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Renegade (Southern Rebels MC Book 4)

Page 12

by Kristin Coley

  “Watch your mouth, Hank. I’m the law here.”

  A laugh rolled out of Hank but it wasn’t amused. “Get them off him,” he snapped. “I’m taking him home.”

  The officer, Calvin, flinched, but didn’t move. “No. I’m taking him. Maybe a ride in the back of a cop car will do him some good. Remind him to make better friends.”

  My feet shuffled, drawing their attention, and Hank’s jaw locked when I took a step toward him. He gave a slight shake of his head and I stopped. “I’m not putting you in the middle of something that has nothing to do with you,” he said, confusing me. “You’ll ride back with Calvin here.” My shoulders dropped and Hank clapped me on the back. “I’ll be following. Right behind you. Like white on rice, you got me?” I nodded, but Hank wasn’t looking at me. “Anything happens to you…well, it’ll happen to Calvin here too. We clear?”

  It was Calvin’s turn to shift restlessly and Hank guided me to car, opening the door to the backseat and carefully helping me inside. “It’s gonna be a’ight. Cash is waiting at your house with your brothers,” he murmured, dropping his voice. “Don’t say another word to him, you got me?” I nodded and he repeated, “Not one word.”

  Hank shut the door softly and I craned my neck, looking out the window. Hank stopped next to Calvin, saying something but I couldn’t hear a word through the glass. Calvin jerked back and Hank spit at his feet before swinging back on his bike.

  The door slammed open as Calvin the cop climbed in, spite creasing his face as he looked at me through the rearview mirror. “Ain’t nobody gonna save you the next time,” he mocked, glaring at me. “And accidents happen.”

  My heart stopped, then started hammering as I recognized him as the cop from downtown, the one who’d told the other guy to make it look like an accident.


  “Clutch,” a soft voice pierced the fog of memory and nightmare. “Clutch.” I jerked awake, startling her. “Are you okay?” She asked breathlessly, staring at me, and I glanced around in confusion. “I think you were having a nightmare.”

  “I,” I nodded. “A memory. Maybe.”

  Doc nodded knowingly. “Not uncommon. Fever dreams can be scary. Our subconscious tries to solve our problems using dreams, then add in a high fever and there’s no telling what might come out in a dream.”

  “Where are we?” I was disoriented as I sat up and she pointed to a neon sign.

  “Reaper’s Bar and Grill,” she read then glanced at me. “Think the food’s any good? I’m starving.”

  I nodded, stuck on auto pilot. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s good.” I climbed from the car slowly, straightening with a groan. “Your car is too small,” I complained, twisting side to side before leaning back in and snagging my kutte off the seat.

  “But more comfortable than your motorcycle,” she pointed out and I dipped my head in acknowledgement. There was no way I would have made it this far without Doc’s help. “Thanks…again,” I said, glancing at her as I tugged my kutte on. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “Oh, I know,” she agreed. “You think he’s here?”

  I shook my head, scratching my chest, as I stared at the biker bar. “No.”

  She didn’t say anything for a second, then turned to me. “You don’t? Then why did you tell me to come here?”

  “Information,” I said shortly, starting across the street and leaving her standing there. “Come on. You’re safer with me than alone.” She scurried after me, grabbing a belt loop on my jeans and I wrapped my hand around hers. “Follow my lead?” I asked and she nodded, glancing around curiously. “You’re just going to agree? No arguments?”

  “No arguments. This is your domain,” she replied with a shrug.

  “Okay,” I said, deciding not to push my luck. “The Reaper is good,” I suggested, naming the only thing I ever ate when I came by, usually while on a run. “Hot though.”

  She gave me conspiratorial smile. “I like it hot.”

  “Good to know,” I answered, keeping her hand firmly in mine as we approached the door. I exchanged nods with a couple guys hanging around outside. “Stay close.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” she squeaked, as two guys came tumbling out the door I front of us.

  “And stay the hell out. You know the rules,” Tweet roared after them. He met my eyes and a smile transformed his face. “If it ain’t Clutch Hutchinson as I live and breathe. Hell, boy, I heard you was in the pen for the next decade.”

