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From Sir, With Love

Page 20

by Rachell Nichole

  She could hear from his voice that he was in fact proud.

  “But we cannot allow the other indiscretions go unpunished can we?”

  She shook her head. It wasn’t like she could answer him anyway. And didn’t that just make her panties wet? What was he going to do to punish her? She hoped he went for the whip. But she couldn’t tell him that. Much as she loved giving him utter control, not being able to ask or beg for what she wanted might push her too far. She might just explode if she couldn’t give her opinion on something!

  It was as all of this was racing through her mind that the dark smile on Leo’s face got darker and darker. “Oh, didn’t think through that whole being gagged thing all the way through, did you, minx?”

  Fuck, he really enjoyed torturing her, didn’t he? She shook her head.

  “It’s not very tight, and I’m not going to restrain you. If you need to use a safeword, just pull the gag and say it. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. So... let us begin.” He reached for her shirt then and tugged. She obediently raised her arms and let him pull it off over her head. She’d considered, for the briefest moment, not moving, and making him force the fabric off her, but that might be a step too far, even for her. She was still getting used to this whole pushing every boundary he had thing, and she wasn’t exactly sure when to push and when to pull back.

  “Once you’re naked, I think we’ll edge you a couple of times. Once, twice, three times... maybe more,” he taunted.

  She shivered at the heat of his words as well as the cool air suddenly on her skin. He continued to slowly strip her, undoing her pants and working them down her legs. And after, you’ll fuck me again? She wanted to ask. She wanted to reach for him, to touch him, like he was touching her. But she wasn’t allowed. Not yet at least.

  “And perhaps I’ll take you up on that offer to return the favor you made to me in the media room. But I suppose we’ll have to take the gag out for that, won’t we?”

  She nodded.

  “I imagine my cock will serve as a proper gag in the interim.”

  She imagined it would do just fine in that department, in fact.

  So, she nodded again, and stepped out of her panties. He undid her bra, and then she was blissfully naked, her body overheating just from the look on his face as he watched her.

  “Bend over the bed,” he instructed.

  She obeyed, resting her forearms on the bed, and letting her head hang between her arms. He rubbed over her ass a few times and gave her the tiniest of smacks on each cheek. The sound was barely noticeable. He did it again. They were just little taps, nothing like the real impact she wanted. But she understood they had to be quiet. Later, when she was no longer gagged, she’d talk to him about what happened this afternoon. But for right now, she was going to relish in her punishment, and let it set her world upright once again. Hopefully it would do the same for him.

  She sank deeper into her pose, and his hands trailed over the curve of her ass, down along the backs of her thighs, in a gentle massaging caress designed to make her squirm. She bit down on the soft fabric in her mouth and wriggled beneath his attentions. He slipped a hand between her thighs and stroked up and down the sensitive flesh of the inner curve of her leg. She sighed around the gag as he stroked her over and over in maddeningly light touches. Up her thigh, down the other, over the curve of her ass. He gently stroked along her labia, teasing the edges of her entrance, but never driving his fingers deep where she wanted them. Never sliding over her clit to bring her the pleasure she craved.

  But this teasing was its own kind of pleasure. Winding her up, forcing her to do nothing but focus on the sensations he was delivering. It was an exquisite torture.

  “How’s that, hmm?”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled around the gag.

  He chuckled. “Let’s see how we’re enjoying this, shall we?” He finally teased her entrance with one gentle finger. In, and out, and then back in, spreading the evidence of her arousal. “Mmmhmm, I think you’re getting close already, aren’t you?”

  She closed her eyes, losing herself in the headspace he was eliciting from her. “Mmhmm,” she moaned around the gag.

  He slid two fingers deep inside her, angled down, massaging over the underside of her clit. With his other hand, he finally brushed feather-light touches over her clit. She moaned around the gag, and was happy that it was there, helping her muffle her sounds of pleasure. Reminding her of her need for silence. He worked her like this for several moments, deep hard strokes inside, and barely-there touches with the tip of his finger directly on her clit. It was a heady combination, and her thighs clenched hard, her body quaking, begging for release.

  “Oh, very close, now aren’t we minx?” His continued taunts just ratcheted her desire up higher and higher. She was panting around the gag in her mouth, straining for release. Release she knew she couldn’t yet have. Knowing that just made her even hotter.

  She groaned.

  She was going to come. Any second. “Please,” she tried to beg around the gag, but it just came out a garbled mess. She moaned and tried to buck against his hands, tried to give herself just a little more, just enough friction to send her over the deep end. But his fingers stilled. He slipped the ones from her channel out and gave just one hard rub on her clit and she bit down hard on the gag to stop herself from screaming.

  A soft smack landed on her right ass cheek. Just enough to sting. She gasped at the change in sensation. She looked at him over her shoulder. His face was smug, a small smile playing at his sensuous lips. God how she was becoming obsessed with that dark look in his eyes.

  He had the flogger in his hand. She hadn’t even noticed that he’d retrieved it at some point in the last minute or two as she panted and quivered against the lack of sensation after so much stimulation.

  “There will be no flogging you in earnest tonight. Much as it would be a well-deserved punishment, minx. But the sound would carry too far.”

