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The Motor Boat Club off Long Island; or, A Daring Marine Game at Racing Speed

Page 3

by H. Irving Hancock



  WHEN the “Rocket” was tied up at her pier at East Hampton, at a littlebefore four o’clock that afternoon, and while Tom and Jed were stillbusy at the hawsers, the owner and his guest slipped away.

  “No orders for the rest of the day, or to-morrow,” remarked Halstead,as soon as he realized the fact. “Oh, well, the orders will probablycome down later on. We’ve enough to keep us busy for a while, anyway.”

  There is, in fact, always enough to be done aboard a good-sized motorcruiser when the crew have her in at her berth. There is the engineto be gone over, deck and steering tackle to be inspected and perhapsrepaired, the searchlight and signal lanterns to be taken care of,and a hundred other routine duties. The steward has his hands full of“housekeeping” affairs.

  “I don’t see that speed boat in anywhere,” commented Jed, looking overthe harbor.

  “She must put up at some other point of the Bay,” Tom replied. “Well,the game of her people was beaten to-day, so I don’t suppose we shallhave to feel any more concern about the speed boat.”

  Never did Tom Halstead make a more erroneous guess. That same speedboat, as subsequent events will show, was destined to become intenselyinvolved in the affairs of all aboard the “Rocket.”

  At five o’clock Jed began to busy himself, in the galley forward, withthe preparation of such a meal as young appetites, sharpened by the seaair, demanded. An hour later that meal was ready, and eaten to the lastmorsel.

  Darkness found Tom and Joe pacing the pier together, while Jed reclinedlazily in one of the wicker deck chairs on the deck aft.

  “I really wish Mr. Delavan had given us some hint of to-morrow’sorders,” muttered Halstead.

  “If he wanted to sail early to-morrow I believe he’d have said so,”replied Joe.

  “That might be true enough for most days,” argued Halstead. “But thinkwhat an unusual day this has been for him. His mind is on the biggestgame of a money king’s year.”

  “He seemed to take it easily enough,” rejoined Dawson.

  “Why, that’s his business mask, Joe. Our new owner is a man who hasmade himself successful by not allowing himself to get so rattled thathe gets everyone around him on pin-points. He felt the excitement ofthe day’s work well and plenty. Don’t have any hazy ideas about that.”

  “But what a fearfully nervous chap little Mr. Moddridge is,” observedDawson. “It really makes one begin to stutter, just to look at him whenhe’s worried.”

  “Joe,” announced the young skipper, after a look at his watch, “if youand Jed will stay with the boat I’m going to run up to the hotel, justto see if there’s any definite word for us.”

  “Don’t take the word from Moddridge, then,” laughed Dawson.

  The young skipper didn’t hurry; there was no need of that, and thenight, away from the water front, was warm and close. East Hampton is abusy summer resort, and the streets were thronged with girls in summerwhite and holiday mood, a sprinkling of young men, a good many childrenand some older people. Not a few turned to gaze after the erect youngsailor, in his natty uniform, as Halstead strolled along taking in thesights. Tom knew where the Eagle House was, for that was where he andhis mates had first reported to the “Rocket’s” owner. In a few minuteshe stepped into the lobby of that handsome summer hostelry.

  “Is Mr. Delavan in?” he asked of a clerk at the office desk.

  “Mr. Delavan left about half an hour ago,” was the answer. “He and hisfriend went away in an auto, but I think they went only for a shortspin to get the air. If you wish to wait, captain, make yourself athome here.”

  “Thank you,” nodded Tom, courteously. “I believe I will wait.”

  Passing out onto the porch the young skipper seated himself nearthe railing. Wind, fog and sunshine had all left their impress ofdrowsiness on Halstead. Before long he sat with half-closed eyes,thinking slowly of the events of the day, and wondering not a littlewhat unusual business it could be that Messrs. Delavan and Moddridgewere pursuing. Back of the young captain men and women were strollingup and down the veranda in little groups, laughing and chatting.

  Half sleepily Tom felt a paper touch against his hand. More or lessinstinctively his fingers closed upon it. Then, with something of astart he sat more upright, bringing that hand from his side to his lap.