  “Things change,” I commented simply, stepping over one of the guys rolling on the ground. “I’d like to introduce you to my old lady.”

  Tweet’s gaze switched to Doc and he whistled. “Got you a looker. How’d you do it?”

  “He saved my life,” Doc replied, and Tweet gave me a surprised look.

  I shrugged. “She returned the favor and now I have to feed her.”

  He laughed hard enough to make his belly shake. “Get in here. Let’s feed the woman.” He brought us to a booth and it wasn’t long before a couple of beers appeared in front of us. “Johnny sent out the call.” Tweet shook his head. “Rob hasn’t been here and he isn’t welcome.”

  I nodded, unsurprised. “I’m just wondering if anyone here might have heard from him. I know there were a few Vipers that got patched into different clubs.”

  Tweet exhaled heavily. “It’s been a few years since you’ve been around. Most of the Vipers have met with,” he glanced around, lowering his voice. “Accidents.” Doc leaned in, her expression intent and Tweet gave me a questioning glance. I nodded and he continued. “Rumor has it the Aces decided to get rid of any riff raff.” He lifted one shoulder. “Most know to avoid Vipers.”

  “I’ll admit that kind of surprises me.” I leaned back as two huge plates of food were set in front of us. “Damn, Tweet, you outdid yourself.” Jalapenos spilled off the stacked burger, a pile of onion rings covering the plate, and the smell of bacon drifted to my nose. “I missed this.”

  Doc crammed an onion ring in her mouth, nodding happily. Tweet watched in amusement as Doc lifted the burger up and took a huge bite. “I’m not sure what I can do for you, Clutch.”

  “Ask around,” I suggested, picking up a few of the jalapeno slices, noticing Doc was almost halfway through her burger as I tossed them in my mouth. “The guys around here - they trust you.” I leaned forward, keeping my voice low. “He’s got a little girl with him. Her name’s Kara. She’s in danger.”

  Tweet leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. His gaze drifted to Doc. “You need another one?” He asked as she shoved the last bite in her mouth. She shook her head, her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk and I nudged my plate toward her. Tweet scratched his cheek. “You sticking around?”

  I shrugged. “Can.”

  Tweet nodded, his tongue sliding over his teeth. “I’ll make some calls. Come back in the morning.”

  “Thanks, man,” I said gratefully, reaching for my wallet as Tweet slid out of the seat.

  He waved me off. “Keep it.” His forehead lowered as he watched Doc munch through my onion rings. “You’re going to need it to keep her fed.”

  I lifted my chin as he left, watching as he stopped at the bar to lean down and whisper something to a guy in a Reaper jacket. Nods were exchanged and the other guy got up, disappearing out the door.

  “Eat your burger,” Doc ordered, pushing the plate back towards me. “You need to build up your iron levels.” I picked the burger up, automatically taking a bite. “So, we’re staying the night?”

  “Looks like it,” I answered, then it dawned on me she might not agree. “If you’re okay with it?”

  “If it helps us find Kara,” she said, covering her mouth to hide a yawn. “But we have to find a place to stay. I need sleep.”

  “There’s a motel a couple of streets over,” I mentioned, making quick work of my burger as she tried to hide another yawn. “You should have told me you were tired,” I fussed and she blinked at me sleepily.

>   “I did,” she retorted without any heat. “I blame the burger.” She cocked her head. “Or it might be the fact that I haven’t slept in over 24 hours.”

  “It could be that.” I popped the last bite in my mouth, feeling more alert. “Let’s find you a bed.”

  “I like the way you think,” she said, poking my nose with her finger. “You’re one of the good ones, Clutch.” I took her hand and guided us out of the booth.

  “Definitely need to find you a place to lay down and sleep,” I murmured, keeping a tight hold on her as we weaved through the increasingly raucous crowd.

  Doc let out a yelp behind me and I turned to see some guy leering at her. “Hey, honey, why don’t you join me?”

  “I don’t think so,” I growled right as Doc reached over and grabbed the guy’s crotch, her grip tight by the suddenly pained expression on the guy’s face.

