to take out your frustrations on my ass, then you have to give me something. Please.” She didn’t care if she was begging. She wanted to make him fuck her. She wasn’t going to. That wasn’t fair. He’d laid the ground rules and she’d agreed. She wasn’t going to push him into something he didn’t want. But she could feel the heat coming off him. His kiss had been the opposite of reluctant. His desperate grip on her hips had been insistent. Needy. The same way she felt.

  He just stared up at her, leaning back on his forearms. He’d tasted like mint and chocolate, and spice. Heat. His anger was still ruling him, she could see it in his eyes, and with anyone else, she’d pull back. She wouldn’t yank the lion’s tail. But Leo... he needed her to goad him.

  Because it was the only way he was going to let go of that iron control. It was the only way he would let go of his rage. It was a dangerous game they were playing, she knew that. She knew, she just didn’t care.

  “Please,” she said again. “I know I agreed to no kissing, no sex, just submission. But it isn’t enough. It’s helping, but right now, we’re angry. We’re both angry. Me at you, and your idiot brother, and you at the world. If you won’t use our deal, if you won’t allow yourself to punish me, to use a flogging and my submission as a release valve for both of us, I’m asking that you allow us another type of release.” She wasn’t above telling him that it was her that needed this as much as him. Maybe it was manipulative, but it was also the truth.

  He bit his bottom lip. His bottom lip that was full and red from her kisses, still wet and glistening from them. She watched him debate, and he cocked his head to the side. “It doesn’t sound like you’re asking, actually.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not, I’m demanding it. But that’s wrong of me. I shouldn’t be demanding something from you that you don’t want to give.”

  “I never said I didn’t want to, minx. I just said I couldn’t.”

  She smiled.

  He groaned. “Damn you.”

  Hah. She’d gotten him to admit it. He wanted her. Just like she wanted him. Her body was on edge. Her heart thundering in her ears. Her skin flushed and sensitive. She knew she shouldn’t want him. Not like this. No doubt he felt the same way.

  But here they were. And she was done trying to ignore the attraction between them. Done pretending her body’s reaction was all about the submission, all about the kink. It was more than that. And they were going to admit it and deal with it. Whether they wanted to or not.

  She waited, saying nothing. But she ever so slowly leaned into him, placing her hands on his shoulders and rotating her hips, sliding herself against his hard length. Determined to remind him.

  “All right, minx. You win.” It was the last thing he said, and then he fell back all the way, wrapped his arms around her and yanked her down on top of him, kissing her senseless. She’d expected more negotiation, more of him laying ground rules. But as she ground her body against his, she didn’t care. He held her in an iron grip, and she fought the urge to pull against his hold. She thought about fighting him. About not giving in to his kisses, about not giving up control, making him wrest it from her. But she didn’t want to push him too far. She had offered sex, without kink. And she was going to honor that promise.

  With a sigh, she relaxed her body against him, her body growing heavy, pliant. She stopped pushing her mouth against his as hard, instead, opening to his invasion, letting his tongue plunder her mouth.

  He held her tighter against him and she groaned. She wanted to hurry things along. She wanted more. She wanted all of it.

  But she let him set the pace. Let him have his way. For now.

  His hands roamed from her back, down over her ass, and he moved her body against him, gliding her up and down so his cock rubbed against her clit through their clothes. She finally lifted her head, gasping for breath. He moved then, so quickly, she didn’t realize what was happening until she was on her back. Her legs wrapped around his hips automatically, keeping him close. He settled his body over hers, and lowered his head, trailing wet kisses along her neck. He nipped at her and she yelped.

  “Hush, now, minx. We have company, remember?”

  She hadn’t. She’d forgotten anything outside this room existed. She closed her mouth and tried to steady her breathing. “Yes, Mister.”

  “Good girl.” He returned his attentions to her neck, and his hand found her breast, palming it and rubbing against her sensitized nipple. She gasped but kept herself from crying out.

  Focusing on being quiet while he was building so much pleasure in her body was its own type of torture. Torture that brought a heightened edge to every breath. Even though they were going to keep things vanilla, this simple act of him controlling the sounds she made, was enough of an edge. Enough of a reminder of who was in control.

  He bit down on the sensitive flesh between her neck and shoulder and she bit her lip to keep quiet. He chuckled against her skin, his breaths tickling her wet skin. Goosebumps covered her. She arched into him. Begging for more.

  He gasped as she rolled her body against his. He might make her wait for what she really wanted, but two could play at this game. She released her ankles from around his waist and planted her feet on the bed. She arched up into him again, grinding her pelvis against his. Her clit rubbing against his cock sent little shockwaves through her body.

  “I’m going to tell you when you’re allowed to come, minx.”

  She shivered.

  “But that won’t be for a while, I think.” The dark heat in his voice made her quake. “I know I said no kink with my sex. But I’m clearly going to have to remind you of your place, a little b
it. Can’t let a brat like you think you can have everything your way.” She could hear the amusement in his voice as he whispered darkly against her ear. Every caress of his breath over her wet, sensitive skin made her shake.

  She shuddered against him. “Yes, Mister.”

  “Good girl. Oh, and Evangeline?” He lifted his head so he could look down at her.

  “Yes, Mister?”

  “Don’t make a fucking sound.”

  Her insides turned to liquid at the darkness in his eyes, at the harshness of his words. She bit back a whimper, clenching her jaw tightly and nodded.

  He smiled and her belly fluttered.

  “Good girl. Let us begin, shall we?”

  Begin? What the hell had they been doing? Shit. She might be getting more than she bargained for. She might regret pulling the lion’s tail this time. Maybe.

  “Hmm, now you’re a bit unsure, huh?” he taunted. But there was an edge of real concern in his eyes. He might be taunting her as a Dom, but he was concerned he might actually take things too far. She had to show him that she was fine. That this was what she wanted. What she needed.

  “Anything you got, Leo, I can take,” she said brazenly.

  She hoped it wasn’t a lie.

  “Oh, minx.” He shook his head. “You’re going to regret saying that.”

  “Promises, promises,” she goaded.

  Leo yanked at the bottom of her shirt and maneuvered her so he could rip it off. He let his gaze rove over her bare skin. He’d seen her naked before. She’d felt him watching her, assessing her, before. But this... felt different. His gaze was hungry. Dark. Possessive.

  He’d warned her she’d regret her challenge. Maybe he was right.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Evangeline let him yank and pull at her clothes until she was naked. Until she was shivering in anticipation against the bed. He stayed fully clothed. Like he always did during their sessions. But the set of his shoulders, the darkness in his gaze as he looked at her, those were different. More. Intense. Dark. And everything she fucking wanted.

  She’d told herself not to push too hard, not to goad him too much. But the gauntlet had been thrown down now. And he was clearly going to pick it up. Accept her challenge.


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