  It was a single, small sheet, folded once. Opening it, Captain Tom readthese typewritten words:

  As a most important matter of business take a walk at once, out over the Bridge Road. Continue walking, perhaps for a quarter of a mile, until you are accosted. Remember that Fortune rarely knocks at any man’s door. This is your opportunity to line your pockets with greenbacks of large denominations. Come and meet one who truly enjoys seeing a young man prosper, and who will take pleasure in showing you how you may soon have a fine bank account. But come at once, as your well-wisher’s time is very limited.

  “Arabian Nights! Fairy tales!” smiled Captain Tom Halstead, showing histeeth. “Who is putting this up on me, and what is the joke, I wonder?”

  He was about to toss away the piece of paper, after tearing it up, whena new thought stayed him.

  “There may be something real in this,” thought the boy. “Mr. Delavanand his friend certainly appeared a bit worried over that racing craft.If there’s anything behind this note Mr. Delavan will want to know whatit’s about, and so shall I.”

  Young Captain Halstead was already on his feet, his shrewd, keeneyes looking over the veranda crowd. Yet he saw no one upon whom hecould settle as a likely suspect. He could only conclude that whoeverhad casually slipped the paper into his hand had already purposelydisappeared.

  “I believe I’ll accept this invitation to take a walk,” mused the youngskipper. “If there’s anything real behind the note I may as well findout what it is. If there’s nothing but a hoax in it I’ll be willing toadmit that I snapped at it.”

  There was plenty of time to take the walk and be back before Mr.Delavan’s return was looked for. Asking one of the hotel employes whereto find the Bridge Road, young Captain Halstead set out briskly. Nordid he have to go far before he came to the bridge that gave the roadits name. A little way past the bridge in question the road became morelonely. Then Halstead came to the edge of a forest, though a thin oneof rather recent growth.

  “I’ll walk on for five minutes, anyway,” decided Captain Tom. “Afterthat, if nothing happens, it’ll be time to think of turning back.”

  “Hist!” That sound came so sharply out of the dark depths that the boystarted, then halted abruptly.

  “Halstead! Captain Halstead!” hailed a voice.

  “Where are you?” Tom asked, in a louder tone than that which greetedhim.

  “You’re Captain Halstead, are you?” insisted a voice, not much abovea whisper, which the young skipper now located in a clump of bushesbetween two tall spruce trees.

  “Yes; I’m Halstead. Who wants me?”

  “Step in this way, please.”

  So Tom stepped unhesitatingly from the road, and walked toward thevoice, at the same time demanding:

  “Are you the one who handed me a note?”

  “Yes, but not quite so loudly, please.”

  “Why not?” challenged Halstead, simply.

  “Well, because our business is to be—er—well, confidential.”

  Tom Halstead found himself standing before a tall, slim, well-dressedyoung man. More than that he could not see in the partial darkness, sothe young skipper struck a match and held it up.

  “Here,” exclaimed the stranger, hastily, “what are you doing?”

  “Trying to get a better idea of you, and whether you are in the leastashamed of your business with me,” Tom replied, quietly.

  The stranger, who proved to be red-haired, stood more quietly, gazingintently at this composed young motor boat boy.

  “Well,” inquired the stranger, at last, and speaking more pleasantly,“are you
satisfied with my appearance?”

  “I’ll admit being curious to know what your business with me can be,”Halstead replied.

  “You read my note through?”

  “Yes, of course. But that did not tell me your business, or your name,”Tom answered.

  “Oh, I can tell you all about my business with you, in a few minutes,”the other assured the young skipper.

  “And your name, too?”

  “Why are you so particular about my name?”

  “Why, you see,” smiled Captain Tom, “down in our little country town,the place where I was raised, we always rather wondered at any man whoseemed ashamed or reluctant to give his name.”

  “Oh, I see,” laughed the other. “And, on the whole, captain, I thinkyour point is rather well taken. So, to begin with, my name is CalvinRexford. Now, as to my business, you are willing to make a little moneynow, and a great deal more later on, are you not?”

  “How much money?” asked Tom Halstead, bluntly.

  “Can you guess how much there is here?” inquired Rexford. He took fromone of his pockets and held out a small, compact roll of bills. Tomcoolly struck another match, scanning the roll, and discovering thatthere was a twenty-dollar bill on the outside of it.