  “What? You don’t like getting your junk grabbed? Huh? Can’t handle a hard pinch?” He whimpered as she got right in his face, drawing the attention of everyone in earshot. “Let me explain something, Dick,” she snapped. “I’m going to call you Dick since I can’t be bothered to learn your name before I grab one of your body parts.” The air around us went silent and I kept my arm by my side, since Doc seemed to have a handle on the situation. “Women, and I’m going to go ahead and say men?” She looked at Dick expectantly and his head bobbed. “Well, I’m going to say they don’t like being grabbed without permission, like you just did to me when you grabbed my ass as I was walking by.” Several angry mutters pierced the air with that information and red crawled up Dick’s neck. “It’s rude and,” she shook her head sadly, “It’s never going to get you laid.” A couple of laughs erupted, but they didn’t distract Doc. “Some advice? Keep your hands to yourself unless you have permission otherwise.” She must have tightened her grip on his nuts because his eyes damn near popped out of his head as he gave a high pitched squeal that should have been impossible for anyone with a ball sack. She let go, a sharp smile on her face as he bent over, hands curling protectively around his junk. “I’d put some ice on that,” she added, twisting around to see me as cheers broke out around the crowd.

  Her eyes were bright, a red flush on her cheeks, half her hair tumbling around her face, and my body tightened painfully. “Let’s get out of here.” She nodded, letting me lead her, laughing when we made it outside.

  It was late, but bikes were still lined up, with bikers milling around. I didn’t stop, heading for the car, and she willingly followed. When we got to the car, I spun her around, bracing myself against the car as she fell into the cradle of my thighs. I rested my hands on her hips as she leaned into me. She licked her lower lip, gazing up at me through thick lashes. I lowered my head, brushing my nose against her cheek. “Do I have your permission to kiss you?” I asked teasingly, bringing my lips next to hers in anticipation of a yes.

  “No,” she said instead and I froze, my lips a hairsbreadth from hers. “I want to kiss you,” she stated, raising her hands to my neck, the tips of her fingers toying with the hair at my nape. “Do I have your permission?”

  “Absolutely,” I answered, her lips moving the millimeter to press against mine. “Unequivocally.” Our lips met again harder. “Permission granted into perpetuity,” I groaned against her mouth, feeling her smile as our tongues tangled.

  My hands slid down her hips, cupping her butt as I lifted her slightly, aligning our mouths and bodies. Her arms looped around my neck, fingernails scraping the back of my head as I squeezed one perfect butt cheek. She pulled back slightly, rubbing her mouth against the scruff of my beard and I took the opportunity to press kisses along her jaw, following the curve to her neck. I sucked lightly, hearing her breath hitch as my tongue traced the sensitive skin.

  “Get a room,” someone shouted, a bike revving and I lifted my head.

  “Not a bad idea,” I commented, checking her reaction and she raised her eyebrows.

  “I thought that was the plan?” She patted my hip and pushed off of me. “Let’s go.”

  I opened her door and she climbed in, and a dumb grin split my lips as I shut the door. I hummed as I came around the car, hopping in as she started it.

  It didn’t take long to get to the old one story motel, the sign flashing hourly rates along with weekly rates. I didn’t remember the place being so shitty and I was about to say we should go somewhere else when she exclaimed, “I’ve always wanted to stay at one of these places.” She turned to me with an excited grin. “This is awesome.”

  I forced a smile, nodding in agreement in the face of her excitement. “Great,” I muttered, opening the door as she parked in front of the room marked OFFICE. “Let me go book a room.”

  “You don’t think they’re full, do you?” She questioned, looking worried. I shook my head.

  “Nah, I think we’ll be fine,” I assured her and she gave a relieved nod.

  It didn’t take me long to get a room and I directed her to drive around to the end of the motel block. “I prefer the rooms on the end,” I explained and she nodded agreeably, practically bouncing as I unlocked the room. She was first inside and I switched on the light, taking in the faded, brown shag carpeting, and water stained walls, and regretting not going somewhere else.

  “Oh my God,” she squealed and I turned, expecting to see a roach crawling across the floor or maybe a rat. “The bed vibrates!” She ran over, and seeing the little coin box posted next to the bed, turned to me. “You have a quarter?”