  So, what was he going to do with it?

  His grin widened as he watched her confusion. She resigned herself to her fate. She was at his mercy, after all. Which, as uncertain as she was about what would happen next, was truly the only place she wanted to be.

  Leo watched the unease smooth into acceptance on Evangeline’s face, and his balls clenched. She was giving it all up. He was in complete control, and her utter surrender was exquisite.

  He held the flogger up over her back and tickled the ends of the faux leather straps against her bare skin, up and down, then over the curve of her ass. She shuddered beneath the touch. He watched her body shiver and quake, enjoying every tiny tremor. He teased her like this for endless moments, watching her face grow slack, then tense, as the sensations rolled through her. Her body begged him for more. She’d closed her eyes, lost in the scene. Just the way he wanted her.

  When he thought she’d had enough of the teasing touch of the flogger, he dipped his head, and kissed his way along her neck and shoulder. The muscles jumped and bunched beneath his mouth.

  She moaned around the gag, and he felt the vibrations against his lips. Hmm. He wondered just what that would feel like against the head of his cock. But could he contain himself long enough to fuck her afterward? He wasn’t sure, honestly. He’d spent years having playtime without release. But this would be entirely different.

  She would have her mouth around his cock. Just the thought was almost enough to make him lose the battle against his own need for release. He stroked his hands down her body.

  “Let’s get you turned around, shall we?”

  He helped her upright on shaky legs, and then laid her back on the bed, all spread out for him. She looked a sight in that gag. His minx, with her sharp tongue finally quelled. She gazed up at him, her eyes hazed with erotic heat.

  “I’m going to take this off now and shove my cock down your throat.” He watched her closely for her reaction. She bit down on the gag, swallowing hard, and nodding. He sh
ouldn’t be surprised. It was clear that the more he taunted her during their sessions, the more she enjoyed it. He grinned and leaned over to undo the gag.

  “I think you’ve maybe waited long enough to come, minx. What do you think?”

  “Y-yes, Mister.” Her voice was a strained whisper.

  “Lie back now,” he instructed. When she was settled on the pillow, he undressed. “Would you like to taste me now?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Mister.”

  “Good girl.” He climbed onto the bed, positioning himself over her body, straddling her so he could feed her his cock while he had his face buried between her legs. She opened her mouth willingly for him, and her tongue darted out to lick the tip of his length. He groaned at that first contact. This was going to be exquisite torture. And he was going to enjoy every moment of it.

  She took him in her mouth, and the hot wetness as she slowly enveloped every inch of him made his balls ache. He groaned and commanded, “Don’t stop until after you come.”

  He moved his hips slowly, carefully, thrusting in and out of her mouth, and she grabbed the base of his shaft, guiding him, urging him in faster, harder. He was happy to oblige. He dipped his head between her legs and tongued quickly at her clit. He wasn’t going to last long with her hot mouth driving him insane. She sucked him deep and moaned. The vibration against the head of his cock nearly sent him over the edge. He groaned, thrusting deeper and she squeezed the base of his cock hard. The roll of pleasure shooting through him was intensified instead of tempered by the rough handling. He grazed his teeth against her clit, and she opened her mouth wider around him and her throat vibrated as her hips bucked up. He sucked and licked at her clit over and over until she was writhing uncontrollably beneath him.

  He urged himself back, slipping free of her mouth, and she stroked his wet shaft up and down.

  “Enough, minx.”

  She stopped working at him and he climbed off her. His control was slipping. He wanted more. He needed more. All of it. All of her. Right now.

  He sheathed himself in a condom and spread her wide, sinking deep in one hard thrust, making her gasp. He didn’t give her any time to catch her breath. He reached up and covered her mouth. He hadn’t taken the time to put the gag back on. And he was gearing up to make her scream again.

  She thrust her hips up to meet him, planting her hips, tipping her pelvis, and helping him drive into her even deeper. He clamped his jaw to keep himself from crying out and kept his hand firmly over her mouth. The small mewling sounds she made around his hand were even more intoxicating than her screams of pleasure. Because he was controlling even that. She was only allowed to make gentle keening sounds around his hand. He quickened his pace, desperate for his own release, driving them both into orgasm. She bucked against him, her sheath clenching his cock hard and fast, as he came.

  He quivered and sank onto her, finally releasing the hold on her mouth. She gasped in big gulps of air and clutched at his back.

  He lay there, locked in her embrace, listening to the slam of her heart and their ragged breathing for some time. He was reluctant to move, but finally, extracted himself so he could dispose of the condom. But he climbed right back into bed beside her and pulled her close. “All right, there, minx?”

  She nodded but didn’t speak. He’d fucked her speechless. Well, that was certainly a first. He grinned over the top of her head. She’d snuggled into his chest, resting her ear just over his heart, and her body was pliant, slumped against him, still shivering with little aftershocks.

  She sighed. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

  Oops. “We’ll have to get you something to drink. Your throat isn’t too sore, is it?”

  “No. I’m all right.” She shifted so she could look up at him. He smiled down at her. “That was fun.”

  “Indeed it was. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  She smiled. “I’d never thought of all the multiple uses for a flogger.”