  “There’s five hundred in this little pile,” observed Mr. Rexford.“Half a thousand dollars. That’s just the starter, you understand. Ifyou obey certain orders you’ll get another little lump of money likethis. In the end there’ll be a sum big enough for you to live on therest of your days. Like the sound of it? And this half thousand goes toyou at once, in return for a promise or two. _Now_, can we undertakebusiness together?”

  Though Captain Tom Halstead’s eyes had momentarily glistened at thetempting sight of so much money, he now asked, composedly:

  “What’s the business?”

  “You’re skipper of Francis Delavan’s ‘Rocket,’ aren’t you?”


  “You expect to continue to hold the position?”

  “Probably all through this summer.”

  “Then see here, Captain Halstead, all you have to do is to followcertain orders. One of them, for instance, is, whenever you see anothercraft near that hoists a red pennant, crossed diagonally by a singlewhite stripe, you’re to have something happen to your boat so that youcan’t proceed for some time. You can _make believe_ something happensto the boat, you know.”

  “You’ve got hold of the wrong party, my friend,” answered the youngskipper, as quietly as ever. “The fellow you want is my chum, JoeDawson, the ‘Rocket’s’ engineer.”

  Rexford looked Tom Halstead over as keenly as was possible in thedarkness.

  “Do you mean, captain,” he demanded, finally, “that we’ll have to letyour friend in on this?”

  “Of course,” Tom nodded, “if there’s really anything to be done alongthe lines you’re describing.”

  “What kind of a fellow is this Joe Dawson?”

  “Well,” replied Tom, reflectively, “Joe’s hot tempered once in a while.If you proposed anything to him that he considered crooked, he’d mostlikely hit you over the head with a wrench.”

  “So you call my offer a crooked one, do you?” insisted Rexford, acurious note in his voice.

  “You’re proposing to buy us out—to pay us to sell out our employer,aren’t you?” asked Halstead, directly.

  “Why, I am trying to show you how you can make a very handsome sum ofmoney by being accommodating,” said the young man, slowly.

  “You’re asking us to sell out our employer and our own sense of honor,aren’t you?” persisted the young motor boat captain.

  “Look here, Halstead, you don’t want to be foolish,” remonstratedthe red-haired one. “I’m willing enough to let your friend into thismatter, and I’ll make it highly profitable for you both. But don’t gettoo stiff about it. I’m only making a very handsome offer to buy someof your interest and time.”

  “Oh,” smiled Halstead, quizzically. “Pardon me. I thought you weretrying to buy my soul.”

  The irony, however, was wasted on the other. “Well, now you understandthat I’m not,” laughed Rexford, easily. “So we can begin to talk realbusiness. Let us begin by dropping this money into your pocket.”

  He attempted to slip the roll of banknotes into one of the boy’s coatpockets, but Halstead quickly side-stepped, receiving the profferedmoney in his right hand.

  “Oh, very well,” laughed Rexford, “do just as you please with themoney. It’s yours, you know.”

  “Thank you,” acknowledged the young skipper. Then, before Rexford couldeven guess what he meant to do, Tom Halstead swung back his right arm,bringing his hand up over his shoulder.

  “Here, stop that!” quivered Rexford, darting forward and clutching theyoung skipper’s arm. But the move was too late, for Captain Tom hadalready hurled the compact little mass of banknotes as far as he couldthrough the forest. On account of Rexford’s sudden movement neither ofthem heard the money drop to earth.

  “What do you mean by that?” demanded the red-haired one, hoarsely, hisbreath coming fast, his eyes gleaming angrily.

  “You told me to do as I pleased with the money,” retorted Tom. “So Igot it out of my hands as quickly as possible. I don’t like that kindof money.”

  “Do you mean to say that you throw our business over?” cried Rexford.

  “Of course I do,” smiled Tom. “Are you so slow-witted that it cost youall that money to find it out?”

  “Confound you, I’ve a good mind to give you a good beating,” cametempestuously from the other’s lips.

  “Try it,” again smiled Halstead, undauntedly.

  “Then we can’t get you on our side?” demanded Rexford, his tonesuddenly changing to one of imploring. Still smiling, Captain Tom shookhis head. There was a quick step in the bushes behind him, and a sturdypair of arms wound themselves about the young skipper, while Rexfordleaped at him from in front.

  “If we can’t count on Halstead,” declared a new voice, from the rear,“then we can’t let him get away from us, either—not when there aremillions at stake!”


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