  I closed my mouth and dug in my pocket, finding a handful of change which I handed over. She promptly started to feed coins into the bed and I lifted my saddlebag. “I’m going to go take a shower,” I told her, but she didn’t even look over, waving her hand at me as the bed started to shake and she threw herself on it.

  I watched her for a second, spread eagle on the bed, happily vibrating away. “No one would ever believe me,” I muttered to myself, chuckling as I went into the tiny bathroom, the cheap ass particle board warped to the point that I couldn’t actually close the door. I shut it best I could, turning the shower on as hot as it would go, as I unsnapped my jeans.

  I debated trying to pull the t-shirt over my head for about a second, before grabbing the neck and ripping it off instead. The bandage was still white so I considered that a good sign. I glanced at the door, having a feeling that she wouldn’t want me to get the bandage wet. I carefully peeled the tape off, removing the bandage and laying it on the pockmarked countertop. Steam filled the room, reminding me why I kept coming back to this particular motel. “Never ending hot water,” I murmured contentedly as I climbed in the small stall. Scalding water poured over my head and back and I stood there for a long minute, letting the water wash away the last couple of days.

  I scrubbed the little motel soap over my face and beard, then ran it over the rest of my body, taking a little extra time on the pits and junk. I rinsed quickly and cut the water off, listening but I didn’t hear anything from the room. The towel was threadbare but sufficient, drying me off, and I tied it around my waist. I rubbed a light coating of conditioner over my beard, the thick hairs growing out faster than I remembered. I didn’t want it to irritate Doc’s skin.

  I gargled with the entire bottle of mouthwash sitting on the counter since a toothbrush and toothpaste weren’t provided. The bandage was a little harder to put back on, but I managed, smoothing the sticky tape back into place. I eased the bathroom door open, wondering what I should expect. Doc was nothing like the women I usually tangled up with, and I was starting to discover I enjoyed the differences.

  The only light was from the lamp I’d turned on when we’d first come in, and I could see Doc lying on the bed. I padded closer, hearing her even breathing, and when I stopped next to the bed, I could see her eyes were closed, one arm slung across the bed, the other resting on her stomach, sound asleep.

  I chuckled softly, shaking my head at the turn of events. A bottle of water caught my eye and I saw four whi
te pills sitting next to it. I scooped them up, downing them with the bottle of water. I laid my phone on the nightstand, ignoring the dozen missed calls, but turned on the ringer in case Tweet called me.

  I eased onto the bed, giving it an experimental bounce, but Doc didn’t stir. I stretched out, my head on the mostly flat pillow, listening to her breathe, as the AC cut on, then off. Finally, my shoulder and the day caught up with me and my eyes drifted shut. I slid my hand across the floral comforter until I bumped against Doc’s, tangling our fingers together as I fell asleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Sunlight streamed through the window, waking me up, and I started to sit up until I realized my arm was trapped. I rolled over, and it didn’t take long to spot the reason. Clutch had his arm draped over mine, our fingers knit together. The fact didn’t really hold my attention though as I observed Clutch was only wearing a towel – a towel that barely preserved his modesty.

  His chest looked even wider with him sprawled on his back, the white bandage the only blemish to disturb the view. I studied the curves of muscle, the deep dip where his abdomen met his hip, and the thick width of his chest. My fingers itched to explore, to bury themselves in the mat of curly hair, and trace it all the way down.

  I sat up, easing my arm out from under the weight of his, and taking a moment to admire the sheer size of his bicep. I pulled my legs under me, sitting cross legged on the bed next to him, as I studied him. Little scars dotted his hands and there was one on his chin I hadn’t noticed before and I had to resist the urge to touch it. The scar in his side was more prominent, still a deep purple and shiny, reminding me once again of his sheer fearlessness.

  A scar on his knee caught my eye, making me think he’d torn his ACL at some point, and I could see his legs were paler than his chest but no less muscled. I was positive there was no way I could even lift one of his legs, not that I intended to try.

  After I finished checking out every exposed inch of him, my gaze came back to the thin towel draped over his privates. Curiosity ate at me and I glanced at his face, relaxed in sleep, his lips parted, but his eyes were closed. I twisted my mouth, pretty sure I was going to go to hell, but unable to resist as I leaned over, lifting the corner of the towel to take a peek.


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