  “Oh, yeah? I told you I was creative.”

  “I see that. Well, we’ll just have to keep that up, won’t we?” She smiled and then laid her head back down, nuzzling her face against his chest. She pulled the sheet up to cover them and placed a gentle kiss on his pec.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” While he knew it should probably feel a little awkward between them to just lie here and snuggle, it felt normal. Relaxed. He reveled in the closeness. He’d never been huge on snuggling, to be honest, but he enjoyed the occasional non-sexual intimacy. With Evangeline, though, it seemed like occasional meant every day that ended in y.

  They lay like this for a while, and he was loathe to go back to his own room, though he knew he should. He couldn’t make this into more than what it was.

  She sighed. “So, what happened today when you went to your sister’s house?”

  He tensed, and the contented afterglow instantly started fading. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “You need to talk about it,” she insisted.

  Except, he didn’t. What he needed was more time punishing his minx, for being so impertinent.

  “I don’t. Just drop it.”

  “You do realize that the more you tell me to let it go, the harder I’m going to press?” she said in a sing-song voice.

  He grumbled. “Yeah, I do. Which means I’ll just have to punish you some more. Wouldn’t that be a real shame.”

  She pressed herself back and propped herself on one arm beside his shoulder. “I’m serious, Leo. Keeping things all bottled up like you do is not healthy. I mean, what we’re doing, I think it helps you almost as much as me, but in different ways. Still, it doesn’t mean that playtime should be the only way to work through things. The rage you feel all the time, it needs more than just a release valve with kink and sex. Not that those aren’t both amazing stress relievers.”

  He sighed, hating the logic in her words, and the expectant, patient look on her face. She would keep pressing, keep needling him, and just accept whatever response he gave.

  “Fine. I gathered some things for my sister, and that asshole Pete showed up. I had promised her not to go in the house if he was home, though I had every intention of breaking that promise if he was there when I showed up. Anyway, he and I had a little chat.”

  She watched him carefully. “And by little chat I assume you mean you beat him bloody, even though you know that would make it worse,” she chided.

  “I did not beat him bloody. Tempted as I was to do just that, I know that leaving marks, or giving him a way to get to Charlotte through me would be worse for her in the end. But I did threaten to kill him if he ever came near her again. And I may have thrown a punch or two.” He felt dirty admitting it. He shouldn’t, damn it, but lying here, naked in bed with a woman he was starting to care a hell of a lot about, made him realize just how easily provoked to violence he was. What exactly was the big difference between him and Pete? “It wasn’t an empty threat, either.”

  “Good. I assume he got the message?”

  “You can’t really just sit there and tell me you’re cool with my threating to kill him. With not only the threat, but the actuality of violence?”

  She shrugged. “But I am.” She looked and sounded utterly unfazed.

  “How... I mean how is that any better than Pete?”

  “Oh, Leo.” She reached out and cupped his face, rubbing her thumb along his jaw sweetly. “You really can’t see the difference?”

  Silently, he shook his head.

  “You go out of your way to fight the violence, the rage inside you. You find ways to channel it, to control it, to make sure it doesn’t consume you. You take no pleasure in your anger or your violence. Well... okay, maybe you take some pleasure in taking it out on my ass,” she teased with a grin and a raise of her brows. “But people like Pete. They don’t care who their anger or violence hurt. In fact, they revel in making others pay. You couldn’t be more different from th
at man. So, when you say things like you wanted to kill him, okay. I mean, yeah, I believe you, and I believe if the circumstances called for it you would absolutely make good on your threat. But you wouldn’t do it because you enjoyed it. You wouldn’t revel in it. You’d be doing it to protect someone you love. And that makes you the farthest thing from a bad person as you can get in my book.”

  She held his gaze as she said all this, and he could see the truth in her eyes, feel the conviction in the soft caress on his face, hear it in her voice. She believed in him, wholeheartedly. She knew he was angry. She knew he could be violent. But she didn’t condemn him for it.

  I might love you.

  The words burned in his throat, begging to be let out. He could never let that happen. He was falling in love with his brother’s submissive.


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next three months passed in mostly the same pattern. Evangeline and Leo helped Charlotte with filing for divorce and finding out what she wanted. Evangeline would go to work, leaving them both at Kempert Manor during the day. Every morning, she would wake with a text from Leo telling her what was for breakfast, and when to be downstairs. He’d often lay out her clothes the night before, so she didn’t have to worry about what she wanted to wear, or much of anything really.

  She allowed herself to be taken care of, utterly. Most nights after coming upstairs, Leo would sneak into her bedroom for some playtime, and they’d even snuck into the media room a few times for some louder impact play. She’d never thought that a virtually soundproof room would come in so handy. They had yet to make it out to The K Club, but she was planning a trip there very soon.

  Thankfully, they didn’t hear a peep from Pete, so Leo didn’t have to make good on any of his threats. Evangeline had started back to therapy, just as she’d promised herself she would. Even though she had agreed to new terms with Leo, she was still determined to push him to go back to New York as soon as Charlotte was settled. Charlotte was due to start work at a new law firm in a few days.


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